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Català 20 sentits de la paraula prendre:
VERBstativeprendre, contenir, dur, portar, posseir, sostenir, suportarcontain or hold
possessionprendre, aconseguir, adquirir, obtenircome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
consumptionprendre, beure, prendre'stake in liquids / liquids
consumptionprendre, consumir, ingerirserve oneself to, or consume regularly
possessionprendre, afanar, furtar, rampinyar, robartake without the owner's consent
possessionprendre, apoderar-se, apoderar, captar, capturar, confiscar, conquerir, embargar, incautartake possession of by force, as after an invasion
contactprendre, agafar, arrabassar, capturartake hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of
consumptionprendre, beureconsume alcohol
socialprendre, adoptar, adquirir, assumirtake on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities
contactprendre, agafar, raptar, segrestartake away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom
possessionprendre, apropiar-se, copar, portar-se, treuretake into one's possession
contactprendre, apoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautartake or capture by force
possessionprendre, adoptarchoose and follow
contactprendre, agafarget into one's hands, take physically
possessionprendre, agafar, apoderar, copar, ocuparrequire (time or space)
changeprendre, quallarturn into curds
possessionprendre, agafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, traure, treuretake by force
possessionprendre, agafar, arrabassarget hold of or seize quickly and easily
stativeprendre, agafar, aguantar, dur, portar, suportarbe designed to hold or take
competitionprendre, agafar, furtar, robarsteal a base
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 1, stative
SentitContain or hold; have within.
Sinònimscontenir, dur, portar, posseir, sostenir, suportar
Específicconfinar, envoltar, tancar, voltarClose in
conservar, retenirHold back within
Generalcomprendre, contemplar, contenir, englobar, incloure, integrarHave as a part, be made up out of
Anglèshold, bear, carry, contain
Espanyolcontener, encerrar, llevar, portar, poseer, soportar, sostener
NomsbodegaThe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
capacitat, contingutThe amount that can be contained
contenidor, envàs, recipientAny object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)
portar, ròssecThe act of carrying something
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 2, possession
SentitCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract.
Sinònimsaconseguir, adquirir, obtenir
Específicacceptar, volerReceive willingly something given or offered
aconseguir, adquirir, assolir, comprar, obtenirCome into possession of
aconseguir, trobarGet something or somebody for a specific purpose
adquirir, comprarObtain by purchase
advertir, clarificar, guanyarearn on some commercial or business transaction
afavorir, aprofitar-se, beneficiar-se, beneficiarderive a benefit from
arrendar, llogarEngage for service under a term of contract
aïllarObtain in pure form
capturarCapture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping
cobrar, guanyaracquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
compartir, contribuir a, participar en, prendre part enHave, give, or receive a share of
compraracquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange
entrarTake possession of
guanyar-sewin something through one's efforts
heretarObtain from someone after their death
manllevarGet temporarily
passar a buscar, recopilarGather or collect
rebreGet something
recobrar, recuperarget or find back
recobrar, recuperarclaim back
recuperar, trobarcome upon after searching
recuperarregain or make up for
SimilarobtenirReceive a specified treatment (abstract)
Anglèsget, acquire
Espanyoladquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener, sacar, tomar
Adjectiusacaparador, cobdicióseager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas
adquiriblecapable of being acquired
NomsadquisicióThe act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something
adquisició, assoliment, consecucióThe act of acquiring something
adquisició, aprenentatgeThe cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 3, consumption
Sentittake in liquids / liquids.
Sinònimsbeure, prendre's
Implicat permamarsuck milk from the mother's breasts
Específiclibar, xarrupar, xuclardrink in sips
llepartake up with the tongue
llepar-se, lleparDraw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth
Generalconsumir, ingerir, prendreServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Anglèsdrink, imbibe
Espanyolbeber, tomar
NomsbegudaThe act of consuming liquids / liquids
beguda, potableAny liquid / liquid suitable for drinking
beguda, copaA single serving of a beverage
bevedora, bevedorA person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
deglució, degluticióThe act of swallowing
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 4, consumption
SentitServe oneself to, or consume regularly.
