Català > alterar: 10 sentits > verb 1, changeSentit | Cause to change; make different; cause a transformation. |
Sinònims | canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variar |
Causa de | alterar, canviar, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
Específic | abaixar el to, fer greu | lower the pitch of (musical notes) |
abillar, adornar, decorar, embellir, ornar | make more attractive by adding ornament, colour / colour, etc. |
ablanir, afluixar, debilitar, estovar, extenuar-se, flaquejar, perdre forces, reblanir | lessen the strength of |
ablanir, amorosir, assuavir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzar, temperar | make soft or softer |
abocar, buidar-se, buidar, desallotjar, descarregar, desguassar, evacuar, vessar-se, vessar | make void or empty of contents |
abrillantar, avivar, clarejar, enllustrar | make lighter or brighter / brighter |
acabar, finalitzar, rescindir, terminar | Bring to an end or halt |
accelerar, afanyar-se | Cause to move faster |
accionar, activar | make active or more active |
acetificar | introduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound) |
aclarir, clarificar, dilucidar | make clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating |
aclarir, clarificar, descongestionar, desobstruir, eixarmar, eixermar, esbardissar, retirar | make clear, bright / bright, light, or translucent |
acolorar, acolorir, colorar, colorir, pintar | add color to |
acolorar, acolorir-se, acolorir | take on color or become colored |
acostumar, habituar, soler | make psychologically or physically used (to something) |
acromatitzar | Remove color from |
acréixer, augmentar, elevar, incrementar | make bigger or more |
activar | make more adsorptive |
activar | make (substances) radioactive |
adormir, endormiscar | make fall asleep |
adreçar, aixecar, alçar, dreçar, redreçar | make straight |
adulterar, contaminar | make radioactive by adding radioactive material |
afectar | act physically on |
afectar, commoure, impactar, repercutir | Have an effect upon |
afilar, afuar, aguditzar, agusar, esmolar | make sharp / sharp / sharp / sharp or sharper / sharper / sharper / sharper |
afluixar, deixar anar, desfermar, deslligar, soltar | make loose or looser |
agitar | Bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking |
agrejar, amargar | make sour or bitter |
agreujar-se, agreujar, aguditzar-se, empitjorar, endanyar, endenyar, engrevir, exacerbar, exasperar | make worse |
aguditzar | Raise the pitch of (musical notes) |
aigualir | make vapid or deprive of spirit |
airejar, ventilar | aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter |
ajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, associar, cohesionar, combinar, congregar, fusionar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-se, unir | join or combine |
ajustar, corregir, posar bé | alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard |
ajustar, estirar, fer força, tibar | make tight / tight or tighter / tighter |
alcalinitzar | make (a substance) alkaline |
alcoholitzar | make alcoholic, as by fermenting |
alienar | Arouse hostility or indifference / indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness |
alterar, transformar | make an alteration to |
al·legoritzar | make into an allegory |
amalgamar, barrejar-se, barrejar, cohesionar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mesclar, mixturar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-se | To bring or combine together or with something else |
amansar, amansir, contenir, domar, dominar, sotmetre | Overcome the wildness of |
americanitzar | make American in character |
amortir | make less lively, intense, or vigorous |
ampliar-se, ampliar, eixamplar-se, eixamplar | make wider |
animar | Give lifelike qualities to |
anivellar, compensar-se, igualar | make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching |
anivellar, igualar | Become even / even / even / even / even or more even / even / even / even / even |
anul·lar, invalidar | take away the legal force of or render ineffective |
apoquir, humiliar | Cause to be unpretentious |
aportar, contribuir, donar | bestow a quality on |
aprestar, disposar-se, preparar-se, preparar | make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc |
aprimar | make slender or appear to be slender |
aquietar, asserenar, assossegar, calmar | Cause to become sober |
arcaïtzar | Give an archaic appearance of character to |
arrodonir | Express as a round number |
arterialitzar | change venous blood into arterial blood |
assecar, eixugar, secar | Remove the moisture from and make dry |
assimilar | make similar |
automatitzar | make automatic or control or operate automatically |
