Meaning | solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times. |
Synonym | Equus caballus |
Member of | Equus, genus Equus | type genus of the Equidae |
Members | foal | A young horse |
Parts | encolure | The mane of a horse |
gaskin | Lower part of a horse's thigh between the hock and the stifle |
horse's foot | The hoof of a horse |
horseback | The back of a horse |
horsemeat, horseflesh | The flesh of horses as food |
poll | The part of the head between the ears |
withers | The highest part of the back at the base of the neck of various animals especially draft animals |
Narrower | bay | A horse of a moderate reddish-brown color |
chestnut | A dark golden-brown or reddish-brown horse |
eohippus, dawn horse | Earliest horse |
gee-gee | A word for horse used by children or in adult slang |
hack | A horse kept for hire |
hack, jade, nag, plug | An old or over-worked horse |
harness horse | horse used for pulling vehicles |
liver chestnut | A solid dark brown horse |
male horse | The male of species Equus caballus |
mare, female horse | female equine animal |
mesohippus | North American three-toed Oligocene animal |
pacer | A horse trained to a special gait in which both feet on one side leave the ground together |
palomino | A horse of light tan or golden color with cream-colored or white mane and tail |
pinto | A spotted or calico horse or pony |
polo pony | A small agile horse specially bred and trained for playing polo |
pony | Any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder |
pony | A range horse of the western United States |
post horse, post-horse, poster | A horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers |
protohippus | Pliocene horse approaching donkeys in size |
racehorse, race horse, bangtail | A horse bred for racing |
roan | A horse having a brownish coat thickly sprinkled with white or gray |
saddle horse, riding horse, mount | A lightweight horse kept for riding only |
sorrel | A horse of a brownish orange to light brown color |
stablemate, stable companion | A horse stabled with another or one of several horses owned by the same person |
stalking-horse | A horse behind which a hunter hides / hides while stalking game |
steeplechaser | A horse trained to run in steeplechases |
stepper, high stepper | A horse trained to lift its feet high off the ground while walking or trotting |
wild horse | undomesticated or feral domestic horse |
workhorse | A horse used for plowing and hauling and other heavy labor |
Broader | equine, equid | hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck |
Spanish | caballo, equinos, yegua |
Catalan | cavall, Equus caballus |
Adjectives | equine | resembling a horse |
horse-drawn | pulled by a horse |
Verbs | horse | provide with a horse or horses |