Sounds | blow' | |
Rhymes | afterglow ... yellow: 77 rhymes with low... |
Meaning | An impact (as from a collision). | |
Synonym | bump | |
Narrower | concussion | Any violent blow |
jolt, jar, jounce, shock | A sudden jarring impact | |
knock, bash, bang, smash, belt | A vigorous blow | |
pounding, buffeting | repeated heavy blows | |
rap, strike, tap | A gentle blow | |
sideswipe | A glancing blow from or on the side / side of something (especially motor vehicles) | |
slap, smack | A blow from a flat object (as an open hand) | |
Broader | impact | The striking of one body against another |
Spanish | batacazo, choque, golpazo, golpe, golpetazo, porrazo, topetazo, toque, trastazo, trompazo | |
Catalan | batzacada, batzac, cop, patacada, patac, topada, trompada, xoc |
Meaning | An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating. | |
Synonyms | reverse, reversal, setback, black eye | |
Narrower | whammy | A serious or devastating setback |
Broader | happening, occurrence, occurrent, natural event | An event that happens |
Spanish | adversidad, contratiempo, descalabro, percance, revés, tropiezo | |
Catalan | adversitat, contratemps, ensopegada, percaç, revés |
Meaning | An unpleasant or disappointing surprise. | |
Synonym | shock | |
Narrower | blip | A sudden minor shock or meaningless interruption |
Broader | surprise | A sudden unexpected event |
Spanish | conmoción, disgusto, golpe |
Meaning | A strong current of air. | |
Synonyms | gust, blast | |
Narrower | bluster | A violent gusty wind |
puff, puff of air, whiff | A short light gust of air | |
sandblast | A blast of wind laden with sand | |
Broader | wind, air current, current of air | Air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure |
Spanish | racha, ráfaga, soplido, soplo | |
Catalan | ràfega, ratxa | |
Adjectives | blowy | abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes |
Verbs | blow | be in motion due to some air or water current |
blow | cause to move by means of an air current | |
blow | be blowing or storming |
Meaning | street names for cocaine. | |
Synonyms | coke, nose candy, snow, C | |
Broader | cocaine, cocain | A narcotic (alkaloid) extracted from coca leaves |
Spanish | blow, caramelo, C, coca, nieve |
Meaning | forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth. | |
Example | "he gave his nose a loud blow" | |
Synonym | puff | |
Narrower | insufflation | An act of blowing / blowing / blowing / blowing / blowing or breathing on or into something |
Broader | exhalation, expiration, breathing out | The act of expelling air from the lungs |
Spanish | bocanada, soplido, soplo | |
Catalan | bufada, buf | |
Verbs | blow | exhale hard |
blow | free of obstruction by blowing air through | |
blow | shape by blowing | |
blow | spout moist air from the blowhole | |
blow | make a sound as if blown |
Meaning | exhale hard. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s | |
Example | "blow on the soup to cool it down" | |
Entailed by | trumpet | Play or blow on the trumpet |
Narrower | insufflate | blow or breathe hard on or into |
pant, puff, gasp, heave | breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted | |
puff, huff, chuff | blow hard and loudly | |
Broader | exhale, expire, breathe out | Expel air |
Spanish | soplar | |
Catalan | bufar | |
Nouns | blow | forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth |
Meaning | Be blowing or storming. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; It is ----ing; Something is ----ing PP | |
Model | It was blowing all day long | |
Narrower | bluster | blow hard |
breeze | blow gently and lightly | |
set in | blow toward the shore | |
squall | blow in a squall | |
storm | blow hard | |
waft | blow gently | |
Spanish | soplar | |
Catalan | bufar | |
Nouns | blow | a strong current of air |
Meaning | Free of obstruction by blowing air through. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s | |
Example | "blow one's nose" | |
Broader | exhaust, discharge, expel, eject, release | Eliminate (a substance) |
Nouns | blow | forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth |
Meaning | Be in motion due to some air or water current. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP | |
Example | "The leaves were blowing in the wind" | |
Synonyms | float, drift, be adrift | |
Caused by | fly | Cause to fly or float |
Narrower | stream | To extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind |
tide | Be carried with the tide | |
waft | Be driven or carried along, as by the air | |
Broader | travel, go, move, locomote | change location |
Similar to | drift | Cause to be carried by a current |
float | Move lightly, as if suspended | |
Spanish | flotar | |
Catalan | flotar, nedar, surar | |
Nouns | blow | a strong current of air |
Meaning | make a sound as if blown. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Broader | sound, go | make a certain noise or sound |
Similar to | blow | Play or sound a wind instrument |
Spanish | pitar | |
Nouns | blow | forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth |
Meaning | shape by blowing. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "Blow a glass vase" | |
Broader | shape, form | Give shape or form to |
Spanish | soplar | |
Catalan | bufar | |
