HyperDic: portar

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra portar:
VERBOcontactportar, cargar, efectuar, llevar, transportarmove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
stativeportar, contener, encerrar, llevar, poseer, soportar, sostenercontain or hold
bodyportar, actuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, hacer, obrar, portarsebehave in a certain manner
contactportar, llevarsupport or hold in a certain manner
motionportar, acarrear, copar, llevar, tomar, traer, transportartake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
contactportar, acercar, coger, llevar, traergo or come after and bring or take back
stativeportar, cargar, copar, llevarhave with oneself
socialportar, comportarse, comportar, conducirbehave well or properly
competitionportar, alcanzarhave a certain range
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body.
Sinónimoscargar, efectuar, llevar, transportar
Específicoacarrear, cargar, llevar, transportartransport in a vehicle
acarrear, carretear, llevar en carretilla, llevar en carrotransport something in a cart
acarrear, arrastrar, carretearcarry with difficulty
acarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
carretear, llevar en carrozatransport in a chariot / chariot
conducir, impulsar, manejartravel or be transported in a vehicle
devolvermake a return
enviar por aire, enviar por avión, volartransport by aeroplane
llevar, traerMove while holding up or supporting
llevar en bandoleracarry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons
sacar con cubocarry in a bucket
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
SimilarllevarPass on a communication
llevarpropel or give impetus to
Ingléstransport, carry
Cataláncarregar, efectuar, portar, transportar
Nombresbanda transportadora, cinta transportadora, transportador, trasportadorA moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
camión transporte, transporte de vehículosA long truck for carrying motor vehicles
carroA self-propelled wheeled vehicle designed / designed specifically to carry something
distribuidor, mensajero, portador, porteador, recadero, repartidor, toter, transportistasomeone whose employment involves carrying something
empresa de transportesA person or firm in the business of transporting / transporting people or goods or messages
portaavionesA large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for takeoffs and landings
transferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 2, stative
SentidoContain or hold; have within.
Sinónimoscontener, encerrar, llevar, poseer, soportar, sostener
Específicocercar, confinar, encerrarClose in
conservar, retenerHold back within
Generalcomprender, contemplar, contener, englobar, incluir, integrarHave as a part, be made up out of
Ingléshold, bear, carry, contain
Cataláncontenir, dur, portar, posseir, prendre, sostenir, suportar
AdjetivocontinenteHaving control over urination and defecation
Nombresbodega de carga, bodega, compartimento de cargaThe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
capacidad, contenidoThe amount that can be contained
contenedor, envase, recipienteAny object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 3, body
SentidoBehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself.
Sinónimosactuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, hacer, obrar, portarse
EspecíficobromearAct in a funny or teasing way
chacharear, chamullar, chapurrar, hacer el tontoAct in a trivial or ineffective way
chapucearspoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly
comportarse, hacer ver, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
confundirAct stealthily or secretively
descararseBehave saucily or impudently towards
encolerizarse, rabiarBehave violently, as if in state of a great anger
encomiar, ensalzaract as a medical quack or a charlatan
fanfarronearAct in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
hacerBehave in a certain way
hacer el tontoact foolishly, as by talking / talking nonsense
hacerseact in a certain way so as to acquire
hincharseBecome filled with pride, arrogance, or anger
idealizarAct in a romantic / romantic way
jugarEngage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously
optimizaract as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world
ponerse sentimentalAct in a sentimental way or indulge in sentimental thoughts or expression
presumirTake liberties or act with too much confidence
Tambiéncausar molestias, dar guerramake itself felt as a recurring pain
Similaractuar, dissimular, fingirBehave unnaturally or affectedly
comportarse, hacer ver, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
Inglésact, behave, do
Catalánactuar, comportar-se, comportar, fer, obrar, portar
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
Sentidosupport or hold in a certain manner.
Específicobalancear, equilibrar, nivelarhold or carry in equilibrium
comportarse, exiliarBehave in a certain manner
Similarllevar, traerMove while holding up or supporting
Ingléshold, carry, bear
Nombresportecharacteristic way of bearing one's body
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 5, motion
SentidoTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere.
Sinónimosacarrear, copar, llevar, tomar, traer, transportar
Implicaacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Específicocanalizar, conducir, dirigir, encauzar, llevar, transmitir, transportarTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
desembarcarBring ashore
devolver, llevar de regreso, regresar, traer de regresobring back to the point of departure
entubar, enviar por metroconvey in a tube
transbordartransport / transport from one place to another
Generalcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
TambiénadelantarseCause to move forward
alzar, aumentar, elevar, levantar, subir, traerRaise from a lower to a higher position
arriar, bajarse, bajarMove something or somebody to a lower position
aterrizarCause to come to the ground
lanzar, producir, sacarBring onto the market or release
Similaracercar, coger, llevar, portar, traergo or come after and bring or take back
llevar, traerBe accompanied by
Inglésbring, convey, take
Cataláncopar, dur, portar, traginar, transportar
Nombresbanda transportadora, cinta transportadora, transportador, trasportadorA moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
portador, transportadorA person who conveys (carries / carries or transmits)
transferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
Sentidogo or come after and bring or take back.
Sinónimosacercar, coger, llevar, traer
Implicaacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Específicodespachar, entregar, librarBring to a destination, make a delivery
Generalcanalizar, conducir, encauzar, transferir, transmitir, transportarSend from one person or place to another
ContrariollevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
Similaracarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
Inglésbring, get, convey, fetch
Catalánagafar, dur, portar, transportar
Nombrestransferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 7, stative
SentidoHave with oneself; have on one's person.
Sinónimoscargar, copar, llevar
Generaldisfrutar, presentar, quedar, tenerHave as a feature
Ingléscarry, pack, take
Cataláncarregar, conduir, copar, dur, percebre, portar, rebre, tornar
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 8, social
SentidoBehave well or properly.
Sinónimoscomportarse, comportar, conducir
EspecíficoandarLive or behave in a specified manner
imponersePut oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner
recomponerseRecover one's good manners after a lapse / lapse or stop behaving badly
Generalactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Inglésbehave, comport
Nombrescomportamiento, empaque, porte, presenciadignified manner or conduct
Español > portar: 9 sentidos > verbo 9, competition
SentidoHave a certain range.
Generaldisfrutar, presentar, quedar, tenerHave as a feature

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