Català > classificar: 3 sentits > verb 1, cognitionSentit | Arrange or order by classes or categories / categories. |
Sinònim | separar |
Implica | comparar | Examine and note the similarities or differences of |
Implicat per | denominar, descobrir, descriure, identificar | identify as in botany or biology, for example |
Específic | agrupar-se, agrupar | Arrange into a group or groups |
catalogar | Make an itemized list or catalog of |
classificar per la mida | sort according to size |
comptar | put into a group |
encasellar, estereotipar | treat or classify according to a mental stereotype |
graduar | Determine the grade of or assign a grade to |
General | categoritzar | place into or assign to a category / category |
Anglès | classify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separate |
Espanyol | clasificar, ordenar, separar |
Noms | categoria, classe, família | A collection of things sharing a common attribute |
categorització, classificació | The act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type |
categorització, classificació | The basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories / categories |
categorització, classificació | A group of people or things arranged by class or category |
classe, espècie, forma, mena, tipus | A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality |
classe | (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders |
classe, classe social, estrat | People having the same social, economic, or educational status |
classificació | grouping by class or kind or size |
classificació | An operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion |
classificador | A machine for sorting things (such as punched cards or letters) into classes |
classificador | A person who creates classifications |
divisió | A league ranked by quality |
Català > classificar: 3 sentits > verb 2, cognitionSentit | Assign a rank or rating to. |
Sinònims | classificar-se, graduar, ordenar, taxar, valorar |
Específic | ascendir | Rate higher |
degradar | Rate lower |
donar prioritat, prioritzar | Assign a priority to |
preseleccionar | Distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds |
preseleccionar | put someone or something on a short list |
reordenar | Assign a new order to |
seqüenciar | Arrange in a sequence |
subordinar | rank or order as less important or consider of less value |
General | avaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensar | form a critical opinion of |
Anglès | rate, rank, range, order, grade, place |
Espanyol | clasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorar |
Noms | categoria, jerarquia, rang | relative status |
examinador | A judge who assigns grades / grades to something |
gradació, graduació | The act of arranging in grades |
gradació | relative position in a graded series |
graduació | The act of arranging in a graduated series |
grau | A relative position or degree of value in a graded group |
nota, puntuació, qualificació | A number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance) |
ordenació | The act of putting things in a sequential arrangement |