HyperDic: apreciar

Español > 12 sentidos de la palabra apreciar:
VERBOperceptionapreciar, advertir, descubrir, detectar, distinguir, divisar, encontrar, observar, percibir, vislumbrardiscover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
perceptionapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verto become aware of through the senses
cognitionapreciar, estimar, reputar, respetar, valorarregard highly
cognitionapreciar, aforar, estimar, evaluar, medir, tasar, valorar, valorizar, valuarevaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
perceptionapreciar, advertir, darse cuenta, notar, observar, percibir, poner atención, repararnotice or perceive
emotionapreciar, agradecer, estimar, valorarrecognize with gratitude
possessionapreciar, atesorar, estimar, valorar, valorizarhold dear
cognitionapreciar, tasar, valorarfix or determine the value of
emotionapreciar, valorarbe fond of
cognitionapreciar, sentidocomprehend / comprehend
changeapreciarincrease the value of
cognitionapreciar, tasar, valorar, valorizarestimate the value of
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 1, perception
SentidoDiscover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.
Sinónimosadvertir, descubrir, detectar, distinguir, divisar, encontrar, observar, percibir, vislumbrar
detectar, percibirdetect some circumstance or entity automatically
Generalavistar, divisar, vercatch sight of
Similardescubrir, encontrarmake a discovery, make a new finding
Inglésdetect, observe, find, discover, notice
Catalánadvertir, apreciar, descobrir, detectar, observar, trobar
Adjetivoevidente, observablecapable of being seen or noticed
observadorQuick to notice
Nombresatención, observación, observanciaThe act of noticing or paying attention
captación, detección, espionaje, localizaciónThe act of detecting something
descubridorsomeone who is the first to observe something
descubrimiento, hallazgoThe act of discovering something
descubrimiento, hallazgoA productive insight
descubrimiento, hallazgoSomething that is discovered
detector, sensor, sondaAny device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
detectorelectronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity
determinación, hallazgoThe act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation
espectador, observadorA person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
idea, pensamiento, razonamiento, reflexiónA remark expressing careful consideration
observaciónThe act of making and recording a measurement
observaciónfacts learned by observing
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 2, perception
SentidoTo become aware of through the senses.
Sinónimoscomprender, entender, percibir, sentir, ver
Implicado poradvertir, apreciar, darse cuenta, notar, observar, percibir, poner atención, repararNotice or perceive
descubrirsee for the first time
detectar, discernir, distinguir, percibir, reconocer, sentir, vislumbrardetect with the senses
experimentar, tenergo through (mental or physical states or experiences)
notar, observarobserve with care or pay close attention to
registrarBe aware of
Específicoadivinar, intuirperceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
alucinar, fliparperceive what is not there
apercibir, percibirperceive in terms of a past experience
atender, escucharhear with intention
avistar, divisar, vercatch sight of
captar, recibirregister (perceptual input)
captar, percibirperceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily
catar, oler, olfatearinhale the odor of
contemplar, mirar, observar, percibir, verperceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight
degustar, saborearperceive by the sense of taste
doler, lastimar, sufrirFeel physical pain
oírperceive (sound) via the auditory sense
palpar, tocarperceive via the tactile sense
percibir malperceive incorrectly
sentirperceive by a physical sensation / sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
soñarExperience while sleeping
Inglésperceive, comprehend
Catalánapreciar, percebre, sentir
Adjetivodetectable, obvio, perceptibleeasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
perceptivoOf or relating to perception
NombrescomprensiónAn ability to understand the meaning / meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result)
espectador, observadorA person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
percepción, sensaciónBecoming aware of something via the senses
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 3, cognition
SentidoRegard highly; think much of.
Sinónimosestimar, reputar, respetar, valorar
Específicoadmirar, respetarFeel admiration for
reverenciar, venerarRegard with feelings of respect and reverence
Generalconsiderar, estimar, verdeem to be
Contrariofaltar al respetoHave little or no respect for
Inglésrespect, esteem, value, prize, prise
Catalánapreciar, estimar, respectar, valorar
Adjetivoprecioso, valiosoHaving worth or merit or value
Nombresadmiración, aprecio, estimaA feeling of delighted approval and liking
aprecio, consideración, estima, respetoAn attitude of admiration or esteem
aprecio, estimación, estima, estimar, respetoThe condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
deferencia, respetoA courteous expression / expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard
valorAn ideal accepted by some individual or group
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 4, cognition
SentidoEvaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of.
