Sentido | A state of dishonor. | |
Sinónimos | deshonra, ignominia, sambenito, vergüenza | |
Específico | calumnia, oprobio | state of disgrace resulting from public abuse |
deshonra, oprobio | disgrace or shame | |
humillación | state of disgrace or loss of self-respect | |
General | deshonor, deshonra | A state of shame or disgrace |
Inglés | shame, disgrace, ignominy | |
Catalán | ignomínia, vergonya | |
Adjetivo | bochornoso, ignominioso, oprobioso, vergonzoso | (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame |
Verbos | abochornar, avergonzar, deshonrar | Bring shame or dishonor upon |
abochornar, avergonzar | compel through a sense of shame | |
desacreditar, desprestigiar, ultrajar | damage the reputation of |
Sentido | unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate / unfortunate event. | |
Sinónimos | infortunio, mala suerte, través | |
Específico | adversidad | A stroke of ill fortune |
afán, apuro, desgracia, dificultad, infortunio, molestia | Something that causes or entails suffering | |
calamidad, cataclismo, catástrofe, desastre, hecatombe, siniestro, tragedia | An event resulting in great loss and misfortune | |
desventura, percance | An instance of misfortune | |
golpe, porrazo | A bad experience | |
lástima, pena | An unfortunate / unfortunate development | |
General | contrariedad, dificultad, problema | An event causing distress / distress or pain |
Inglés | misfortune, bad luck | |
Catalán | desgràcia, mala sort |
Sentido | An unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes. | |
Sinónimos | desdicha, desventura, infortunio, mala suerte | |
Específico | adversidad | A state of misfortune or affliction |
mala pata | bad luck | |
General | circunstancias, destino, fortuna, sino, suerte, ventura | Your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens / happens to you) |
Contrario | buena suerte, buenaventura | An auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes |
Inglés | misfortune, bad luck, tough luck, ill luck | |
Catalán | calamitat, desgràcia, desventura, infortuni, mala sort, malastrugança |
Sentido | A state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune. | |
Sinónimo | desdicha | |
Específico | padecimiento, sufrimiento | misery resulting from affliction |
Inglés | misery, wretchedness, miserableness | |
Catalán | desgràcia, dissort | |
Adjetivo | cuitado, desafortunado, desdichado, desgraciado, desventurado, infeliz, infortunado, lastimoso, miserable, mísero, pobre, triste | deserving or inciting pity |
deplorable, execrable, lamentable, miserable, mísero, penoso | Of very poor quality or condition | |
desdichado, desgraciado, miserable, mísero | Very unhappy | |
desdichado, desgraciado | Characterized by physical misery |
Sentido | A state of adversity (danger or affliction or need). | |
Sinónimos | aflicción, dolor, peligro, pena, pesar, problema | |
Específico | agonía | Hard or painful trouble or struggle |
angustia | extreme / extreme distress / distress of body or mind | |
General | adversidad | A state of misfortune or affliction |
Inglés | distress | |
Catalán | aflicció, desgràcia, dolor, pena |
Sentido | An unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate / unfortunate. | |
Sinónimos | contratiempo, desdicha, desventura, infortunio, percance | |
General | azar, fortuna, peligro, suerte, ventura | An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way / way rather than another |
Inglés | bad luck, mischance, mishap | |
Catalán | calamitat, desgràcia, desventura, infortuni, malastrugança |
Sentido | Destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined. | |
Sinónimos | arrasamiento, arruinamiento, destrozo, ruina | |
General | destrucción, devastación | The termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists |
Inglés | laying waste, ruin, ruining, ruination, wrecking | |
Catalán | aterrament, enderroc, ruïna | |
Verbos | arrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir, romper | Destroy completely |
arruinar, desbaratar, desintegrar, destrozar, destruir, estropear | smash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully |
Sentido | The state of being out of favor / favor. | |
General | denegación, desestimación, rechazo | The state of being rejected |
Inglés | disfavor, disfavour | |
Verbos | desfavorecer, perjudicar | put at a disadvantage |
Sentido | Something that causes or entails suffering. | |
Sinónimos | afán, apuro, dificultad, infortunio, molestia | |
General | desgracia, infortunio, mala suerte, través | unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate / unfortunate event |
Inglés | hardship | |
Catalán | afany, desgràcia, dificultat, infortuni, molèstia, tràngol |
Sentido | Something causing misery or death. | |
Sinónimos | adversidad, calamidad, maldición, perdición, ruina | |
General | aflicción, pesadumbre, pesar, sufrimiento | A cause of great suffering and distress |
Inglés | bane, curse, scourge, nemesis | |
Catalán | adversitat, calamitat, desgràcia, maledicció | |
Verbos | arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destrozar, destruir, devastar, gastar | Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly |
Sentido | A serious or devastating setback. | |
Sinónimos | mala pata, mala suerte | |
General | adversidad, contratiempo, descalabro, percance, revés, tropiezo | An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes |
Inglés | whammy |
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