Sinònimsconsumir, ingerir
Implicat peralleujar, apaivagar, calmar, sadollar, suavitzarsatisfy (thirst)
digerirconvert food into absorbable substances
embarcarlodge and take meals (at)
Específicafartar-se, assaciar-se, atipar-se, saciarFill to satisfaction
alimentar, consumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjartake in food
beure, prendre's, prendretake in liquids / liquids
beure, prendreconsume alcohol
consumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjartake in solid food
consumir, cruspir-se, jalar, menjar-se, menjarEat a meal
degustar, gustar, provar, tastarTake a sample of
Contrariabstenir-se, deixar, desistirchoose not to consume
Anglèsconsume, ingest, take in, take, have
Espanyolcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomar
Nomsconsum, ingesta, ingestióThe process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)
consumidorA person who uses goods or services
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 5, possession
SentitTake without the owner's consent.
Sinònimsafanar, furtar, rampinyar, robar
Específicarrambarsell something to or obtain something from by energetic / energetic and especially underhanded activity
atracar, robartake something away by force or without the consent of the owner
desvalisar, robarcommit a burglary
embutxacar, robarTake unlawfully
furtar, pispar, robarMake off with belongings of others
malversarAppropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
nolexsteal in a store
piratejarCopy illegally
plagiarTake without referencing from someone else's writing or speech
robarTake illegally
saquejarTake illegally
Generalagafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, prendre, traure, treureTake by force
Anglèssteal, rip off, rip
Espanyolafanar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, rapiñar, robar, sustraer
Nomsatracament, estafa, furt, lladrocini, robament, robatoriThe act of taking something from someone unlawfully
furtador, lladre, rapinyaire, robadorA criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 6, possession
SentitTake possession of by force, as after an invasion.
Sinònimsapoderar-se, apoderar, captar, capturar, confiscar, conquerir, embargar, incautar
Generalapoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, usurparseize and take control without authority and possibly with force
Anglèsappropriate, capture, seize, conquer
Espanyolapoderarse, apoderar, captar, capturar, confiscar, conquistar, dominar, embargar, incautar, invadir, ocupar, tomar
Nomscomís, confiscació, decomísThe act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
conquesta, subjugacióThe act of conquering / conquering
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 7, contact
Sentittake hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of.
Sinònimsagafar, arrabassar, capturar
Específicinterceptar, intervenirseize / seize on its way
pescarcatch or try to catch fish or shellfish
Generalagafar, agarrar, apoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, colpir, confiscar, embargar, incautartake hold of
Anglèscatch, grab, take hold of
Espanyolagarrar, atrapar, capturar, cazar, coger
NomsagafadaThe act of catching an object with the hands
catcher, receptorThe position on a baseball team of the player who is stationed behind home plate and who catches the balls that the pitcher throws
receptor(baseball) the person who plays the position of catcher
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 8, consumption
Sentitconsume alcohol.
Implicat perbrindar per, proposar un brindis, saludarPropose a toast to
desintoxicar-se, desintoxicarBecome sober after excessive alcohol consumption
Generalconsumir, ingerir, prendreServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Similarbeuredrink excessive amounts of alcohol
Anglèshit the bottle, drink, booze, fuddle
Espanyolbeber, emborracharse, soplar, tomar unas copas, tomar
Nomsaiguardent, alcohol, beguda forta, esperit de vi, licorAn alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
alcohòlic, borratxo, buidaampolles, dipsòman, embriac, pilloc, pitofA person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
beguda, beure, bevèrriaThe act of drinking / drinking alcoholic beverages to excess
bevedora, bevedorA person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 9, social
Sentittake on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities.
Sinònimsadoptar, adquirir, assumir
Anglèsassume, adopt, take on, take over
Espanyoladoptar, adquirir, asumir, tomar
Nomsassumpció, presaThe act of taking possession of or power over something
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 10, contact
Sentittake away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom.
Sinònimsagafar, raptar, segrestar
Categoriacrim, delicte, infracció(criminal law) an act punishable by law
Generalapoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prendreTake or capture by force
Anglèskidnap, nobble, abduct, snatch
Espanyolabducir, coger, pescar, raptar, secuestrar
Nomsrapte, segrest(law) the unlawful / unlawful / unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment
raptor, segrestadorsomeone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 11, possession
SentitTake into one's possession.
