HyperDic: tocar

Español > 33 sentidos de la palabra tocar:
VERBOstativetocar, atañer, concernir, incumbir, palpar, referirse, referir, relatar, respectar, tratarsebe relevant to
changetocar, afectar, conmover, impactar, repercutirhave an effect upon
contacttocar, contactar, palparmake physical contact with, come in contact with
contacttocar, colindar, contactar, lindar, palparbe in direct physical contact with
competitiontocar, jugarparticipate in games / games or sport
stativetocar, contactar, lindarto extend as far as
creationtocar, interpretar, jugar, representarplay a role or part
perceptiontocar, sonar, tañersound loudly and sonorously
creationtocar, actuar, interpretar, jugar, representarperform on a stage or theater
perceptiontocar, sonar, tañermake (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification
creationtocar, ejecutar, hablar largamente, interpretar, jugarreplay (as a melody)
creationtocar, aprovecharse de, jugarperform music on (a musical instrument)
contacttocar, desordenar, manoseartamper with
creationtocar, jugarplay on an instrument
contacttocar, manejartouch, lift, or hold with the hands
communicationtocar, advertir, aludir, referirsemake a more or less disguised reference to
contacttocarproduce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically
perceptiontocar, palparperceive via the tactile sense
emotiontocar, despertar, palpar, provocaraffect emotionally
creationtocarperform on a certain location
stativetocarbe awarded
competitiontocar, apostar, jugarmake bets
creationtocar, jugaremit recorded sound
creationtocar, jugar, ponercause to emit recorded audio or video
creationtocar, jugar, representarbe performed or presented for public viewing
contacttocarcause to be in brief contact with
communicationtocar, aludirrefer to or discuss briefly
consumptiontocar, consumir, tomarconsume
cognitiontocar, comprender, entendercomprehend / comprehend
possessiontocarto be given by assignment or distribution
perceptiontocar, doblar, tañerring loudly and deeply
possessiontocar, corresponderto be given by right or inheritance
communicationtocar, darindicate (a certain time) by striking
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 1, stative
SentidoBe relevant to.
Sinónimosatañer, concernir, incumbir, palpar, referirse, referir, relatar, respectar, tratarse
Específicoafectar, comprometer, implicar, influir, involucrarConnect closely and often incriminatingly
aficionar, interesarBe of importance or consequence
aplicarseBe pertinent or relevant or applicable
centrar, concentrar, enfocarCenter upon
Similaradvertir, aludir, referirse, tocarmake a more or less disguised reference to
Inglésrefer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on, have to do with
Catalánconcernir, incumbir, palpar, pertocar, referir-se, referir, relatar, tocar, tractar-se
Adjetivoapropiado, apto, pertinenteOf striking appropriateness and pertinence
Nombresaplicabilidad, pertinenciarelevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand
denotación, extensión, referenciaThe most direct or specific meaning / meaning of a word or expression
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 2, change
SentidoHave an effect upon.
Sinónimosafectar, conmover, impactar, repercutir
Específicoalisar, procesar, tratarsubject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition
arriesgar, comprometer, exponerput in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position
barrermake a forceful move against
estimular, excitaract as a stimulant
fastidiar, molestarTo cause inconvenience or discomfort to
influenciar, influirHave and exert influence or effect
redundarHave an effect for good or ill
repercutirproduce an effect or strain on somebody
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Inglésaffect, impact, bear upon, bear on, touch on, touch
Catalánafectar, commoure, impactar, repercutir
Nombresconsecuencia, efecto, impactoA forceful consequence
intrusión, usurpaciónInfluencing strongly
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 3, contact
Sentidomake physical contact with, come in contact with.
Sinónimoscontactar, palpar
Implicado poracariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregarMove over something with pressure
manosear, toqueteartouch clumsily
notar, palpar, sentirExamine by touch
Específicoacariciartouch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motions
apretar, prensar, presionar, pulsarExert pressure or force to or upon
batir, dar, golpear, pegar, tustarDeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
besartouch lightly or gently
besarse, besarTouch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.
chocar, colisionar, dar, golpear, pegarhit against
engranarGet caught
golpear secamente, golpear, pegardeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
hojearFeel or handle with the fingers
manejar, tocartouch, lift, or hold with the hands
palpar, sentirExamine (a body part) by palpation
pasar la bocatouch with the mouth
recogertake up by hand
rozartouch lightly and briefly
rozarMove or pass swiftly and lightly over the surface of
sobarpass one's hands over the sexual organs of
tocarproduce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically
tocarCause to be in brief contact with
Tambiéntomar tierraCome or bring (a plane) to a landing
Catalánpalpar, tocar
NombrescontactoThe act of putting two things together with no space between them
toqueThe event of something coming in contact with the body / body
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
SentidoBe in direct physical contact with; make contact / contact / contact.
Sinónimoscolindar, contactar, lindar, palpar
Específicoabrazar, adherirse, pegarse afit closely or tightly
adherirse, engancharse, sujetarseBe attached
adherirse, adherir, aferrarse, aferrar, pegarseCome or be in close contact with
apoyarserest on for support
bordear, colindar, lindarlie adjacent to another or share a boundary
cercar, circundar, envolver, rodearExtend on all sides of simultaneously
cubrirform a cover over
escoriar, rozarCause friction
Similarconfluir, convergerBe adjacent or come together
Ingléstouch, adjoin, meet, contact
Catalánconfrontar, contactar, palpar, tocar-se, tocar
Nombresadjunción, agregación, anexiónAn act of joining or adjoining things
contactoThe act of touching physically
contacto, fricción, roce, toqueThe physical coming together of two or more things
contactoThe state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity
toqueThe event of something coming in contact with the body / body
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 5, competition
Sentidoparticipate in games / games or sport.
Implicado pordestruir, go, hacer, jugar, moverHave a turn
empatarFinish a game / game / game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.
Específicoapostar, jugarPlay games / games for money
balancearseride on a plank
clavar, completarcomplete a pass
dejar caer, perder el balonDrop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder
desarrollarMove into a strategically more advantageous position
expulsado, expulsarRetire
hacer faltacommit a foul
hacer un pase, pasarGive a base on balls to
pujarmake a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
recogerBe the catcher
repetir, volver a jugarPlay again
retrocederMove one's pieces into strategically more advantageous positions
sacarstart a game / game / game by a face-off
salirLose the lead
soportaract as a backstop
tirar al hoyohit a putt
volearmake a volley
Generalcompeter, competir, contender, medirse, rivalizarcompete for something
Similarenfrentarse, enfrentar, jugarcontend against an opponent in a sport, game / game, or battle
Catalánjugar, tocar
NombresjugadaA preset plan of action in team sports
jugadora, jugador, participanteA person who participates in or is skilled at some game / game
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 6, stative
SentidoTo extend as far as.
Sinónimoscontactar, lindar
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
Tambiénacudir, ampliar, dirigir, extenderse, ir, liderar, pasar, prolongarstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
sobresalirreach outward in space
Inglésreach, extend to, touch
Catalánafrontar, confrontar, contactar, estar tocant a, estrènyer, palpar, tocar
NombresalcanceThe limits within which something can be effective / effective
toqueThe event of something coming in contact with the body / body
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 7, creation
SentidoPlay a role or part.
Sinónimosinterpretar, jugar, representar
Implicado porentrar, salir a escena, salirCome on stage
Específicoparodiar, satirizarmake a spoof of or make fun of
personificar, retratarassume or act the character of
pretenderrepresent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like
reconstruiract out
Generalrecrearcreate anew
Similaractuar, interpretar, jugar, representar, tocarPerform on a stage or theater
comportarse, hacer ver, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
hacer depretend to be somebody in the framework of a game / game or playful activity
Inglésact, play, represent
Catalánjugar, representar, tocar
Nombresacto, bit, númeroA short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
actor dramático, actor, actriz, actuación, artista, comediante, ejecutor teatral, histrionista, histrión, intérpreteA theatrical performer
actuación, dramatización, interpretación, juego, representaciónThe performance of a part or role in a drama
drama, obra teatralA dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage
obraA theatrical performance of a drama / drama
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 8, perception
Sentidosound loudly and sonorously.
Sinónimossonar, tañer
Específicocampanillearring or sound like a small bell
doblar, repicarring recurrently
sonarGo 'ding dong', like a bell
tocar a difuntosring as in announcing death
Generalhacer ruido, sonarmake a certain noise or sound
Inglésring, peal
Catalánrepicar, sonar, tocar
Nombrescampanilleo, tañido, tintineoThe sound of a bell ringing
estruendo, retumboA deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 9, creation
SentidoPerform on a stage or theater.
Sinónimosactuar, interpretar, jugar, representar
Categoríaarte dramático, dramaturgia, teatroThe art of writing and producing plays
Específicoacompañaract as the stooge
mimaract out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only
sobreactuarexaggerate one's acting
Generalactuar, ejecutar, interpretar, practicarGive a performance (of something)
Similarinterpretar, jugar, representar, tocarPlay a role or part
jugar, representar, tocarBe performed or presented for public viewing
tocarPerform on a certain location
Inglésact, play, roleplay, playact
Catalánactuar, interpretar, jugar, representar, tocar
Nombresacto, bit, númeroA short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
actor dramático, actor, actriz, actuación, artista, comediante, ejecutor teatral, histrionista, histrión, intérpreteA theatrical performer
actuación, dramatización, interpretación, juego, representaciónThe performance of a part or role in a drama
drama, obra teatralA dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage
interpretación de roles, interpretación, juego de rolActing a particular role (as in psychotherapy)
obraA theatrical performance of a drama / drama
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 10, perception
Sentidomake (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification.
Sinónimossonar, tañer
Causa dehacer ruido, sonarmake a certain noise or sound
Específicodoblarring slowly
Generalhacer sonar, sonarCause to sound
Inglésring, knell
Catalánrepicar, sonar, tocar
Nombrescampanera, campaneroA person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)
campanilleo, tañido, tintineoThe sound of a bell ringing
doble, toque de difuntosThe sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a funeral or the end of something
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 11, creation
Sentidoreplay (as a melody).
Sinónimosejecutar, hablar largamente, interpretar, jugar
EspecíficoamañarPlay on a violin
aporrearPlay loudly
modularchange the key of, in music
retocarPlay (a melody) again
Generalrecrearcreate anew
Similarjugar, tocarPlay on an instrument
Inglésplay, spiel
Catalánexecutar, interpretar, jugar, tocar
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 12, creation
SentidoPerform music on (a musical instrument).
Sinónimosaprovecharse de, jugar
Categoríamúsicamusical activity (singing / singing / singing or whistling etc.)
músicaAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
EspecíficoarparPlay the harp
tocar el clarínblow the clarion
Generalhacer sonar, sonarCause to sound
Similarjugar, tocarPlay on an instrument
Catalánjugar, representar, tocar
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 13, contact
Sentidotamper with.
Sinónimosdesordenar, manosear
Específicodestorbar, enturbiardisturb the balance or stability of
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Ingléstouch, disturb
Nombresdisturbio, perturbaciónThe act of disturbing something or someone
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 14, creation
SentidoPlay on an instrument.
CategoríamúsicaAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
EspecíficoacompañarPerform an accompaniment to
sinfonizarPlay or sound together, in harmony / harmony
Generalactuar, ejecutar, interpretar, practicarGive a performance (of something)
Similaraprovecharse de, jugar, tocarPerform music on (a musical instrument)
ejecutar, hablar largamente, interpretar, jugar, tocarreplay (as a melody)
Catalánjugar, representar, tocar
Nombresinstrumentista, músicosomeone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 15, contact
Sentidotouch, lift, or hold with the hands.
EspecíficomaltratarHandle roughly
manipularhold something in one's hands and move it
manosearHandle clumsily
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Ingléshandle, palm
Nombresagarradera, asa, asidero, asimiento, cogedero, empuñadura, manejar, mango, manija, manilla, tirador, tomaderoThe appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
manejo, manipulaciónThe action of touching with the hands (or the skillful use of the hands) or by the use of mechanical means
palma de la mano, palmaThe inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 16, communication
Sentidomake a more or less disguised reference to.
Sinónimosadvertir, aludir, referirse
ImplicadenotarHave as a meaning / meaning
Generalinsinuar, sugerirDrop a hint
Similaratañer, concernir, incumbir, palpar, referirse, referir, relatar, respectar, tocar, tratarseBe relevant to
Inglésallude, touch, advert
Catalánal·ludir, referir-se, tocar
AdjetivoalusivoCharacterized by indirect references
Nombresalusión, mención, referenciapassing reference or indirect mention
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 17, contact
Sentidoproduce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically.
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Inglésstrike, hit
Cataláncopejar, pegar-se, pegar, topar, tustar, xocar
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 18, perception
Sentidoperceive via the tactile sense.
Implicado portanteargrope or feel in search of something
Generalapreciar, comprender, entender, percibir, sentir, verTo become aware of through the senses
Catalánpalpar, tocar
Nombrespercepción táctil, tactoThe sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin
sentido del tacto, tactoThe faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands)
toqueThe event of something coming in contact with the body / body
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 19, emotion
Sentidoaffect emotionally.
Sinónimosdespertar, palpar, provocar
EspecíficollegarEvoke an emotional response
Generalafectar, conmover, impresionar, repercutirHave an emotional or cognitive impact / impact upon
Tambiéncalentar, encender, inflamarArouse or excite feelings and passions
Ingléstouch, stir
Catalánpalpar, tocar
Nombresagitación, conmoción, revueloemotional agitation and excitement
inspiraciónArousing to a particular emotion or action
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 20, creation
SentidoPerform on a certain location.
Generalactuar, ejecutar, interpretar, practicarGive a performance (of something)
Similaractuar, interpretar, jugar, representar, tocarPerform on a stage or theater
Nombresdrama, obra teatralA dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage
obraA theatrical performance of a drama / drama
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 21, stative
SentidoBe awarded; be allotted / allotted / allotted.
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 22, competition
Sentidomake bets.
Sinónimosapostar, jugar
Generalapostar, hacer una apuesta, jugarsestake on the outcome of an issue
Similarapostar, hacer una apuesta, jugarsestake on the outcome of an issue
jugarsebet or wager (money)
Catalánjugar, tocar
Nombresapuesta, juegoThe act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize)
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 23, creation
Sentidoemit recorded sound.
Generalsonargive ... / give off a certain sound or sounds
Similarjugar, poner, tocarCause to emit recorded audio or video
Catalánjugar, tocar
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 24, creation
SentidoCause to emit recorded audio or video.
Sinónimosjugar, poner
Similarcorrer, ejecutar un programa, ejecutarcarry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine
jugar, tocaremit recorded sound
Inglésplay, run
Catalánjugar, posar, tocar
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 25, creation
SentidoBe performed or presented for public viewing.
Sinónimosjugar, representar
Específicodebutar, estrenarseAppear for the first time in public
Similaractuar, interpretar, jugar, representar, tocarPerform on a stage or theater
Catalánjugar, representar, tocar
Nombresdrama, obra teatralA dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage
obraA theatrical performance of a drama / drama
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 26, contact
SentidoCause to be in brief contact with.
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
NombrescontactoThe act of putting two things together with no space between them
toqueThe event of something coming in contact with the body / body
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 27, communication
Sentidorefer to or discuss briefly.
Generaladvertir, aludir, citar, mencionar, mentar, nombrar, referirmake reference to
Ingléstouch on
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 28, consumption
Sinónimosconsumir, tomar
Específicorecibirpartake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament
Generalcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Ingléspartake, touch
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 29, cognition
Sentidocomprehend / comprehend.
Sinónimoscomprender, entender
Generalcoger, comprender, entenderknow and comprehend the nature or meaning / meaning of
Catalánmencionar, referir-se
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 30, possession
SentidoTo be given by assignment or distribution.
Similarcorresponder, tocarTo be given by right or inheritance
iluminar, recaerfall to somebody by assignment or lot
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 31, perception
Sentidoring loudly and deeply.
Sinónimosdoblar, tañer
Generalresonar, retumbar, reverberarring or echo with sound
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 32, possession
SentidoTo be given by right or inheritance.
SimilartocarTo be given by assignment or distribution
Catalánpertocar, tocar
Español > tocar: 33 sentidos > verbo 33, communication
SentidoIndicate (a certain time) by striking.
Generalmarcar, registrarindicate a certain reading
Cataláncopejar, pegar

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