HyperDic: round

English > 25 senses of the word round:
ADJECTIVEallround, circularhaving a circular shape
allround, orotund, rotund, pear-shaped(of sounds) full and rich
allround(mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand
NOUNartifactround, unit of ammunition, one shota charge of ammunition for a single shot
timeround, cycle, rhythman interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs
locationround, beata regular route for a sentry or policeman
actround(often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order)
actround, round of golfthe activity of playing 18 holes of golf
actround, daily roundthe usual / usual activities in your day
timeround, turn, bout(sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
objectroundthe course along which communications spread
foodround, round of drinksa serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic)
foodrounda cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg
communicationround, trolla partsong in which voices follow each other
communicationroundan outburst of applause
artifactround, rung, stavea crosspiece between the legs of a chair
artifactround, circleany circular or rotating mechanism
ADVERBallround, aroundfrom beginning to end
VERBmotionroundwind around
changeround, round out, round offmake round
communicationround, labialize, labialisepronounce with rounded lips
communicationround, attack, assail, lash out, snipe, assaultattack in speech or writing
changeround, polish, round off, polish up, brush upbring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state
changeround, round off, round down, round outexpress as a round number
bodyround, flesh out, fill outbecome round, plump, or shapely
round > pronunciation
Rhymesabound ... wound: 56 rhymes with awnd...
English > round: 25 senses > adjective 1
MeaningHaving a circular shape.
Narrowerapple-shapedHaving the general shape of an apple
ball-shaped, global, globose, globular, orbicular, spheric, sphericalHaving the shape of a sphere or ball
barrel-shapedHaving the general shape of a barrel
bulblike, bulbous, bulb-shapedshaped like a bulb
capitateabruptly enlarged and globose at the tip
cumuliformshaped like a cumulus cloud
discoid, discoidal, disklike, disclike, disk-shaped, disc-shapedHaving a flat circular shape
goblet-shapedresembling the shape of a goblet
moonlike, moon-roundresembling the moon in shape
nutlikeresembling a nut in shape and size
pancake-likeresembling a pancake in shape
pear-shapedHaving a round shape tapered at one end
pinwheel-shapedHaving the round shape of a pinwheel
ringlikeHaving the shape of a ring
roundishSomewhat round in appearance or form
wheel-likeround like a wheel
See alsoroundedcurving and somewhat round in shape rather than jagged
OppositesquareHaving four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle
Spanishcircular, redondo
Catalancircular, rodó
Nounsroundnessthe property possessed by a line or surface that is curved and not angular
Adverbsroundlyin a round manner
English > round: 25 senses > adjective 2
Meaning(of sounds) full and rich.
Synonymsorotund, rotund, pear-shaped
Broaderfull(of sound) having marked deepness and body
Spanishredondo, rotundo, sonoro
Nounsroundnessthe fullness of a tone of voice
English > round: 25 senses > adjective 3
Meaning(mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand.
Example"in round numbers"
Categorymathematics, math, mathsA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Broaderinexactnot exact
Nounsroundnessthe quality of being round numbers
English > round: 25 senses > noun 1, artifact
MeaningA charge of ammunition for a single shot.
Synonymsunit of ammunition, one shot
Broaderammunition, ammoProjectiles to be fired from a gun
English > round: 25 senses > noun 2, time
MeaningAn interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs.
Synonymscycle, rhythm
Partsphase, phase angleA particular point in the time of a cycle
Broadertime interval, intervalA definite length of time marked off by two instants
English > round: 25 senses > noun 3, location
MeaningA regular route for a sentry or policeman.
Broaderpath, route, itineraryAn established line of travel or access
English > round: 25 senses > noun 4, act
Meaning(often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order).
  • "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"
  • "the postman's rounds"
  • "we enjoyed our round of the local bars"
BroadercallA visit in an official or professional capacity
Usage ofplural, plural formThe form of a word that is used to denote more than one
English > round: 25 senses > noun 5, act
MeaningThe activity of playing 18 holes of golf.
Example"a round of golf takes about 4 hours"
Synonymround of golf
Broadergolf, golf gameA game / game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes
English > round: 25 senses > noun 6, act
MeaningThe usual / usual activities in your day.
