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English 45 senses of the word hold:
NOUNacthold, clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grasp, gripthe act of grasping
cognitionhold, appreciation, graspunderstanding of the nature or meaning / meaning or quality or magnitude of something
attributeholdpower by which something or someone is affected or dominated
timehold, delay, time lag, postponement, waittime during which some action is awaited
statehold, detention, detainment, custodya state of being confined (usually for a short time)
artifactholda stronghold
artifacthold, keepa cell in a jail or prison
artifacthold, handle, grip, handgripthe appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
artifacthold, cargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, storage areathe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
VERBstativehold, keep, maintainkeep in a certain state, position, or activity
contacthold, take holdhave or hold in one's hands or grip
creationhold, throw, have, make, giveorganize or be responsible for
possessionhold, have, have gothave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
cognitionhold, deem, view as, take forkeep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
emotionhold, harbor, harbour, entertain, nursemaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
contacthold, restrain, confine, constrainhold back
possessionhold, retain, keep back, hold backsecure and keep for possible future use or application
possessionhold, bearhave rightfully
contacthold, support, sustain, hold upbe the physical support of
stativehold, bear, carry, containcontain or hold
stativehold, accommodate, admithave room for
stativeholdremain in a certain state, position, or condition
contacthold, carry, bearsupport or hold in a certain manner
stativehold, prevail, obtainbe valid, applicable, or true
cognitionholdassert or affirm
stativeholdhave as a major characteristic / characteristic
stativehold, contain, takebe capable of holding or containing
socialhold, reserve, bookarrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
competitionhold, defend, guardprotect against a challenge or attack / attack / attack
communicationhold, oblige, bind, obligatebind by an obligation / obligation
cognitionholdhold the attention of
cognitionholdremain committed to
stativehold, defy, withstand, hold upresist or confront with resistance / resistance
stativehold, apply, go forbe pertinent or relevant or applicable
stativeholdstop dealing with
socialhold, control, hold in, contain, check, curb, moderatelessen the intensity of
socialholdkeep from departing
socialholdtake and maintain control over, often by violent means
motionhold, halt, arrestcause to stop
contactholdcover as for protection against noise or smell
consumptionhold, carrydrink alcohol without showing ill effects
competitionholdaim, point, or direct
communicationhold, declare, adjudgedeclare to be
communicationhold, agree, concur, concordbe in accord / accord
bodyholdkeep from exhaling or expelling
hold pronunciation
Rhymesbehold ... wold: 49 rhymes with owld...
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 1, act
MeaningThe act of grasping.
Example "she kept a firm hold on the railing"
Synonymsclasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grasp, grip
Narrowerchokehold, choke holdA restraining hold / hold
embrace, embracing, embracementThe act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
wrestling holdA hold used in the sport of wrestling
Broadergrasping, taking hold, seizing, prehensionThe act of gripping / gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)
Spanishagarre, agarro, agarrón
Catalanagafada, agarrada
Verbsholdhave or hold in one's hands or grip
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 2, cognition
Meaningunderstanding of the nature or meaning / meaning or quality or magnitude of something.
Synonymsappreciation, grasp
NarrowersenseA natural appreciation or ability
Broaderunderstanding, apprehension, discernment, savvyThe cognitive condition / condition of someone who understands
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 3, attribute
MeaningPower by which something or someone is affected or dominated.
Example"he has a hold over them"
BroadercontrolPower to direct or determine
Verbsholdhold the attention of
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 4, time
MeaningTime during which some action is awaited.
Example "he ordered a hold in the action"
Synonymsdelay, time lag, postponement, wait
NarrowerextensionA mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion of a job or payment of a debt
moratoriumA legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be discharged
retardationThe extent to which something is delayed or held back
Broaderpause, intermission, break, interruption, suspensionA time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
Spanishaplazamiento, atraso, demora, dilación, espera, retraso
Catalandemora, espera, retardament
Verbsholdcause to stop
holdstop dealing with
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 5, state
MeaningA state of being confined (usually for a short time).
