HyperDic: dirigir

Español > 23 sentidos de la palabra dirigir:
VERBOmotiondirigir, canalizar, conducir, encauzar, llevar, transmitir, transportartransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
competitiondirigir, apuntarintend (something) to move towards a certain goal / goal
motiondirigir, apuntar, canalizar, encaminar, guiar, indicar, liderar, maniobrardirect the course
competitiondirigir, apuntar, aspirar, capacitar, educar, entrenarpoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
cognitiondirigir, articular, coordinar, encaminar, organizar, orquestarplan and direct (a complex undertaking)
stativedirigir, acudir, ampliar, extenderse, ir, liderar, pasar, prolongarstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
socialdirigirbe in charge of
changedirigirprepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting
motiondirigir, apoderar, conducir, copar, encaminar, guiar, llevartake somebody somewhere
communicationdirigirput an address on (an envelope)
socialdirigir, encabezar, liderarbe in charge of
motiondirigir, analizar, canalizar, encauzardirect the flow of
contactdirigir, forzarforce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
communicationdirigir, abordar, trataract on verbally or in some form of artistic expression
creationdirigir, encaminarguide the actors in (plays and films)
creationdirigir, encaminarlead, as in the performance of a composition
socialdirigir, gobernar, presidente, presidiract or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university
communicationdirigir, moderarpreside over
creationdirigirdirect for the stage
motiondirigirlead ceremoniously, as in a procession
competitiondirigirdirect at someone
communicationdirigir, controlar, deseardecree or ordain
competitiondirigiraim at
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
SentidoTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission.
Sinónimoscanalizar, conducir, encauzar, llevar, transmitir, transportar
Específicoretransmitirtransmit again
traer, traspasartransmit
Generalacarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
Similarexpresar, transmitirServe as a means for expressing something
Inglésimpart, conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channel
Cataláncanalitzar, carregar, dirigir, transmetre, transportar
Adjetivoconductiva, conductivo, conductorHaving the quality or power of conducting heat or electricity or sound
Nombrescanal de transmisión, canalA path over which electrical signals can pass
conducción, conductibilidad, conductividadThe transmission of heat or electricity or sound
conductorA device designed to transmit electricity, heat / heat, etc.
conductorA substance that readily conducts e.g. electricity and heat
portadora, portadorA radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal
transmisiónThe act of sending a message
transmisión, trasmisióncommunication by means of transmitted signals
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 2, competition
SentidoIntend (something) to move towards a certain goal / goal.
Generalapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educar, entrenarPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
Ingléstarget, aim, place, direct, point
Catalánapuntar, dirigir
Nombresblanco, presaA person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule / ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
lugar, paraje, punto, sitioA point located with respect to surface features of some region
meta, objetivoThe goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
Sentidodirect the course; determine the direction of travelling.
Sinónimosapuntar, canalizar, encaminar, guiar, indicar, liderar, maniobrar
EspecíficoacorralarForce a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
amarrar, atracarManeuver into a dock
analizar, canalizar, dirigir, encauzardirect the flow of
aparcar, estacionarmaneuver a vehicle into a parking space
conducir, guiar, navegar, pilotaract as the navigator / navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance
virar a estriborTurn to the right, of helms or rudders
Generalcomandar, controlar, dominar, mandarExercise authoritative control or power over
Ingléssteer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channelise
Catalánapuntar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, liderar, maniobrar
Adjetivomaniobrablecapable of maneuvering or changing position
Nombresacomodador, guíasomeone employed to conduct others
cabeza, frente, primera fila, primer plano, vanguardiaThe part in the front or nearest the viewer
canalizaciónmanagement through specified channels of communication
conducción, control, guíaThe act of guiding or showing the way / way
dirección, gobiernoThe act of steering a ship
guíasomeone who shows the way / way by leading or advising
maniobraA deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill
rumbo, sentidoThe direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
timonelThe person who steers a ship
vanguardiaThe front of a military formation or procession
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 4, competition
SentidoPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards.
Sinónimosapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, educar, entrenar
Implicado porpegarhit the intended target or goal
Específicoapuntar, dirigirIntend (something) to move towards a certain goal / goal
apuntardirect into a position for use
apuntaraim, point, or direct
apuntaraim with a gun
dirigirdirect at someone
dirigiraim at
vertake aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
Generalcolocar, posicionar, situarCause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
Inglésaim, take, train, take aim, direct
Catalánapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, educar, entrenar
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 5, cognition
Sentidoplan and direct (a complex undertaking).
Sinónimosarticular, coordinar, encaminar, organizar, orquestar
Generalplanear, planificarmake plans for something
Inglésmastermind, engineer, direct, organize, organise, orchestrate
Catalánarticular, coordinar, dirigir, encaminar, organitzar
Nombresadministración, administración pública, gerencia, gobernanza, organizaciónThe persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
causante, conceiver, creador, inspirador, originadorsomeone who creates new things
dirección, organizaciónThe act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business
ingeniera, ingeniero, tecnóloga, tecnólogoA person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
organizaciónThe activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically
orquestraciónAn arrangement of events that attempts to achieve a maximum effect
sindicadorsomeone who enlists workers to join a union
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 6, stative
Sentidostretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points / points or beyond a certain point / point.
