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English 44 senses of the word take:
VERBsocialtakecarry out
possessiontake, occupy, use uprequire (time or space)
motiontake, lead, direct, conduct, guidetake somebody somewhere
contacttake, get hold ofget into one's hands, take physically
changetake, assume, acquire, adopt, take ontake on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
cognitiontake, readinterpret something in a certain way
motiontake, bring, conveytake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
possessiontaketake into one's possession
motiontaketravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route
cognitiontake, choose, select, pick outpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
possessiontake, accept, havereceive willingly something given or offered
socialtake, fill, occupyassume, as of positions or roles
cognitiontake, consider, deal, look attake into consideration for exemplifying purposes
stativetake, necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, involve, call for, demandrequire as useful, just, or proper
perceptiontakeexperience or feel or submit to
communicationtake, film, shootmake a film or photograph of something
changetake, remove, take away, withdrawremove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
consumptiontake, consume, ingest, take in, haveserve oneself to, or consume regularly
cognitiontake, submitaccept or undergo, often unwillingly
possessiontake, acceptmake use of or accept for some purpose
possessiontaketake by force
motiontake, assume, strike, take upoccupy or take on
possessiontake, accept, admit, take onadmit into a group or community
changetakeascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial
cognitiontake, learn, study, readbe a student of a certain subject
communicationtake, claim, exacttake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
motiontake, makehead into a specified direction
competitiontake, aim, train, take aim, directpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
changetakebe seized or affected in a specified way
stativetake, carry, packhave with oneself
possessiontake, lease, rent, hire, charter, engageengage for service under a term of contract
possessiontake, subscribe, subscribe toreceive or obtain regularly
possessiontakebuy, select
possessiontaketo get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort / comfort
contacttake, havehave sex with
communicationtake, claimlay claim to
stativetake, acceptbe designed to hold or take
stativetake, contain, holdbe capable of holding or containing
socialtakedevelop a habit
motiontake, driveproceed along in a vehicle
competitiontakeobtain by winning / winning
bodytake, contract, getbe stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness
NOUNpossessiontake, return, issue, takings, proceeds, yield, payoffthe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
acttakethe act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
take pronunciation
Rhymesache ... wake / Wake: 58 rhymes with eyk...
Englishtake: 44 senses noun 1, possession
MeaningThe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property.
Synonymsreturn, issue, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff
Narrowereconomic rent, rentThe return derived from cultivated land in excess of that derived from the poorest land cultivated under similar conditions
paybackfinancial return or reward (especially returns equal to the initial investment)
BroaderincomeThe financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time
Spanishingresos, rédito, rendimiento
Catalanrèdits, rendiment
Verbstakereceive or obtain regularly
Englishtake: 44 senses noun 2, act
MeaningThe act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption.
NarrowerretakeA shot or scene that is photographed again
Broaderfilming, cinematography, motion-picture photographyThe act of making a film
Verbstakemake a film or photograph of something
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 1, social
Meaningcarry out.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "take action"
  • "take steps"
  • "take vengeance"
Broaderact, movePerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 2, possession
Meaningrequire (time or space).
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
ModelThey take a long time
Synonymsoccupy, use up
Narrowerbespend or use time
Broaderuse, expenduse up, consume fully
Similar toconsume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe outuse up (resources or materials)
Spanishapoderar, copar, llevar, ocupar, tomar
Catalanagafar, apoderar, copar, ocupar, prendre
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 3, motion
MeaningTake somebody somewhere.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example "can you take me to the main entrance?"
Synonymslead, direct, conduct, guide
NarrowerbeaconGuide with a beacon / beacon
handGuide or conduct or usher somewhere
mislead, misdirect, misguide, lead astrayLead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions
usher, showTake (someone) to their seats / seats / seats, as in theaters or auditoriums
Spanishapoderar, conducir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, llevar
Catalanapoderar, conduir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, portar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 4, contact
MeaningGet into one's hands, take physically.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
ModelThe children take the ball
  • "Take a cookie!"
  • "Can you take this bag, please"
Synonymget hold of
Narrowerseize, prehend, clutchtake hold of
seizeTake or capture by force
See alsotake apartdivide into pieces
take awayremove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
take infold up
take invisit for entertainment
take onaccept as a challenge
take uptake out or up with or as if with a scoop
Spanishagarrar, asir, coger, tomar
Catalanagafar, prendre
Nounstakingthe act of someone who picks up or takes something
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 5, change
Meaningtake on a certain form, attribute, or aspect.