Example "the prisoner is on hold"
Synonymsdetention, detainment, custody
BroaderconfinementThe state of being confined
Verbsholdhold back
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 6, artifact
MeaningA stronghold.
Broaderstronghold, fastnessA strongly fortified defensive structure
Usage ofarchaism, archaicismThe use of an archaic expression
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 7, artifact
MeaningA cell in a jail or prison.
Broadercell, jail cell, prison cellA room where a prisoner is kept
Verbsholdhold back
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 8, artifact
MeaningThe appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it.
Synonymshandle, grip, handgrip
Part ofaspergill, aspersoriumA short-handled device with a globe containing a sponge
baggage, luggagecases used to carry belongings when traveling
baseball bat, lumberAn implement used in baseball by the batter
briefcaseA case with a handle
brushAn implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
carpet beater, rug beaterimplement for beating dust out of carpets
carrycotbox-shaped baby bed with handles (for a baby to sleep in while being carried)
cheese cutterA kitchen utensil (board or handle) with a wire for cutting cheese
coffee cupA cup from which coffee is drunk
coffeepottall pot in which coffee is brewed
cricket bat, batThe club used in playing cricket
cutlery, eating utensiltableware implements for cutting and eating food
edge toolAny cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane / plane or gouge)
faucet, spigotA regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid / liquid from a reservoir
frying pan, frypan, skilletA pan used for frying foods
hand toolA tool used with workers' hands
handbarrowA rectangular frame with handles at both ends
handcart, pushcart, cart, go-cartwheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person
handlebarThe shaped bar used to steer a bicycle
handset, French telephonetelephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a single handle
ladleA spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle
mugWith handle and usually cylindrical
racket, racquetA sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games / games
saucepanA deep pan with a handle
spatulaA turner with a narrow flexible blade
teacupA cup from which tea is drunk
umbrellaA lightweight handheld collapsible canopy
watering can, watering potA container with a handle and a spout with a perforated nozzle
Partsshank, stemcylinder forming a long narrow part of something
Narrowerax handle, axe handleThe handle of an ax
broomstick, broom handleThe handle of a broom
cropThe stock or handle of a whip
haft, helveThe handle of a weapon or tool
hiltThe handle of a sword or dagger
hoe handleThe handle of a hoe
knobA round handle
mop handleThe handle of a mop
panhandleThe handle of a pan
pommel, saddlebowhandgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle
pommelA handgrip that a gymnast uses when performing exercises on a pommel horse
rake handleThe handle of a rake
stockThe handle end of some implements or tools
stock, gunstockThe handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun
BroaderappendageA part that is joined to something larger
Spanishagarradera, asa, asidero, asimiento, cogedero, empuñadura, manejar, mango, manija, manilla, tirador, tomadero
Catalanaferrador, aferrall, agafador, agafall, ansa, mànec, maneta, nansa, tirador
Englishhold: 45 senses noun 9, artifact
MeaningThe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo.
Synonymscargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, storage area
Part ofshipA vessel that carries passengers or freight
BroaderenclosureA structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed / enclosed for some purpose
Spanishbodega de carga, bodega, compartimento de carga
Verbsholdcontain or hold
holdbe capable of holding or containing
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 1, stative
MeaningKeep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean".
