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English 12 senses of the word picture:
NOUNartifactpicture, image, icon, ikona visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface
artifactpicture, paintinggraphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface
cognitionpicture, mental picture, impressiona clear and telling mental image
statepicture, scenea situation treated as an observable object
communicationpicture, pictorial matterillustrations used to decorate or explain a text
communicationpicture, movie, film, moving picture, moving-picture show, motion picture, motion-picture show, picture show, pic, flicka form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement
communicationpicture, videothe visible part of a television transmission
communicationpicture, word picture, word-painting, delineation, depiction, characterization, characterisationa graphic or vivid verbal description
cognitionpicturea typical example of some state or quality
artifactpicture, photograph, photo, exposure, pica representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide
VERBcreationpicture, visualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, see, figure, imageimagine
creationpicture, depict, render, showshow in, or as in, a picture / picture
picture pronunciation
Rhymesacupuncture ... welcher: 102 rhymes with cher...
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 1, artifact
MeaningA visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface.
Example"they showed us the pictures of their wedding"
Synonymsimage, icon, ikon
Narrowerbitmap, electronic imageAn image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
chiaroscuroA monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color
collage, montageA paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image
foil, transparencypicture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base
graphic, computer graphicAn image that is generated by a computer
iconographyThe images / images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject / subject
insetA small picture inserted within the bounds or a larger one
likeness, semblancepicture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing
panorama, cyclorama, dioramaA picture / picture (or series of pictures / pictures) representing a continuous scene
reflection, reflexionThe image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material)
scan, CAT scanAn image produced by scanning
sonogram, echogramAn image of a structure that is produced by ultrasonography (reflections of high-frequency sound waves)
BroaderrepresentationA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Spanishfotografía, foto, ilustración, imagen, retrato
Catalanfotografia, foto, imatge
Adjectivespicturalpertaining to or consisting of pictures / pictures
Verbspicture, depictshow in, or as in, a picture / picture
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 2, artifact
Meaninggraphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface.
Example "his pictures hang in the Louvre"
NarrowerabstractionAn abstract painting
cityscapepainting depicting a city or urban area
daubAn unskillful painting
distemperA painting created with paint that is made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder
finger-paintingA painting produced by spreading paint with the fingers
icon, ikonA conventional religious painting in oil on a small wooden panel
landscapepainting depicting an expanse of natural scenery
miniature, illuminationpainting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)
monochromepainting done in a range of tones of a single color
mural, wall paintingA painting that is applied to a wall surface
nude, nude paintingA painting of a naked human figure
oil paintingA picture painted with oil paints
pentimentoThe reappearance in a painting of an underlying image that had been painted over (usually when the later painting becomes transparent with age / age)
sand paintingA painting done by Amerindians (especially Navaho)
seascape, waterscapeA painting of the sea (as distinguished from a landscape)
semi-abstractionA semiabstract painting
still lifeA painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers
tankaA Tibetan religious painting on fabric
trompe l'oeilA painting rendered in such great detail as to deceive the viewer concerning its reality
watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colourA painting produced with watercolors / watercolors
Broadergraphic artThe arts of drawing or painting or printmaking
Spanishcuadro, imagen, lienzo, pintado, pintura
Catalanpintura, quadre, tela
Adjectivespicturalpertaining to or consisting of pictures / pictures
Verbsdepictmake a portrait of
pictureshow in, or as in, a picture / picture
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 3, cognition
MeaningA clear and telling mental image.
  • "he described his mental picture of his assailant"
  • "he had no clear picture of himself or his world"
Synonymsmental picture, impression
Broaderimage, mental imageAn iconic mental representation
Spanishimagen mental, imagen, impresión
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 4, state
MeaningA situation treated as an observable object.
Example"the political picture is favorable"
Broadersituation, state of affairsThe general state of things
Spanishcuadro, escena
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 5, communication
Meaningillustrations used to decorate or explain a text.
Example"the dictionary had many pictures"
Synonympictorial matter
Broaderillustrationartwork that helps make something clear or attractive
Adjectivespictorial, picturalpertaining to or consisting of pictures / pictures
Verbspicture, depictshow in, or as in, a picture / picture
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 6, communication
MeaningA form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement.
