HyperDic: range

English > 17 senses of the word range:
NOUNattributerange, scope, reach, orbit, compass, ambitan area in which something acts or operates or has power or control
locationrange, reachthe limits within which something can be effective / effective
locationrangea large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze / graze
objectrange, mountain range, range of mountains, chain, mountain chain, chain of mountainsa series of hills or mountains
artifactrangea place for shooting / shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds
grouprangea variety of different things or activities
grouprange, image, range of a function(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined
cognitionrange, compass, reach, graspthe limit of capability
artifactrange, stove, kitchen stove, kitchen range, cooking stovea kitchen appliance used for cooking food
VERBstativerange, runchange or be different within limits
motionrange, roll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, drift, vagabondmove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
stativerangehave a range
stativerange, straddlerange or extend over
contactrange, array, lay out, set outlay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
contactrange, crop, browse, graze, pasturefeed as in a meadow or pasture
consumptionrangelet eat
cognitionrange, rate, rank, order, grade, placeassign a rank or rating to
range > pronunciation
Rhymesarrange ... strange: 13 rhymes with eynjh...
English > range: 17 senses > noun 1, attribute
MeaningAn area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet".
Example"a piano has a greater range than the human voice"
Synonymsscope, reach, orbit, compass, ambit
Narrowerapproximate range, ballparkNear to the scope or range of something
confinesA bounded scope
contrastThe range of optical density and tone on a photographic negative or print (or the extent to which adjacent areas on a television screen differ in brightness)
gamutA complete extent or range
horizon, view, purviewThe range of interest or activity that can be anticipated
internationality, internationalismQuality of being international in scope
latitudescope for freedom of e.g. action or thought
palette, palletThe range of colour characteristic / characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art
spectrumA broad range of related objects or values or qualities or ideas or activities
sweep, expanseA wide scope
BroaderextentThe distance or area or volume over which something extends
Spanishalcance, ámbito, esfera, marco
Catalanabast, àmbit, esfera, marc
Verbsrangerange or extend over
rangechange or be different within limits
English > range: 17 senses > noun 2, location
MeaningThe limits within which something can be effective / effective.
Example"range of motion"
Narrowerearshot, earreach, hearingThe range within which a voice can be heard
rifle range, rifle shotThe distance that a rifle bullet will carry
view, eyeshotThe range of the eye
BroaderlimitAs far as something can go
Verbsrangechange or be different within limits
rangehave a range
English > range: 17 senses > noun 3, location
MeaningA large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze / graze.
  • "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring"
  • "he dreamed of a home on the range"
Narrowerhome range, home territoryThe area in which an animal normally ranges
Broadertract, piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, parcelAn extended area of land
Spanishdehesa, rango
Adjectivesrangyallowing ample room for ranging
rangyadapted to wandering or roaming
Verbsrangelet eat
rangefeed as in a meadow or pasture
English > range: 17 senses > noun 4, object
MeaningA series of hills or mountains.
  • "the valley was between two ranges of hills"
  • "the plains lay just beyond the mountain range"
Synonymsmountain range, range of mountains, chain, mountain chain, chain of mountains
InstancesAdirondacks, Adirondack MountainsA mountain range in northeastern New York State
Admiralty Rangemountains in Antarctica to the north of Victoria Land
Alaska RangeA mountain range in south central Alaska
Alleghenies, Allegheny MountainsThe western part of the Appalachian Mountains
Alps, the AlpsA large mountain system in south-central Europe
Altai Mountains, Altay MountainsA mountain range in central Asia that extends a thousand miles from Kazakhstan eastward into western Mongolia and northern China
AndesA mountain range in South America running 5000 miles along the Pacific coast
ApenninesA mountain range extending the length of the Italian peninsula
Appalachians, Appalachian MountainsA mountain range in the eastern United States extending from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico
Atlas MountainsA mountain range in northern Africa between the Mediterranean and the Sahara Desert
Australian AlpsA range of mountains in Australia that forms the southern end of the Great Dividing Range
Balkans, Balkan Mountains, Balkan Mountain RangeThe major mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula
Berkshires, Berkshire HillsA low mountain range in western Massachusetts
Black Hillsmountains in southwestern South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming
Blue Ridge Mountains, Blue RidgeA range of the Appalachians extending from southern Pennsylvania to northern Georgia
Cantabrian MountainsA range of mountains in northern Spain along the coast of the Bay of Biscay
