Sentit | The action of accomplishing something. |
Sinònims | assoliment, consecució, èxit, realització |
Específic | aconseguiment, arribada, assoliment, consecució | accomplishment of an objective |
alliberació, alliberament | The act of liberating someone or something |
assoliment, consecució | The act of achieving an aim |
close call | Something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin |
consecució, feta, fita, gesta, proesa | A notable achievement |
cop d'efecte | An achievement demonstrating great skill or mastery |
expedient, historial | The sum of recognized accomplishments |
fet consumat | An irreversible accomplishment |
obra mestra | An outstanding achievement |
reclutament | The act of getting recruits |
General | acció, acte, fet | Something done (usually as opposed to something said) |
Anglès | accomplishment, achievement |
Espanyol | consecución, logro, proeza, realización |
Verbs | abastar, abastir, acomplir, aconseguir, assolir, obtenir | To gain with effort |
completar, complir, executar, portar a terme | put in effect |