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English 16 senses of the word hand:
NOUNbodyhand, manus, mitt, pawthe (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
person hand, hired hand, hired mana hired laborer on a farm or ranch
communicationhand, handwriting, scriptsomething written by hand
locationhanda position given by its location to the side of an object
grouphand, dealthe cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time
cognitionhandone of two sides of an issue
artifacthanda rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece
quantityhanda unit of length equal to 4 inches
person handa member of the crew of a ship
person hand, bridge playera card player in a game of bridge
communicationhanda round of applause to signify approval
animalhandterminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos)
acthand, helping handphysical assistance
VERBpossessionhand, pass, reach, pass on, turn over, giveplace into the hands or custody of
motionhandguide or conduct or usher somewhere
hand pronunciation
Rhymesampersand ... woodland: 90 rhymes with aend...
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 1, body
MeaningThe (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb.
Example"he had the hands of a surgeon"
Synonymsmanus, mitt, paw
Part ofarmA human limb
homo, man, human being, humanAny living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
PartsballA more or less rounded anatomical body or mass
digital arteries, arteria digitalisarteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and toes
fingerAny of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb)
intercapitular vein, vena intercapitalisveins connecting the dorsal and palmar veins of the hand or the dorsal and plantar veins of the foot
metacarpal artery, arteria metacarpeadorsal and palmar arteries of the hand
metacarpal vein, vena metacarpusdorsal and palmar veins of the hand
metacarpusThe part of the hand between the carpus and phalanges
palm, thenarThe inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
Narrowerfist, clenched fistA hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting)
hooks, meat hooks, maulerslarge strong hand (as of a fighter)
left, left handThe hand that is on the left side of the body
right, right handThe hand that is on the right side of the body
BroaderextremityThat part of a limb that is farthest from the torso
Spanishmano, manus, palma, pata, zarpa
Catalan, manus
Adjectivesmanualof or relating to the hands
Verbshandplace into the hands or custody of
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 2, person
MeaningA hired laborer on a farm or ranch.
  • "the hired hand fixed the railing"
  • "a ranch hand"
Synonymshired hand, hired man
Narrowerfarmhand, fieldhand, field hand, farm workerA hired hand on a farm
herder, herdsman, droversomeone who drives a herd
ranch handA hired hand on a ranch
stableman, stableboy, groom, hostler, ostlersomeone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
Broaderlaborer, manual laborer, labourer, jacksomeone who works with their hands
Spanishbracero, hombre contratado, jornalero, mano de obra
Catalanbracer, jornaler
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 3, communication
MeaningSomething written by hand.
  • "she recognized his handwriting"
  • "his hand was illegible"
Synonymshandwriting, script
CategoryhandwritingThe activity of writing by hand
Narrowercalligraphy, penmanship, chirographybeautiful handwriting
longhand, running hand, cursive, cursive scriptrapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper
scribble, scratch, scrawl, cacographypoor handwriting
shorthand, stenography, tachygraphyA method of writing rapidly
Broaderwritingletters or symbols that are written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language
Spanishcaligrafía, escritura, letra
Catalanescriptura, lletra
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 4, cognition
Example"he wanted to try his hand at singing"
Broaderability, powerpossession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
Spanishabilidad, habilidad manual
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 5, location
MeaningA position given by its location to the side of an object.
Example"objections were voiced on every hand"
BroadersideA place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 6, group
MeaningThe cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time.
  • "I didn't hold a good hand all evening"
  • "he kept trying to see my hand"
Partslong suitIn a hand, the suit having the most cards
Narrowerbridge handThe cards held in a game of bridge
poker handThe 5 cards held in a game of poker
Broadercollection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblageSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 7, cognition
MeaningOne of two sides of an issue.
Example"on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."
BroadersideAn aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)
Spanishlado, parte
Catalanbanda, costat, part
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 8, artifact
MeaningA rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece.
Example"the big hand counts the minutes"
Part oftimepiece, timekeeper, horologeA measuring ... / measuring instrument or device for keeping time
Narrowerhour hand, little handThe shorter hand of a clock that points to the hours
minute hand, big handpoints to the minutes
second handhand marking seconds on a timepiece
BroaderpointerAn indicator as on a dial
Spanishaguja, índice, manecilla
Catalanbusca, índex, maneta
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 9, quantity
MeaningA unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses.
Example"the horse stood 20 hands"
Broaderhandbreadth, handsbreadthAny unit of length based on the breadth of the human hand
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 10, person
MeaningA member of the crew of a ship.
Example"all hands on deck"
Broadersailor, crewmanAny member of a ship's crew
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 11, person
MeaningA card player in a game of bridge.
Example"we need a 4th hand for bridge"
Synonymbridge player
Narrowerbiddersomeone who makes a bid at cards
bridge partnerOne of a pair of bridge players who are on the same side of the game
contractor, declarerThe bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
Broadercard playersomeone who plays (or knows how to play) card games
Spanishbridgista, jugador de bridge
Catalanjugador de bridge
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 12, communication
MeaningA round of applause to signify approval.
Example"give the little lady a great big hand"
Broaderapplause, hand clapping, clappingA demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 13, animal
MeaningTerminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos).
Example"the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
Broaderforepawfront paw
Englishhand: 16 senses noun 14, act
MeaningPhysical assistance.
Example"give me a hand with the chores"
Synonymhelping hand
Broaderaid, assist, assistance, helpThe activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
Verbshandguide or conduct or usher somewhere
Englishhand: 16 senses verb 1, possession
Meaningplace into the hands or custody of.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody something; Somebody ----s something to somebody
ModelThey hand the food to the people; They hand the people the food
Example"hand me the spoon, please"
Synonymspass, reach, pass on, turn over, give
NarrowerdealGive (a specific card) to a player
entrust, intrust, trust, confide, commitconfer a trust upon
entrust, leaveput into the care or protection of someone
giveLeave with
hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, turn in, deliver, renderTo surrender / surrender someone or something to another
release, relinquish, resign, free, give upPart with a possession or right
slip, sneakPass on stealthily
BroadertransferCause to change ownership
See alsohand downpassed on, as by inheritance / inheritance / inheritance
hand outgive to several people
hand overto surrender / surrender someone or something to another
Spanishacercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar
Catalanacostar, apropar, aproximar, cedir, dispensar, donar, entregar, lliurar, passar, propinar, traspassar
Nounshandthe (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
Englishhand: 16 senses verb 2, motion
MeaningGuide or conduct or usher somewhere.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody
Example"hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
Broaderlead, take, direct, conduct, guideTake somebody somewhere
Nounshandphysical assistance

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