VERB | cognition | taxar, apreciar, calcular | judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time) |
cognition | taxar, classificar-se, classificar, graduar, ordenar, valorar | assign a rank or rating to | |
cognition | taxar, aforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, valorar | evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of | |
social | taxar, delatar, denunciar, titllar | to accuse / accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful | |
cognition | taxar, apreciar, avaluar, valorar | fix or determine the value of | |
communication | taxar, titllar | mark or expose as infamous | |
cognition | taxar, apreciar, avaluar, valorar | estimate the value of |
Sentit | judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time). | |
Sinònims | apreciar, calcular | |
Implicat per | castigar, penalitzar, punir | impose a penalty on |
Específic | avaluar, valorar | Estimate the value of (property) for taxation |
subestimar | make a deliberately low estimate | |
General | calcular, computar | make a mathematical calculation or computation |
També | sobreestimar | make too high an estimate of |
subestimar | make a deliberately low estimate | |
Anglès | estimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge | |
Espanyol | calcular, echar, estimar, tasar | |
Adjectius | aproximat | not quite exact or correct |
Noms | avaluador | An authority who is able to estimate worth or quality |
conjectura, conjetura, especulació, suposició, surmisal | A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence | |
estimació | A judgment of the qualities of something or somebody | |
idea | An approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth | |
pressupost | A statement indicating the likely cost of some job |
Sentit | Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of. | |
Sinònims | aforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, valorar | |
Específic | aclamar, alabar, elogiar, enaltir, encomiar, exalçar, lloar | Express approval of |
apreciar, avaluar, taxar, valorar | Estimate the value of | |
censurar | subject to political, religious, or moral censorship | |
puntuar, qualificar | Assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation | |
reavaluar | revise or renew one's assessment | |
General | avaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensar | form a critical opinion of |
Similar | avaluar, valorar | Estimate the value of (property) for taxation |
Anglès | measure, evaluate, valuate, assess, appraise, value | |
Espanyol | aforar, apreciar, estimar, evaluar, medir, tasar, valorar, valorizar, valuar | |
Adjectius | calculable, taxable | capable of being assessed especially for the purpose of taxation |
Noms | acotament, mesurament, mesura, mida, mides | The act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule |
apreciació, estimació, taxació, valoració | The classification of someone or something with respect to its worth | |
apreciador | One who determines authenticity (as of works of art) or who guarantees validity | |
apreciador, avaluador, valuador | One who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things | |
apreuament, avaluació, estim, qualificació, taxació, valoració | An appraisal of the value of something | |
assessor, taxador | An official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing / taxing it | |
avaluació, taxació | Act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of | |
avaluador | An authority who is able to estimate worth or quality | |
mesura, quantia, quantitat | How much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify | |
taxador | someone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions | |
valor | The quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable | |
valor econòmic, valor | The amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else |
Sentit | To accuse / accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful. | |
Sinònims | delatar, denunciar, titllar | |
General | etiquetar | Assign a label to |
Anglès | stigmatize, stigmatise, brand, denounce, mark | |
Espanyol | calificar, delatar, denunciar, estigmatizar, marcar, tachar, tildar | |
Adjectius | conminatori, denunciatori | Containing warning of punishment |
Noms | denunciació, denúncia | A public act of denouncing |
estigma, marca, taca | A symbol of disgrace or infamy / infamy | |
estigmatització | The act of stigmatizing / stigmatizing |
Sentit | Fix or determine the value of; assign a value to. | |
Sinònims | apreciar, avaluar, valorar | |
Específic | infravalorar, menysestimar, menysvalorar, subestimar | Assign too low a value to |
sobrevalorar | Assign too high a value to | |
General | concloure, determinar, fixar | Fix conclusively or authoritatively |
Anglès | value | |
Espanyol | apreciar, tasar, valorar | |
Noms | taxador | someone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions |
valor econòmic, valor | The amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else |
Sentit | mark or expose as infamous. | |
Sinònim | titllar | |
General | anomenar, denominar, dir, sobrenomenar | ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality |
Anglès | post, brand | |
Espanyol | tachar | |
Noms | estigma, marca, taca | A symbol of disgrace or infamy / infamy |
Sentit | Estimate the value of. | |
Sinònims | apreciar, avaluar, valorar | |
Específic | revalorar, revaluar | Value anew |
General | aforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, taxar, valorar | Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of |
Anglès | rate, value | |
Espanyol | apreciar, tasar, valorar, valorizar | |
Noms | apreuament, avaluació, estim, qualificació, taxació, valoració | An appraisal of the value of something |
avaluació, taxació | Act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of |
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