Example"the doctor made his rounds"
Synonymdaily round
Broaderhabitudehabitual mode of behavior
English > round: 25 senses > noun 7, time
Meaning(sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive.
Synonymsturn, bout
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
Part ofplaying period, period of play, play(in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds
Narrowerbottom, bottom of the inningThe second half of an inning
top, top of the inningThe first half of an inning
Broaderpart, section, divisionOne of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
English > round: 25 senses > noun 8, object
MeaningThe course along which communications spread.
Example"the story is going the rounds in Washington"
Broaderpath, track, courseA line or route along which something travels or moves
English > round: 25 senses > noun 9, food
MeaningA serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic).
Example"he ordered a second round"
Synonymround of drinks
Broaderhelping, portion, servingAn individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal
English > round: 25 senses > noun 10, food
MeaningA cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg.
Partsround steakA lean cut of beef from between the rump and the shank
Broadercut of beefcut of meat from beef cattle
English > round: 25 senses > noun 11, communication
MeaningA partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time.
Example"they enjoyed singing rounds"
BroaderpartsongA song with two or more voice parts
English > round: 25 senses > noun 12, communication
MeaningAn outburst of applause.
Example"there was a round of applause"
Broaderapplause, hand clapping, clappingA demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together
English > round: 25 senses > noun 13, artifact
MeaningA crosspiece between the legs of a chair.
Synonymsrung, stave
Part offolding chairA chair that can be folded flat for storage
highchair, feeding chairA chair for feeding a very young child
rocking chair, rockerA chair mounted on rockers
straight chair, side chairA straight-backed chair without arms
BroadercrosspieceA transverse brace
English > round: 25 senses > noun 14, artifact
MeaningAny circular or rotating mechanism.
Narrowerdisk, discA flat circular plate
Broaderrotating mechanismA mechanism that rotates
Spanisharo, círculo, redondela, rueda
Catalancercle, rodona
Verbsroundwind around
English > round: 25 senses > adverb 1
MeaningFrom beginning to end; throughout.
  • "It rains all year round on Skye"
  • "frigid weather the year around"
English > round: 25 senses > verb 1, motion
Meaningwind around; move along a circular course.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"round the bend"
Broadertravel, go, move, locomotechange location
Spanishdar la vuelta
Nounsroundany circular or rotating mechanism
English > round: 25 senses > verb 2, change
Meaningmake round.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"round the edges"
Synonymsround out, round off
Narrowerpursecontract one's lips into a rounded shape
Broadershape, formGive shape or form to
Spanishcontornar, enroscar, redondear
Catalanarrodonir, cargolar, cerclar, encerclar, enroscar
Nounsroundera tool for rounding corners or edges
English > round: 25 senses > verb 3, communication
Meaningpronounce with rounded lips.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymslabialize, labialise
Broaderpronounce, articulate, enounce, sound out, enunciate, sayspeak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
Spanishlabializar, redondear
English > round: 25 senses > verb 4, communication
Meaningattack in speech or writing.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
Synonymsattack, assail, lash out, snipe, assault
Narrowerabuse, clapperclaw, blackguard, shoutUse foul or abusive language towards
blister, scald, whipsubject to harsh criticism
bombard, barrageAddress with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage
clawattack as if with claws
ripcriticize or abuse strongly and violently
rubbishattack strongly
vitriolsubject to bitter verbal abuse
whangattack forcefully
Broaderknock, criticize, criticise, pick apartfind fault with
Spanishagredir, atacar
Catalanagredir, atacar
English > round: 25 senses > verb 5, change
MeaningBring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymspolish, round off, polish up, brush up
Broaderperfect, honemake perfect or complete
Spanisharreglar, completar, pulir, redondear
Catalanafinar, arrodonir, completar, polir
English > round: 25 senses > verb 6, change
MeaningExpress as a round number.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"round off the amount"
Synonymsround off, round down, round out
Broaderchange, alter, modifyCause to change
Spanishacabar, redondear
English > round: 25 senses > verb 7, body
MeaningBecome round, plump, or shapely.
PatternSomebody ----s
Synonymsflesh out, fill out
Broadergain, put onincrease (one's body weight)
Catalanarrodonir, embotir, engreixar, farcir, omplir

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