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Related WikiPedia: molestar
Español 19 sentidos de la palabra molestar:
VERBOemotionmolestar, agobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, mortificar, provocar, vejarcause annoyance in
emotionmolestar, acosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, causar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, perseguir, plagar, provocarannoy continually or chronically
cognitionmolestar, asombrar, confundir, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, sorprenderbe a mystery or bewildering to
contactmolestar, agitar, excitar, removerchange the arrangement or position of
communicationmolestar, befarse, burlarse, burlar, cachondearse, chancearse, chotearse, chungearse, mofarse, pitorrearse, recochinearse, tomar el peloharass with persistent criticism or carping
emotionmolestar, confundir, desconcertar, perturbar, turbarcause to lose one's composure
emotionmolestar, distraer, inquietar, intranquilizar, perturbar, trastornardisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
emotionmolestar, abrumar, afligir, alterar, descomponer, incomodar, perturbarmove deeply
emotionmolestar, apurar, disgustar, inquietarse, inquietar, preocuparse, preocupardisturb the peace of mind of
changemolestar, interrumpirdestroy the peace or tranquility of
emotionmolestar, acosar, atormentar, burlar, hostigar, importunar, joder, jorobarannoy persistently
socialmolestar, fastidiarto cause inconvenience or discomfort to
emotionmolestar, apurarse, inquietarse, preocuparse, preocuparbe worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy
perceptionmolestarbecome or make sore by or as if by rubbing
emotionmolestar, preocuparse, preocuparbe concerned with
emotionmolestar, disturbar, irritarmake nervous or agitated
emotionmolestar, incomodar, irritarmake confused or perplexed or puzzled
emotionmolestar, desconcertar, desquiciar, enervar, trastornar, turbardisturb the composure of
communicationmolestarthrust oneself in as if by force
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 1, emotion
SentidoCause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations.
Sinónimosagobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, mortificar, provocar, vejar
Específicoacosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, causar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, molestar, perseguir, plagar, provocarannoy continually or chronically
amargar, carcomer, crispar, roer, supurargnaw into
antagonizar, cizañar, enemistarProvoke the hostility of
descomponer, perturbarTrouble or vex
enojar, irritarCause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful
exasperar, sacar de quicioirritate
inquietarCause annoyance in
Generaldesagradar, disgustar, ofenderGive displeasure to
Inglésannoy, rag, get to, bother, get at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe, devil
Catalánamoïnar, atabalar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vexar
Nombresaburrimiento, fastidio, irritación, joroba, lata, macanazo, molestia, molienda, puñetaSomething or someone that causes trouble
agravamiento, irritación, provocaciónunfriendly behavior that causes anger / anger or resentment
agrazón, atufamiento, atufo, carlanca, enfado, enojo, fastidio, molesto, vejaciónThe act of troubling or annoying someone
bellaquería, bribonería, diablura, malicia, truhaneríareckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
bromista, burlón, chunguero, gansosomeone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
disgusto, fastidio, incomodidad, irritaciónThe psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
espina, irritaciónSomething that causes irritation and annoyance
humor, irritación, resentimientoA sudden outburst of anger / anger
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 2, emotion
Sentidoannoy continually or chronically.
Sinónimosacosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, causar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, perseguir, plagar, provocar
Específicoaguijonear, fastidiar, pinchar, provocargoad or provoke,as by constant criticism
atormentar, frustrar, martirizar, torturartreat cruelly
gastar novatadasharass by imposing / imposing humiliating or painful tasks, as in military institutions
Generalagobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vejarCause annoyance in
Inglésharass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke
Catalánatabuixar, causar, empaitar, fatigar, molestar
Adjetivoprovocador, provocativoServing or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate
Nombresacosador, aguiluchoA persistent attacker
acoso, hostigamientoThe act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks / attacks and criticism
agravamiento, irritación, provocaciónunfriendly behavior that causes anger / anger or resentment
alboroto, escándalo, lata, lío, molestia, problemaAn angry disturbance
incitador, instigador, sopladorsomeone who deliberately foments trouble
plagaAn annoyance
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 3, cognition
SentidoBe a mystery or bewildering to.
Sinónimosasombrar, confundir, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, sorprender
EspecíficoescaparseBe incomprehensible to
Generalaturdir, confundir, dejar perplejo, desorientar, tirarBe confusing / confusing or perplexing to
Tambiéndeducir, resolver, solucionar, solverFind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of
Inglésperplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound
Catalándesconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar
Nombresabobamiento, alelamiento, atolondramiento, atontamiento, atontolinamiento, desconcierto, ofuscación, perplejidadconfusion resulting from failure to understand
acertijo, enigmaA particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution
enigma, misterioSomething that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
estupefacciónA feeling of stupefied astonishment
pregunta difícil, problema difícilA particularly difficult or baffling question or problem
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 4, contact
Sentidochange the arrangement or position of.
