HyperDic: pegar

Español > 21 sentidos de la palabra pegar:
VERBOcontactpegar, chutarcause to move by striking
contactpegar, golpear secamente, golpeardeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
motionpegar, alcanzar, arribar, contactar, ganar, llegar, lograr, obtenerreach a destination / destination, either real or abstract
contactpegar, batir, dar, golpear, tustardeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
contactpegar, chocar, colisionar, dar, golpearhit against
contactpegar, adherirse, adherir, asociarse, atar, encolar, incorporarse, liar, ligarse, pegarse, unirse, vincularstick / stick to firmly
contactpegar, adherirse, enganchar, sujetarsebecome attached
competitionpegar, acertar, derribar, dispararhit with a missile from a weapon
contactpegar, encolarjoin or attach with or as if with glue
contactpegarattach to
contactpegar, apalear, dar una paliza, derrotar, golpeargive a beating to
contactpegar, adherir, calzar, depositar, encajar, engancharput, fix, force, or implant
contactpegar, cementarbind or join with or as if with cement
competitionpegarhit the intended target or goal
contactpegarfasten with an adhesive material like glue
contactpegar, cascarstrike sharply
contactpegar, adherir, pegar con epoxiglue with epoxy
contactpegar, asignar, colgar, ponerattach to
perceptionpegar, picar, quemarglare or strike with great intensity
competitionpegar, tajarhit sharply
perceptionpegarshine hard
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoCause to move by striking.
Específicoalcanzar, driblar, llevarpropel, "Carry the ball"
basarhit onto the ground
batear de foulhit a foul ball
botar, rebotarhit something so that it bounces
cañonearmake a cannon
conducir, enviar un drivestrike with a driver, as in teeing off
desviar ligeramentehit a glancing blow with the edge of the bat
elevarhit a fly
elevarhit a pop-fly
hacer un revéshit a tennis ball backhand
lanzar, tirarThrow or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective
liftarKick or strike high in the air
roletearhit a groundball
taconearstrike with the heel of the club
volearhit before it touches the ground
Generalimpeler, impulsar, propulsarCause to move forward with force
Cataláncolpejar, pegar, xutar
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
golpe, jit(baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball)
golpeadorsomeone who hits
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 2, contact
Sentidodeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon.
Sinónimosgolpear secamente, golpear
Específicoabofetearhit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand
apalear, batir a golpes, golpear, maltratar, zangolotear, zarandearstrike against forcefully
aporrear, dar un tortazo, golpear con fuerza, golpear, tumbardeliver a sharp blow or push
azotar, flagelar, fustigar, zurrarstrike as if by whipping
batir a golpes, golpear repetidamentehit repeatedly
cascar, pegarstrike sharply
cortar, hachar, hachear, tallarstrike with an axe
cruzar el rostro, dar un tortazostrike hard, especially with the fist
dar golpecitos, golpetearhit lightly
derribar, tumbarCause to come or go down
espolearstrike with a spur
picarstrike or punch with quick and short blows
picotearhit lightly with a picking motion
tocar suavementestrike lightly
topetar, topetearTo strike, thrust or shove against
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Tambiénderribar, talarCause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow
Similarchocar, colisionar, dar, golpear, pegarhit against
Cataláncolpejar, copejar, pegar, tustar
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
golpeadorsomeone who hits
golpecitoA gentle blow
percusor, percutorThe part of a mechanical device that strikes something
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
SentidoReach a destination / destination, either real or abstract.
Sinónimosalcanzar, arribar, contactar, ganar, llegar, lograr, obtener
Implicaacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Específicoacceder, llegar, pretenderreach or gain access to
alcanzar la cima, cumbrereach the summit (of a mountain)
culminarreach the highest altitude or the meridian, of a celestial body
encallar, tocar tierrahit or reach the ground
encontrarsucceed in reaching
escalarreach the highest point / point of
llegar al nivel, recuperarsereach the point where one should be after a delay
lograr llegarreach in time
superarsucceed in reaching a real or abstract destination / destination after overcoming problems
tocar fondoreach the low point
Similarlograr llegarreach in time
Inglésreach, make, attain, hit, arrive at, gain
Catalánarribar a, arribar, assolir, contactar, pegar
Nombreslogroarrival at a new stage / stage
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
SentidoDeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument.
