HyperDic: acumular

Español > 7 sentidos de la palabra acumular:
VERBOpossessionacumular, almacenar, atesorarkeep or lay aside for future use
changeacumular, acumularse, amontonarse, amontonar, conglomerar, congregarcollect or gather
possessionacumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunirget or gather together
contactacumular, amontonar, apilar, hacinararrange in stacks
possessionacumular, amontonar, atesorarsave up as for future use
possessionacumular, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunircall for and obtain payment of
contactacumular, amontonararrange into piles or stacks
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 1, possession
SentidoKeep or lay aside for future use.
Sinónimosalmacenar, atesorar
Específicoacumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunirGet or gather together
aprovisionar, avituallarlay in provisions / provisions
arrojar, botar, tirarstore in bins
computadorizar, computerizarstore in a computer
Generalconservar, guardar, mantener, quedar, sostenerRetain possession of
Tambiénamontonar, apilar, hacinarLoad or cover with stacks
Inglésstore, hive away, lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away
Catalánacumular, atresorar, desar, emmagatzemar, tresorejar
Nombresacervo, acopio, repuesto, reserva, reténA supply of something available for future use
almacenaje, almacenamientoThe act of storing something
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 2, change
SentidoCollect or gather.
Sinónimosacumularse, amontonarse, amontonar, conglomerar, congregar
Generalaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirBecome bigger or greater in amount
Inglésaccumulate, cumulate, conglomerate, pile up, gather, amass
Catalánacumular-se, acumular, ajuntar, amuntegar-se, congregar, juntar-se, recol·lectar, reunir-se
Adjetivoacumulable, acumulativo, cumulativoincreasing by successive addition
acumulativomarked by acquiring or amassing
NombresacumulaciónThe act of accumulating
acumulación, aglomerado, cúmulo, montaña, montículo, montón, pilaA collection of objects laid on top of each other
aglomeración, agregada, agregado, conglomeración, conglomeradoA sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
cogidaThe act of gathering something
conglomeraciónAn occurrence combining miscellaneous things into a (more or less) rounded mass
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 3, possession
SentidoGet or gather together.
Sinónimosamasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunir
EspecíficoacorralarCollect or gather
aglomerar, amontonar, apelotonar, reunirPut together indiscriminately
amontonar, contraer, incurrirpile up (debts or scores)
arañarGather (money or other resources) together over time
capturartake in and retain
coleccionar, meter, recopilarGet or bring together
embalarmake into a bale
Generalacumular, almacenar, atesorarKeep or lay aside for future use
Inglésroll up, collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard
Catalánacumular, ajuntar, amuntegar, apilar, aplegar, arreplegar, col·leccionar, compilar, recollir, recopilar, reunir
Adjetivoacumulable, acumulativo, cumulativoincreasing by successive addition
acumulativomarked by acquiring or amassing
Nombresacopio, acumulación, colección, montaje, recolecciónThe act of gathering something together
acumulaciónThe act of accumulating
acumulación, colección, conjunto, cúmulo, grupo, hatajo, hatoSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole
compilación, recopilaciónThe act of compiling (as into a single book / book or file or list)
compilación, recopilaciónSomething that is compiled (as into a single book or file)
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
SentidoArrange in stacks.
Sinónimosamontonar, apilar, hacinar
Específicoamontonar en almiarespile in ricks
Generalarreglar, colocar, disponerput into a proper or systematic order
Tambiénacumular, amontonarArrange into piles or stacks
Inglésstack, pile, heap
Catalánacumular, agarberar, amuntegar, apilar, apilonar
Participioamontonado, apiladoArranged in a stack
Nombresacumulación, aglomerado, cúmulo, montaña, montículo, montón, pilaA collection of objects laid on top of each other
montón, pilaAn orderly pile
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 5, possession
Sentidosave up as for future use.
Sinónimosamontonar, atesorar
Generalahorrar, guardar, reservarAccumulate money for future use
Tambiénacostar, colocar, poner, tumbarput in a horizontal position
Ingléshoard, stash, cache, lay away, hive up, squirrel away
Catalánacumular, amuntegar, atresorar, tresorejar
Nombresalijo, reserva, tesoro escondido, tesoroA secret store of valuables or money
escondrijoA hidden / hidden storage space (for money or provisions / provisions or weapons)
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 6, possession
Sentidocall for and obtain payment of.
Sinónimosjuntar, recoger, recopilar, reunir
Específicocriar, recaudarCollect funds for a specific purpose
recoger, recolectarCollect fees or profits / profits
Generalapropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitar, tomarTake into one's possession
Ingléscollect, take in
Catalánacumular, juntar, recopilar, reunir
Adjetivoabonable, pagable, pagaderosubject to or requiring payment especially as specified
NombrescobradorA person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)
Español > acumular: 7 sentidos > verbo 7, contact
SentidoArrange into piles or stacks.
Generalcolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunirAssemble or get together
Tambiénacumular, amontonar, apilar, hacinarArrange in stacks
Ingléspile up, heap up, stack up

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