Sentido | unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate / unfortunate event. |
Sinónimos | desgracia, infortunio, mala suerte |
Específico | adversidad | A stroke of ill fortune |
afán, apuro, desgracia, dificultad, infortunio, molestia | Something that causes or entails suffering |
calamidad, cataclismo, catástrofe, desastre, hecatombe, siniestro, tragedia | An event resulting in great loss and misfortune |
desventura, percance | An instance of misfortune |
golpe, porrazo | A bad experience |
lástima, pena | An unfortunate / unfortunate development |
General | contrariedad, dificultad, problema | An event causing distress / distress or pain |
Inglés | misfortune, bad luck |
Catalán | desgràcia, mala sort |