Sentit | Come into the possession of something concrete or abstract. |
Sinònims | aconseguir, adquirir, prendre |
Específic | acceptar, voler | Receive willingly something given or offered |
aconseguir, adquirir, assolir, comprar, obtenir | Come into possession of |
aconseguir, trobar | Get something or somebody for a specific purpose |
adquirir, comprar | Obtain by purchase |
advertir, clarificar, guanyar | earn on some commercial or business transaction |
afavorir, aprofitar-se, beneficiar-se, beneficiar | derive a benefit from |
arrendar, llogar | Engage for service under a term of contract |
aïllar | Obtain in pure form |
capturar | Capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping |
cobrar, guanyar | acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions |
compartir, contribuir a, participar en, prendre part en | Have, give, or receive a share of |
comprar | acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange |
entrar | Take possession of |
guanyar-se | win something through one's efforts |
heretar | Obtain from someone after their death |
manllevar | Get temporarily |
passar a buscar, recopilar | Gather or collect |
rebre | Get something |
recobrar, recuperar | get or find back |
recobrar, recuperar | claim back |
recuperar, trobar | come upon after searching |
recuperar | regain or make up for |
Similar | obtenir | Receive a specified treatment (abstract) |
Anglès | get, acquire |
Espanyol | adquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener, sacar, tomar |
Adjectius | acaparador, cobdiciós | eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas |
adquirible | capable of being acquired |
Noms | adquisició | The act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something |
adquisició, assoliment, consecució | The act of acquiring something |
adquisició, aprenentatge | The cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge |