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English 48 senses of the word light / Light:
ADJECTIVEalllightof comparatively little physical weight or density / density
alllight, light-colored(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent
alllightof the military or industry
alllightnot great in degree or quantity or number
alllightpsychologically light
alllightcharacterized by or emitting light
alllight, unaccented, weak(used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress
alllighteasily assimilated in the alimentary canal
alllight(used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency
alllight, clean, clear, unclouded(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls / dulls or dims
alllight, lightsome, trippingmoving easily and quickly
alllightdemanding little effort
alllightof little intensity or power or force
alllight(physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average
alllight, faint, swooning, light-headed, lightheadedweak and likely to lose consciousness
alllightvery thin and insubstantial
alllight, abstemiousmarked by temperance in indulgence
alllight, scant, shortless than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so
alllighthaving little importance
alllightintended primarily as entertainment
alllight, idlesilly or trivial
alllightdesigned for ease of movement or to carry little weight
alllight, lite, low-cal, calorie-freehaving relatively few calories
alllight, wakeful(of sleep) easily disturbed
alllight, easy, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wantoncasual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
NOUNphenomenonlight, visible light, visible radiation(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
artifactlight, light sourceany device serving as a source of illumination
cognitionlighta particular perspective or aspect of a situation
attributelight, luminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousnessthe quality of being luminous
locationlightan illuminated area
statelight, illuminationa condition of spiritual awareness
attributelight, lightnessthe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures / pictures
person lighta person regarded very fondly
statelight, lightinghaving abundant light or illumination
cognitionlightmental understanding as an enlightening experience
attributelight, sparkle, twinkle, sparkmerriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance
cognitionlightpublic awareness
motiveLight, Inner Light, Light Within, Christ Withina divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul
communicationlighta visual warning signal
artifactlight, lighter, igniter, ignitora device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires
ADVERBalllight, lightlywith few burdens
VERBchangelight, illume, illumine, light up, illuminatemake lighter or brighter
consumptionlight, light up, fire upbegin to smoke
motionlight, alight, perchto come to rest, settle
weatherlight, ignitecause to start burning
possessionlight, fallfall to somebody by assignment or lot
motionlight, unhorse, dismount, get off, get downalight from (a horse)
changelight, fire, ignitestart or maintain a fire in
light / Light pronunciation
Rhymesacolyte ... write: 181 rhymes with ayt...
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 1
MeaningOf comparatively little physical weight or density / density.
  • "a light load"
  • "magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C"
Attribute ofweightThe vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
NarrowerairyHaving little or no perceptible weight
buoyant, floatytending to float on a liquid / liquid or rise in air or gas
lighter-than-airrelating to a balloon or other aircraft that flies because it weighs less than the air it displaces
lightweightWeighing relatively little compared with another item or object of similar use
low-densityHaving low relative density or specific gravity
OppositeheavyOf comparatively great physical weight or density / density
Spanishligero, liviano
Nounslightnessthe property of being comparatively small in weight
Adverbslightlywith few burdens
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 2
Meaning(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent.
  • "light blue"
  • "light colors such as pastels"
  • "a light-colored powder"
Attribute ofvaluerelative darkness or lightness of a color
NarrowerpaleVery light colored
palishslightly pale
pastelDelicate and pale in color
powderyAs if dulled in color with a sprinkling of powder
See alsowhiteOf the achromatic color of maximum lightness
Oppositedark(used of color) having a dark hue
Spanishclaro, pálido
Catalanclar, pàl·lid
Nounslightnesshaving a light color / color
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 3
MeaningOf the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment.
  • "light infantry"
  • "light cavalry"
  • "light industry"
  • "light weapons"
Narrowerlight-armed, lightly-armedArmed with light weapons
OppositeheavyOf the military or industry
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 4
Meaningnot great in degree or quantity or number.
  • "a light sentence"
  • "a light accent"
  • "casualties were light"
  • "light snow was falling"
  • "light misty rain"
  • "light smoke from the chimney"
Oppositeheavyunusually great in degree or quantity or number
Adverbslightlyto a slight degree
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 5
Meaningpsychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles.
Example"a light heart"
Narrowerfooling, casualCharacterized by a feeling of irresponsibility
Oppositeheavymarked by great psychological weight
Nounslightnessa feeling of joy and pride
Adverbslightlywith indifference or without dejection
lightlywithout good reason
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 6
MeaningCharacterized by or emitting light.