PatternSomething ----s something
Synonymsassume, acquire, adopt, take on
Narrowerre-assumetake on again, as after a time lapse
BroaderchangeUndergo a change
Spanishadoptar, adquirir, asumir
Catalanadoptar, adquirir, assumir
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 6, cognition
Meaninginterpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning / meaning or impression.
PatternSomebody ----s something PP
  • "How should I take this message?"
  • "You can't take credit for this!"
Narrowermisread, misinterpretinterpret wrongly
Broaderinterpret, construe, seemake sense of
Similar toreadinterpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky
readTo hear and understand
Spanishasumir, entender, leer, tomar
Catalanentendre, llegir
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 7, motion
MeaningTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
ModelThey take the food to the people; They take the people the food
Example "Take these letters to the boss"
Synonymsbring, convey
Entailscome, come upMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Narrowerferrytransport / transport from one place to another
fetchtake away or remove
impart, conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channelTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
landBring ashore
return, take back, bring backbring back to the point of departure
transitCause or enable to pass through
tubeconvey in a tube
whiskMove somewhere quickly
Broadertransport, carryMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Similar tobring, get, convey, fetchgo or come after and bring or take back
bringBe accompanied by
Spanishacarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportar
Catalancopar, dur, portar, traginar, transportar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 8, possession
MeaningTake into one's possession.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s something from somebody
Example "I'll take three salmon steaks"
Narroweradopt, take inTake into one's family
bear, take over, accept, assumetake on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
collect, take incall for and obtain payment of
deprive, strip, divesttake away possessions from someone
impound, attach, sequester, confiscate, seizeTake temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
pocketput in one's pocket
recall, call in, call back, withdrawCause to be returned
sequesterrequisition forcibly, as of enemy property
snap up, snaffle, grabget hold of or seize quickly and easily
take awayTake from a person or place
take back, repossessregain possession of something
unburdenFree or relieve (someone) of a burden
See alsotake backregain possession of something
take invisit for entertainment
take outremove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
Oppositegivetransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
Spanishapropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitar, tomar
Catalanapropiar-se, copar, portar-se, prendre, treure
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 9, motion
Meaningtravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThe men take the boat
  • "He takes the bus to work"
  • "She takes Route 1 to Newark"
Broaderuse, utilize, utilise, apply, employput into service
Spanishcoger, tomar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 10, cognition
Meaningpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
ModelThey take him to write the letter
Example"Take any one of these cards"
Synonymschoose, select, pick out
Entailed bybuy, purchaseObtain by purchase
Narroweradopt, follow, espousechoose and follow
anointChoose by or as if by divine intervention
assign, specify, set apartselect something or someone for a specific purpose
cream off, skim offpick the best
cull out, winnowselect desirable parts from a group or list
dialchoose by means of a dial
drawselect or take in from a given group or region
electselect by a vote for an office or membership
empanel, impanel, panelselect from a list
excerpt, extract, take outtake out of a literary work in order to cite / cite or copy
fieldselect (a team or individual player) for a game / game / game
nominate, proposePut forward
pickselect carefully from a group
plump, goGive support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number
screen, screen out, sieve, sortExamine in order to test suitability
sieve, siftdistinguish and separate out
sieve out, pick overseparate or remove
single outselect from a group
specify, set, determine, define, fix, limitdecide upon or fix definitely
think ofchoose in one's mind
voteExpress one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution
vote inelect in a voting process
Broaderdecide, make up one's mind, determinereach, make, or come to a decision about something
Spanishcoger, decantar, elegir, escoger, optar, seleccionar, tomar, triar
Catalandecantar, elegir, escollir, optar, seleccionar, triar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 11, possession
MeaningReceive willingly something given or offered.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s something from somebody
Synonymsaccept, have
Narroweraccept, admit, take, take onAdmit into a group or community
adopt, borrow, take over, take uptake up and practice as one's own
honor, honourAccept as pay
welcomeAccept gladly
Broaderget, acquireCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
See alsotake inprovide with shelter
take overtake up, as of debts or payments
take overtake on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
take uptake up and practice as one's own
Oppositerefuse, reject, pass up, turn down, declineRefuse to accept
Similar toreceive, haveGet something
Spanishaceptar, querer, tomar
Catalanacceptar, voler
Nounstakerone who accepts an offer
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 12, social
Meaningassume, as of positions or roles.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsfill, occupy
Broaderwork, do workBe employed
Similar toassume, take, strike, take upOccupy or take on
Spanishasumir, ocupar, tomar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 13, cognition