Carpathians, Carpathian MountainsA mountain range in central Europe that extends from Slovakia and southern Poland southeastward through western Ukraine to northeastern Romania
Cascades, Cascade Range, Cascade MountainsA mountain range in the northwestern United States extending through Washington and Oregon and northern California
Catskills, Catskill MountainsA range of the Appalachians to the west of the Hudson in southeastern New York
Caucasus, Caucasus MountainsThe mountain range in Caucasia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea that forms part of the traditional border between Europe and Asia
Coast Range, Coast MountainsA string of mountain ranges along the Pacific coast of North America from southeastern Alaska to Lower California
Cumberland Mountains, Cumberland PlateauThe southwestern part of the Appalachians
Dolomite AlpsAn eastern range of the Alps in northeastern Italy famous for their dolomitic limestone
Great Dividing Range, Eastern HighlandsA mountain range running along the eastern coast of Australia
Great Smoky MountainsPart of the Appalachians between North Carolina and Tennessee
Green MountainsA range of the Appalachian Mountains that extends from south to north through Vermont
Guadalupe MountainsA mountain range in southern New Mexico and western Texas
Himalayas, Himalaya Mountains, HimalayaA mountain range extending 1500 miles on the border between India and Tibet
Hindu Kush, Hindu Kush MountainsA mountain range extending to the west of the Himalayas
Karakoram, Karakoram Range, Karakorum Range, Mustagh, Mustagh RangeA mountain range in northern Kashmir
Kunlun, Kunlan Shan, Kunlun Mountains, Kuenlun, Kuenlun MountainsA mountain range in western China that extends eastward from the Indian border for 1000 miles
Mesabi RangeA range of hills in northeastern Minnesota where rich iron ore deposits were discovered in 1887
Mount CarmelA mountain range in northwestern Israel near the Mediterranean coast
Nan LingA mountain range in southeastern China running generally east to west
Ozarks, Ozark Mountains, Ozark PlateauAn area of low mountains in northwestern Arkansas and southeastern Missouri and northeastern Oklahoma
Pamir Mountains, the PamirsA mountain range in central Asia that is centered in Tajikistan but extends into Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan and Pakistan and western China
PyreneesA chain of mountains between France and Spain
Rhodope MountainsA mountain range in the Balkan peninsula in southeastern Europe
Rockies, Rocky MountainsThe chief mountain range of western North America
Sacramento Mountainsmountain range in New Mexico to the east of the Rio Grande
San Juan MountainsA mountain range in southwestern Colorado that is part of the Rocky Mountains
Sayan MountainsA range of mountains in southern Siberia to the west of Lake Baikal
Selkirk MountainsA range of the Rocky Mountains in southeastern British Columbia
Sierra Madre OccidentalA mountain range in northwestern Mexico that runs south from Arizona parallel to the Pacific coastline
Sierra Madre OrientalA mountain range in northeastern Mexico the runs parallel to the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico
Sierra Nevada, Sierra Nevada Mountains, High SierraA mountain range in eastern California
Sierra NevadaA mountain range in southern Spain along the Mediterranean coast to the east of Granada
St. Elias Range, St. Elias MountainsA range of mountains between Alaska and the Yukon territory
Taconic MountainsA range of the Appalachian Mountains along the eastern border of New York with Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont
Teton RangeA mountain range in northwest Wyoming
Tien Shan, Tyan ShanA major mountain range of central Asia
Transylvanian AlpsA range of the southern Carpathian Mountains extending across central Romania
Tyrolean AlpsA popular tourist area in the Tyrol
Urals, Ural MountainsA mountain range in western Russia extending from the Arctic to the Caspian Sea
sierraA range of mountains (usually with jagged peaks and irregular outline)
PartsmassifA block of the earth's crust bounded by faults and shifted to form peaks of a mountain range
pass, mountain pass, notchThe location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks
Broadergeological formation, formation(geology) the geological features of the earth
Spanishcadena montañosa, cordillera, sierra
Catalanserralada, serra
English > range: 17 senses > noun 5, artifact
MeaningA place for shooting / shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds.
  • "the army maintains a missile range in the desert"
  • "any good golf club will have a range where you can practice"
Narrowerpractice rangeA place for practicing golf shots
rifle rangeA range where people can practice shooting rifles
test rangeA range for conducting tests
Broaderfacility, installationA building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry
Spanishcampo de tiro
Catalancamp de tir
English > range: 17 senses > noun 6, group
MeaningA variety of different things or activities.
  • "he answered a range of questions"
  • "he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection"
NarrowerbandA range of frequencies between two limits
Broaderassortment, mixture, mixed bag, miscellany, miscellanea, variety, salmagundi, smorgasbord, potpourri, motleyA collection containing a variety of sorts of things
Verbsrangechange or be different within limits
English > range: 17 senses > noun 7, group
Meaning(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined.