  • "a room that is light when the shutters are open"
  • "the inside of the house was airy and light"
Attribute oflight, lightnessThe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures / pictures
Narrowerablaze, inflamed, reddenedlighted with red light as if with flames
autofluorescentemitting light via self-induced fluorescence
bioluminescent(of living organisms) emitting light / light
brightHaving lots of light either natural or artificial
candescentglowing from great heat
floodlit, floodlightedilluminated by means of floodlights
fluorescentemitting light during exposure to radiation from an external source
illuminated, lighted, lit, well-lightedProvided with artificial light
incandescent, candentemitting light as a result of being heated
lamplitlighted by a lamp
lighting-upturning lights on
livid(of a light) imparting a deathlike luminosity
luminescentemitting light not caused by heat
phosphorescentemitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous
sunlit, sunstrucklighted by sunlight
whiteOf summer nights in northern latitudes / latitudes where the sun barely sets
OppositedarkDevoid of or deficient in light or brightness
Spanishclaro, luminoso
Catalanbrillant, lluminós
Nounslightnessthe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures / pictures
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 7
Meaning(used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress.
Example"a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable"
Synonymsunaccented, weak
Broaderunstressednot bearing a stress or accent
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 8
Meaningeasily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned.
Example"a light diet"
Broaderdigestiblecapable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 9
Meaning(used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency.
Example"light soil"
Broaderloosenot compact or dense in structure or arrangement
Spanisharenoso, friable
Nounslightnessthe property of being comparatively small in weight
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 10
Meaning(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls / dulls or dims.
Example "a light lilting voice like a silver bell"
Synonymsclean, clear, unclouded
BroaderpureFree of extraneous elements of any kind
Spanishclaro, limpio, nítido
Catalanclar, net, nítid
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 11
MeaningMoving easily and quickly; nimble.
  • "the dancer was light and graceful"
  • "a lightsome buoyant step"
  • "walked with a light tripping step"
Synonymslightsome, tripping
Broaderlight-footed(of movement) having a light and springy step
Spanishágil, ligero
Nounslightnessthe gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 12
Meaningdemanding little effort; not burdensome.
  • "light housework"
  • "light exercise"
Broaderundemandingrequiring little if any patience or effort or skill
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 13
MeaningOf little intensity or power or force.
  • "the light touch of her fingers"
  • "a light breeze"
Narrowereasy, gentle, softHaving little impact
OppositeheavyOf great intensity or power or force
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 14
Meaning(physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average.
Example"light water is ordinary water"
Categorychemistry, chemical scienceThe science of matter
Oppositeheavy(physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 15
MeaningWeak and likely to lose consciousness.
  • "felt light in the head"
  • "light-headed with wine"
  • "light-headed from lack of sleep"
Synonymsfaint, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded
Broaderill, sickAffected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 16
MeaningVery thin and insubstantial.
Example "light summer dresses"
BroaderthinOf relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section
Nounslightnessthe property of being comparatively small in weight
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 17
Meaningmarked by temperance in indulgence.
  • "a light eater"
  • "a light smoker"
  • "ate a light supper"
Broadertemperatenot extreme / extreme in behavior
Adverbslightlyindulging with temperance
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 18
Meaningless than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so.
Example"a light pound"
Synonymsscant, short
Broaderinsufficient, deficientOf a quantity not able to fulfill / fulfill a need or requirement
Spanishcorto, escaso
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 19
MeaningHaving little importance.
Example"losing his job was no light matter"
Broaderinsignificant, unimportantdevoid of importance, meaning, or force
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 20
MeaningIntended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound.
  • "light verse"
  • "a light comedy"
Broaderfrivolousnot serious in content or attitude or behavior
Nounslightnessthe trait of being lighthearted and frivolous
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 21
MeaningSilly or trivial.
  • "light banter"
  • "light idle chatter"
Broaderfrivolousnot serious in content or attitude or behavior
Nounslightnessthe trait of being lighthearted and frivolous
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 22
Meaningdesigned for ease of movement or to carry little weight.
  • "light aircraft"
  • "a light truck"
Broaderlight-dutynot designed for heavy work
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 23
MeaningHaving relatively few calories.
  • "light (or lite) beer"
  • "lite (or light) mayonnaise"
Synonymslite, low-cal, calorie-free
Broadernonfat, fat-free, fatlessWithout fat / fat or fat / fat solids
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 24
Meaning(of sleep) easily disturbed.
  • "in a light doze"
  • "a light sleeper"
Broadershallownot deep or strong
Englishlight: 48 senses adjective 25
Meaningcasual and unrestrained in sexual behavior.
Example "he was told to avoid loose (or light) women"
Synonymseasy, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wanton
Broaderunchastenot chaste
Spanishlascivo, libertino, licencioso, lujurioso, promiscuo
Catalanlasciu, llibertí, llicenciós, luxuriós, promiscu
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 1, phenomenon
Meaning(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation.