PatternSomething ----s something Adjective/Noun; Somebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
Example"hold in place"
Synonymskeep, maintain
NarrowerconserveKeep constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary change
continue, uphold, carry on, bear on, preserveKeep or maintain in unaltered condition
distanceKeep at a distance / distance
hold overKeep in a position or state from an earlier period of time
housekeepMaintain a household
preserveKeep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing / fishing
pressurize, pressuriseMaintain a certain pressure
See alsohold backhold back, as of a danger or an enemy
hold outstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
hold outcontinue to live through hardship or adversity
hold overkeep in a position or state from an earlier period of time
hold upcause to be slowed ... / slowed down or delayed
Spanishconservar, mantener, sostener
Catalanconservar, mantenir
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 2, contact
MeaningHave or hold in one's hands or grip.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
ModelThey want to hold the prisoners
  • "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"
  • "A crazy idea took hold of him"
Synonymtake hold
Entailed bybrandish, flourish, waveMove or swing back and forth
Narrowerclinchhold a boxing opponent with one or both arms so as to prevent punches
cling to, hold close, hold tight, clutchhold firmly, usually with one's hands
cradlehold gently and carefully
cradlehold or place in or as if in a cradle
grasp, hold onhold firmly
lock, interlock, interlacehold in a locking position
traphold or catch / catch as if in a trap
Oppositelet go of, let go, release, relinquishRelease, as from one's grip
Spanishagarrar, aguantar, ostentar, sostener, sujetar, sustentar, tener, tomar
Catalanaguantar, ostentar, sostenir, subjectar, sustentar
Participlehand-held, handheldsmall and light enough to be operated while you hold it in your hands
Nounsholdthe act of grasping
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 3, creation
Meaningorganize or be responsible for.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"hold a reception"
Synonymsthrow, have, make, give
BroaderdirectBe in charge of
Spanishdar, dispensar, entregar, hacer, propinar
Catalandispensar, donar, entregar, propinar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 4, possession
MeaningHave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
Synonymshave, have got
Caused bygivetransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
Narrowerbear, holdHave rightfully
carryHave or possess something abstract
keep, hold onRetain possession of
keeplook after
keep, maintainMaintain for use and service
keepHave as a supply
monopolize, monopoliseHave or exploit a monopoly of
stock, carry, stockpileHave on hand
sustain, keep, maintainSupply with necessities and support
wield, exert, maintainHave and exercise
Similar tohave, featureHave as a feature
Spanishdetentar, ostentar, poseer, sustentar, tener
Catalanostentar, posseïr, sustentar, tenir
Nounsholdingsomething owned
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 5, cognition
MeaningKeep in mind or convey as a conviction or view.
PatternSomething ----s something Adjective/Noun; Somebody ----s somebody something; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
  • "hold these truths to be self-evident"
  • "I hold him personally responsible"
Synonymsdeem, view as, take for
Broadersee, consider, reckon, view, regarddeem to be
Similar toholdassert or affirm
Spanishconsiderar, estimar, juzgar, mirar, observar, reputar
Catalanconsiderar, estimar, judicar, jutjar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 6, emotion
MeaningMaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings).
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsharbor, harbour, entertain, nurse
Broaderfeel, experienceUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Spanishabrigar, albergar, mantener
Catalanabrigar, considerar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 7, contact
Meaninghold back.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Synonymsrestrain, confine, constrain
NarrowerenchainRestrain or bind with chains
fetter, shackleRestrain with fetters
groundConfine or restrict to the ground
impound, poundplace or shut up in a pound
pen up, foldConfine in a fold, like sheep
pinion, shackleBind the arms of
pound, pound upshut up or confine in any enclosure or within any bounds or limits
tie down, tie up, bind, trussSecure with or as if with ropes
Broaderdisable, disenable, incapacitatemake unable to perform a certain action
Spanishaguantar, constreñir, contener, sujetar
Catalanaguantar, sostenir-se, sostenir, subjectar
Nounsholda cell in a jail or prison
holda state of being confined (usually for a short time)
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 8, possession
MeaningSecure and keep for possible future use or application.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey hold the money
Synonymsretain, keep back, hold back
Narrowerhold downKeep
Broaderkeep, hold onRetain possession of
Spanishdetentar, retener
Nounsholdingthe act of retaining something
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 9, possession
MeaningHave rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderhave, have got, holdHave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
Nounsholderthe person who is in possession of a check or note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him or to whoever holds it
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 10, contact
MeaningBe the physical support of; carry the weight of.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
  • "The beam holds up the roof"
  • "What's holding that mirror?"
Synonymssupport, sustain, hold up
Narrowerblocksupport, secure, or raise with a block
bracesupport by bracing
bracketsupport with brackets
buoy, buoy upKeep afloat
carrybear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of
chocksupport on chocks
polesupport on poles
prop up, prop, shore up, shoresupport by placing against something solid or rigid
scaffoldProvide with a scaffold for support
trusssupport structurally
underpinsupport from beneath
Spanishapoyar, soportar, sostener
Catalanaguantar, sostenir
Nounsholdera holding device
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 11, stative
MeaningContain or hold; have within.