MeaningTake into consideration for exemplifying purposes.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"Take the case of China"
Synonymsconsider, deal, look at
NarrowerabstractConsider apart from a particular case or instance
contemplateConsider as a possibility
dally, trifle, playConsider not very seriously
warm toBecome excited about
Broaderthink aboutHave on one's mind, think about actively
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 14, stative
Meaningrequire as useful, just, or proper.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"It takes nerve to do what she did"
Synonymsnecessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, involve, call for, demand
Narrowerclaim, take, exactTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
compelNecessitate or exact
costrequire to lose, suffer, or sacrifice
cry out for, cry forNeed badly or desperately
drawrequire a specified depth for floating
governrequire to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood
Oppositeobviate, rid of, eliminateDo away with
Similar toclaim, take, exactTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
Spanishdemandar, exigir, implicar, involucrar, necesitar, pedir, precisar, preguntar, reclamar, requerir, solicitar
Catalanexigir, implicar, involucrar, necessitar, precisar, preguntar, reclamar, requerir
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 15, perception
MeaningExperience or feel or submit to.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "Take a test"
  • "Take the plunge"
Broaderexperience, receive, have, getgo through (mental or physical states or experiences)
Similar totake, submitAccept or undergo, often unwillingly
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 16, communication
Meaningmake a film or photograph of something.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
ModelSam cannot take Sue
Example"take a scene"
Synonymsfilm, shoot
Categorymovie, film, picture, moving picture, moving-picture show, motion picture, motion-picture show, picture show, pic, flickA form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement
Narrowerreshootshoot again
Broaderrecord, enter, put downmake a record of
Similar tophotograph, snap, shootrecord on photographic film
Spanishfilmar, rodar
Catalanfilmar, rodar
Nounstakethe act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 17, change
MeaningRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something from somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP
ModelThey want to take the doors
Example "take the gun from your pocket"
Synonymsremove, take away, withdraw
Entailed bydig, dig outcreate by digging
dustRemove the dust from
NarrowerablateRemove an organ or bodily structure
amputate, cut offRemove surgically
aspirate, draw out, suck outRemove as if by suction
bailRemove (water) from a vessel with a container
bail out, bale outRemove (water) from a boat by dipping and throwing over the side
bone, deboneRemove the bones from
brushRemove with or as if with a brush
bur, burrRemove the burrs from
burlRemove the burls from cloth
carve outRemove from a larger whole
chip away, chip away atRemove or withdraw gradually
circumcisecut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys
clean, pickRemove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
cleanRemove shells or husks from
cleanRemove while making clean
clean, stripRemove all contents or possession from, or empty completely
clear, clear upFree (the throat) by making a rasping sound
clear off, clear awayremove from sight
condenseRemove water from
crumbRemove crumbs from
de-iodinateRemove iodine from
de-ionateRemove ions from
decalcifyRemove calcium or lime / lime from
decarbonize, decarbonise, decarburize, decarburise, decokeRemove carbon from (an engine)
decorticateRemove the cortex / cortex of (an organ)
defangRemove the fangs / fangs from
defuseRemove the triggering device from
degasRemove gas from
dehornprevent the growth of horns of certain animals
delete, cancelRemove or make invisible
delouseFree of lice
demineralize, demineraliseRemove the minerals or salts from
desorbRemove from a surface on which it is adsorbed
detoxify, detoxicateRemove poison from
dig, delve, cut into, turn overTurn up, loosen, or remove earth
dischargeRemove the charge from
disembowel, eviscerate, drawRemove the entrails of
dislodge, freeRemove or force out from a position
draw, take outtake liquid out of a container or well
draw, pull, pull out, get out, take outBring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
drawCause to flow
draw off, draw away, pull offRemove by drawing or pulling
dredgeRemove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water
eliminateRemove (an unknown variable) from two or more equations
enucleateRemove (a tumor or eye) from an enveloping sac or cover
enucleateRemove the nucleus from (a cell)
epilate, depilateRemove body hair
excavate, dig, hollowRemove the inner part or the core of
exenterateRemove the contents of (an organ)
expectorate, clear out, drive outclear out the chest and lungs
extirpatesurgically remove (an organ)
extract, pull out, pull, pull up, take out, draw out, rip out, tear outRemove, usually with some force or effort
flickRemove with a flick (of the hand)
gutRemove the guts of
harvestRemove from a culture or a living or dead body, as for the purposes of transplantation
headRemove the head of
hullRemove the hulls from
husk, shellRemove the husks from
hypophysectomize, hypophysectomiseRemove the pituitary glands
knock outDestroy or break forcefully
ladle, lade, ladenRemove with or as if with a ladle
leach, stripRemove substances from by a percolating liquid / liquid
leachCause (a liquid / liquid) to leach or percolate
liftRemove from a surface
liftRemove from a seedbed or from a nursery
liftTake off or away by decreasing
muckRemove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine
pickRemove in small bits
pit, stoneremove the pits from
pulltake away
reamRemove by making a hole or by boring
resect, evisceratesurgically remove a part of a structure or an organ
