HyperDic: trencar

Català > 21 sentits de la paraula trencar:
VERBchangetrencar, avariar, danyarinflict damage / damage upon
changetrencar, partir-se, partir, trencar-sebecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
changetrencar, partir, rompredestroy the integrity of
contacttrencar, partirremove by or as if by cutting
stativetrencar, violar, vulnerarfail to agree with
changetrencar, esberlar-se, esquerdar-se, esquerdar, esquerdissar, fracturar-se, rompre's, rompre, trencar-sebecome fractured
creationtrencar, arrasar, destrossar, destruirdo away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
changetrencar, fragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, partir, trencar-sebreak or cause to break into pieces
contacttrencar, espatllar-se, trencar-seruin completely
changetrencar, dissoldrebring the association / association / association of to an end or cause to break up
changetrencar, romprebreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
bodytrencar, fracturarbreak (a bone)
contacttrencar, destrossar, fer miques, rompredamage or destroy as if by violence
contacttrencar, esclatar, estavellar-se, rompre, topar, trencar-se, xocarbreak violently or noisily
socialtrencar, abandonar, rompre, tallarinterrupt a continued activity
changetrencar, penetrar, travessarpass through (a barrier)
changetrencardestroy or break forcefully
competitiontrencar, derrocar, rompremake ineffective
changetrencar, dissoldrecome to an end
changetrencarbe broken in
changetrencar, desfondarburst or force (a hole) into something
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 1, change
Sentitinflict damage / damage upon.
Sinònimsavariar, danyar
Específicabrasar, cremar-se, cremar, incendiar, rostir-se, rostirBurn with heat, fire, or radiation
afligirCause physical pain or suffering in
capolar, destrossar, esquinçar, estripar, mutilarDestroy or injure severely
corroir, desgastar, rovellarCause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid
corroir-se, desgastar-se, erosionar-se, erosionarRemove soil or rock
danyar, perjudicarmake worse or less effective
desmillorar, espatllaradd a flaw or blemish to
destrossar, fer miques, rompre, trencardamage or destroy as if by violence
deteriorar, espatllar, macular, tacarmake imperfect
lesionar, perjudicarCause damage / damage or affect negatively
Generalalterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Espanyoldañar, estropear, romper
Nomsdany, destrossa, mal, perjudiciThe act of damaging something or someone
dany, perjudiciThe occurrence of a change for the worse
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 2, change
SentitBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments.
Sinònimspartir-se, partir, trencar-se
Específicdescosir-se, desdoblar, esberlar-se, esquerdar-se, explotar, rebentar-seCome open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure
esclafir, espetegar, partir, petarBreak suddenly and abruptly, as under tension
explotarbreak open or apart suddenly and forcefully
fragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarbreak or cause to break into pieces
nolexCome unraveled or undone as if by snagging
Generalcanviar físicamentchange in physical make-up
TambécaurePass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
descompondreseparate (substances) into constituent elements or parts
Similarpartir, rompre, trencarDestroy the integrity of
Anglèsbreak, separate, split up, fall apart, come apart
Espanyolpartirse, romperse
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfalla, fractura(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
fraccionament, ruptura, trencadura, trencament, trencThe act of breaking something
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 3, change
SentitDestroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments.
Sinònimspartir, rompre
EspecíficdestrossarCause to break into many pieces
forçarbreak so as to fall inward
fracturarbreak into pieces
rompre, trencarbreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
Generaldividir, separarmake a division or separation
Similarpartir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Espanyolfracturar, partir, quebrantar, quebrar, rajar, romper
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfraccionament, ruptura, trencadura, trencament, trencThe act of breaking something
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 4, contact
SentitRemove by or as if by cutting.
Implicat peratallar, desgastar, escurçar, fer drecera, truncarmake shorter / shorter as if by cutting off
Generalallunyar, apartar, desenganxar, deslligar, desunir, separarCome to be detached
Tambéestellar, picar, picolar, tallarcut with a hacking tool
Anglèscut off, chop off, lop off
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 5, stative
Sentitfail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns.
Sinònimsviolar, vulnerar
Anglèsviolate, go against, break
Espanyolquebrantar, romper, violar, vulnerar
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 6, change
SentitBecome fractured; break or crack on the surface only.
Sinònimsesberlar-se, esquerdar-se, esquerdar, esquerdissar, fracturar-se, rompre's, rompre, trencar-se
Específicclivellar, esquerdar-se, esquerdar, esquerdissar, fendrebreak partially but keep its integrity
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Anglèscrack, check, break
Espanyolcomprobar, fracturarse, rajarse, resquebrajar, romperse, romper
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfracturabreaking of hard tissue such as bone
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 7, creation
SentitDo away with, cause the destruction or undoing of.
