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English 16 senses of the word plate:
NOUNartifactplate, home plate, home base, home(baseball) base consisting of a rubber / rubber slab where the batter stands
artifactplatea sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic
artifactplatea full-page illustration (usually on slick paper)
artifactplatedish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
quantityplate, platefulthe quantity contained in a plate
objectplate, crustal platea rigid layer of the Earth's crust that is believed to drift slowly
foodplatethe thin under portion of the forequarter
foodplatea main course served on a plate
bodyplateany flat platelike body ... / body structure or part
artifactplatethe positively charged electrode in a vacuum tube
artifactplate, photographic platea flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded
artifactplatestructural member consisting of a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage
artifactplate, collection platea shallow receptacle for collection in church
artifactplate, scale, shella metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
artifactplate, denture, dental platea dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth
VERBcontactplatecoat with a layer of metal
plate pronunciation
Rhymesabate ... welterweight: 559 rhymes with eyt...
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 1, artifact
Meaning(baseball) base consisting of a rubber / rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score.
Synonymshome plate, home base, home
Categorybaseball, baseball game, ballA ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players
Broaderbase, bagA place that the runner must touch before scoring
Spanishbase meta
Catalanbase de meta
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 2, artifact
MeaningA sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic.
NarrowerL-plateA square plate bearing the letter L that is attached to both ends of a car to indicate that the driver is a learner
baffle, baffle boardA flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
cylinder headA detachable plate that covers the closed end of a cylinder chamber in a reciprocating engine or pump
damperA movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace
disk, discA flat circular plate
engravingA block or plate or other hard surface that has been engraved
escutcheon(nautical) a plate on a ship's stern on which the name is inscribed
fin keelA metal plate projecting from the keel of a shallow vessel to give it greater lateral stability
fishplatemetal plate bolted along sides of two rails or beams
grid, storage-battery gridA perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material
gusset, gusset plateA metal plate used to strengthen a joist
lamellaThin plate
license plate, numberplateA plate mounted on the front and back of car and bearing the car's registration number
nameplateA plate bearing a name
plate ironA plate of iron
platenThe flat plate of a printing press that presses the paper against the type
pleximeter, plessimeterA small thin metal plate held against the body and struck with a plexor in percussive examinations
tapA small metal plate that attaches to the toe or heel of a shoe (as in tap dancing)
Broadersheet, flat solidA flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
Spanishchapa, placa, plancha
Catalanplaca, planxa, xapa
Verbsplatecoat with a layer of metal
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 3, artifact
MeaningA full-page illustration (usually on slick paper).
Narrowerfashion plateA plate illustrating the latest fashion in dress
BroaderillustrationA visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject / subject / subject more pleasing or easier to understand
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 4, artifact
Meaningdish on which food is served or from which food is eaten.
Narrowerdessert plateA small plate on which dessert can be served
dinner plateA plate from which a diner eats during the main course of a meal
paper plateA disposable plate made of cardboard
salad plate, salad bowlA plate or bowl for individual servings of salad
soup plateA deep plate with a wide rim
steel plateA plate of steel
Broaderflatwaretableware that is relatively flat and fashioned as a single piece
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 5, quantity
MeaningThe quantity contained in a plate.
BroadercontainerfulThe quantity that a container will hold
Spanishfuente, plato
Catalanplata, plàtera, plat
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 6, object
MeaningA rigid layer of the Earth's crust that is believed to drift slowly.
Synonymcrustal plate
Broadercrust, Earth's crustThe outer layer of the Earth
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 7, food
MeaningThe thin under portion of the forequarter.
Broadercut of beefcut of meat from beef cattle
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 8, food
MeaningA main course served on a plate.
  • "a vegetable plate"
  • "the blue plate special"
Broaderentree, main courseThe principal dish of a meal
Spanishfuente, plato
Catalanplata, plàtera, plat
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 9, body
MeaningAny flat platelike body ... / body structure or part.
Narrowercombciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophore
frill(paleontology) a bony plate that curves upward behind the skull of many ceratopsian dinosaurs
laminaA thin plate or layer (especially of bone or mineral)
operculumA hard flap serving as a cover for (a) the gill slits in fishes or (b) the opening of the shell in certain gastropods when the body is retracted
Broaderstructure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structureA particular complex anatomical part of a living thing
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 10, artifact
MeaningThe positively charged electrode in a vacuum tube.
Part oftube, vacuum tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic tube, electron tube, thermionic valveelectronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
BroaderanodeA positively charged electrode by which electrons leave an electrical device
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 11, artifact
MeaningA flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded.
Synonymphotographic plate
Narrowerquarter plateA photographic plate measuring 3.25 inches by 4.25 inches
Broadersheet, flat solidA flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
Spanishplato fotográfico
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 12, artifact
Meaningstructural member consisting of a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage.
Part ofstructure, constructionA thing constructed
Narrowerwall plateplate (a timber along the top of a wall) to support the ends of joists, etc., and distribute the load
Broaderstructural membersupport that is a constituent part of any structure or building
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 13, artifact
MeaningA shallow receptacle for collection in church.
Synonymcollection plate
BroaderreceptacleA container that is used to put or keep things in
Catalanplatet, plat
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 14, artifact
MeaningA metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners).
Synonymsscale, shell
Narrowerarmor plate, armour plate, armor plating, plate armor, plate armourspecially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire
horseshoe, shoeU-shaped plate nailed to underside of horse's hoof
shell platingThe plates covering the frame of a steel ship and corresponding to the planking of a wooden ship
BroadershieldA protective covering or structure
Englishplate: 16 senses noun 15, artifact
MeaningA dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth.
Synonymsdenture, dental plate
Narrowerbridge, bridgeworkA denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth
false teethA removable denture
partial dentureA denture replacing one or more teeth in a dental arch
Broaderdental applianceA device to repair teeth or replace missing teeth
Spanishdentadura, dentadura postiza, placa dental, placa
Catalandentadura, dentadura postissa, placa dental
Englishplate: 16 senses verb 1, contact
Meaningcoat with a layer of metal.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"plate spoons with silver"
Narrowerchrome, chromium-plateplate with chromium
electroplatecoat with metal by electrolysis
goldplate, gold-plate, gold plateplate with gold
nickelplate with nickel
silvercoat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam
silverplate, silver-plateplate with silver
tinPrepare (a metal) for soldering or brazing by applying a thin layer of solder to the surface
tinplate with tin
Broadercoat, surfacePut a coat on
Catalanplat, xapar
Nounsplatea sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic
platera skilled worker who coats / coats articles with a film of metal (usually silver or gold)
platingthe application of a thin coat of metal / metal (as by electrolysis)
platinga thin coating / coating of metal deposited on a surface

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