Sentido | Act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises. |
Sinónimos | insultar, ofender, violar, vulnerar |
Específico | cometer | break the law |
contravenir, infringir | go against, as of rules and laws |
joderla, meter la pata, pecar, pifiar | Commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake |
pecar | commit a sin |
Contrario | cumplir, mantener | conform one's action or practice to |
Inglés | transgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break |
Catalán | insultar, transgredir, vulnerar |
Adjetivo | desagradable, ofensivo | morally offensive |
violable | Capable of being violated / violated / violated / violated / violated |
Nombres | brecha, incumplimiento | A failure to perform some promised act or obligation |
contravención, delito menor, delito, falta, infracción, ofensa, violación | A crime less serious than a felony |
crimen, delito, delitos, infracción | A transgression that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right |
delincuente, infractor, malhechor | A person who transgresses moral or civil law |
malhechor, transgresor, trasgresor | someone who transgresses |
transgresión, trasgresión | The act of transgressing |
transgresor, trasgresor | someone who violates the law |