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English 13 senses of the word rank:
NOUNgroupranka row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another
staterankrelative status
grouprank, rank and filethe ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted / enlisted soldiers of an army)
staterank, social station, social status, social rankposition in a social hierarchy
grouprank, membershipthe body of members of an organization or group
VERBcognitionranktake or have a position relative to others
cognitionrank, rate, range, order, grade, placeassign a rank or rating to
stativerank, outranktake precedence or surpass others in rank
ADJECTIVEallrankvery fertile / fertile
allrankvery offensive in smell or taste
allrank, crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, grossconspicuously and outrageously bad / bad or reprehensible
allrank, absolute, downright, out-and-out, right-down, sheercomplete and without restriction or qualification / qualification
allrankgrowing profusely
rank pronunciation
Rhymesantitank ... yank / Yank: 28 rhymes with aengk...
Englishrank: 13 senses adjective 1
MeaningVery fertile / fertile; producing profuse growth.
Example"rank earth"
Broaderfertilecapable of reproducing
Nounsranknessthe property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth
Englishrank: 13 senses adjective 2
MeaningVery offensive in smell or taste.
Example"a rank cigar"
Broaderoffensiveunpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
Nounsranknessthe attribute of having a strong offensive smell
Englishrank: 13 senses adjective 3
Meaningconspicuously and outrageously bad / bad or reprehensible.
Example "rank treachery"
Synonymscrying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross
Broaderconspicuousobvious to the eye or mind
Spanishabominable, atroz, craso, escandaloso, flagrante, grave, tremendo
Catalanabominable, atroç, escandalós, flagrant
Englishrank: 13 senses adjective 4
Meaningcomplete and without restriction or qualification / qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers.
Example "a rank outsider"
Synonymsabsolute, downright, out-and-out, right-down, sheer
BroadercompleteHaving every necessary or normal part or component or step
Spanishabsoluto, evidente, puro, redomado
Englishrank: 13 senses adjective 5
MeaningGrowing profusely.
Example"rank jungle vegetation"
BroaderabundantPresent in great quantity
Nounsranknessthe property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth
Englishrank: 13 senses noun 1, group
MeaningA row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another.
Example"the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen"
Membersend manA man at one end of a row of people
BroaderlineA formation of people or things one beside another
Englishrank: 13 senses noun 2, state
Meaningrelative status.
Example"his salary was determined by his rank and seniority"
NarrowerarchidiaconateOffice or position of an archdeacon
baronetcy, baronyThe rank or dignity or position of a baronet or baroness
billionthPosition 1,000,000,000 in a countable series of things
dukedomThe dignity or rank or position of a duke
earldomThe dignity or rank or position of an earl or countess
eighteenthPosition 18 in a countable series of things
eighthPosition eight in a countable series of things
eightiethPosition 80 in a countable series of things
eleventhPosition 11 in a countable series of things
fifteenthPosition 15 in a countable series of things
fifthposition five in a countable series of things
fiftiethPosition 50 in a countable series of things
first, number oneThe first or highest in an ordering or series
fortiethPosition 40 in a countable series of things
fourteenthPosition 14 in a countable series of things
fourthFollowing the third position
gradation, steprelative position in a graded series
grade, level, tierA relative position or degree of value in a graded group
hundredthPosition 100 in a countable series of things
kingshipThe dignity or rank or position of a king
lastThe last or lowest in an ordering or series
military rank, military rating, paygrade, ratingrank in a military organization
millionthPosition 1,000,000 in a countable series of things
nineteenthPosition 19 in a countable series of things
ninetiethPosition 90 in a countable series of things
ninthPosition nine in a countable series of things
princedomThe dignity or rank or position of a prince
secondFollowing the first in an ordering or series
second classnot the highest rank in a classification
seventeenthPosition 17 in a countable series of things
seventhPosition seven in a countable series of things
seventiethPosition 70 in a countable series of things
sixteenthPosition 16 in a countable series of things
sixthPosition six in a countable series of things
sixtiethPosition 60 in a countable series of things
tenthPosition ten in a countable series of things
thirdFollowing the second position in an ordering or series
thirteenthPosition 13 in a countable series of things
thirtiethPosition 30 in a countable series of things
thousandthPosition 1,000 in a countable series of things
twelfthPosition 12 in a countable series of things
twentiethPosition 20 in a countable series of things
viscountcy, viscountyThe dignity or rank or position of a viscount / viscount or viscountess
Broaderstatus, positionThe relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
Spanishantigüedad, categoría, estatus, jerarquía, nivel, rango, standing
Catalancategoria, jerarquia, rang
Verbsrankassign a rank or rating to
ranktake or have a position relative to others
Englishrank: 13 senses noun 3, group
MeaningThe ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted / enlisted soldiers of an army).
  • "the strike was supported by the union rank and file"
  • "he rose from the ranks to become a colonel"
Synonymrank and file
Categorymilitary, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machineThe military forces of a nation
Membersenlisted manA male enlisted person in the armed forces
Broaderforce, personnelgroup of people willing / willing to obey orders
Englishrank: 13 senses noun 4, state
MeaningPosition in a social hierarchy.
Synonymssocial station, social status, social rank
Narrowerplace, stationProper or designated social situation
qualityHigh social status
Broaderstatus, positionThe relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
Spanishcategoría, posición social, rango
Catalanposició social, rang
Englishrank: 13 senses noun 5, group
MeaningThe body of members of an organization or group.
  • "they found dissension in their own ranks"
  • "he joined the ranks of the unemployed"
Member oforganization, organisationA group of people who work together
BroaderbodyA group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity
Englishrank: 13 senses verb 1, cognition
MeaningTake or have a position relative to others.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"This painting ranks among the best in the Western World"
NarrowercomeHave a certain priority
place, come in, come outTake a place in a competition
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Nounsrankrelative status
rankeran enlisted / enlisted soldier who serves in the ranks of the armed forces
rankera commissioned officer who has been promoted from enlisted / enlisted status
rankingposition on a scale in relation to others in a sport
Englishrank: 13 senses verb 2, cognition
MeaningAssign a rank or rating to.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Example"how would you rank these students?"
Synonymsrate, range, order, grade, place
NarrowerdowngradeRate lower
prioritize, prioritiseAssign a priority to
reorderAssign a new order to
seedDistribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
sequenceArrange in a sequence
shortlistput someone or something on a short list
subordinaterank or order as less important or consider of less value
superordinateplace in a superior order or rank
upgradeRate higher
Broaderevaluate, pass judgment, judgeform a critical opinion of
Spanishclasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorar
Catalanclassificar-se, classificar, graduar, ordenar, taxar, valorar
Nounsrankrelative status
Englishrank: 13 senses verb 3, stative
MeaningTake precedence or surpass others in rank.
PatternSomebody ----s
Broaderexcel, stand out, surpassdistinguish oneself
Spanishexceder en rango, superar
Catalanser de categoria superior a

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