PatternSomething ----s something
ModelThey hold the animals
Example "The canteen holds fresh water"
Synonymsbear, carry, contain
Narrowerenclose, hold in, confineClose in
retainHold back within
BroaderincludeHave as a part, be made up out of
Similar tocontain, take, holdBe capable of holding or containing
Spanishcontener, encerrar, llevar, portar, poseer, soportar, sostener
Catalancontenir, dur, portar, posseir, prendre, sostenir, suportar
Nounsholdthe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 12, stative
MeaningHave room for; hold without crowding.
PatternSomething ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people"
Synonymsaccommodate, admit
NarrowerhouseContain or cover
seatBe able to seat / seat
sleepBe able to accommodate for sleeping
Similar tocontain, take, holdBe capable of holding or containing
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 13, stative
MeaningRemain in a certain state, position, or condition.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Broadercontinue, go on, proceed, go along, keepContinue a certain state, condition, or activity
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 14, contact
Meaningsupport or hold in a certain manner.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"She holds her head high"
Synonymscarry, bear
Narrowerbehave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport, carryBehave in a certain manner
piggybacksupport on the back and shoulders
poise, balancehold or carry in equilibrium
slingHold or carry in a sling
stoopcarry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward
Spanishllevar, portar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 15, stative
MeaningBe valid, applicable, or true.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"This theory still holds"
Synonymsprevail, obtain
Broaderexist, beHave an existence, be extant
Spanishimperar, obtener, perdurar, prevalecer, prevaler, primar
Catalanimperar, perdurar, prevaler, primar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 16, cognition
Meaningassert or affirm.
PatternSomebody ----s that CLAUSE
ModelThey hold that there was a traffic accident
Example"Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good"
Broaderaffirm, verify, assert, avow, aver, swan, swearTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Similar todeem, hold, view as, take forKeep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 17, stative
MeaningHave as a major characteristic / characteristic.
PatternSomething ----s something
  • "The novel holds many surprises"
  • "The book holds in store much valuable advise"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 18, stative
MeaningBe capable of holding or containing.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example "The flask holds one gallon"
Synonymscontain, take
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Similar toaccommodate, hold, admitHave room for
hold, bear, carry, containContain or hold
Nounsholdthe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 19, social
MeaningArrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example "please hold a table at Maxim's"
Synonymsreserve, book
Entailsprocure, secureGet by special effort
Narrowerkeep open, hold open, keep, saveRetain rights to
Broaderrequest, ask for, bespeak, call for, questExpress the need or desire for
Similar toreserveObtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance
Spanishpedir, reservar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 20, competition
Meaningprotect against a challenge or attack / attack / attack.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "Hold that position behind the trees!"
  • "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
Synonymsdefend, guard
Broaderprotectshield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage / damage
Similar toholdtake and maintain control over, often by violent means
Spanishcustodiar, defender
Catalancustodiar, defensar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 21, communication
MeaningBind by an obligation / obligation; cause to be indebted.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
Example "I'll hold you by your promise"
Synonymsoblige, bind, obligate
NarrowerarticleBind by a contract
indenture, indentBind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant
pledgeBind or secure by a pledge
tie downrestrain from independence by an obligation / obligation
BroaderrelateHave or establish a relationship to
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 22, cognition
Meaninghold the attention of.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example "She can hold an audience spellbound"
Broadercapture, enamour, trance, catch, becharm, enamor, captivate, beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchantattract
Nounsholdpower by which something or someone is affected or dominated
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 23, cognition
MeaningRemain committed to.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
Example"I hold to these ideas"
Broaderthink, believe, consider, conceivejudge or regard
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 24, stative
Meaningresist or confront with resistance / resistance.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymsdefy, withstand, hold up
Narrowerweather, endure, brave, brave outface and withstand with courage
Broaderresist, hold out, withstand, stand firmstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
Spanishaguantar, desafiar, resistir, soportar, sostenerse
Catalanresistir, suportar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 25, stative