avariar, danyar, trencar | inflict damage / damage upon |
aïllar, isolar | protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material |
barbaritzar-se | make crude or savage in behavior or speech |
bestialitzar | make brutal and depraved |
bullir, coure | Bring to, or maintain at, the boiling point |
calcificar-se, calcificar | convert into lime |
caldejar, calentar, calfar, escalfar | make hot or hotter |
caldejar-se, caldejar, calfar, escalfar-se, escalfar, rescalfar-se, rescalfar, temperar-se, temperar | make warm or warmer |
canviar, transferir | make a shift in or exchange of |
canviar el sabor | Alter the flavor of |
canviar la intensitat | increase / increase or decrease in intensity |
capacitar, habilitar | Render capable or able for some task |
carregar | Fill or load to capacity |
causar, produir, provocar | Cause to come into a particular state or condition |
cegar | make blind by putting the eyes out |
centralitzar, concentrar, reunir en un centre | make central |
civilitzar, desenvolupar, modernitzar | Raise from a barbaric to a civilized state |
coagular, cossar, densificar-se, densificar, engreixar, engrossir, espesseir-se, espesseir, espessir, quallar-se, quallar | make thick or thicker |
codificar, xifrar | make unintelligible |
col·locar, posar, situar | Cause to be in a certain state |
comercialitzar | make commercial |
commutar, convertir, transformar | Exchange a penalty for a less severe one |
compensar, corregir, redreçar | make reparations or amends for |
complicar | make more complicated |
complicar, elaborar, refinar | make more complex, intricate, or richer |
concordar, congeniar, harmonitzar | Bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing |
confitar, edulcorar, endolcir-se, endolcir, ensucrar | make sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable / agreeable |
confondre, desdibuixar | make unclear, indistinct, or blurred |
conformar | Give character or essence to |
congelar-se, congelar, gelar-se, gelar, glaçar-se, glaçar | Cause to freeze / freeze |
congelar-se, congelar, refredar-se, refredar | make cool or cooler |
consolidar, enfortir, reforçar | make strong or stronger |
constituir, donar forma, forjar, formar | Give shape or form to |
contenir, refrenar | Slow the growth or development of |
convertir, tornar | Give certain properties to something |
convertir, transformar | change the nature, purpose, or function of something |
convertir, transformar | change from one form into another |
convertir, transformar | Cause to adopt a new or different faith |
convertir, transformar | change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy |
convertir, transformar-se, transformar, transmutar | change or alter in form, appearance, or nature |
copar, emplenar, omplir | make full, also in a metaphorical sense |
corrompre, pervertir | corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality |
decentralitzar, descentralitzar-se, descentralitzar | make less central |
decrepitar | To roast or calcine so as to cause to crackle or until crackling stops |
decréixer, disminuir, reduir | make smaller |
deformar | make formless |
democratitzar | introduce democratic reforms |
derrocar, rompre, trencar | make ineffective |
desaccelerar, descelerar | Reduce the speed of |
desactivar | make inactive |
desafinar | Cause to be out of tune |
desajustar, desqualificar, incapacitar, inhabilitar | make unfit or unsuitable |
descodificar, desxifrar | make intelligible |
descolorar, descolorir | Cause to lose or change color |
descongestionar, desobstruir, enretirar, netejar, recollir, retirar | Rid of obstructions |
desdibuixar-se, desdibuixar, difuminar, entelar-se, velar-se | make dim or indistinct |
desdibuixar-se, desdibuixar, difuminar-se, difuminar, entelar-se, entelar | To make less distinct / distinct or clear |
desentelar | Free from mist |
desenvolupar-se, desenvolupar, elaborar | Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development |
desestabilitzar-se, desestabilitzar | make unstable / unstable |
deshidrogenar | Remove hydrogen from |
desimantar, desmagnetitzar | make nonmagnetic |
desintegrar | Cause to undergo fission or lose particles |
deslluir, enfosquir | make dingy / dingy |
deslluir, esmussar | make dull in appearance |
desmitificar | Remove the mythical element from (writings) |
desnacionalitzar, privatitzar | put under private control or ownership |
desnaturalitzar | make (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes |
desnaturalitzar | modify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished |
desnaturalitzar | add nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb |
desnaturalitzar | strip of the rights and duties of citizenship |
