Sentido | A question raised for consideration or solution. | |
Específico | acertijo, enigma | A particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution |
acertijo, adivinanza, enigma, interrogante, misterio, rompecabezas | A difficult problem | |
aporía, koan | A paradoxical anecdote or a riddle that has no solution | |
caso | A problem requiring investigation | |
jeroglífico | A puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words | |
pons asinorum | A problem that severely tests the ability of an inexperienced person | |
pregunta difícil, problema difícil | A particularly difficult or baffling question or problem | |
General | aspecto, asunto, cuestión, encabezado, materia, tema, titular, tópico | The subject matter at issue |
Inglés | problem | |
Catalán | problema |
Sentido | A state of difficulty that needs to be resolved. | |
Sinónimo | dificultad | |
General | contrariedad, dificultad, obstáculo, problema | A condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome |
Inglés | problem, job | |
Catalán | dificultat, problema | |
Adjetivo | desconcertante, espinoso, problemático | making great mental demands |
Sentido | A condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome. | |
Sinónimos | contrariedad, dificultad, obstáculo | |
Específico | adversidad, infortunio, trago | A difficulty that can be overcome with effort |
aprieto, apuro, brete, dilema, predicamento | A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one | |
apuro | A painful or straitened circumstance | |
atolladero, berenjenal, embrollo, enredo, lío, maraña, taco | informal terms for a difficult situation | |
barrera, muralla, muro | A difficult or awkward situation | |
dificultad, problema | A state of difficulty that needs to be resolved | |
estrés, tensión | difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension | |
nido de arañas | A difficult entangling situation | |
putada | An unpleasant difficulty | |
General | circunstancias, condición, estado, situación | A state at a particular time |
Inglés | difficulty | |
Catalán | contrarietat, dificultat, obstacle, problema |
Sentido | A source of difficulty. | |
Específico | cuestión | A problem |
hydra | Trouble that cannot be overcome by a single effort because of its many aspects or its persistent and pervasive quality | |
General | complicación, dificultad, impedimento, obstáculo, pega, problema | A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result |
Inglés | trouble, problem | |
Catalán | problema | |
Adjetivo | discutible, dudoso, problemático | open to doubt or debate |
Verbos | fastidiar, molestar | To cause inconvenience or discomfort to |
Sentido | A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result. | |
Sinónimos | complicación, dificultad, impedimento, obstáculo, pega | |
Específico | dificultoso, dolor de cabeza | Something outstandingly difficult |
escollo | An unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty | |
estorbo, freno, impedimento, obstáculo | Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress | |
facer | (a dated Briticism) a serious difficulty with which one is suddenly faced | |
impedimento, inconveniente, problema | A difficulty or flaw in a plan or operation | |
problema | A source of difficulty | |
General | factor cognitivo | Something immaterial (as a circumstance or influence) that contributes to producing a result |
Inglés | difficulty | |
Catalán | complicació, dificultat, impediment, obstacle, problema |
Sentido | An event causing distress / distress or pain. | |
Sinónimos | contrariedad, dificultad | |
Específico | aflicción, pesadumbre, pesar, sufrimiento | A cause of great suffering and distress |
desgracia, infortunio, mala suerte, través | unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate / unfortunate event | |
escándalo | A disgraceful event | |
infierno | A cause of difficulty and suffering | |
interferencias | electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication | |
General | acontecimiento, hecho, suceso | An event that happens |
Inglés | trouble | |
Catalán | contrarietat, dificultat, problema | |
Verbos | abrumar, afligir, alterar, descomponer, incomodar, molestar, perturbar | Move deeply |
afligir | Cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed | |
distraer, inquietar, intranquilizar, molestar, perturbar, trastornar | disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed |
Sentido | A state of adversity (danger or affliction or need). | |
Sinónimos | aflicción, desgracia, dolor, peligro, pena, pesar | |
Específico | agonía | Hard or painful trouble or struggle |
angustia | extreme / extreme distress / distress of body or mind | |
General | adversidad | A state of misfortune or affliction |
Inglés | distress | |
Catalán | aflicció, desgràcia, dolor, pena |
Sentido | An often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining. | |
Sinónimos | achaque, afección, alifafe, dolencia, enfermedad | |
Específico | cinetosis, mareo | The state of being dizzy or nauseated because of the motions that occur while traveling in or on a moving vehicle |
malestar | A minor nonspecific ailment | |
General | desarreglo, desorden, transtorno, trastorno | A physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal / normal functioning |
Inglés | ailment, complaint, ill | |
Catalán | dolença, dolència, malaltia, mal | |
Verbos | adolecer, estar enfermo, estar indispuesto | Be ill or unwell |
afligir | Cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed |
Sentido | An effort that is inconvenient. | |
Sinónimo | dificultad | |
Específico | embrollo, lío, tsuris | (Yiddish) aggravating trouble |
General | afán, dedicación, desvelo, esfuerzo | Use of physical or mental energy |
Inglés | trouble, difficulty | |
Catalán | dificultat | |
Verbos | molestarse | Take the trouble to do something |
Sentido | A strong feeling of anxiety. | |
Sinónimos | aflicción, cuita, inquietud, preocupación, tribulación, zozobra | |
General | angustia, ansia, ansiedad, preocupación, trastorno de ansiedad, zozobra | A vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune |
Inglés | worry, trouble | |
Catalán | aflicció, preocupació, problema, tribulació | |
Verbos | abrumar, afligir, alterar, descomponer, incomodar, molestar, perturbar | Move deeply |
apurarse, inquietarse, molestar, preocuparse, preocupar | Be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy | |
distraer, inquietar, intranquilizar, molestar, perturbar, trastornar | disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed | |
molestar, preocuparse, preocupar | Be concerned with |
Sentido | An angry disturbance. | |
Sinónimos | alboroto, escándalo, lata, lío, molestia | |
General | perturbación, turbación | Activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption |
Inglés | fuss, trouble, bother, hassle | |
Catalán | lata, nosa | |
Verbos | acosar sexualmente, acosar, aperrear, asediar, atosigar, causar, fastidiar, hostigar, molestar repetidamente, molestar, perseguir, plagar, provocar | annoy continually or chronically |
fastidiar, molestar | To cause inconvenience or discomfort to |
Sentido | A rightful concern or responsibility. | |
Sinónimo | asunto | |
General | preocupación, quebradero de cabeza, quebradero | Something or someone that causes anxiety |
Inglés | business | |
Catalán | assumpte |
Sentido | defectiveness or unsoundness. | |
Sinónimo | enfermedad | |
Inglés | sickness |
Sentido | An unwanted pregnancy. | |
General | embarazo, gestación, gravidez, preñado, preñez | The state of being pregnant |
Inglés | trouble |
Sentido | A difficulty or flaw in a plan or operation. | |
Sinónimos | impedimento, inconveniente | |
General | complicación, dificultad, impedimento, obstáculo, pega, problema | A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result |
Inglés | kink |
Sentido | An unforeseen obstacle. | |
Sinónimos | complicación, dificultad, impedimento, obstáculo, pega, tropiezo | |
General | barrera, dificultad, impedimento, obstáculo, obstrucción, traba | Something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted |
Inglés | hang-up, hitch, rub, snag | |
Catalán | complicació, dificultat, entrebanc, impediment, pega |
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