Sentido | come into being; become reality. | |
Sinónimos | acaecer, acontecer, materializarse, materializar, ocurrir, realizarse, suceder | |
Específico | aflorar, aparecer, estrenarse, salir | Be issued or published |
General | acaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugar | Come to pass |
Inglés | happen, materialize, materialise | |
Catalán | esdevenir-se, materialitzar-se, materialitzar, ocórrer, passar, succeir | |
Nombres | materialización | An appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit) |
materialización | The process of coming into being |
Sentido | Pass time in a specific way. | |
Específico | hibernar, invernar, pasar el invierno | spend the winter |
militar, servir | Serve as a soldier in the military | |
pasar el rato | spend or pass, as with boredom or in a pleasant manner | |
pasar las vacaciones, vacacionar, veranear | spend or take a vacation | |
servir | spend time in prison or in a labor camp | |
veranear | spend the summer | |
Inglés | spend, pass | |
Catalán | gastar, passar |
Sentido | stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points / points or beyond a certain point / point. | |
Sinónimos | acudir, ampliar, dirigir, extenderse, ir, liderar, prolongar | |
Específico | irradiar, radiar | Extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center |
llegar | Extend or reach | |
llegar hondo, llegar lejos | Extend in importance or range | |
General | estar, haber | Occupy a certain position or area |
También | alinearse | Be in line with |
contactar, lindar, tocar | To extend as far as | |
Similar | ir | change or be different within limits |
Inglés | run, go, pass, lead, extend | |
Catalán | acudir, ampliar, anar, dirigir, estendre's, liderar, passar, prolongar | |
Nombres | alcance, extensión | The distance or area or volume over which something extends |
Sentido | happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance. | |
Sinónimos | acontecer, ocurrir, suceder | |
General | acaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugar | Come to pass |
Similar | acaecer, ocurrir, pasar, suceder | Chance to be or do something, without intention or causation |
Inglés | happen, befall, bechance | |
Catalán | esdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, succeir |
Sentido | go across or through. | |
Causado por | entregar, pasar | Cause to pass |
Específico | atravesar, penetrar, romper, traspasar | pass through (a barrier) |
atravesar, cruzar | Travel across or pass over | |
atravesar, transitar | make a passage or journey from one place to another | |
correr | Cover by running | |
escaparse, fugarse | escape | |
infiltrarse | pass through an enemy line | |
negociar | succeed in passing ... / passing through, around, or over | |
transgredir, traspasar | Pass beyond (limits or boundaries) | |
General | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
También | atravesar, cruzar | Travel across or pass over |
atravesar, transitar | make a passage or journey from one place to another | |
circunvalar, saltarse, saltar | Bypass | |
Inglés | pass |
Sentido | make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation. | |
Sinónimo | legislar | |
General | promulgar | Order by virtue of superior authority |
Inglés | legislate, pass | |
Catalán | legislar, passar | |
Adjetivo | legislativo | Of or relating to or created by legislation |
Nombres | aprobación, promulgación | The passing of a law by a legislative body |
asamblea general, asamblea legislativa, cuerpo legislativo, legislador, legislatura, órgano legislador, poder legislativo | persons who make or amend or repeal laws | |
legislación | The act of making or enacting laws | |
legislación, ley estatutaria | law enacted by a legislative body | |
legisladora, legislador | someone who makes or enacts laws |
Sentido | pass by. | |
Sinónimos | deslizarse, esfumarse, seguir, transcurrir, trascurrir | |
Específico | derribar, desvanecerse, volar | pass away rapidly |
General | adentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarse | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
También | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
deslizarse, deslizar, planear | Move smoothly and effortlessly | |
deslizarse, deslizar, escabullirse | Move stealthily | |
deslizarse | Move smoothly and easily | |
deslizarse, deslizar, resbalarse, resbalar | To pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly | |
Inglés | elapse, lapse, pass, slip by, glide by, slip away, go by, slide by, go along | |
Catalán | acabar, passar, transcórrer | |
Nombres | lapso | A break or intermission in the occurrence of something |
Sentido | Move past. | |
Sinónimos | dejar atrás, ir | |
Específico | bordear, rodear | Pass around or about |
General | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
También | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
Inglés | travel by, pass by, surpass, go past, go by, pass | |
Catalán | passar | |
Nombres | transeúnte, viandante | A person who passes by casually or by chance |
Sentido | Chance to be or do something, without intention or causation. | |
Sinónimos | acaecer, ocurrir, suceder | |
Similar | acontecer, ocurrir, pasar, suceder | happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance |
Inglés | happen | |
Catalán | esdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, succeir |
Sentido | Travel past. | |
Sinónimos | adelantar, alcanzar | |
Específico | cubrir, rematar | Pass by, over, or under without making contact |
pasar | Pass or move in front of | |
General | adentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarse | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
Inglés | pass, overtake, overhaul | |
Nombres | adelantamiento | going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it |
Sentido | happen / happen. | |