desnaturalitzar | make less natural or unnatural |
desodorar, desodoritzar | Eliminate the odor from |
desordenar | Bring disorder to |
despersonalitzar | make impersonal or present as an object |
despertar-se, despertar | Cause to become awake or conscious |
despuntar, esmussar-se, esmussar, espuntar, romejar | make less sharp / sharp / sharp |
despuntar, esmussar-se, esmussar, espuntar, romejar | make dull or blunt |
desvalorar, devaluar | lower the value or quality of |
dinamitzar | make (a drug) effective |
dinamitzar | make more dynamic |
dissimilar | make dissimilar / dissimilar |
diversificar-se, diversificar | make (more) diverse |
editar, redactar, tallar | Prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting |
elaborar, revelar | make visible by means of chemical solutions |
elevar | Raise in rank or condition |
embrunir-se, enfosquir-se, obscurir-se | make dark or darker |
embrutar-se, embrutar, embrutir, empastifar, emporcar-se, enllardar-se, ensutzar, pastifejar, sollar, tacar | make soiled, filthy, or dirty |
emmetzinar, enverinar, intoxicar | add poison to |
emulsionar | Cause to become an emulsion |
encallir-se, encartonar-se, endurir-se, endurir, enfortir-se, engarrotar-se, enravenar | make stiff or stiffer |
encebar-se, encebar, engreixar-se, engreixar, saginar | make fat or plump |
endimoniar | make into a demon |
endimoniar | Turn into a devil or make devilish |
endurir | make harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh / harsh or harsher / harsher / harsher / harsher / harsher / harsher |
enfangar, enllotar, enterbolir | make turbid |
enfosquir, fosquejar, obscurir | make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing |
enlletgir | make ugly |
entendrir | make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer |
envellir-se, envellir, revellir-se, revellir | make older |
erotitzar | Give erotic character to or make more interesting |
esquematitzar | Give conventional form to |
estabilitzar-se, estabilitzar | make stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium |
esterilitzar | To give a (more) feminine, effeminate, or womanly quality or appearance to |
estirar, tensar, tesar, tibar | increase the tension on |
etiolar-se | bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight |
europeïtzar | make (continental) European in customs, character, or ideas |
europeïtzar | denationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations |
evaporar | Cause to change into a vapor |
exterioritzar | make external or objective, or give reality to |
fecundar, fertilitzar | make fertile or productive |
francesitzar | make French in appearance or character |
glorificar | bestow glory upon |
hidrogenar | combine or treat with or expose to hydrogen |
humitejar, mullar, remullar | Cause to become wet |
imantar, magnetitzar | make magnetic |
immaterialitzar | Render immaterial or incorporeal |
immortalitzar | make famous forever |
incapacitar | make unable to perform a certain action |
incitar, portar | Bring or lead someone to a certain action / action or condition |
indisposar | Cause to feel unwell |
individualitzar, personalitzar | make personal or more personal |
industrialitzar, urbanitzar | make more industrial or city-like |
inseminar | introduce semen into (a female) |
insensibilitzar | make insensitive |
intercanviar, transposar | Cause to change places |
internacionalitzar | make international in character |
invertir | Turn inside out or upside down |
invertir | make an inversion (in a musical composition) |
iodat | Cause to combine with iodine |
ionitzar | add ions to |
laïcitzar | Reduce to lay status |
liberalitzar | make liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules |
liquar, liquidar | make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating |
lubricar, lubrificar | make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant |
madurar | Cause to ripen or develop fully |
marcar, senyalar | make or leave a mark on |
marejar | make dizzy or giddy |
matisar | Vary slightly |
mecanitzar | make mechanical |
mecanitzar | make monotonous |
millorar | To make better |
mitificar | make into a myth |
moderar, temperar | restrain |
moderar | make less strong or intense |
modificar, mudar | Move from one setting or context to another |
nacionalitzar | put under state control or ownership |
naturalitzar | make into a citizen |
naturalitzar | make more natural or lifelike |
netejar | make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from |
neutralitzar-se, neutralitzar | make chemically neutral |
normalitzar | make normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard |
occidentalitzar | make western in character |
