HyperDic: ampli

Català > 7 sentits de la paraula ampli:
ADJECTIUallampli, amplehaving great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other
allampli, espaiósmore than enough in size or scope or capacity
allampli, espaiós, gran(of buildings and rooms) having ample space
allampli, amplehaving ample fabric
allampli, còmode, espaiós, pràcticlarge and roomy ('convenient' is archaic in this sense)
allampli, complet, general, globalbroad in scope or content
allampli, extenshaving broad power and range and scope
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 1
SentitHaving great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other.
Qualitat deamplada, amplària, ample, amplitud, travésThe extent of something from side / side to side / side
EspecíficpanoràmicAs from an altitude or distance
Tambéespès, grosnot thin
Contrariestretnot wide
Anglèswide, broad
Espanyolamplio, ancho
NomsampladaThe property of being wide
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 2
SentitMore than enough in size or scope or capacity.
Específicample, ampliHaving ample fabric
completHaving the normally expected amount
generósMore than adequate
Tambéabundant, abundós, copiósPresent in great quantity
suficientOf a quantity that can fulfill / fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant
Contrariescàs, exigu, raquíticDeficient in amount or quality or extent
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 3
Sentit(of buildings and rooms) having ample space.
Sinònimsespaiós, gran
Generalampli, còmode, espaiós, pràcticlarge and roomy ('convenient' is archaic in this sense)
Anglèsroomy, spacious
Espanyolamplio, espacioso, grande
Nomsamplitud, capacitat, espaiositatspatial largeness and extensiveness (especially inside a building)
espaiAn area reserved for some particular purpose
espaiSpace for movement
AdverbisespaiosamentWith ample room
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 4
SentitHaving ample fabric.
Generalampli, espaiósMore than enough in size or scope or capacity
Anglèswide, wide-cut, full
Espanyolamplio, ancho
Nomsgrandesa, immensitat, vastitudunusual largeness in size or extent or number
voluminositatgreatness of volume
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 5
Sentitlarge and roomy ('convenient' is archaic in this sense).
Sinònimscòmode, espaiós, pràctic
Específicampli, espaiós, gran(of buildings and rooms) having ample space
Contrariestret, incòmodeuncomfortably or inconveniently small
Ús dearcaismeThe use of an archaic expression
Anglèscommodious, convenient
Espanyolamplio, cómodo, espacioso, práctico
Nomsamplitud, capacitat, espaiositatspatial largeness and extensiveness (especially inside a building)
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 6
SentitBroad in scope or content.
Sinònimscomplet, general, global
Anglèsacross-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide
Espanyolamplio, completo, general, global
Nomsgrandesa, immensitat, vastitudunusual largeness in size or extent or number
Adverbisen generalIncluding all
Català > ampli: 7 sentits > adjectiu 7
SentitHaving broad power and range and scope.
Espanyolamplio, extenso

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