VERBO | social | alcanzar, completar, conseguir, lograr, realizar | to gain with effort |
motion | alcanzar, arribar, contactar, ganar, llegar, lograr, obtener, pegar | reach a destination / destination, either real or abstract | |
motion | alcanzar, arribar, llegar, venir | reach a destination | |
motion | alcanzar, llegar a, lograr | reach a point in time, or a certain state or level | |
possession | alcanzar, acercar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar | place into the hands or custody of | |
contact | alcanzar, driblar, llevar | propel, "Carry the ball" | |
motion | alcanzar, adelantar, pasar | travel past | |
competition | alcanzar | catch up with and possibly overtake / overtake | |
stative | alcanzar, extenderse, rondar | range or extend over | |
possession | alcanzar, vender por | be sold for a certain price | |
weather | alcanzar, alcanzar la orilla | blow toward the shore | |
competition | alcanzar, portar | have a certain range | |
social | alcanzar, encontrar, llegar a | attain |
Sentido | Reach a destination / destination, either real or abstract. | |
Sinónimos | arribar, contactar, ganar, llegar, lograr, obtener, pegar | |
Implica | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
Específico | acceder, llegar, pretender | reach or gain access to |
alcanzar la cima, cumbre | reach the summit (of a mountain) | |
culminar | reach the highest altitude or the meridian, of a celestial body | |
encallar, tocar tierra | hit or reach the ground | |
encontrar | succeed in reaching | |
escalar | reach the highest point / point of | |
llegar al nivel, recuperarse | reach the point where one should be after a delay | |
lograr llegar | reach in time | |
superar | succeed in reaching a real or abstract destination / destination after overcoming problems | |
tocar fondo | reach the low point | |
Similar | lograr llegar | reach in time |
Inglés | reach, make, attain, hit, arrive at, gain | |
Catalán | arribar a, arribar, assolir, contactar, pegar | |
Nombres | logro | arrival at a new stage / stage |
Sentido | reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress. | |
Sinónimos | arribar, llegar, venir | |
Implicado por | inmigrar | Come into a new country and change residency |
Específico | alcanzar, llegar a, lograr | Reach a point in time, or a certain state or level |
apuntalar, desemarcar, desembarcar, tocar tierra | arrive on shore | |
arribar, entrar, hacer su llegada, ingresar, llegar | Of trains | |
aterrizar, posarse | reach or come to rest | |
aterrizar | Cause to come to the ground | |
entrar, llegar | Be received | |
inundar | arrive in great numbers | |
llegar conduciendo | arrive in a vehicle | |
llegar en coche | arrive by motorcar | |
presentarse | arrive suddenly and unannounced | |
Contrario | dejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salir | go away from a place |
Similar | abordar, coger | reach and board |
Inglés | arrive, get, come | |
Catalán | arribar, venir | |
Nombres | advenimiento, venida | arrival / arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous) |
arribo, llegada, venida | The act of arriving at a certain place |
Sentido | Reach a point in time, or a certain state or level. | |
Sinónimos | llegar a, lograr | |
Específico | cubrir gastos | attain a level at which there is neither gain nor loss, as in business, gambling, or a competitive sport |
llegar al tope, topar | reach a maximum | |
General | alcanzar, arribar, llegar, venir | reach a destination |
Inglés | reach, hit, attain | |
Catalán | assolir | |
Nombres | logro | arrival at a new stage / stage |
Sentido | propel, "Carry the ball". | |
Sinónimos | driblar, llevar | |
Categoría | atletismo, deporte, deportes | An active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition |
General | chutar, pegar | Cause to move by striking |
Inglés | dribble, carry | |
Catalán | driblar | |
Nombres | dribling, gambeta, regate | The propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks |
Sentido | Travel past. | |
Sinónimos | adelantar, pasar | |
Específico | cubrir, rematar | Pass by, over, or under without making contact |
pasar | Pass or move in front of | |
General | adentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarse | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
Inglés | pass, overtake, overhaul | |
Nombres | adelantamiento | going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it |
Sentido | catch up with and possibly overtake / overtake. | |
Implica | competer, competir, contender, medirse, rivalizar | compete for something |
Similar | coger | reach in time |
Inglés | overtake, catch, catch up with | |
Catalán | assolir | |
Nombres | adelantamiento | going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it |
Sentido | Range or extend over; occupy a certain area. | |
Sinónimos | extenderse, rondar | |
General | constituir, integrar, representar, ser | form or compose |
Inglés | range, straddle | |
Catalán | rondar | |
Nombres | alcance, ámbito, esfera, marco | An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control |
Sentido | Be sold for a certain price. | |
Sinónimo | vender por | |
Inglés | fetch, bring in, bring |
Sentido | blow toward the shore. | |
Sinónimo | alcanzar la orilla | |
General | soplar | Be blowing or storming |
Inglés | set in |
Sentido | Have a certain range. | |
Sinónimo | portar | |
General | disfrutar, presentar, quedar, tener | Have as a feature |
Inglés | carry |
Sentido | attain. | |
Sinónimos | encontrar, llegar a | |
General | alcanzar, completar, conseguir, lograr, realizar | To gain with effort |
Inglés | come to, strike |
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