Català > causar: 10 sentits > verb 1, creationSentit | make or cause to be or to become. |
Sinònims | confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzar |
Específic | abreujar, atallar, fer drecera | create a short circuit in |
acoblar, ajuntar, armar, collar, concentrar, congregar, muntar | Create by putting components or members together |
adonar-se, advertir | make real or concrete |
articular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, fer, formar | make by combining materials and parts |
articular, constituir, coordinar, formar, organitzar | create (as an entity) |
causar, crear, ocasionar, produir, provocar | Cause to happen, occur or exist |
causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitar | Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) |
començar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar | Bring into being |
compondre, integrar, redactar | Write music |
construir, instaurar | build or establish something abstract |
copiar, recrear | make a replica of |
crear, parir | bring forth or yield |
crear, fer, formar | create by artistic means |
derivar, eduir, provenir | Develop or evolve from a latent or potential state |
destil·lar, extreure | extract by the process of distillation |
dirigir, encaminar | Guide the actors in (plays and films) |
donar estil, estilitzar | make consistent with a certain fashion or style |
elaborar, fabricar | make from scratch |
engendrar, generar | make children |
engendrar, generar | Bring into existence |
fer, retallar, tallar | form or shape by cutting or incising |
fer, ocasionar, provocar | give rise to |
fer la coreografia | Compose a sequence of dance steps, often to music |
filmar, rodar | record in film |
implantar, instaurar, instituir | Advance or set forth in court |
incorporar | form a corporation |
multiplicar, procrear, reproduir-se, reproduir | have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant |
preparar | To prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery |
recrear, regenerar | form or produce anew |
recrear | create anew |
recrear | create anew |
També | fabricar, inventar | make up something artificial or untrue |
refer | make new |
Anglès | make, create |
Espanyol | causar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizar |
Noms | animal, bèstia, criatura, fauna | A living organism characterized by voluntary movement |
confecció, elaboració, fabricació, preparació | The act that results in something coming to be |
criatura | A human being |
Català > causar: 10 sentits > verb 3, communicationSentit | Cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. |
Sinònims | estimular, fer, incentivar, induir, ocasionar, provocar |
Específic | animar, encoratjar, incentivar | spur on |
compel·lir, obligar | Force somebody to do something |
decidir | Cause to decide |
inspirar | Serve as the inciting cause of |
persuadir | Cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action |
Anglès | induce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make |
Espanyol | causar, estimular, hacer, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocar |
Adjectius | causatiu | producing an effect |
inductiu | inducing or influencing |
Noms | agent causal, causa | Any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results |
al·licient, estímul, incentiu | A positive motivational influence |
causa, motiu, raó | A justification for something existing or happening |
causa | events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something |
causalitat | The act of causing something to happen / happen |
desencadenament, inducció, iniciació | An act that sets in motion some course of events |
estimulant, estímul, input, suggestió | Any stimulating information or event |
inducció | Act of bringing about a desired result |
Català > causar: 10 sentits > verb 4, emotionSentit | Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses). |
Sinònims | despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, moure, suscitar |
Específic | aclaparar, desbordar, superar | Overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli |
aficionar, interessar-se, interessar | excite the curiosity of |
agitar, commoure, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar | Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of |
amoïnar, confondre, desconcertar, molestar, pertorbar, preocupar, torbar | Cause to lose one's composure |
animar, emocionar, entusiasmar, excitar | Arouse or elicit a feeling |
avergonyir-se, avergonyir, sufocar | Cause to be ashamed |
buscar-se, buscar, convidar, demanar, invitar | increase the likelihood of |
danyar, ferir, fer mal, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendre | hurt the feelings of |
encolerir, enfadar-se, enfadar, enfurir, enutjar | make angry |
infatuar | Arouse unreasoning love / love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way |
General | causar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzar | make or cause to be or to become |
Anglès | arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, fire, raise, provoke |
Espanyol | causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitar |
Adjectius | evocador, evocatiu, reminiscent | Serving to bring to mind |
provocador, provocatiu | Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate |
Noms | deixondiment, estimulació | The act of arousing |
incitació, provocació | Something that incites or provokes |
Català > causar: 10 sentits > verb 5, emotionSentit | annoy continually or chronically. |
Sinònims | atabuixar, empaitar, fatigar, molestar |
Específic | empipar, fastiguejar, fotre | goad or provoke,as by constant criticism |
frustrar, martiritzar, torturar, turmentar | treat cruelly |
General | amoïnar, atabalar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vexar | Cause annoyance in |
Anglès | harass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke |
Espanyol | acosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, causar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, molestar, perseguir, plagar, provocar |
Adjectius | provocador, provocatiu | Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate |
Noms | agreujament, irritació, provocació | unfriendly behavior that causes anger / anger or resentment |
assetjament | The act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks / attacks and criticism |
incitador, instigador, provocador | someone who deliberately foments trouble |
lata, nosa | An angry disturbance |