orientalitzar | make oriental in character |
oxidar-se, oxidar | add oxygen to or combine with oxygen |
oxigenar | change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part |
polaritzar | Cause to vibrate in a definite pattern |
polititzar | Give a political character to |
portar | Bring into a different state |
pressionar, sobrecarregar | increase the pressure on a gas or liquid / liquid |
professionalitzar | make professional or give a professional character to |
purificar, santificar | make pure or free from sin or guilt |
reconstruir | Cause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically |
reconstruir, refer, remodelar | Do over, as of (part of) a house |
reemplaçar, substituir, suplir | put in the place of another |
reformar, regenerar | Bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one |
refrescar | make fresh again |
rehabilitar, restablir, restaurar, restituir | bring back into original existence, use, function, or position |
revolucionar | change radically |
saturar | Cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance |
sensibilitzar | make sensitive or aware |
simetritzar | make symmetric |
simplificar | make simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent |
socialitzar | make conform to socialist ideas and philosophies |
solubilitzar | Cause a solvation in (a substance) |
subtilitzar | make more subtle or refined |
suspendre | Cause to be held in suspension in a fluid |
suspendre | make inoperative or stop |
tacar, tenyir | produce or leave stains |
traduir, transformar | change from one form or medium into another |
transformar | subject to a mathematical transformation |
transitivitzar | make transitive |
transmutar | Alter the nature of (elements) |
transportar | change key |
uniformar | make uniform / uniform / uniform / uniform |
unir | Bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation |
validar | make valid or confirm the validity of |
vitrificar-se, vitrificar | change into glass or a glass-like substance by applying heat |
volatilitzar-se | make volatile |
Anglès | change, alter, modify |
Espanyol | alterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variar |
Adjectius | alterable | capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic |
modificable | capable of being modified in form or character or strength (especially by making less extreme / extreme) |
Noms | alteració, modificació | The act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment) |
alteració, canvi, modificació, variació | An event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another |
alteració, canvi, modificació, variació | A relational difference between states |
canvi | The action of changing something |
Català > alterar: 10 sentits > verb 2, changeSentit | Undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature. |
Sinònims | canviar, transformar, variar |
Causat per | alterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variar | Cause to change |
Específic | abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, marxar, retirar-se | Remove oneself from an association with or participation in |
ablanir, amorosir, assuaujar, assuavir, endolcir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzar | Become soft or softer |
acetificar | Receive substitution of an acetyl group |
adoptar, adquirir, assumir | take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect |
adquirir, cultivar, desenvolupar, elaborar, produir | Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) |
agafar | Be struck or affected by |
ajustar, estirar, serrar, tibar | Become tight / tight / tight / tight / tight or tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter |
alleujar, apaivagar, suavitzar | Become lifeless, less lively / lively, intense, or active |
allisar, suavitzar | Become smooth |
alterar, aprofundir, transformar, variar | Become deeper in tone |
alterar una superfície | Undergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface |
americanitzar | Become American in character |
animar | Become more friendly or open |
apagar, desllustrar | Become dull or lusterless in appearance |
arruïnar, decaure, deteriorar-se, enfonsar-se, ensorrar-se, ensulsiar-se, ensulsir-se, esfondrar-se, esllavissar-se | fall into decay or ruin |
assecar-se, assecar, eixugar-se | Become dry or drier |
assimilar | Become similar in sound |
atenuar, enfosquir, obscurir, ofuscar | Become dim or lusterless |
aterrossar-se, endurir-se, endurir, forjar, gelar-se, gelar, glaçar-se, glaçar | Become hard or harder |
avariar-se, espatllar-se, fallar, parar-se | stop operating or functioning |
banyar, difondre | To become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light |