Example"the light was filtered through a soft glass window"
Synonymsvisible light, visible radiation
Categoryphysics, natural philosophyThe science of matter and energy and their interactions
Part ofelectromagnetic spectrumThe entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves
Narrowerbeam, beam of light, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light, irradiationA column of light (as from a beacon)
candlelight, candle flameThe light provided by a burning candle
coronaOne or more circles of light seen around a luminous object
counterglow, gegenscheinA faint spot of light in the night sky that appears directly opposite the position of the sun
daylightlight during the daytime
firelightThe light of a fire / fire (especially in a fireplace)
fluorescencelight emitted during absorption of radiation of some other (invisible) wavelength
friar's lantern, ignis fatuus, jack-o'-lantern, will-o'-the-wispA pale light sometimes seen at night over marshy ground
gaslightlight yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas
glowA steady even light without flames
half-lightA greyish light (as at dawn or dusk or in dim interiors)
incandescence, glowThe phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised
lamplightlight from a lamp
luminescencelight not due to incandescence / incandescence
meteor, shooting starA streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode
moonlight, moonshine, MoonThe light of the Moon
radiance, glow, glowingThe amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface
scintillation(physics) a flash of light that is produced in a phosphor when it absorbs a photon or ionizing particle
starlightThe light of the stars
streamerlight that streams
sunlight, sunshine, sunThe rays of the sun
torchlightlight from a torch or torches
twilightThe diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the earth
Broaderactinic radiation, actinic rayelectromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions
Spanishluz, luz visible, radiación visible
Adjectivesphoticof or relating to or caused by light
Verbslightmake lighter or brighter
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 2, artifact
MeaningAny device serving as a source of illumination.
Example"he stopped the car and turned off the lights"
Synonymlight source
Narroweranchor light, riding light, riding lampA light in the rigging / rigging of a ship that is riding at anchor
blinker, flasherA light that flashes on and off
fairy lightA small colored light used for decoration (especially at Christmas)
flood, floodlight, flood lamp, photofloodlight that is a source / source of artificial illumination having a broad beam
headlight, headlampA powerful light with reflector
houselightslights that illuminate the audience's part of a theater or other auditorium
jacklightA light used as a lure in hunting or fishing at night
navigation lightlight on an airplane that indicates the plane's position and orientation
night-lightlight (as a candle or small bulb) that burns in a bedroom at night (as for children or invalids)
panel lightA light to illuminate an instrument panel
room lightlight that provides general illumination for a room
sconceA candle or flaming torch secured in a sconce
searchlightA light source with reflectors that projects a beam of light in a particular direction
sidelight, running lightlight carried by a boat that indicates the boat's direction
strip lightinglight consisting of long tubes (instead of bulbs) that provide the illumination
theater lightAny of various lights used in a theater
torchA light usually carried in the hand
Broadersource of illuminationAny device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation
Spanishfuente de luz, luz
Catalanlàmpada, llum
Verbslightmake lighter or brighter
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 3, cognition
MeaningA particular perspective or aspect of a situation.
Example"although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand"
Broaderposition, view, perspectiveA way of regarding situations or topics etc.
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 4, attribute
MeaningThe quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light.
Synonymsluminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousness
Attributesbrightemitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts
dullemitting or reflecting very little light
Narrowerilluminance, illuminationThe luminous flux incident on a unit area
incandescencelight from heat
luminescence, glowlight from nonthermal sources
Broaderphysical propertyAny property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions
Spanishluminancia, luminosidad, luz
Catalanlluminositat, luminància
Verbslightmake lighter or brighter
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 5, location
MeaningAn illuminated area.
Example"he stepped into the light"
BroadersceneThe place where some action occurs
Verbslightmake lighter or brighter
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 6, state
MeaningA condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination.
Example"follow God's light"
Broadercondition, statusA state at a particular time
Spanishiluminación, luz
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 7, attribute
MeaningThe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures / pictures.
Example"he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark"
AttributesdarkDevoid of or deficient in light or brightness
lightCharacterized by or emitting light
Narroweraura, aureole, halo, nimbus, glory, glorioleAn indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint
brightnessThe location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white
highlight, highlightingAn area of lightness in a picture / picture
sunninesslightness created by sunlight
Broadervisual propertyAn attribute of vision
Spanishclaridad, iluminación, luz
Catalanclaredat, il·luminació, llum
Verbslightmake lighter or brighter
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 8, person
MeaningA person regarded very fondly.