Nouns | blow | forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth |
blowing | processing that involves blowing a gas |
Meaning | Be inadequate or objectionable. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Synonym | suck | |
Broader | be | Have the quality of being |
Meaning | make a mess of, destroy or ruin. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something | |
Synonyms | botch, bodge, bumble, fumble, botch up, muff, flub, screw up, ball up, spoil, muck up, bungle, fluff, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, bobble, mishandle, louse up, foul up, mess up, fuck up | |
Broader | fail, go wrong, miscarry | Be unsuccessful |
Spanish | apelotonar, arruinar, cagarla, chapucear, estropear, joderla, pifiar | |
Catalan | arruïnar, cagar-la, esguerrar, espatllar, espifiar, fer barroerament, fotre |
Meaning | spend thoughtlessly; throw away. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Synonyms | waste, squander | |
Narrower | burn | spend (significant amounts of money) |
Broader | use, expend | use up, consume fully |
Opposite | conserve, husband, economize, economise | Use cautiously and frugally |
Similar to | blow | spend lavishly or wastefully on |
Spanish | arrojar, desgastar, desperdiciar, malgastar | |
Catalan | desgastar, gastar |
Meaning | spend lavishly or wastefully on. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something on somebody | |
Broader | spend, expend, drop | pay out |
Similar to | waste, blow, squander | spend thoughtlessly |
Spanish | tirar el dinero |
Meaning | sound by having air expelled through a tube. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Broader | sound, go | make a certain noise or sound |
Similar to | blow | Play or sound a wind instrument |
Meaning | Play or sound a wind instrument. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Broader | sound | Cause to sound |
Similar to | blow | make a sound as if blown |
blow | sound by having air expelled through a tube |
Meaning | Provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s somebody | |
Synonyms | fellate, suck, go down on | |
Broader | stimulate, excite, stir | Stir feelings in |
Spanish | chuparla, chupar |
Meaning | Cause air to go in, on, or through. | |
Pattern | Something ----s something | |
Example | "Blow my hair dry" | |
Narrower | blast | Apply a draft or strong wind to to |
Broader | send, direct | Cause to go somewhere |
Nouns | blower | a device that produces a current of air |
blower | a fan run by an electric motor |
Meaning | Cause to move by means of an air current. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something | |
Narrower | whiff | Drive or carry as if by a puff of air |
Broader | move, displace | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
Spanish | soplar | |
Nouns | blow | a strong current of air |
blower | a device that produces a current of air | |
blower | a fan run by an electric motor |
Meaning | spout moist air from the blowhole. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Broader | spurt, spirt, gush, spout | gush forth in a sudden stream or jet |
Nouns | blow | forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth |
Meaning | Leave; informal or rude. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s | |
Example | "Blow now!" | |
Synonyms | shove off, shove along | |
Broader | go, go away, depart | Move away from a place into another direction |
Meaning | lay eggs. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Example | "certain insects are said to blow" | |
Broader | lay, put down, repose | put in a horizontal position |
Spanish | poner |
Meaning | Cause to be revealed and jeopardized. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "The double agent was blown by the other side" | |
Broader | unwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, discover, expose, divulge, break, give away, let out, uncover | Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret |
Meaning | show off. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE; Somebody ----s to somebody | |
Synonyms | boast, tout, swash, shoot a line, brag, gas, bluster, vaunt, gasconade | |
Narrower | gloat, triumph, crow | Dwell on with satisfaction |
puff | speak in a blustering or scornful manner | |
Broader | overstate, exaggerate, overdraw, hyperbolize, hyperbolise, magnify, amplify | To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth |
Spanish | alardear, bravear, dragonear, fachendear, fanfarronear, farolear, gallardear, gloriarse, jactarse, ostentar, presumir, ufanarse, vanagloriarse | |
Catalan | fanfarronejar, gallejar, jactar-se, vanar-se |
Meaning | Allow to regain its breath. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something | |
Example | "blow a horse" | |
Broader | rest | Give a rest to |
Spanish | resoplar |
Meaning | melt, break, or become otherwise unusable. | |
Pattern | Something ----s | |
Synonyms | blow out, burn out | |
Broader | fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break down | stop operating or functioning |
Catalan | apagar |
Meaning | Burst suddenly. | |
Pattern | Something ----s; Somebody ----s something | |
Broader | burst, split, break open | Come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure |
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