bronzejar-se, enfosquir-se, enfosquir, obscurir-se, obscurir | Become dark or darker |
bullir | Immerse or be immersed in a boiling liquid / liquid, often for cooking purposes |
caldejar-se, caldejar, calfar, escalfar-se, escalfar, rescalfar-se, rescalfar, temperar-se, temperar | Get warm or warmer |
callar | Become quiet or still |
canviar, convertir-se, transformar-se | Pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute |
canviar, transferir | change in quality |
canviar de magnitud | change in size or magnitude |
canviar físicament | change in physical make-up |
capgirar, invertir | change to the contrary |
caseïficar | Turn into cheese |
cedir, sucumbir | end resistance, as under pressure or force |
clarejar | Become light |
commutar, transposar | Exchange positions without a change in value |
concretar-se, concretar | Become specific |
confeccionar, crear, fer, formar | Undergo fabrication or creation |
consolidar, enfortir, fortificar, reforçar | gain strength |
convertir, transformar-se, transformar, transmutar | change in outward structure or looks |
convertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-se | Undergo a transformation or a change of position or action |
convertir-se, convertir, esdevenir, transformar | change in nature, purpose, or function |
convertir-se, convertir, transformar | change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief |
créixer, cultivar, desenvolupar-se, elaborar | Grow emotionally or mature |
decrepitar | Undergo decrepitation and crackle |
deformar | assume a different shape or form |
democratitzar | Become (more) democratic |
descolorar, descolorir-se, descolorir | change color, often in an undesired manner |
desenvolupar-se, desenvolupar, desplegar-se, elaborar, evolucionar | gain through experience |
desestabilitzar-se, desestabilitzar | Become unstable / unstable |
desoxidar, desoxigenar | To remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase / increase / increase in the number of electrons |
desplomar | break down, literally or metaphorically |
dessalar, dessalinitzar | Remove salt from |
destil·lar | Undergo the process of distillation |
deteriorar-se | Undergo decay or decomposition |
dissimilar | Become dissimilar / dissimilar by changing the sound qualities |
dissimilar | Become dissimilar / dissimilar or less similar |
dividir-se, dividir, escindir, partir, separar-se, separar | come apart |
divulgar-se, filtrar-se, saber-se | come to light |
embrutar | Become soiled and dirty |
empolainar-se, vestirse, vestir-se, vestir | Put on clothes |
encallir-se, encartonar-se, endurir-se, endurir, enfortir-se, engarrotar-se, enravenar, tibar | Become stiff or stiffer |
endurir-se, endurir | make hard or harder |
envidriar-se | Become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance |
esberlar-se, esquerdar-se, esquerdar, esquerdissar, fracturar-se, rompre's, rompre, trencar-se, trencar | Become fractured |
escalar, pujar | Rise in rank or status |
escorificar | Turn to clinker or form clinker under excessive heat in burning |
estabilitzar-se, estabilitzar | Become stable or more stable |
estancar | Cause to stagnate |
estrènyer, estretir | make or become more narrow or restricted |
evaporar | change into a vapor |
experimentar, tenir | Undergo |
experimentar, patir, sofrir | Pass through |
florir-se, rovellar-se | Become moldy |
il·luminar-se | Become lighter |
industrialitzar | Develop industry |
jubilar | Become obsolete |
macular, tacar | Become spotted |
madurar | Become due for repayment |
matisar | Pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree |
modificar | make less severe or harsh or extreme / extreme |
mutar | Undergo mutation |
obtenir | Receive a specified treatment (abstract) |
orientar, reorientar | set or arrange in a new or different determinate position |
oxidar-se, oxidar | add oxygen to or combine with oxygen |
plegar | Become folded or folded up |
popularitzar | Become popular |
refrescar | Become or make oneself fresh again |
regenerar | Undergo regeneration |
reiniciar, reprendre | Return to a previous location or condition |
salar | add salt to |
sentir | Change texture so as to become matted and felt-like |
sublimar | vaporize and then condense right back again |
trencar | Be broken in |
ulcerar-se | Undergo ulceration |
vitrificar-se, vitrificar | Undergo vitrification |
vulcanitzar | Undergo vulcanization |
Contrari | descansar, mantenir-se, perdurar, quedar-se, quedar, reposar, restar, romandre, seguir | Stay the same |
Anglès | change |
Espanyol | alterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variar |
Noms | alteració, canvi, modificació, variació | An event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another |