HyperDic: redactar

Català > 9 sentits de la paraula redactar:
VERBcreationredactar, compondre, escriure, integrarproduce a literary work
communicationredactar, formularput into words or an expression
changeredactar, editar, tallarprepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting
creationredactar, escriuremark or trace on a surface
creationredactar, editar, escriure's, escriure, imprimir, publicarhave (one's written work) issued for publication
creationredactar, compondre, integrarwrite music
creationredactar, escriure, lletrejarwrite or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word)
communicationredactar, escriurecommunicate by letter
communicationredactar, escriurecommunicate or express by writing
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 1, creation
Sentitproduce a literary work.
Sinònimscompondre, escriure, integrar
Categoriacomposició, escripturaThe act of creating written works
Implicaescriure, lletrejar, redactarWrite or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word)
Específicadaptar, dramatitzar, escenificarput into dramatic form
anotaradd explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
citar, fer referència, nomenar, referenciarrefer to
delinear, dibuixar, esbossarWrite a legal document or paper
Anglèswrite, compose, pen, indite
Espanyolcomponer, escribir, integrar, redactar
Nomsautora, autor, escriptorWrites (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
composició, escripturaThe act of creating written works
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 2, communication
Sentitput into words or an expression.
Específicdemanar, plantejar una pregunta, preguntardirect or put
lexicalitzarmake or coin into a word or accept a new word into the lexicon of a language
Generalensenyar, expressar, manifestar, mostrar, presentar, reflectir, revelarGive expression / expression to
Anglèsgive voice, formulate, word, phrase, articulate
NomsarticulacióExpressing in coherent verbal / verbal form
conceptualitzacióinventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally
dicció, fraseologia, paroleria, verbositatThe manner in which something is expressed in words
expressióThe style of expressing yourself
expressió idiomàtica, frase fetaAn expression whose meanings cannot be inferred / inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up
frase, sintagmaAn expression consisting of one or more words forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence
mot, paraulaA unit of language that native speakers can identify
paraulaA brief statement
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 3, change
SentitPrepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting.
Sinònimseditar, tallar
Específicinterpolarinsert words into texts, often falsifying / falsifying / falsifying it thereby
tallarsignificantly cut up a manuscript
Generalalterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Anglèsedit, redact
Nomsedició, redaccióputting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form
editorA person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication
redactor, refonedor, revisorsomeone who puts text into appropriate form for publication
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 4, creation
Sentitmark or trace on a surface.
Específiccopiar, imitarCopy down as is
gargotejarWrite carelessly
retolarmark letters on or mark with letters
Generalcalcar, delinear, dibuixar, esbossar, traçarmake a mark or lines on a surface
Espanyolescribir, redactar
NomsescriptorA person who is able to write and has written something
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 6, creation
SentitHave (one's written work) issued for publication.
Sinònimseditar, escriure's, escriure, imprimir, publicar
Espanyoleditar, escribir, publicar, redactar
NomspublicacióA copy of a printed work offered for distribution
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 7, creation
SentitWrite music.
Sinònimscompondre, integrar
CategoriamúsicaAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
EspecíficarreglarAdapt for performance in a different way
harmonitzarWrite a harmony for
musicarWrite (music) for (a text)
Generalcausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzarmake or cause to be or to become
Anglèscompose, write
Espanyolcomponer, escribir, integrar, redactar
Nomscomposiciómusical creation / creation
composició, obra, opus, peça musical, peçaA musical work that has been created
compositora, compositorsomeone who composes music as a profession
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 8, creation
SentitWrite or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word).
Sinònimsescriure, lletrejar
Implicat percompondre, escriure, integrar, redactarproduce a literary work
EspecíficlletrejarSpell fully and without abbreviating
Anglèsspell, write
Espanyoldeletrear, escribir, redactar
Nomsgrafia, ortografiaforming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 9, communication
SentitCommunicate by letter.
Generalcomunicar-seExchange messages
Similarescriure, redactarCommunicate or express by writing
Anglèswrite, drop a line
Espanyolescribir, redactar
NomsescriptorA person who is able to write and has written something
Català > redactar: 9 sentits > verb 10, communication
SentitCommunicate or express by writing.
Implicat percomunicar-seExchange messages
EspecíficapostrofarUse an apostrophe
firmar, signar, subscriuremark with one's signature
gargotejarwrite down quickly without much attention to detail
mecanografiarWrite by means of a keyboard with types
Generalcomunicar-se, comunicartransmit thoughts or feelings
Similarescriure, redactarCommunicate by letter
Espanyolescribir, redactar
NomsescriptorA person who is able to write and has written something
escripturaThe activity of putting something in written form

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