Sinònimsarrasar, destrossar, destruir
Específicarrasar, desarticular, igualar, talartear down so as to make flat with the ground
autodestruir-seDo away with oneself or itself
demolir, derruir, enderrocar, esbucar, esfondrarDestroy completely
desarmar, desarticular, desmantellar, desmuntartake apart into its constituent pieces
desarrelar, erradicar, exterminar, extirparDestroy completely, as if down to the roots
desembarassar-se, desempallegar-se, eliminarTerminate, end, or take out
dilapidarBring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect or misuse
esborrar, escombrarEliminate completely and without a trace
Generaldesferdeprive of certain characteristics / characteristics
Anglèsdestroy, destruct
Espanyolarrasar, arruinar, destrozar, destruir
Adjectiusdemolidor, destructiu, destructor, devastadorCausing destruction or much damage / damage
destructibleeasily destroyed
Nomsdestrucció, devastacióThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
destructorA small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
destructorA person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 8, change
Sentitbreak or cause to break into pieces.
Sinònimsfragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, partir, trencar-se
Específicaixafar, fer miques, triturarbreak into small pieces
asclar, esberlar-se, esberlar, estellarBreak up into splinters or slivers
atomitzarBreak up into small particles
capolar, moldre, molinar, picolar, triturarReduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading
esmicolarbreak into crumbs
esmicolar, trossejarbreak apart or in two, using violence
moldre, molinar, ratllarmake a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together
Generalpartir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Anglèsbreak up, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentise
Espanyolfragmentarse, fragmentar
Nomsatomització, fragmentacióseparating something into fine particles
fragmentA broken piece of a brittle / brittle artifact
fragmentA piece broken ... / broken off or cut ... / cut off of something else
fragmentació(computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 9, contact
Sentitruin completely.
Sinònimsespatllar-se, trencar-se
Causa dedescompondre, fracturar-se, rompre's, trencar-sego to pieces
Generalarrasar, arruïnar, destrossar, destruirDestroy completely
Tambéanalitzarmake a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of
asclar, estellarbreak a small piece off from
desarmar, desarticular, desmantellar, desmuntartake apart into its constituent pieces
desbaratar, destrossar, espatllarsmash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully
desunir, esporgar, podar, separar-se, separarset or keep apart
Contrariadobar, apariar, arreglar, atendre, reparar, restituirrestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn / torn or broken
Similardescompondre, fracturar-se, rompre's, trencar-sego to pieces
Anglèsbreak, bust
Espanyolestropearse, romperse, romper
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfraccionament, ruptura, trencadura, trencament, trencThe act of breaking something
fracàsA complete failure
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 10, change
SentitBring the association / association / association of to an end or cause to break up.
Generalacabar, finalitzar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Anglèsdissolve, break up
Nomsdesintegracióseparation into component parts
dissolucióThe termination of a meeting
ruptura, separació, trencamentThe termination or disintegration of a relationship / relationship (between persons or nations)
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 11, change
Sentitbreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over.
Generalpartir, rompre, trencarDestroy the integrity of
Anglèssmash, dash
Espanyollanzarse, quebrar, romper
Nomsdestrossa, destrucció, estropellThe act of breaking something into small pieces
hòstia, llet, trompadaA vigorous blow
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 12, body
Sentitbreak (a bone).
Similarfracturarfracture a bone of
fracturarBecome fractured / fractured
Espanyolfracturar, romper
Nomsesquerda, fracturaThe act of cracking something
fracturabreaking of hard tissue such as bone
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 13, contact
Sentitdamage or destroy as if by violence.
Sinònimsdestrossar, fer miques, rompre
Generalavariar, danyar, trencarinflict damage / damage upon
Anglèsbang up, smash up, smash
Espanyoldestrozar, hacer pedazos, quebrar
Nomshòstia, llet, trompadaA vigorous blow
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 14, contact
Sentitbreak violently or noisily; smash.
Sinònimsesclatar, estavellar-se, rompre, topar, trencar-se, xocar
Generaldesintegrar-se, desintegrarbreak / break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity
Tambédescompondre, fracturar-se, rompre's, trencar-sego to pieces
Anglèscrash, break up, break apart
Espanyolestrellarse, quebrarse, separar, terminar
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 15, social
Sentitinterrupt a continued activity.
Sinònimsabandonar, rompre, tallar
Generaldistanciar-se, separar-se, separardiscontinue an association / association / association or relation
Anglèsbreak, break away
Espanyolabandonar, romper con
Nomsinterrupció, pausa, suspensióA time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 16, change
Sentitpass through (a barrier).
Sinònimspenetrar, travessar
Anglèsbreak through, crack
Espanyolatravesar, penetrar, romper, traspasar
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 17, change
SentitDestroy or break forcefully.
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, emportar-se, extirpar, llevar, retirar, suprimir, treureRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Anglèsknock out
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 18, competition
Sentitmake ineffective.
Sinònimsderrocar, rompre
Generalalterar, canviar, modificar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Anglèsbreak down, crush
Espanyolacabar con, derribar, destruir, romper
NomsalteracióThe act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 19, change
SentitCome to an end.
Generalacabar, finalitzar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Anglèsdissolve, break up
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 20, change
SentitBe broken in.
Causat percontrolarmake submissive, obedient, or useful
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Similarcontrolarmake submissive, obedient, or useful
Català > trencar: 21 sentits > verb 21, change
SentitBurst or force (a hole) into something.
Generaldescosir-se, desdoblar, esberlar-se, esquerdar-se, explotar, rebentar-seCome open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure
Anglèsstave, stave in

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