Sinónimosbatir, dar, golpear, tustar
Implicado porabollar, mellarmake a depression into
apalear, dar una paliza, derrotar, golpear, pegarGive a beating to
Específicoabofetear, agarrar a puñetazos, apuñear, apuñetear, dar puñetazosstrike, usually with the fist
abofetearstrike, beat repeatedly
aplastar, chafarhit hard
aplastarhit swiftly with a violent blow
aporrear, golpear, librar, martillear, moler a paloshit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument
aporrear, golpeardeliver a hard blow to
aporrear, dar bastonazosstrike with a club or a bludgeon
aporrearhit with a cosh, usually on the head
aporrear, dar garrotazos, fustigarstrike with a cudgel
atraparhit with a hook
aturdir, pasmarhit something or somebody as if with a sandbag
batearstrike with, or as if with a baseball bat
cascar, zurrarhit hard
cerrar ruidosamente, golpear, golpear violentamentestrike violently
correar, zurrardeliver a blow to
crujirhit forcefully
currar, liarse a puñetazosstrike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat
darreach with a blow or hit in a particular spot
dar un golpecitohit or strike
dar un piño, pegar un piñohit, especially on the head
dar un puñetazodeliver a quick blow to
dar un puñetazohit with the fist
palmear, palmotearstrike with the flat of the hand
partir la carahit on the head
patearstrike with the foot
zurrarhit hard
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Catalánbatre, colpejar, copejar, pegar-se, pegar, tustar
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
Sentidohit against; come into sudden contact with.
Sinónimoschocar, colisionar, dar, golpear
EspecíficoarrearLand on or hit solidly
chocar, colisionarcrash together with violent impact
chocar, golpearknock against with force or violence
chocar, colisionar, golpearse contra, toparcollide violently with an obstacle
dar de costadocollide with the broad side / side of
dar por detráscollide with the rear end of
golpear, rebotar, saltar, spangleap, jerk, bang
tocar fondostrike the ground, as with a ship's bottom
tocar fondohit the ground
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Contrarioerrar, fallarfail to reach
Similargolpear secamente, golpear, pegardeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
Ingléshit, strike, impinge on, run into, collide with
Cataláncopejar, pegar
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
choque, colisión, golpe, trompada(physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together
contacto, fricción, roce, toqueThe physical coming together of two or more things
golpeadorsomeone who hits
golpecitoA gentle blow
percusor, percutorThe part of a mechanical device that strikes something
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
Sentidostick / stick to firmly.
Sinónimosadherirse, adherir, asociarse, atar, encolar, incorporarse, liar, ligarse, pegarse, unirse, vincular
Causado porpegarattach to
Generaladherirse, enganchar, pegar, sujetarseBecome attached
Similaradherirse, adherir, aferrarse, aferrar, pegarseCome or be in close contact with
Inglésadhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick, stick to
Catalánadherir, encolar, enganxar, lligar, vincular
Adjetivoadherentesticking / sticking fast
adhesivotending to adhere
enlazablecapable of holding together or cohering
Nombresadherencia, adhesión, adhesividadThe property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
adhesivo, calcomanía, estiquer, etiqueta adhesiva, etiqueta engomada, etiqueta gomada, etiqueta, pegatinaAn adhesive label
aglutinanteSomething used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface
atadura, lazo, ligadura, uniónA connection that fastens things together
cierre, ligadura, sujeciónrestraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 7, contact
SentidoBecome attached.
Sinónimosadherirse, enganchar, sujetarse
Causado poradjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Implicado poradherirse, adherir, aferrarse, aferrar, pegarseCome or be in close contact with
Específicoadherirse, adherir, asociarse, atar, encolar, incorporarse, liar, ligarse, pegarse, pegar, unirse, vincularstick / stick to firmly
aglutinarstring together (morphemes in an agglutinating language)
amarrar, atar, fijarBecome fixed or fastened
implantarBecome attached to and embedded in the uterus
Generalacoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir, unirmake contact or come together
Tambiénacompañar, ir conBe present or associated with an event or entity
Contrarioapartar, desatar, desfijar, desligar, despegar, desunir, separarCome to be detached
Catalánadherir-se, enganxar, fermar, subjectar-se
Adjetivoadosable, embargable, sujetablecapable of being fastened or added to something else
Nombresatadura, lazo, ligadura, uniónA connection that fastens things together
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 8, competition
Sentidohit with a missile from a weapon.
Sinónimosacertar, derribar, disparar
Implicado porametrallarShoot with a machine gun
Específicoabatir, derribarstrike down or shoot down
Generalherir, lastimar, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
Similardisparar, tirarFire a shot
dispararkill by firing a missile
golpearmake a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
Inglésshoot, hit, pip
Catalándisparar, ferir, pegar
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
pistolero, tiradorA person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to shoot / shoot / shoot)
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 9, contact
Sentidojoin or attach with or as if with glue.
Específicoadherir, pegar con epoxi, pegarglue with epoxy
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Inglésglue, paste
Catalánencolar, enganxar
Nombresadhesivo, calcomanía, estiquer, etiqueta adhesiva, etiqueta engomada, etiqueta gomada, etiqueta, pegatinaAn adhesive label
cola, goma, mucílago, pegamentocement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive
engrudoAn adhesive made from water and flour or starch
trabajador que pegaA workman who pastes
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 10, contact
Sentidoattach to.
Causa deadherirse, adherir, asociarse, atar, encolar, incorporarse, liar, ligarse, pegarse, pegar, unirse, vincularstick / stick to firmly
Específicoempastaraffix conspicuously
fijar, poneraffix in a public place or for public notice
sellaraffix a seal to
sellar, timbraraffix a stamp to
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Inglésaffix, stick on
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 11, contact
SentidoGive a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression.
Sinónimosapalear, dar una paliza, derrotar, golpear
Implicabatir, dar, golpear, pegar, tustarDeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
Específicoapalear, aporrear, batir a golpes, cascar, golpear duramentestrike violently and repeatedly
azotar, flagelar, fustigarBeat severely with a whip or rod
dejar inconsciente, dejar sin sentido, noquearknock unconscious or senseless
desgranar, zurrarGive a thrashing to
fustigarBeat with a cane
nalguear, zurrarGive a spanking to
Inglésbeat, beat up, work over
Cataláncopejar, derrotar, picar
Nombrespaliza, somanta, tunda, tute, vapuleoThe act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 12, contact
SentidoPut, fix, force, or implant.
Sinónimosadherir, calzar, depositar, encajar, enganchar
EspecíficoredepositarDeposit anew
Generalasegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar, unirCause to be firmly attached
Tambiénexceler, protruir, proyectarse, proyectar, sobresalirExtend out or project in space
ContrariodesalojarRemove or force out from a position
Ingléslodge, wedge, stick, deposit
Catalánadherir-se, adherir, encaixar, enganxar, falcar, tasconar
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 13, contact
SentidoBind or join with or as if with cement.
Generalasegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar, unirCause to be firmly attached
SimilarcimentarCover or coat with cement
Cataláncementar, enganxar
NombrescementoA building material that is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay
empasteAny of various materials used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 14, competition
Sentidohit the intended target or goal.
Implicaapuntar, aspirar, capacitar, dirigir, educar, entrenarPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
Generalacceder, conseguir, cumplir lo prometido, ganar, lograr, salir adelante, tener éxito, triumfar, triunfarattain success or reach a desired goal / goal
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 15, contact
SentidoFasten with an adhesive material like glue.
Generalamarrar, atar, fijarBecome fixed or fastened
Similaradherirse, adherir, aferrarse, aferrar, pegarseCome or be in close contact with
engancharFasten into place by fixing an end or point into something
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 16, contact
Sentidostrike sharply.
Específicogolpetear, llamarrap with the knuckles
Generalgolpear secamente, golpear, pegardeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
Inglésrap, knap
Nombrescastañazo, cate, golpe, leñazo, porrazo, tortazo, trastazoThe act of hitting vigorously
golpecitoA gentle blow
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 17, contact
Sentidoglue with epoxy.
Sinónimosadherir, pegar con epoxi
Generalencolar, pegarjoin or attach with or as if with glue
Catalánadherir, enganxar
Nombresepoxy, resina epoxiA thermosetting resin
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 18, contact
Sentidoattach to.
Sinónimosasignar, colgar, poner
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Catalánassignar, posar
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 19, perception
SentidoGlare or strike with great intensity.
Sinónimospicar, quemar
Generalbrillar, deslumbrar, resplandecer, reverberarshine intensely
Cataláncremar, picar
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 20, competition
Sentidohit sharply.
Generalgolpearmake a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
Español > pegar: 21 sentidos > verbo 21, perception
Sentidoshine hard.
Generalbrillar, lucir, relucir, relumbrar, resplandeceremit light
Inglésbeat down

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