Sinónimosagitar, excitar, remover
Específicoagitar, enturbiar, sulfurarmake turbid by stirring up the sediments of
atizar, removerStir by poking
batir, revolverStir vigorously
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Inglésagitate, vex, disturb, commove, shake up, stir up, raise up
Catalánagitar, excitar, molestar, remoure
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 5, communication
Sentidoharass with persistent criticism or carping.
Sinónimosbefarse, burlarse, burlar, cachondearse, chancearse, chotearse, chungearse, mofarse, pitorrearse, recochinearse, tomar el pelo
Específicoabuchear, befar, lanzar improperios contra, mofarse, rechiflarlaugh at with contempt and derision
bromear, burlar, torearBe silly or tease one another
Generalburlarse, burlar, menospreciar, ridiculizartreat with contempt
Ingléstease, razz, rag, cod, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, ride
Catalánamoïnar, burlar, fastidiar, fastiguejar, molestar, tantalitzar
NombresTántalo(Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus
abucheo, pitadaA cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt / contempt
alfilerazo, befa, bigardía, burla, chufleta, dicterio, improperio, mofa, pulla, rehilete, vareta, vejamen, vituperioaggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing
bromista, burlón, chunguero, gansosomeone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
burla, vacileThe act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule)
mortificador, provocadorsomeone who tantalizes
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 6, emotion
SentidoCause to lose one's composure.
Sinónimosconfundir, desconcertar, perturbar, turbar
Específicoafligir, angustiar, atormentar, dolerCause emotional anguish / anguish or make miserable
afligirCause great unhappiness for
avergonzar, confundirCause to be embarrassed
desconcertarCause to be confused / confused emotionally
desconcertar, desquiciar, enervar, molestar, trastornar, turbardisturb the composure of
Generalcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Inglésupset, discompose, untune, disconcert, discomfit
Catalánamoïnar, confondre, desconcertar, molestar, pertorbar, preocupar, torbar
Nombresalteración, descompostura, turbaciónA temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure
alteración, perturbación, trastorno, turbaciónAn unhappy and worried mental state
descompostura, desconcierto, embarazo, turbaciónanxious embarrassment
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 7, emotion
Sentidodisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed.
Sinónimosdistraer, inquietar, intranquilizar, perturbar, trastornar
Específicoapurar, disgustar, inquietarse, inquietar, molestar, preocuparse, preocupardisturb the peace of mind of
Generalabrumar, afligir, alterar, descomponer, incomodar, molestar, perturbarMove deeply
Inglésperturb, unhinge, disquiet, trouble, cark, distract, disorder
Catalándistreure, inquietar, intranquil·litzar, molestar, pertorbar
Nombresaflicción, cuita, inquietud, preocupación, problema, tribulación, zozobraA strong feeling of anxiety
agitación, azoramiento, confusión, inquietud, sobresaltoA disposition that is confused / confused / confused or nervous and upset
agitación, ansiedad, desasosiego, inquietud, nerviosismoThe trait of seeming ill at ease
alteración, perturbación, trastorno, turbaciónAn unhappy and worried mental state
contrariedad, dificultad, problemaAn event causing distress / distress or pain
desorientación, despiste, distracciónmental turmoil
preocupaciónA feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 8, emotion
SentidoMove deeply.
Sinónimosabrumar, afligir, alterar, descomponer, incomodar, perturbar
Específicoafligir, apenarCause mental pain to
agitar, emocionar, excitar, revolverCause to be agitated, excited, or roused
distraer, inquietar, intranquilizar, molestar, perturbar, trastornardisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
sobresaltardisturb (someone's) composure
Generalafectar, conmover, impresionar, repercutirHave an emotional or cognitive impact / impact upon
Inglésdisturb, upset, trouble
Catalánafligir, alterar, amoïnar, descompondre, incomodar, molestar, pertorbar, sollevar
Nombresaflicción, cuita, inquietud, preocupación, problema, tribulación, zozobraA strong feeling of anxiety
alteración, perturbación, trastorno, turbaciónAn unhappy and worried mental state
contrariedad, dificultad, problemaAn event causing distress / distress or pain
desarregloThe act of disturbing the mind or body
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 9, emotion
Sentidodisturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress.
Sinónimosapurar, disgustar, inquietarse, inquietar, preocuparse, preocupar
Causa deapurarse, inquietarse, molestar, preocuparse, preocuparBe worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy
Específicoconsumir, corroerWorry or cause anxiety in a persistent way
dar la tabarra, fastidiarWorry persistently
Generaldistraer, inquietar, intranquilizar, molestar, perturbar, trastornardisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
Contrariodar confianza, tranquilizarCause to feel sure
Similarapurarse, inquietarse, molestar, preocuparse, preocuparBe worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy
Inglésworry, vex
Catalánamoinar, amoïnar, apurar, assetjar, inquietar, molestar, preocupar
Nombresfastidio, suplicio, tormentoThe act of harassing someone
preocupación, quebradero de cabeza, quebraderoSomething or someone that causes anxiety
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 10, change
SentidoDestroy the peace or tranquility of.
Generalactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Inglésinterrupt, disturb
Catalándestorbar, interrompre, molestar
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 11, emotion
Sentidoannoy persistently.
Sinónimosacosar, atormentar, burlar, hostigar, importunar, joder, jorobar
Generalatormentar, frustrar, martirizar, torturartreat cruelly
Ingléstease, badger, pester, bug, beleaguer
Catalánassetjar, atabuixar, burlar, cansar, empaitar, esgotar, fastiguejar, fatigar, molestar
Nombresbromista, burlón, chunguero, gansosomeone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
burla, vacileThe act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule)
embrollador, embrollónsomeone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections
lapa, machacón, moscardón, moscón, pelma, pesada, pesado, peste, plaga, quiltroA persistently annoying person
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 12, social
SentidoTo cause inconvenience or discomfort to.
Generalafectar, conmover, impactar, repercutir, tocarHave an effect upon
Ingléstrouble, put out, inconvenience, disoblige, discommode, incommode, bother
Catalánamoïnar, fastidiar, molestar
Nombresaburrimiento, fastidio, irritación, joroba, lata, macanazo, molestia, molienda, puñetaSomething or someone that causes trouble
alboroto, escándalo, lata, lío, molestia, problemaAn angry disturbance
contratiempo, incomodidad, inconvenienteThe quality of not being useful or convenient
disgusto, fastidio, incomodidad, irritaciónThe psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
inconvenienciaAn inconvenient discomfort
problemaA source of difficulty
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 13, emotion
SentidoBe worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy.
Sinónimosapurarse, inquietarse, preocuparse, preocupar
Causado porapurar, disgustar, inquietarse, inquietar, molestar, preocuparse, preocupardisturb the peace of mind of
EspecíficoapurarseWorry unnecessarily or excessively
apurarseBe agitated or irritated
temerBe afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive / apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event
Similarapurar, disgustar, inquietarse, inquietar, molestar, preocuparse, preocupardisturb the peace of mind of
Catalánamoïnar-se, apurar-se, inquietar-se, molestar, preocupar-se, preocupar, sortir de polleguera
Nombresaflicción, cuita, inquietud, preocupación, problema, tribulación, zozobraA strong feeling of anxiety
aprensivo, fusspot, maniático, receloso, sufridor, worrierthinks about unfortunate / unfortunate things that might happen / happen / happen / happen
contratiempo, inconvenienteA difficulty that causes anxiety
preocupación, quebradero de cabeza, quebraderoSomething or someone that causes anxiety
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 14, perception
SentidoBecome or make sore by or as if by rubbing.
Generalenconar, irritarexcite to an abnormal condition, or chafe or inflame
Ingléschafe, gall, fret
Nombresirritaciónsoreness and warmth caused by friction
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 15, emotion
SentidoBe concerned with.
Sinónimospreocuparse, preocupar
Específicoapurarse, asurarse, inquietarseThink moodily or anxiously about something
GeneralpreocuparseBe concerned with or about something or somebody
Inglésworry, care
Catalánmolestar, preocupar
Nombresaflicción, cuita, inquietud, preocupación, problema, tribulación, zozobraA strong feeling of anxiety
cuidado, inquietud, miedo, preocupación, temorAn anxious feeling
preocupación, quebradero de cabeza, quebraderoSomething or someone that causes anxiety
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 16, emotion
Sentidomake nervous or agitated.
Sinónimosdisturbar, irritar
Generalagitar, emocionar, excitar, revolverCause to be agitated, excited, or roused
Similarincomodar, irritar, molestarmake confused or perplexed or puzzled
Catalánirritar, molestar
Nombresaburrimiento, fastidio, irritación, joroba, lata, macanazo, molestia, molienda, puñetaSomething or someone that causes trouble
disgusto, fastidio, incomodidad, irritaciónThe psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 17, emotion
Sentidomake confused or perplexed or puzzled.
Sinónimosincomodar, irritar
Generalaturdir, confundir, consternar, conturbar, desconcertar, desorientarCause to feel embarrassment
Similardisturbar, irritar, molestarmake nervous or agitated
Catalánirritar, molestar
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 18, emotion
Sentidodisturb the composure of.
Sinónimosdesconcertar, desquiciar, enervar, trastornar, turbar
EspecíficodescontrolarCause to lose one's nerve
Generalconfundir, desconcertar, molestar, perturbar, turbarCause to lose one's composure
Inglésfaze, unnerve, enervate, unsettle
Catalándesconcertar, enervar, pertorbar, torbar, trasbalsar, trastornar
Españolmolestar: 19 sentidos verbo 19, communication
Sentidothrust oneself in as if by force.
Generalcargar, imponer, infligir, inflingirimpose something unpleasant
Inglésintrude, obtrude
Adjetivointrusotending to intrude (especially upon privacy)

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