Synonymsmovie, film, moving picture, moving-picture show, motion picture, motion-picture show, picture show, pic, flick
Category ofdubProvide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language
film, shoot, takemake a film or photograph of something
reshootshoot again
synchronize, synchronisemake (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action
videotape, taperecord on videotape
PartscreditAn entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work
creditsA list of acknowledgements of those who contributed to the creation of a film (usually run at the end of the film)
scene, shotA consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film
sequence, episodefilm consisting of a succession of related shots that develop a given subject / subject in a movie
subtitle, captiontranslation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program
Narrowercinema veriteA movie that shows ordinary people in actual activities without being controlled by a director
collage filmA movie that juxtaposes different kinds of footage
coming attractionA movie that is advertised to draw customers
documentary, docudrama, documentary film, infotainmentA film or TV program presenting the facts / facts about a person or event
feature, feature filmThe principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater
film noirA movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters
final cutThe final / final edited version of a movie as approved by the director and producer
home movieA film made at home by an amateur photographer
musical, musical comedy, musical theaterA play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing
rough cutThe first print of a movie after preliminary editing
shoot-'em-upA movie featuring shooting and violence
short subjectA brief film
silent movie, silent picture, silentsA movie without a soundtrack
skin flickA pornographic movie
slow motionA movie that apparently takes place at a slower than normal speed
talking picture, talkieA movie with synchronized speech and singing / singing
telefilmA movie that is made to be shown on television
three-D, 3-D, 3DA movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance
Broaderproduct, productionAn artifact that has been created by someone or some process
showA social event involving a public performance or entertainment
Spanishcine, filme, film, película, producción
Catalanfilm, pel·lícula, producció
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 7, communication
MeaningThe visible part of a television transmission.
Example"they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone"
Part oftelevision, telecasting, TV, videobroadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects
Broadervisual communicationcommunication that relies on vision
Spanishimagen, vídeo
Catalanimatge, vídeo
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 8, communication
MeaningA graphic or vivid verbal description.
  • "too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures"
  • "the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland"
Synonymsword picture, word-painting, delineation, depiction, characterization, characterisation
NarrowerepithetDescriptive word or phrase
portrayal, portraiture, portraitA word picture of a person's appearance and character
Broaderdescription, verbal descriptionA statement that represents something in words
Spanishcaracterización, delineación, descripción, descripción verbal, imagen, representación, retrato hablado, retrato
Catalancaracterització, descripció, imatge, representació
Verbsdepictgive a description of
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 9, cognition
MeaningA typical example of some state or quality.
  • "the very picture of a modern general"
  • "she was the picture of despair"
Broadertypification, exemplificationA representational or typifying form or model
Englishpicture: 12 senses noun 10, artifact
MeaningA representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material.
Synonymsphotograph, photo, exposure, pic
NarrowerbeefcakeA photograph of a muscular / muscular man in minimal attire
black and white, monochromeA black-and-white photograph or slide
blueprintphotographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.
cheesecakeA photograph of an attractive woman in minimal attire
closeupA photograph taken at close range
daguerreotypeA photograph made by an early photographic process
enlargement, blowup, magnificationA photographic print that has been enlarged
frameA single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film
glossyA photograph that is printed on smooth shiny paper
headshotA photograph of a person's head
hologram, holographThe intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography
longshotA photograph taken from a distance
microdotphotograph reduced to the size of a dot (usually for purposes of security)
mosaic, arial mosaic, photomosaicArrangement of aerial photographs forming a composite picture
mug shot, mugshotA photograph of someone's face (especially one made for police records)
photocopyA photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work
photographic print, printA printed picture produced from a photographic negative
photomicrographA photograph taken with the help of a microscope
radiogram, radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagraph, skiagramA photographic image produced on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light (especially by X-rays or gamma rays)
scene, shotA consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film
snapshot, snap, shotAn informal photograph
spectrogram, spectrographA photographic record of a spectrum
stereo, stereoscopic picture, stereoscopic photographTwo photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together
stillA static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes)
stock photograph, stock imageAn exisitng photograph licensed for a specific use
telephotograph, telephotoA photograph made with a telephoto lens
telephotographA photograph transmitted and reproduced over a distance
time exposureA photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
vignetteA photograph whose edges shade off gradually
wedding picturephotographs of bride and groom and their friends taken at their wedding
BroaderrepresentationA creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
Spanishexposición, figura, fotografía, foto, imagen, retrato
Catalanexposició, fotografia, foto, imatge
Englishpicture: 12 senses verb 1, creation
Meaningimagine; conceive of; see in one's mind.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE
Synonymsvisualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, see, figure, image
Broaderimagine, conceive of, ideate, envisageform a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case
Similar tounderstand, realize, realise, seeperceive (an idea or situation) mentally
visualize, visualiseform a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract
Spanishfigurarse, imaginarse, imaginar, representarse, ver, visualizar
Catalanfigurar-se, imaginar-se, representar-se, veure
Nounspicturea clear and telling mental image
picturingvisual imagery
Englishpicture: 12 senses verb 2, creation
Meaningshow in, or as in, a picture / picture.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsdepict, render, show
Categoryart, artistic creation, artistic productionThe creation of beautiful or significant things
Narrowerillustratedepict with an illustration
mapdepict as if on a map
Broaderrepresent, interpretcreate an image or likeness of
Spanishmostrar, pintar, retratar
Nounspicturea visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface
picturegraphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface
pictureillustrations used to decorate or explain a text
picturingvisual representation as by photography or painting

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