MeaningBe pertinent or relevant or applicable.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
Example "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"
Synonymsapply, go for
Caused byuse, utilize, utilise, apply, employput into service
Broaderrefer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on, have to do withBe relevant to
Similar tolend oneself, applyBe applicable to
Catalanaplicar-se, ser aplicable
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 26, stative
Meaningstop dealing with.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting"
Broaderpostpone, prorogue, hold over, put over, table, shelve, set back, defer, remit, put offhold back to a later time
Nounsholdtime during which some action is awaited
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 27, social
Meaninglessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
  • "hold your tongue"
  • "hold your temper"
Synonymscontrol, hold in, contain, check, curb, moderate
Narrowerbatemoderate or restrain
catchcheck oneself during an action
countercheck, counteractOppose or check by a counteraction
damprestrain or discourage
deny, abnegatedeny oneself (something)
mortify, subdue, crucifyhold within limits and control
suppress, stamp down, subdue, conquerTo put down by force or authority
thermostatControl the temperature with a thermostat
trainCause to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it
Broaderrestrain, keep, keep back, hold backKeep under control
Spanishcomprobar, contener, controlar, limitar, moderar, ostentar, sustentar
Catalancontenir, controlar, limitar, moderar, ostentar, sustentar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 28, social
MeaningKeep from departing.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
  • "Hold the taxi"
  • "Hold the horse"
Broaderprevent, keepStop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
Spanishaguantar, contener, retener
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 29, social
Meaningtake and maintain control over, often by violent means.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody
Broadercontrol, commandExercise authoritative control or power over
Similar todefend, guard, holdprotect against a challenge or attack / attack / attack
Participleheldoccupied or in the control of
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 30, motion
MeaningCause to stop.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
ModelThey hold the animals
Synonymshalt, arrest
BroaderstopCause to stop
Spanishestancar, parar
Nounsholdtime during which some action is awaited
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 31, contact
Meaningcover as for protection against noise or smell.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example "hold one's nose"
BroadercoverProvide with a covering or cause to be covered
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 32, consumption
Meaningdrink alcohol without showing ill effects.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"He can hold his liquor"
Broaderhit the bottle, drink, booze, fuddleconsume alcohol
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 33, competition
Meaningaim, point, or direct.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody PP
Example"Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames"
Broaderaim, take, train, take aim, directPoint or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 34, communication
Meaningdeclare to be.
PatternSomething ----s something Adjective/Noun; Somebody ----s somebody something
Synonymsdeclare, adjudge
Narroweradmit, acknowledgedeclare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
bastardize, bastardisedeclare a child to be illegitimate
beatifydeclare (a dead person) to be blessed
calldeclare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
cancel, strike downdeclare null and void
canonize, canonise, saintdeclare (a dead person) to be a saint
certifydeclare legally insane
formalize, formalisemake formal or official
pronounce, label, judgepronounce judgment on
superannuatedeclare to be obsolete
Broaderevaluate, pass judgment, judgeform a critical opinion of
Spanishadjudicar, declarar, estimar, juzgar, revelar
Catalandeclarar, estimar, judicar, jutjar, revelar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 35, communication
MeaningBe in accord / accord; be in agreement.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s on something; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE; Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
Example "I hold with those who say life is sacred"
Synonymsagree, concur, concord
Entailed bycompromiseSettle by concession
Narrowerarrange, fix upmake arrangements for
concede, yield, grantBe willing to concede
conclude, resolvereach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
reconcile, patch up, make up, conciliate, settleCome to terms
see eye to eyeBe in agreement
settleend a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement
subscribe, supportAdopt as a belief
Oppositedisagree, differ, dissent, take issueBe of different opinions
Similar toagreeachieve harmony / harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose
Spanishacordar, aprobar, asentir, coincidir, concordar, convenir, estar de acuerdo, pactar
Catalanacordar, coincidir, convenir, estar d'acord, pactar
Englishhold: 45 senses verb 36, body
MeaningKeep from exhaling or expelling.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"hold your breath"
Broaderrestrain, keep, keep back, hold backKeep under control
Spanishcontener, retener

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