scale, descaleRemove the scales from
scalpRemove the scalp of
scavenge, cleanRemove unwanted substances from
scoop, scoop out, lift out, scoop up, take uptake out or up with or as if with a scoop
seedRemove the seeds from
shed, cast, cast off, shake off, throw, throw off, throw away, dropGet rid of
shellRemove from its shell or outer covering
shuckRemove the shucks from
shuckRemove from the shell
skim, skim off, cream off, creamRemove from the surface
spoonscoop up or take up with a spoon
stemRemove the stem from
stringRemove the stringy parts of
strip, dismantleTake off or remove
stripremove a constituent from a liquid
strip, undress, divest, disinvestRemove (someone's or one's own) clothes
stripRemove the surface from
stripStrip the cured leaves from
take away, take outtake out or remove
take away, bear off, bear away, carry away, carry offRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
take offtake away or remove
take outRemove something from a container or an enclosed space
tear away, tear off, rip offrip off violently and forcefully
tipRemove the tip from
tusk, detuskRemove the tusks of animals
unburden, disburdenTake the burden off
undocktake (a ship) out of a dock
unhingeRemove the hinges from
unpack, take outRemove from its packing
unsaddle, offsaddleRemove the saddle from
unstringRemove the strings from
unveilRemove the cover from
wash, wash out, wash off, wash awayRemove by the application of water or other liquid / liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent
wear away, wear offdiminish, as by friction
weedClear of weeds
winnow, fanBlow away or off with a current of air
wipe off, wipe awayRemove by wiping
withdraw, draw, take out, draw offRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
See alsotake offmake a subtraction
Spanishapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomar
Catalanapartar, copar, eliminar, emportar-se, extirpar, llevar, retirar, suprimir, treure
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 18, consumption
MeaningServe oneself to, or consume regularly.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey take the cake with sugar
Example "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
Synonymsconsume, ingest, take in, have
Entailed byboardlodge and take meals (at)
digestconvert food into absorbable substances
quench, slake, allay, assuagesatisfy (thirst)
Narrowercannibalize, cannibaliseEat human flesh
drink, imbibetake in liquids / liquids
eattake in solid food
eatEat a meal
feed, eattake in food
hit the bottle, drink, booze, fuddleconsume alcohol
partake, touchconsume
sample, try, try out, tasteTake a sample of
satiate, sate, replete, fillFill to satisfaction
supTake solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon
take in, sop up, suck in, take uptake up as if with a sponge
use, habituateTake or consume (regularly or habitually)
See alsotake uptake up as if with a sponge
Oppositeabstain, refrain, desistchoose not to consume
Spanishcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomar
Catalanconsumir, ingerir, prendre
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 19, cognition
MeaningAccept or undergo, often unwillingly.
PatternSomebody ----s something
NarrowertestUndergo a test
BroaderundergoPass through
Similar totakeExperience or feel or submit to
Nounstakerone who takes a bet or wager
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 20, possession
Meaningmake use of or accept for some purpose.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "take a risk"
  • "take an opportunity"
Narrowerco-optTake or assume for one's own use
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 21, possession
MeaningTake by force.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something from somebody
ModelThey take the hill
Narrowerassume, usurp, seize, take over, arrogateseize and take control without authority and possibly with force
extortObtain through intimidation
plunder, despoil, loot, reave, strip, rifle, ransack, pillage, foraysteal goods
recapture, retaketake back by force, as after a battle
relieveTake by stealing
rescueTake forcibly from legal custody
sack, plunderplunder (a town) after capture
scaleTake by attacking with scaling ladders
steal, rip off, ripTake without the owner's consent
Spanishapropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, quitar, tomar
Catalanagafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, prendre, traure, treure
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 22, motion
MeaningOccupy or take on.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThe men take the horses across the field
Synonymsassume, strike, take up
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Similar tofill, take, occupyassume, as of positions or roles
Spanishadquirir, tomar
Catalanadquirir, assumir
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 23, possession
MeaningAdmit into a group or community.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
ModelSam cannot take Sue
Synonymsaccept, admit, take on
NarrowerprofessReceive into a religious order or congregation
Broaderaccept, take, haveReceive willingly something given or offered
Similar toadmit, let in, includeAllow participation in or the right to be part of
Spanishaceptar, admitir, recibir
Catalanacceptar, admetre
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 24, change
MeaningAscertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
  • "take a pulse"
  • "A reading was taken of the earth's tremors"
Broaderreceive, get, find, obtain, incurReceive a specified treatment (abstract)
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 25, cognition
MeaningBe a student of a certain subject.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymslearn, study, read
Narrowerauditattend academic courses without getting credit
drill, exercise, practice, practiseLearn by repetition
train, prepareUndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession
Spanishaprender, estudiar, examinar
Catalanaprendre, estudiar, examinar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 26, communication
