HyperDic: destrozar

Español > 12 sentidos de la palabra destrozar:
VERBOcontactdestrozar, arrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destruir, romperdestroy completely
creationdestrozar, arrasar, arruinar, destruirdo away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
contactdestrozar, arruinar, desbaratar, desintegrar, destruir, estropearsmash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully
changedestrozar, arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destruir, devastar, gastarcause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
contactdestrozar, hacer pedazos, quebrardamage or destroy as if by violence
contactdestrozar, magullar, maltratar, mutilarinjure badly by beating
competitiondestrozar, demoler, derribar, destruirdefeat soundly
changedestrozar, desfigurar, desgarrar, mutilardestroy or injure severely
communicationdestrozarcriticize or abuse strongly and violently
motiondestrozar, estrellarhit violently
changedestrozar, destrozarse, estrellar, hacer añicos, reventarsebreak into many pieces
changedestrozar, anonadar, arrasar, devastaroverwhelm or overpower
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoDestroy completely; damage irreparably.
Sinónimosarrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destruir, romper
Implicado porpillar, saquearplunder (a town) after capture
Específicoarder, incendiar, quemarse, quemarDestroy by fire
arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destrozar, destruir, devastar, gastarCause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
arruinar, desbaratar, desintegrar, destrozar, destruir, estropearsmash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully
dar una patadaopen violently
despojar, saquearDestroy and strip of its possession
destruirFind a flaw in
estropearse, romperse, romperruin completely
explosionar, explotar, reventarDestroy by exploding
vandalizarDestroy wantonly, as through acts of vandalism
Inglésdestroy, ruin
Catalánarrasar, arruïnar, destrossar, destruir
Adjetivodestructibleeasily destroyed
Nombresarrasamiento, arruinamiento, desgracia, destrozo, ruinaDestruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
demolición, derribo, derrumbamiento, destrucciónAn event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
destrucción, devastaciónThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
destructor, destruidorA small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
destructor, destruidor, ruinerA person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
perdición, ruinaAn event that results in destruction
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 2, creation
SentidoDo away with, cause the destruction or undoing of.
Sinónimosarrasar, arruinar, destruir
Específicoacabar con, desembarazarse, deshacerse, eliminar, extinguir, librarse deTerminate, end, or take out
arrasar, desarticular, desmantelar, igualartear down so as to make flat with the ground
autodestruirse, autodestruirDo away with oneself or itself
barrer, borrarEliminate completely and without a trace
demoler, derribar, derruir, derrumbar, pulverizarDestroy completely
desarmar, desarticular, desmantelar, desmontartake apart into its constituent pieces
desarraigar, erradicar, exterminar, extirparDestroy completely, as if down to the roots
destruirDestroy (one's own missile or rocket)
dilapidarBring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect or misuse
Generaldeshacerdeprive of certain characteristics / characteristics
Inglésdestroy, destruct
Catalánarrasar, destrossar, destruir, trencar
Adjetivodemoledor, destructivo, destructor, devastadorCausing destruction or much damage / damage
destructibleeasily destroyed
Nombresdestrucción, devastaciónThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
destructor, destruidorA small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
destructor, destruidor, ruinerA person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 3, contact
Sentidosmash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully.
Sinónimosarruinar, desbaratar, desintegrar, destruir, estropear
Generalarrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir, romperDestroy completely
Tambiénestropearse, romperse, romperruin completely
Inglésbust up, wreck, wrack
Catalándesbaratar, destrossar, espatllar
Nombresarrasamiento, arruinamiento, desgracia, destrozo, ruinaDestruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
buque hundido, buque naufragadoA ship that has been destroyed at sea
cacharroSomething or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation
camión de auxilio, grúa, remolqueA truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars (or to remove cars from no-parking zones)
demoledor, destructorsomeone who demolishes or dismantles / dismantles buildings as a job
desolación, destrucción, ruina, tormentoThe destruction or collapse of something
naufragioAn accident that destroys a ship at sea
restos, ruinasThe remaining parts of something that has been wrecked
saboteadorsomeone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks / wrecks
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 4, change
SentidoCause extensive destruction or ruin utterly.
Sinónimosarrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destruir, devastar, gastar
Generalarrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir, romperDestroy completely
Ingléslay waste to, waste, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge
Catalánarrasar, assolar, desgastar, destrossar, devastar, gastar
Nombresadversidad, calamidad, desgracia, maldición, perdición, ruinaSomething causing misery or death
desnudez, desolaciónA bleak / bleak and desolate atmosphere
desolación, devastaciónAn event that results in total destruction
desolación, devastaciónThe state of being decayed or destroyed
destrucción, devastaciónThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
destructor, destruidor, ruinerA person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
devastación, estragoplundering with excessive damage and destruction
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
Sentidodamage or destroy as if by violence.
Sinónimoshacer pedazos, quebrar
Generaldañar, estropear, romperinflict damage / damage upon
Inglésbang up, smash up, smash
Catalándestrossar, fer miques, rompre, trencar
Nombrescinturón, derribo, golpe fuerte, golpe, hostia, lechazo, leche, mamporro, piña, tortazo, zambombazoA vigorous blow
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
Sentidoinjure badly by beating.
Sinónimosmagullar, maltratar, mutilar
Implicaherir, lastimar, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
mutilarDestroy or injure severely
Generalafear, deformar, desfigurar, manchar, perjudicarmar or spoil the appearance of
Inglésmaul, mangle
Cataláncapolar, destrossar, macar, masegar, mutilar
NombresnoqueadorA fighter who batters the opponent / opponent
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 7, competition
Sentidodefeat soundly.
Sinónimosdemoler, derribar, destruir
Específicodestrizar, hacer pedazos, trizardefeat totally
Generalderrotar, recuperarse, superar, vencerwin a victory over
Inglésdemolish, destroy
Catalánabatre, demolir, destrossar, destruir
Nombresdemolición, derribo, escombroThe act of demolishing
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 8, change
SentidoDestroy or injure severely.
Sinónimosdesfigurar, desgarrar, mutilar
Generaldañar, estropear, romperinflict damage / damage upon
Inglésmutilate, mangle, cut up
Cataláncapolar, destrossar, esquinçar, estripar, mutilar
NombresmutilaciónAn injury that causes disfigurement or that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 9, communication
Sentidocriticize or abuse strongly and violently.
Generalagredir, atacarattack in speech or writing
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 10, motion
Sentidohit violently.
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 11, change
Sentidobreak into many pieces.
Sinónimosdestrozarse, estrellar, hacer añicos, reventarse
Generalexplotarbreak open or apart suddenly and forcefully
Catalándestrossar-se, destrossar, estavellar, rebentar-se
Nombresdestrozo, estropicio, rompimientoThe act of breaking something into small pieces
Español > destrozar: 12 sentidos > verbo 12, change
Sentidooverwhelm or overpower.
Sinónimosanonadar, arrasar, devastar
Generalabrumar, agobiar, apabullar, desbordarOvercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
Catalánarrasar, deixar aclaparat, desfer, devastar

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