Example"the light of my life"
BroaderfriendA person you know well and regard with affection and trust
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 9, state
MeaningHaving abundant light or illumination.
  • "they played as long as it was light"
  • "as long as the lighting was good"
BroaderilluminationThe degree of visibility of your environment
Oppositedark, darknessabsence of light or illumination
Spanishiluminación, luminosidad, luz
Verbslightmake lighter or brighter
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 10, cognition
Meaningmental understanding as an enlightening experience.
  • "he finally saw the light"
  • "can you shed light on this problem?"
Broaderinsight, brainstorm, brainwaveThe clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation
Spanishiluminación, luz
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 11, attribute
Meaningmerriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance.
Synonymssparkle, twinkle, spark
Broaderexpression, look, aspect, facial expression, faceThe feelings expressed on a person's face
vitality, verveAn energetic / energetic style
Catalanespurna, guspira
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 12, cognition
Meaningpublic awareness.
Example"it brought the scandal to light"
Broaderpublic knowledge, general knowledgeknowledge that is available to anyone
EnglishLight: 48 senses noun 13, motive
MeaningA divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul.
SynonymsInner Light, Light Within, Christ Within
Broaderethical motive, ethics, morals, moralitymotivation based on ideas of right and wrong
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 14, communication
MeaningA visual warning signal.
  • "they saw the light of the beacon"
  • "there was a light at every corner"
Narrowertraffic light, traffic signal, stoplightA visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections
Broadervisual signalA signal that involves visual communication
Englishlight: 48 senses noun 15, artifact
MeaningA device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires.
Example"do you have a light?"
Synonymslighter, igniter, ignitor
Narrowercigar lighter, cigarette lighter, pocket lighterA lighter / lighter for cigars or cigarettes
fuse, fuze, fusee, fuzee, primer, primingAny igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
match, lucifer, friction matchlighter / lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical
matchA burning piece of wood or cardboard
BroaderdeviceAn instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
Spanishbriquet, encendedor, mechero, yesquero
Verbslightbegin to smoke
lightcause to start burning
Englishlight: 48 senses adverb 1
MeaningWith few burdens.
Example"experienced travellers travel light"
Spanishligeramente, ligeros
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 1, change
Meaningmake lighter or brighter.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"This lamp lightens the room a bit"
Synonymsillume, illumine, light up, illuminate
Narrowerfloodlightilluminate with floodlights
spotlightilluminate with a spotlight, as in the theater
Broaderlighten, lighten upBecome lighter
Spanishaclarar, alumbrar, encender, iluminar
Catalanenllumenar, il·luminar
Nounslightany device serving as a source of illumination
lightthe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures / pictures
lightthe quality of being luminous
lightan illuminated area
light(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
lighthaving abundant light or illumination
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 2, consumption
MeaningBegin to smoke.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymslight up, fire up
Entailssmokeinhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes
Broaderignite, lightCause to start burning
Spanishencenderse, prender
Catalancalar, encendre's
Nounslighta device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 3, motion
MeaningTo come to rest, settle.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Example"Misfortune lighted upon him"
Synonymsalight, perch
Broaderland, set downreach or come to rest
Spanishencaramarse, posarse
Catalanencimbellar-se, parar-se, posar
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 4, weather
MeaningCause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example "Light a cigarette"
Cause toburn, combustUndergo combustion
Entailed byset ablaze, set aflame, set on fire, set afireSet fire to
Narrowerflare upignite quickly and suddenly, especially after having died down
kindle, enkindle, conflagrate, inflameCause to start burning
light up, fire up, lightBegin to smoke
light upignite
reigniteignite anew, as of something burning
Broaderburn, combustCause to burn or combust
Oppositesnuff out, blow out, extinguish, quenchPut out, as of fires, flames, or lights
Spanishencender, incendiar, prender
Catalanabrandar, encendre
Nounslighter, lighta device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires
lightera substance used to ignite or kindle a fire / fire
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 5, possession
Meaningfall to somebody by assignment or lot.
PatternSomething ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
Broaderfall, return, pass, devolveBe inherited by
Similar toaccrue, fallCome into the possession of
fallTo be given by assignment or distribution
Spanishiluminar, recaer
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 6, motion
MeaningAlight from (a horse) .
PatternSomebody ----s
Synonymsunhorse, dismount, get off, get down
Categoryriding, horseback ridingTravel by being carried on horseback
Broaderdescend, fall, go down, come downMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Spanishagacharse, apearse, bajarse, descabalgar, desmontar, liviano
Englishlight: 48 senses verb 7, change
MeaningStart or maintain a fire in.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsfire, ignite
Caused byfire, flame upBecome ignited

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