MeaningTake as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Synonymsclaim, exact
Broadernecessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call for, demandrequire as useful, just, or proper
Similar tonecessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call for, demandrequire as useful, just, or proper
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 27, motion
Meaninghead into a specified direction.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
BroaderheadTo go or travel towards
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 28, competition
MeaningPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something PP; Somebody ----s PP
Example "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
Synonymsaim, train, take aim, direct
Entailed byhithit the intended target or goal
overshootShoot beyond or over (a target)
Narrowercharge, level, pointdirect into a position for use
draw a bead onaim with a gun
holdaim, point, or direct
levelaim at
sighttake aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
swinghit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement
target, aim, place, direct, pointIntend (something) to move towards a certain goal / goal
turndirect at someone
BroaderpositionCause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
Spanishapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educar, entrenar
Catalanapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, educar, entrenar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 29, change
MeaningBe seized or affected in a specified way.
PatternSomebody ----s Adjective
  • "take sick"
  • "be taken drunk"
Broaderbecome, go, getEnter or assume a certain state or condition
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 30, stative
MeaningHave with oneself; have on one's person.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey take more bread
Example"She always takes an umbrella"
Synonymscarry, pack
Broaderhave, featureHave as a feature
Similar tocarryHave or possess something abstract
Spanishcargar, copar, llevar, portar
Catalancarregar, conduir, copar, dur, percebre, portar, rebre, tornar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 31, possession
MeaningEngage for service under a term of contract.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s something from somebody
Example "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
Synonymslease, rent, hire, charter, engage
Broaderget, acquireCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
Spanishalquilar, arrendar, contratar
Catalanarrendar, llogar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 32, possession
MeaningReceive or obtain regularly.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"We take the Times every day"
Synonymssubscribe, subscribe to
Broaderbuy, purchaseObtain by purchase
Spanishabonarse, subscribirse, suscribirse
Nounstakethe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 33, possession
Meaningbuy, select.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey take the newspapers
Example"I'll take a pound of that sausage"
Categorycommerce, commercialism, mercantilismtransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)
Broaderbuy, purchaseObtain by purchase
See alsotake outremove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 34, possession
MeaningTo get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort / comfort.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"take shelter from the storm"
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 35, contact
Meaninghave sex with; archaic use.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody
Example"He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"
Broadersleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonkHave sexual intercourse with
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 36, communication
Meaninglay claim to; as of an idea.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Broaderaffirm, verify, assert, avow, aver, swan, swearTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Oppositedisclaimrenounce a legal claim or title to
Similar toclaim, lay claim, arrogatedemand as being one's due or property
Spanishafirmar, sostener
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 37, stative
MeaningBe designed to hold or take.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"This surface will not take the dye"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Spanishaguantar, soportar, sostener
Catalanagafar, aguantar, dur, portar, prendre, suportar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 38, stative
MeaningBe capable of holding or containing.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"This box won't take all the items"
Synonymscontain, hold
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Similar toaccommodate, hold, admitHave room for
hold, bear, carry, containContain or hold
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 39, social
MeaningDevelop a habit.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 40, motion
Meaningproceed along in a vehicle.
PatternSomebody ----s something
CategorydrivingThe act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
Broadertraverse, track, cover, cross, pass over, get over, get across, cut through, cut acrossTravel across or pass over
Similar todrive, motortravel or be transported in a vehicle
driveoperate or control a vehicle
driveCause someone or something to move by driving
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 41, competition
MeaningObtain by winning / winning.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"Winner takes all"
BroaderwinBe the winner in a contest or competition
Catalanconduir, dur, percebre, portar, rebre, tornar
Englishtake: 44 senses verb 42, body
MeaningBe stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymscontract, get
Broadersicken, come downGet sick
Similar tocatchcontract
Spanishcoger, contraer
Catalanagafar, contreure

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