HyperDic: mantener

Español > 15 sentidos de la palabra mantener:
VERBOstativemantener, conservar, sostenerkeep in a certain state, position, or activity
stativemantener, continuar, persistir, preservar, seguir, sustentarkeep or maintain in unaltered condition
possessionmantener, conservar, llevar, preservarkeep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction
consumptionmantener, conservar, guardar, quedar, sostenersupply with necessities and support
emotionmantener, abrigar, albergarmaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
possessionmantener, conservar, guardar, quedar, sostenerretain possession of
communicationmantener, afirmar, aseverar, conservar, sostenerstate categorically
socialmantener, cumplirconform one's action or practice to
communicationmantener, conservar, defenderstate or assert
communicationmantenersupport against an opponent
communicationmantener, luchar por, sostenerstand up for
possessionmantener, conservar, dejar, guardar, quedarstore or keep customarily
bodymantenermanage not to throw up
stativemantenersupply with room and board
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 1, stative
SentidoKeep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean".
Sinónimosconservar, sostener
Específicocontinuar, mantener, persistir, preservar, seguir, sustentarKeep or maintain in unaltered condition
distanciar, mantener a distanciaKeep at a distance / distance
presurizarMaintain a certain pressure
Tambiénaguantar firme, aguantar, resistir, soportarstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
aislar, mantener aislado, poner aparte, segregar, separarset apart from others
atrasar, demorarCause to be slowed ... / slowed down or delayed
cerrar, exceptuar, excluir, privarprevent from entering
contener, pararhold back, as of a danger or an enemy
durar, perdurar, persistir, sobrevivir, vivirContinue to live through hardship or adversity
eludir, evitarRefrain from certain foods or beverages
prolongar, sostenerlengthen or extend in duration or space
Ingléskeep, maintain, hold
Catalánconservar, mantenir
Adjetivomantenible, sosteniblecapable of being maintained
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 2, stative
SentidoKeep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last / last.
Sinónimoscontinuar, persistir, preservar, seguir, sustentar
Específicocurriculum vitae, proseguir, reanudar, reiniciar, retomartake up or begin anew
mantenerse, perdurar, perseverar, persistir, subsistirBe persistent, refuse to stop
perpetuarCause to continue or prevail
prolongar, sostenerlengthen or extend in duration or space
Generalconservar, mantener, sostenerKeep in a certain state, position, or activity
Contrarioacabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminarput an end to a state or an activity
Similaravanzar, continuar, proceder, proseguir, seguirMove ahead
continuar, guardar, proseguir, seguirContinue a certain state, condition, or activity
Ingléscontinue, uphold, carry on, bear on, preserve
Cataláncontinuar, persistir, seguir
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 3, possession
SentidoKeep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction.
Sinónimosconservar, llevar, preservar
Específicoembalsamarpreserve a dead body
Inglésconserve, preserve, maintain, keep up
Catalánconservar, preservar
Adjetivopreservativotending or having the power to preserve
NombresconservaciónThe preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources
conservación, preservaciónAn occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change
mantenimientoactivity involved in maintaining something in good working order
preservaciónThe activity of protecting something from loss or danger
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 4, consumption
SentidoSupply with necessities and support.
Sinónimosconservar, guardar, quedar, sostener
Generaldetentar, ostentar, poseer, sustentar, tenerHave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
Ingléssustain, keep, maintain
Catalánconservar, guardar, mantenir, quedar, sostenir
Nombresmantenimiento, sostenimiento, sustentación, sustentoThe act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence
mantenimientomeans of maintenance of a family or group
manutención, sustentación, sustentoThe financial means whereby one lives
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 5, emotion
SentidoMaintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings).
Sinónimosabrigar, albergar
Generalexperimentar, sentirUndergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind
Inglésharbor, harbour, hold, entertain, nurse
Catalánabrigar, considerar
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 6, possession
SentidoRetain possession of.
Sinónimosconservar, guardar, quedar, sostener
Específicoacumular, almacenar, atesorarKeep or lay aside for future use
ahorrar, conservar, preservar, resguardarTo keep up and reserve for personal or special use
almacenar, conservarFind a place for and put away for storage
deducir, descontar, desgravar, recobrar, retenerRetain and refrain from disbursing
detentar, retenerSecure and keep for possible future use or application
negarRefuse to let have
reservarhold over goods to be sold for the next season
Generaldetentar, ostentar, poseer, sustentar, tenerHave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
Tambiéndetentar, retenerSecure and keep for possible future use or application
retenerhold back
Contrarioperderfail to keep or to maintain
Ingléskeep, hold on
Catalánconservar, guardar, mantenir, quedar
Nombresholding, retenciónThe act of retaining something
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
Sentidostate categorically.
Sinónimosafirmar, aseverar, conservar, sostener
Específicoafirmar, alegar, decir, declarar, sentenciarReport or maintain
proclamaraffirm or declare as an attribute or quality of
GeneralinsistirBe emphatic or resolute and refuse / refuse to budge
Inglésassert, asseverate, maintain
Catalánafirmar, asseverar, conservar
Nombresafirmación, aserción, aseveraciónA declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
asseveratorsomeone who claims to speak the truth
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 8, social
Sentidoconform one's action or practice to.
Específicocompensar, cumpliract as promised
Contrarioinsultar, ofender, transgredir, violar, vulnerarAct in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
Inglésobserve, keep
Cataláncomplir, observar, seguir
Nombresconformidadconformity or harmony / harmony
observanciaconformity with law or custom / custom or practice etc.
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 9, communication
Sentidostate or assert.
Sinónimosconservar, defender
Generalafirmarsay yes to
Inglésmaintain, defend
Adjetivodefendiblecapable of being defended
defensivo, justificador, justificanteattempting to justify or defend in speech / speech or writing
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 10, communication
Sentidosupport against an opponent.
Específicojustificarshow to be right by providing justification or proof
Generalconfirmar, constatar, corroborar, reafirmarstrengthen or make more firm
Inglésuphold, maintain
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 11, communication
Sentidostand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles / principles, or ideals.
Sinónimosluchar por, sostener
Generalapoyar, defender, respaldarargue or speak in defense / defense of
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 12, possession
Sentidostore or keep customarily.
Sinónimosconservar, dejar, guardar, quedar
Generalalmacenar, conservarFind a place for and put away for storage
Similarconservar, guardar, quedarHave as a supply
Catalánconservar, guardar, quedar
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 13, body
Sentidomanage not to throw up.
Contrarioarrojar, devolver, vomitar, vómitoEject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
Ingléskeep down
Catalánlimitar, mantenir
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 14, stative
SentidoSupply with room and board.
Generalacomodar, albergar, alojar, dar alojamiento, hospedarProvide housing for
Español > mantener: 15 sentidos > verbo 15, possession
Generaldetentar, retenerSecure and keep for possible future use or application
Ingléshold down

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