Sinònimsapropiar-se, copar, portar-se, treure
Específicacumular, juntar, recopilar, reunircall for and obtain payment of
adoptar, afillarTake into one's family
adquirir, assumirtake on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
agafar, arrabassar, prendreget hold of or seize quickly and easily
apoderar, capturar, comissar, confiscar, decomissar, embargar, incautar, intervenirTake temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
desmuntar, desposseir, despullar-se, despullar, desvestir-se, desvestir, privartake away possessions from someone
embossar, empaquetar, ensacarput in one's pocket
recobrar, recuperarregain possession of something
retirar, suprimirCause to be returned
Tambérecobrar, recuperarregain possession of something
retirar, suprimir, traure, treureRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
Contraridispensar, donar, entregar, propinar, regalartransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
Espanyolapropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitar, tomar
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 12, contact
SentitTake or capture by force.
Sinònimsapoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar
Específicagafar, prendre, raptar, segrestartake away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom
arrabassar, usurparObtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically
expropiar, incautar, piratejar, robarTake arbitrarily or by force
Generalagafar, prendreGet into one's hands, take physically
Espanyolapoderarse, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prender, tomar
Nomscapció, captura, presaThe act of taking of a person by force
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 13, possession
Sentitchoose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans.
Generaldecantar, elegir, escollir, optar, seleccionar, triarpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
SimilarcomplirAct in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes
Anglèsadopt, follow, espouse
Espanyoladoptar, seguir, tomar
Nomsacceptació, adopcióThe act of accepting with approval
comitivaA group of followers or enthusiasts
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 14, contact
SentitGet into one's hands, take physically.
Específicagafar, agarrar, apoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, colpir, confiscar, embargar, incautartake hold of
apoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prendreTake or capture by force
Tambéabordar, emprendre, encararAccept as a challenge
desmembrardivide into pieces
Anglèstake, get hold of
Espanyolagarrar, asir, coger, tomar
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 15, possession
Sentitrequire (time or space).
Sinònimsagafar, apoderar, copar, ocupar
Generalesgrimir, fer servir, usar, utilitzaruse up, consume fully
Similarconsumir, disminuir, esgotar, exhaurir, ingerir, menjar, minvar, reduiruse up (resources or materials)
Anglèstake, occupy, use up
Espanyolapoderar, copar, llevar, ocupar, tomar
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 16, change
SentitTurn into curds.
Generalconvertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-seUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
ContrarihomogeneïtzarBecome homogeneous or similar, as by mixing
homogeneïtzarBreak up the fat globules of
Anglèscurdle, clabber, clot
NomscoagulacióThe process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid / liquid
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 17, possession
SentitTake by force.
Sinònimsagafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, traure, treure
Específicafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robarTake without the owner's consent
alleugerir, salvarTake by stealing
alliberar, llibertar, rescatarTake forcibly from legal custody
apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, usurparseize and take control without authority and possibly with force
arrancar, arrencar, extorquir, extorsionar, treureObtain through intimidation
desvalisar, espoliar, expilar, saquejarsteal goods
pillar, saquejarplunder (a town) after capture
Espanyolapropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, quitar, tomar
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 18, possession
Sentitget hold of or seize quickly and easily.
Sinònimsagafar, arrabassar
Generalapropiar-se, copar, portar-se, prendre, treureTake into one's possession
TambéarrabassarTo grasp hastily or eagerly
Anglèssnap up, snaffle, grab
Espanyolarrebatar, coger
NomsagafadaThe act of catching an object with the hands
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 19, stative
SentitBe designed to hold or take.
Sinònimsagafar, aguantar, dur, portar, suportar
Generalésser, estar, serHave the quality of being
Anglèsaccept, take
Espanyolaguantar, soportar, sostener
Catalàprendre: 20 sentits verb 20, competition
SentitSteal a base.
Sinònimsagafar, furtar, robar
Categoriabaseball, beisbolA ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players
Generalanticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, guanyar, internar-seObtain advantages, such as points, etc.

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