Sinónimosacudir, ampliar, extenderse, ir, liderar, pasar, prolongar
Específicoirradiar, radiarExtend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center
llegarExtend or reach
llegar hondo, llegar lejosExtend in importance or range
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
TambiénalinearseBe in line with
contactar, lindar, tocarTo extend as far as
Similarirchange or be different within limits
Inglésrun, go, pass, lead, extend
Catalánacudir, ampliar, anar, dirigir, estendre's, liderar, passar, prolongar
Nombresalcance, extensiónThe distance or area or volume over which something extends
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 7, social
SentidoBe in charge of.
Causa deactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Específicoadministrar, gestionar, manejar, operardirect or control
dar, dispensar, entregar, hacer, propinarorganize or be responsible for
dirigir, encabezar, liderarBe in charge of
encaminar, guiarBe a guiding or motivating force or drive
Generalabordar, administrar, encarar, gestionar, guiar, manejar, ocuparse, ocupar, regentar, tramitar, tratarBe in charge of, act on, or dispose of
Nombresadministrador, directora, director, gerente, gestor, managersomeone who controls resources and expenditures
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 8, change
SentidoPrepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting.
Específicocorregir, editaredit and correct (written or printed material)
dar el hacha, tajarsignificantly cut up a manuscript
interpolarinsert words into texts, often falsifying / falsifying / falsifying it thereby
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Inglésedit, redact
Cataláneditar, redactar, tallar
Nombreseditor, jefe de redacción, redactoraA person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication
redacciónputting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form
redactor, refundidor, revisorsomeone who puts text into appropriate form for publication
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 9, motion
SentidoTake somebody somewhere.
Sinónimosapoderar, conducir, copar, encaminar, guiar, llevar
EspecíficobalizarGuide with a beacon / beacon
desorientar, despistarLead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions
guiarTake (someone) to their seats / seats / seats, as in theaters or auditoriums
Ingléslead, take, direct, conduct, guide
Catalánapoderar, conduir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, portar
Nombresacomodador, guíasomeone employed to conduct others
autoridad, dirigente, líderA person who rules or guides or inspires others
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 10, communication
Sentidoput an address on (an envelope) .
Específicoinstrumentaraddress a legal document to
GeneraletiquetarAssign a label to
Inglésaddress, direct
Nombresconsignatario, destinatarioOne to whom something is addressed
destinación, destino, direcciónwritten directions for finding some location
direcciónThe place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 11, social
SentidoBe in charge of.
Sinónimosencabezar, liderar
Específicocapitanear, liderarBe the captain of a sports team
dirigir, gobernar, presidente, presidiract or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university
encabezarBe the leader of
encargarseassume / assume control
GeneraldirigirBe in charge of
Ingléshead, lead
Catalándirigir, encapçalar, liderar
Nombresautoridad, dirigente, líderA person who rules or guides or inspires others
cabeza, jefe, líder, responsableA person who is in charge
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 12, motion
Sentidodirect the flow of.
Sinónimosanalizar, canalizar, encauzar
Generalapuntar, canalizar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, indicar, liderar, maniobrardirect the course
Nombrescanalizaciónmanagement through specified channels of communication
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 13, contact
SentidoForce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically.
Generalimpeler, impulsar, lanzar, propulsarPush forcefully
TambiénatornillarCause to penetrate, as with a circular motion
entrenar, machacar, reiterarteach by drills and repetition
Similarimpulsarcompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
impulsarTo compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly
Inglésforce, drive, ram
Nombrescampaña, causa, cometido, cruzada, empeño, misión, movimientoA series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 14, communication
SentidoAct on verbally or in some form of artistic expression.
Sinónimosabordar, tratar
Específicodiscutir, disertarTo consider or examine in speech or writing
Generaliniciar, plantearBring up a topic for discussion
Similarabarcar, circundar, comprender, cubrir, englobarInclude in scope
tratarinteract in a certain way
Ingléscover, treat, handle, plow, deal, address
Catalándirigir, tractar
NombrescoberturaThe extent to which something is covered
discurso, discusiónAn extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 15, creation
SentidoGuide the actors in (plays and films) .
Específicodirigirdirect for the stage
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Catalándirigir, encaminar
Nombresdirector de escena, directorsomeone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 16, creation
SentidoLead, as in the performance of a composition.
Categoríamúsicamusical activity (singing / singing / singing or whistling etc.)
Generalejecutar, hacer, interpretar, llevar a cabo, practicarcarry out or perform an action
Inglésconduct, lead, direct
Catalándirigir, encaminar
Nombresconductor, directora, director de orquesta, directorThe person who leads a musical group
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 17, social
Sentidoact or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university.
Sinónimosgobernar, presidente, presidir
Generaldirigir, encabezar, liderarBe in charge of
Ingléschair, chairman
Nombresmoderador, presidenta, presidenteThe officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 18, communication
Sentidopreside over.
Generaldiscutir, entrar en detallesspeak with others about (something)
Inglésmoderate, chair, lead
Nombresmoderador, presidenta, presidenteThe officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 19, creation
Sentidodirect for the stage.
Generaldirigir, encaminarGuide the actors in (plays and films)
Inglésstage direct
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 20, motion
SentidoLead ceremoniously, as in a procession.
GeneralguiarTake (someone) to their seats / seats / seats, as in theaters or auditoriums
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 21, competition
Sentidodirect at someone.
Generalapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educar, entrenarPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 22, communication
Sentidodecree or ordain.
Sinónimoscontrolar, desear
Generalordenarissue an order
Español > dirigir: 23 sentidos > verbo 23, competition
Sentidoaim at.
Generalapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educar, entrenarPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards

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