Synonymsimage, range of a function
Categorymathematics, math, mathsA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Broaderset(mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols
Verbsrangechange or be different within limits
English > range: 17 senses > noun 8, cognition
MeaningThe limit of capability.
Synonymscompass, reach, grasp
Narrowersight, kenThe range of vision
Broadercapability, capableness, potentialityAn aptitude that may be developed
Spanishalcance, ámbito, campo de acción, comprensión, entendimiento, límites
Verbsrangehave a range
English > range: 17 senses > noun 9, artifact
MeaningA kitchen appliance used for cooking food.
Synonymsstove, kitchen stove, kitchen range, cooking stove
Partsgrate, gratingA frame of iron bars to hold a fire
NarrowerPrimus stove, PrimusA portable paraffin cooking stove
charcoal burnerA stove that burns charcoal as fuel
cookstoveA stove for cooking (especially a wood- or coal-burning kitchen stove)
electric rangeA kitchen range in which the heat for cooking is provided by electric power
gas range, gas stove, gas cookerA range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas
potbelly, potbelly stoveA bulbous stove in which wood or coal is burned
spirit stoveA stove that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol
Broaderkitchen applianceA home appliance used in preparing food
Spanishcocina, estufa, hornillo
Catalancuina, fogó
English > range: 17 senses > verb 1, stative
Meaningchange or be different within limits.
PatternSomething ----s something
  • "Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion"
  • "The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"
  • "My students range from very bright to dull"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Similar torun, go, pass, lead, extendstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
run, leadCause something to pass or lead somewhere
Nounsrangean area in which something acts or operates or has power or control
rangea variety of different things or activities
range(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined
rangethe limits within which something can be effective / effective
English > range: 17 senses > verb 2, motion
MeaningMove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment.
PatternSomebody ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s PP
Synonymsroll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, drift, vagabond
Narrowergallivant, gad, jazz aroundwander aimlessly in search of pleasure
maunderwander aimlessly
Broadertravel, go, move, locomotechange location
Similar tostray, err, driftwander from a direct course or at random
wanderGo via an indirect route or at no set pace
Spanishcaminar, deambular, errar, girar, rondar, vagabundear, vagar
Catalancaminar, deambular, girar, rondar, vagabundejar, vagarejar, vagar
Participlerangingwandering freely
English > range: 17 senses > verb 3, stative
MeaningHave a range; be capable of projecting over a certain distance, as of a gun / gun.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"This gun ranges over two miles"
NarrowercarryBe conveyed over a certain distance
Nounsrangethe limit of capability
rangethe limits within which something can be effective / effective
English > range: 17 senses > verb 4, stative
MeaningRange or extend over; occupy a certain area.
PatternSomething ----s something
Narrowerspread-eaglestretch over
Broaderconstitute, represent, make up, comprise, beform or compose
Spanishalcanzar, extenderse, rondar
Nounsrangean area in which something acts or operates or has power or control
English > range: 17 senses > verb 5, contact
MeaningLay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP
Synonymsarray, lay out, set out
NarrowercompartLay out in parts according to a plan
Broaderarrange, set upput into a proper or systematic order
English > range: 17 senses > verb 6, contact
Meaningfeed as in a meadow or pasture.
PatternSomething ----s
ModelThe animals range
Synonymscrop, browse, graze, pasture
Broaderfeed, eattake in food
Similar tocrop, graze, pastureLet feed in a field or pasture or meadow
rangeLet eat
Spanishapacentar, llevar a pastar, pacer, pastar, pasturar
Nounsrangea large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze / graze
English > range: 17 senses > verb 7, consumption
MeaningLet eat.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"range the animals in the prairie"
Broaderfeed, giveGive food to
Similar tocrop, browse, graze, range, pasturefeed as in a meadow or pasture
Nounsrangea large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze / graze
English > range: 17 senses > verb 8, cognition
MeaningAssign a rank or rating to.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Synonymsrate, rank, order, grade, place
NarrowerdowngradeRate lower
prioritize, prioritiseAssign a priority to
reorderAssign a new order to
seedDistribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
sequenceArrange in a sequence
shortlistput someone or something on a short list
subordinaterank or order as less important or consider of less value
superordinateplace in a superior order or rank
upgradeRate higher
Broaderevaluate, pass judgment, judgeform a critical opinion of
Spanishclasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorar
Catalanclassificar-se, classificar, graduar, ordenar, taxar, valorar

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