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English 11 senses of the word large:
ADJECTIVEalllarge, bigabove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
alllargefairly large or important in effect
alllarge, bombastic, declamatory, orotund, tumid, turgidostentatiously lofty in style
alllarge, big, magnanimousgenerous and understanding and tolerant
alllarge, big, prominentconspicuous in position or importance
alllargehaving broad power and range and scope
alllarge, big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, with childin an advanced stage of pregnancy
ADVERBalllargeat a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)
alllargewith the wind abaft the beam
alllarge, boastfully, vauntingly, bigin a boastful manner
NOUNattributelargea garment size for a large person
large pronunciation
Rhymesbarge ... surcharge: 11 rhymes with aarjh...
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 1
MeaningAbove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent.
  • "a large city"
  • "a large sum"
  • "a big (or large) barn"
  • "a large family"
  • "a large number of newspapers"
  • "large areas of the world"
Attribute ofsizeThe physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
Narrowerample, sizable, sizeableFairly large
astronomic, astronomical, galacticinconceivably large
bear-sizedlarge as a bear
bigger, largerlarge or big relative to something else
biggish, largishSomewhat large
blown-up, enlargedAs of a photograph
bouffant, puffyPuffed out
broad, spacious, wideVery large in expanse or scope
bulkyOf large size for its weight
capaciouslarge in capacity
colossal, prodigious, stupendousSo great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
cosmicinconceivably extended in space or time
deeplarge in quantity or size
doublelarge enough for two
elephantine, gargantuan, giant, jumboOf great mass
enormous, tremendousextraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
epic, heroic, larger-than-lifeVery imposing or impressive
extensive, extendedlarge in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity
gigantic, mammothSo exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth
grandlarge and impressive in physical size or extent
greatrelatively large in size or number or extent
huge, immense, vast, Brobdingnagianunusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
hulking, hulkyOf great size and bulk
humongous, banging, thumping, whopping, walloping(used informally) very large
king-size, king-sizedExtra large
large-mouthedHaving a relatively large mouth
large-scaleunusually large in scope
large-scaleConstructed or drawn to a big scale
life-size, lifesize, life-sized, full-sizeOf the same size as an original
macroVery large in scale or scope or capability
macroscopic, macroscopicalLarge enough to be visible with the naked eye
man-sizedVery large
massive, monolithic, monumentalimposing in size or bulk or solidity
massiveimposing in scale or scope or degree or power
medium-largeOf anything that is large but not the largest
monstrousabnormally large
mountainouslike a mountain in size and impressiveness
outsize, outsized, oversize, oversizedlarger than normal for its kind
overlarge, too largeexcessively large
plumpingVery large
queen-size, queen-sized(used especially of beds) not as large as king-size
rangyAllowing ample room for ranging
superExtremely large
titanicOf great force or power
volumedformed or rising in rounded masses
voluminouslarge in volume or bulk
whacking(British informal) enormous
wide-rangingIncluding much
See alsoconsiderablelarge or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree
tallGreat in vertical dimension
Oppositesmall, littleLimited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Spanishgran, grande
Catalangran, llarg
Nounslargea garment size for a large person
largenessthe property of having a relatively great size
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 2
MeaningFairly large or important in effect; influential.
Example"played a large role in the negotiations"
Broadersignificant, importantImportant in effect or meaning / meaning
Nounslargeness, extensivenesslarge / large / large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 3
Meaningostentatiously lofty in style.
Example"a man given to large talk"
Synonymsbombastic, declamatory, orotund, tumid, turgid
BroaderrhetoricalGiven to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought
Spanishbombástico, declamatorio, enfático, hinchado
Catalandeclamatori, emfàtic, inflat
Nounslargenessthe quality of being pretentious / pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false / false appearance of great importance or worth)
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 4
MeaningGenerous and understanding and tolerant.
  • "a large and generous spirit"
  • "a large heart"
Synonymsbig, magnanimous
Broadergenerousnot petty in character and mind
Spanishgrande, magnánimo
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 5
Meaningconspicuous in position or importance.
Example "he's very large in financial circles"
Synonymsbig, prominent
Broaderconspicuousobvious to the eye or mind
Spanishdestacado, gran, grande, importante, prominente
Catalandestacat, gran, important, prominent
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 6
MeaningHaving broad power and range and scope.
  • "taking the large view"
  • "a large effect"
  • "a large sympathy"
BroadercomprehensiveIncluding all or everything
Spanishamplio, extenso
Catalanampli, extens
Nounslargenessthe capacity to understand a broad range of topics
Englishlarge: 11 senses adjective 7
MeaningIn an advanced stage of pregnancy.
Synonymsbig, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, with child
Broaderpregnantcarrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life
Spanishembarazada, encinta, gestante, preñada
Catalanembarassada, gestant, prenyada
Nounslargenessthe property of having a relatively great size
Englishlarge: 11 senses noun 1, attribute
MeaningA garment size for a large person.
BroadersizeThe property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing)
Adjectiveslargeabove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Englishlarge: 11 senses adverb 1
MeaningAt a distance, wide of something (as of a mark).
Englishlarge: 11 senses adverb 2
MeaningWith the wind abaft the beam.
Example"a ship sailing large"
Spanisha toda vela, a todo vapor
Englishlarge: 11 senses adverb 3
MeaningIn a boastful manner.
Synonymsboastfully, vauntingly, big
Spanishgrandemente, valientemente

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