Sinónimos | desarrollarse, ocurrir, recrudecerse, suceder | |
General | acaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugar | Come to pass |
También | abrirse paso, penetrar | penetrate |
entrar en erupción, hacer erupción, irrumpir | start abruptly | |
Similar | desarrollarse, desarrollar | Be gradually disclosed or unfolded |
Inglés | break, recrudesce, develop | |
Catalán | donar-se, succeir | |
Nombres | recrudecimiento, recrudescencia | A return of something after a period of abatement |
Sentido | pass over, across, or through. | |
Sinónimos | encaminar, guiar, recorrer | |
Específico | acariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregar | Move over something with pressure |
enhebrar | pass a thread through | |
ensartar, pasar | pass through or into | |
También | difundir, diseminar, dispensar, dispersar, distribuir, divulgar, esparcir, propagar, repartir | Cause to become widely known |
enjugar, formatear, limpiar, quitar, secar | rub with a circular motion | |
Similar | encordar, enfilar, engarzar, enhebrar, ensartar | thread on or as if on a string |
llevar | Cause something to pass or lead somewhere | |
Inglés | guide, run, draw, pass | |
Catalán | encaminar, guiar, passar |
Sentido | Accept or judge as acceptable. | |
Causa de | aprobar | go successfully through a test or a selection process |
General | evaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensar | form a critical opinion of |
Contrario | suspender | judge unacceptable |
Inglés | pass | |
Nombres | aprobado | success in satisfying a test or requirement |
Sentido | Throw (a ball) to another player. | |
Sinónimo | entregar | |
General | arrojar, lanzar, tirar | Propel through the air |
Inglés | pass | |
Catalán | entregar, lliurar, passar | |
Nombres | pase | (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate |
Sentido | disappear gradually. | |
Sinónimos | desaparecer, desvanecerse, esfumarse, marchar | |
General | desaparecer, desvancerse, disiparse, esfumarse | Get lost, as without warning or explanation |
Inglés | evanesce, fade, blow over, pass off, fleet, pass | |
Catalán | desaparèixer, esvair-se, remetre | |
Adjetivo | evanescente | tending to vanish like vapor |
Nombres | evanescencia | The event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight |
Sentido | pass through or into. | |
Sinónimo | ensartar | |
General | encaminar, guiar, pasar, recorrer | pass over, across, or through |
Inglés | thread |
Sentido | Cause to pass. | |
Sinónimo | entregar | |
Causa de | pasar | go across or through |
Específico | hacer pasar por | Cause to be circulated / circulated and accepted in a false character or identity |
llevar | Cause something to pass or lead somewhere | |
pasar por | Cause to move through | |
Inglés | pass, make pass | |
Catalán | entregar, lliurar, passar |
Sentido | Give to or transfer possession of. | |
Sinónimos | transferir, transmitir | |
Específico | dejar, heredar, legar, transmitir | Passed on, as by inheritance / inheritance / inheritance |
propagarse, propagar, reproducirse, reproducir | transmit from one generation to the next | |
General | abandonar, dar, dejar, entregar, heredar, legar | Leave or give by will after one's death |
También | acercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar | place into the hands or custody of |
Inglés | pass on |
Sentido | Give a base on balls to. | |
Sinónimo | hacer un pase | |
Categoría | baseball, beisbol, béisbol | A ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players |
General | jugar, tocar | participate in games / games or sport |
Inglés | walk |
Sentido | Pass into a specified state or condition. | |
Sinónimo | caer en | |
General | moverse | Go or proceed from one point to another |
Inglés | sink, pass, lapse | |
Catalán | caure en, passar | |
Nombres | pasaje, paso, transición | The act of passing from one state or place to the next |
Sentido | Go unchallenged; be approved. | |
Sinónimo | salvar | |
Específico | declarar | Pass an inspection or receive authorization |
General | acceder, conseguir, cumplir lo prometido, ganar, lograr, salir adelante, tener éxito, triumfar, triunfar | attain success or reach a desired goal / goal |
Inglés | pass, clear |
Sentido | Give to several people. | |
Sinónimos | dispensar, distribuir, entregar, repartir | |
Específico | desglosar, prorratear | Give out as one's portion or share |
General | dar, dispensar, donar, entregar, obsequiar, presentar, propinar, regalar | Give as a present |
También | acercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar | place into the hands or custody of |
Inglés | distribute, give out, hand out, pass out | |
Catalán | dispensar, distribuir, repartir | |
Adjetivo | distribuidor, distributivo | Serving to distribute or allot / allot or disperse |
Sentido | decline to initiate betting. | |
Sinónimos | contenerse, refrenarse | |
Categoría | juego de cartas | A game / game played with playing cards |
General | destruir, go, hacer, jugar, mover | Have a turn |
Inglés | check |
Sentido | Visit informally and spontaneously. | |
General | cumplimentar, hacer venir, visitar | pay a brief visit |
Inglés | drop by, drop in, come by |
Sentido | transfer to another; of rights or property. | |
Sinónimo | transferir | |
General | alterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
Inglés | pass |
Sentido | disregard. | |
General | descartar, desoír, destituir, excluir, ignorar | bar from attention or consideration |
Inglés | pass off | |
Catalán | passar per alt |
Sentido | Pass or move in front of. | |
General | adelantar, alcanzar, pasar | Travel past |
Inglés | get by |
Sentido | happen, occur, take place. | |
Sinónimos | haber, ocurrir, ser, suceder | |
Inglés | be | |
Catalán | ocòrrer, passar, ser, succeir |
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