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English 17 senses of the expression take in:
VERBstativetake inprovide with shelter
communicationtake in, gull, dupe, slang, befool, cod, fool, put on, put one over, put one acrossfool or hoax
weathertake in, absorbsuck or take up or in
socialtake invisit for entertainment
possessiontake in, collectcall for and obtain payment of
perceptiontake in, watch, view, see, catchsee or watch
contacttake in, receive, inviteexpress willingness to have in one's home / home or environs
contacttake in, gather infold up
cognitiontake in, absorb, assimilate, ingesttake up mentally
possessiontake in, gain, clear, make, earn, realize, realise, pull in, bring inearn on some commercial or business transaction
perceptiontake in, catch, overhearhear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
contacttake in, take upaccept
contacttake in, absorb, suck, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, draw, take uptake in, also metaphorically
consumptiontake in, sop up, suck in, take uptake up as if with a sponge
consumptiontake in, consume, ingest, take, haveserve oneself to, or consume regularly
changetake in, adopttake into one's family
changetake inmake (clothes) smaller
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 1, stative
MeaningProvide with shelter.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderhouse, put up, domiciliateProvide housing for
See alsotakereceive willingly something given or offered
Spanishacoger, asilar, dar albergue, recibir
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 2, communication
Meaningfool or hoax.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody
Synonymsgull, dupe, slang, befool, cod, fool, put on, put one over, put one across
Narrowerpull the leg of, kidtell false / false / false information to for fun
Broaderdeceive, betray, lead astrayCause someone to believe an untruth
Spanishconfundir, defraudar, embabucar, embaír, embaucar, encandilar, engañar, engatusar, enredar, falsear, timar
Catalanenredar, entabanar
Nounstake-inthe act of taking in as by fooling or cheating or swindling someone
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 3, weather
Meaningsuck or take up or in.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Narrowersuck, suck inattract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.
Oppositeemit, give out, give offgive off, send forth, or discharge
Spanishabsorber, absorver, recibir, tomar para sí
Catalanabsorbir, rebre
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 4, social
MeaningVisit for entertainment.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"take in the sights"
Broadervisit, seeGo to see a place, as for entertainment
See alsotakeget into one's hands, take physically
taketake into one's possession
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 5, possession
Meaningcall for and obtain payment of.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something from somebody
NarrowerfarmCollect fees or profits / profits
raiseCollect funds for a specific purpose
BroadertakeTake into one's possession
Spanishacumular, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunir
Catalanacumular, juntar, recopilar, reunir
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 6, perception
MeaningSee or watch.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelSam and Sue take in the movie
Synonymswatch, view, see, catch
Narrowerpreviewwatch (a movie or play) before it is released to the general public
spectateBe a spectator in a sports event
visualize, visualiseview the outline of by means of an X-ray
Broaderwatchlook attentively
Similar toseeperceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight
Spanishcapturar, mirar, ver
Catalancapturar, mirar, veure
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 7, contact
MeaningExpress willingness to have in one's home / home or environs.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
ModelSam cannot take in Sue
Synonymsreceive, invite
Narrowerabsorbassimilate or take in
assumeTake up someone's soul into heaven
inductAdmit as a member
seeReceive as a specified guest
welcomeReceive someone, as into one's house
Spanishacoger, convidar, invitar, recibir, solicitar
Catalanconvidar, rebre
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 8, contact
Meaningfold up.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"take in the sails"
Synonymgather in
Narrowercoaltake in coal
incorporateUnite or merge with something already in existence
Broaderroll up, furlform into a cylinder by rolling
See alsotakeget into one's hands, take physically
Spanishdoblar, guardar, recoger
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 9, cognition
Meaningtake up mentally.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsabsorb, assimilate, ingest
NarrowerimbibeReceive into the mind and retain
Broaderlearn, larn, acquiregain knowledge or skills
Spanishabsorber, asimilar, digerir, empapar
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 10, possession
Meaningearn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey take in the money
Synonymsgain, clear, make, earn, realize, realise, pull in, bring in
Narrowereke out, squeeze outmake by laborious and precarious means
grossearn before taxes, expenses, etc.
profit, turn a profitmake a profit
rake in, shovel inearn large sums of money
rake offTake money from an illegal transaction
take home, bring homeearn as a salary or wage
yield, pay, bearbring in
Broaderget, acquireCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
Similar tomakeact in a certain way so as to acquire
net, sack, sack up, clearmake as a net profit
Spanishadquirir, advertir, clarificar, cobrar, ganar, hacer
Catalanadvertir, clarificar, guanyar
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 11, perception
Meaninghear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody INFINITIVE
Synonymscatch, overhear
Entailslistenhear with intention
Broaderhearperceive (sound) via the auditory sense
Similar tocatch, getperceive by hearing
Spanishentender, escuchar, oír por casualidad, oír sin querer
Catalanaconseguir sentir
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 12, contact
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Synonymtake up
Narrowerfueltake in fuel, as of a ship
Broaderreceive, haveGet something
Spanishabastecer, llenar, recoger
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 13, contact
Meaningtake in, also metaphorically.
PatternSomething ----s something
Synonymsabsorb, suck, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, draw, take up
Narrowerblotdry (ink) with blotting paper
sponge upabsorb as if with a sponge
wipe up, mop up, mopTo wash or wipe with or as if with a mop
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 14, consumption
Meaningtake up as if with a sponge.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymssop up, suck in, take up
Broaderconsume, ingest, take in, take, haveServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Spanishabsorber, chupar, sorber
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 15, consumption
MeaningServe oneself to, or consume regularly.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelThey take in more bread
Synonymsconsume, ingest, take, have
Entailed byboardlodge and take meals (at)
digestconvert food into absorbable substances
quench, slake, allay, assuagesatisfy (thirst)
Narrowercannibalize, cannibaliseEat human flesh
drink, imbibetake in liquids / liquids
eattake in solid food
eatEat a meal
feed, eattake in food
hit the bottle, drink, booze, fuddleconsume alcohol
partake, touchconsume
sample, try, try out, tasteTake a sample of
satiate, sate, replete, fillFill to satisfaction
supTake solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon
take in, sop up, suck in, take uptake up as if with a sponge
use, habituateTake or consume (regularly or habitually)
Oppositeabstain, refrain, desistchoose not to consume
Spanishcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomar
Catalanconsumir, ingerir, prendre
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 16, change
MeaningTake into one's family.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP
BroadertakeTake into one's possession
Spanishadoptar, ahijar
Catalanadoptar, afillar
Englishtake in: 17 senses verb 17, change
Meaningmake (clothes) smaller.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"Please take in this skirt--I've lost weight"
Broaderchange, alter, varyBecome different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics / characteristics or essence
Oppositelet out, widenmake (clothes) larger / larger
Catalanempetitir, enxiquir

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