HyperDic: broad

English > 9 senses of the word broad:
ADJECTIVEallbroad, widehaving great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other
allbroad, across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, widebroad in scope or content
allbroad, unspecificnot detailed or specific
allbroad, unsubtlelacking subtlety
allbroad, fullbeing at a peak or culminating point
allbroad, spacious, widevery large in expanse or scope
allbroad(of speech) heavily and noticeably regional
allbroad, large-minded, liberal, tolerantshowing or characterized by broad-mindedness
NOUNperson broadslang term for a woman
broad > pronunciation
Rhymesabroad ... thawed: 18 rhymes with aod...
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 1
MeaningHaving great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other.
  • "a river two miles broad"
  • "broad shoulders"
  • "a broad river"
Attribute ofwidth, breadthThe extent of something from side / side to side / side
NarrowerbeamyBroad in the beam
bird's-eye, panoramicAs from an altitude or distance
broad-brimmed(of hats) having a broad brim
deepExtending relatively far inward
fanlikeresembling a fan
sweepingtaking in or moving over (or as if over) a wide area
wide-screen(motion pictures) projected on a screen with much greater width than height
See alsocomprehensiveIncluding all or everything
thicknot thin
Oppositenarrownot wide
Spanishamplio, ancho
Catalanample, ampli
Nounsbroadnessthe property of being wide
Adverbsbroadlyin a wide fashion
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 2
MeaningBroad in scope or content.
Example "an invention with broad applications"
Synonymsacross-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide
BroadercomprehensiveIncluding all or everything
Spanishamplio, completo, general, global
Catalanampli, complet, general, global
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 3
Meaningnot detailed or specific.
  • "a broad rule"
  • "the broad outlines of the plan"
Broadergeneralapplying to all or most members of a category / category or group
Adverbsbroadlywithout regard to specific details or exceptions
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 4
Meaninglacking subtlety; obvious.
Example"gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave"
BroaderclearReadily apparent to the mind
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 5
MeaningAt a peak or culminating point.
Example"broad daylight"
BroaderhighGreater than normal in degree or intensity or amount
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 6
MeaningVery large in expanse or scope.
Example"a broad lawn"
Synonymsspacious, wide
Broaderlarge, bigAbove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Spanishamplio, ancho, espacioso, vasto
Nounsbroadnessthe property of being wide
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 7
Meaning(of speech) heavily and noticeably regional.
Example"a broad southern accent"
Broadernoticeablecapable or worthy of being perceived
English > broad: 9 senses > adjective 8
Meaningshowing or characterized by broad-mindedness.
  • "a broad political stance"
  • "generous and broad sympathies"
Synonymslarge-minded, liberal, tolerant
Broaderbroad-mindedInclined to respect views and beliefs that differ from your own
Spanishliberal, tolerante
Catalanliberal, tolerant
English > broad: 9 senses > noun 1, person
Meaningslang term for a woman.
Example"a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"
Broaderwoman, adult femaleAn adult female person (as opposed to a man)
Spanishgachí, tía

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