Sinónimosaforar, estimar, evaluar, medir, tasar, valorar, valorizar, valuar
Específicoalabar, elogiar, enaltecer, ensalzar, loarExpress approval of
apreciar, tasar, valorar, valorizarEstimate the value of
calificar, puntuarAssign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation
estandardizar, estandarizar, regularizar, tipificarEvaluate by comparing with a standard
reevaluarrevise or renew one's assessment
Generalevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Similarevaluar, valorarEstimate the value of (property) for taxation
Inglésmeasure, evaluate, valuate, assess, appraise, value
Catalánaforar, apreciar, avaluar, estimar, medir, taxar, valorar
Adjetivocalculable, tasablecapable of being assessed especially for the purpose of taxation
NombresapreciadorOne who determines authenticity (as of works of art) or who guarantees validity
apreciador, tasador, valuadorOne who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things
avalúo, calificación, evaluación, justipreciación, justiprecio, tasación, tasa, valoración, valuaciónAn appraisal of the value of something
cantidad, cuantía, medidaHow much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
estimador, tasadorsomeone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions
evaluación, taxaciónAct of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
evaluación, valoración, valorizaciónThe classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
evaluadora, evaluador, tasadora, tasadorAn official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing / taxing it
mediciones, medición, medida, medidasThe act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule
valorThe quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable
valor económico, valorThe amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else
vara de medirmeasuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 5, perception
SentidoNotice or perceive.
Sinónimosadvertir, darse cuenta, notar, observar, percibir, poner atención, reparar
Implicaapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
Específicotomar notaobserve with special attention
Contrariodesoír, ignorarfail to notice
Inglésnotice, mark, note
Catalánadonar-se, advertir, apreciar, notar, observar, percebre
Adjetivodetectablecapable of being detected
evidente, notablecapable or worthy of being perceived
Nombresatención, observación, observanciaThe act of noticing or paying attention
marca, muestra, signoA perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened / happened)
observadorsomeone who takes notice
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 6, emotion
Sentidorecognize with gratitude; be grateful for.
Sinónimosagradecer, estimar, valorar
GeneralreconocerExpress obligation, thanks, or gratitude for
Catalánagrair, apreciar, estimar, valorar
Adjetivoagradecido, apreciativo, reconocidoFeeling or expressive of gratitude
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 7, possession
Sentidohold dear.
Sinónimosatesorar, estimar, valorar, valorizar
Específicoadmitir, reconocershow approval or appreciation of
hacer justiciashow due and full appreciation
Generalconsiderar, estimar, verdeem to be
Inglésprize, value, treasure, appreciate
Catalánapreciar, atresorar, avaluar, estimar, tresorejar, valorar
AdjetivoapreciativoHaving or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion
precioso, valiosoHaving great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange
precioso, valiosoHaving worth or merit or value
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 8, cognition
SentidoFix or determine the value of; assign a value to.
Sinónimostasar, valorar
Específicoinfravalorar, minusvalorar, subestimar, subvalorarAssign too low a value to
permitir fluctuar, permitir la fluctuaciónAllow (currencies) to fluctuate
sobreestimar, sobrevalorarAssign too high a value to
Generalconcluir, determinar, resolverFix conclusively or authoritatively
Catalánapreciar, avaluar, taxar, valorar
Nombresestimador, tasadorsomeone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions
valor económico, valorThe amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 9, emotion
SentidoBe fond of; be attached to.
Generalamar, hacer el amor, quererHave a great affection or liking for
Tambiénimportar, interesarse, interesar, preocuparseFeel concern or interest
Ingléscare for, cherish, hold dear, treasure
Catalánapreciar, atresorar, estimar, tresorejar, valorar, voler
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 10, cognition
Sentidocomprehend / comprehend.
Generalcoger, comprender, entenderknow and comprehend the nature or meaning / meaning of
AdjetivosensibleSusceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others
Nombressensatez, sentido común, sentidosound practical judgment
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 11, change
Sentidoincrease the value of.
Generalrevalorizar, revaluarValue anew
Contrariodepreciar, devaluarlower the value of something
Similaraumentar, revalorizar, revaluargain in value
Inglésappreciate, apprize, apprise
Catalánaugmentar, pujar
Español > apreciar: 12 sentidos > verbo 12, cognition
SentidoEstimate the value of.
Sinónimostasar, valorar, valorizar
Específicorevalorizar, revaluarValue anew
Generalaforar, apreciar, estimar, evaluar, medir, tasar, valorar, valorizar, valuarEvaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
Inglésrate, value
Catalánapreciar, avaluar, taxar, valorar
Nombresavalúo, calificación, evaluación, justipreciación, justiprecio, tasación, tasa, valoración, valuaciónAn appraisal of the value of something
evaluación, taxaciónAct of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of

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