HyperDic: valorar

Català > 12 sentits de la paraula valorar:
VERBcognitionvalorar, apreciar, estimar, respectarregard highly
cognitionvalorar, classificar-se, classificar, graduar, ordenar, taxarassign a rank or rating to
cognitionvalorar, aforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, taxarevaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
possessionvalorar, avaluardetermine the price of
emotionvalorar, agrair, apreciar, estimarrecognize with gratitude
possessionvalorar, apreciar, atresorar, avaluar, estimar, tresorejarhold dear
changevalorarmeasure by (the volume or concentration of solutions) by titration
cognitionvalorar, apreciar, avaluar, taxarfix or determine the value of
cognitionvalorar, avaluarestimate the value of (property) for taxation
emotionvalorar, apreciar, atresorar, estimar, tresorejar, volerbe fond of
possessionvalorar, avaluarset or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
cognitionvalorar, apreciar, avaluar, taxarestimate the value of
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 1, cognition
SentitRegard highly; think much of.
Sinònimsapreciar, estimar, respectar
EspecíficadmirarFeel admiration for
reverenciar, reverir, venerarRegard with feelings of respect and reverence
Generalconsiderar, estimar, veuredeem to be
Contrarifaltar al respecteHave little or no respect for
Anglèsrespect, esteem, value, prize, prise
Espanyolapreciar, estimar, reputar, respetar, valorar
AdjectiusvaluósHaving worth or merit or value
Nomsadmiració, apreci, estimaA feeling of delighted approval and liking
deferència, respecteA courteous expression / expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard
estima, respecteAn attitude of admiration or esteem
estimació, estima, estimar, respecteThe condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
valorAn ideal accepted by some individual or group
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 2, cognition
SentitAssign a rank or rating to.
Sinònimsclassificar-se, classificar, graduar, ordenar, taxar
EspecíficascendirRate higher
degradarRate lower
donar prioritat, prioritzarAssign a priority to
preseleccionarDistribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
preseleccionarput someone or something on a short list
reordenarAssign a new order to
seqüenciarArrange in a sequence
subordinarrank or order as less important or consider of less value
Generalavaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Anglèsrate, rank, range, order, grade, place
Espanyolclasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorar
Nomscategoria, jerarquia, rangrelative status
examinadorA judge who assigns grades / grades to something
gradació, graduacióThe act of arranging in grades
gradaciórelative position in a graded series
graduacióThe act of arranging in a graduated series
grauA relative position or degree of value in a graded group
nota, puntuació, qualificacióA number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)
ordenacióThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 3, cognition
SentitEvaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of.
Sinònimsaforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, taxar
Específicaclamar, alabar, elogiar, enaltir, encomiar, exalçar, lloarExpress approval of
apreciar, avaluar, taxar, valorarEstimate the value of
censurarsubject to political, religious, or moral censorship
puntuar, qualificarAssign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation
reavaluarrevise or renew one's assessment
Generalavaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Similaravaluar, valorarEstimate the value of (property) for taxation
Anglèsmeasure, evaluate, valuate, assess, appraise, value
Espanyolaforar, apreciar, estimar, evaluar, medir, tasar, valorar, valorizar, valuar
Adjectiuscalculable, taxablecapable of being assessed especially for the purpose of taxation
Nomsacotament, mesurament, mesura, mida, midesThe act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule
apreciació, estimació, taxació, valoracióThe classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
apreciadorOne who determines authenticity (as of works of art) or who guarantees validity
apreciador, avaluador, valuadorOne who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things
apreuament, avaluació, estim, qualificació, taxació, valoracióAn appraisal of the value of something
assessor, taxadorAn official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing / taxing it
avaluació, taxacióAct of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
avaluadorAn authority who is able to estimate worth or quality
mesura, quantia, quantitatHow much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
taxadorsomeone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions
valorThe quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable
valor econòmic, valorThe amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 4, possession
SentitDetermine the price of.
Específicmanipularmanipulate in a fraudulent manner
Generalconcloure, determinar, fixarFix conclusively or authoritatively
Espanyolcotizar, valorar
NomsescandallThe evaluation of something in terms of its price / price
import, preuThe amount of money needed to purchase something
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 5, emotion
Sentitrecognize with gratitude; be grateful for.
Sinònimsagrair, apreciar, estimar
Espanyolagradecer, apreciar, estimar, valorar
AdjectiusagraïtFeeling or expressive of gratitude
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 6, possession
Sentithold dear.
Sinònimsapreciar, atresorar, avaluar, estimar, tresorejar
Específicadmetre, reconèixershow approval or appreciation of
Generalconsiderar, estimar, veuredeem to be
Anglèsprize, value, treasure, appreciate
Espanyolapreciar, atesorar, estimar, valorar, valorizar
AdjectiusvaluósHaving great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange
valuósHaving worth or merit or value
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 7, change
SentitMeasure by (the volume or concentration of solutions) by titration.
Generalmedir, mesurar, quantificarExpress as a number or measure or quantity
Espanyoltitrar, valorar
NomsvaloracióA measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration is added to a known volume of a second solution until the reaction between them is just complete
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 8, cognition
SentitFix or determine the value of; assign a value to.
Sinònimsapreciar, avaluar, taxar
Específicinfravalorar, menysestimar, menysvalorar, subestimarAssign too low a value to
sobrevalorarAssign too high a value to
Generalconcloure, determinar, fixarFix conclusively or authoritatively
Espanyolapreciar, tasar, valorar
Nomstaxadorsomeone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions
valor econòmic, valorThe amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 9, cognition
SentitEstimate the value of (property) for taxation.
Generalapreciar, calcular, taxarjudge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)
Similaraforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, taxar, valorarEvaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
Espanyolevaluar, valorar
Adjectiuscalculable, taxablecapable of being assessed especially for the purpose of taxation
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 10, emotion
SentitBe fond of; be attached to.
Sinònimsapreciar, atresorar, estimar, tresorejar, voler
Generaladorar, amar, estimar, volerHave a great affection or liking for
Tambéinteressar-se, preocupar-seFeel concern or interest
Anglèscare for, cherish, hold dear, treasure
Espanyolapreciar, valorar
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 11, possession
SentitSet or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine) .
Generalconcloure, determinar, fixarFix conclusively or authoritatively
Anglèstax, assess
Espanyolevaluar, tasar, valorar
Català > valorar: 12 sentits > verb 12, cognition
SentitEstimate the value of.
Sinònimsapreciar, avaluar, taxar
Específicrevalorar, revaluarValue anew
Generalaforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, taxar, valorarEvaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
Anglèsrate, value
Espanyolapreciar, tasar, valorar, valorizar
Nomsapreuament, avaluació, estim, qualificació, taxació, valoracióAn appraisal of the value of something
avaluació, taxacióAct of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of

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