HyperDic: quitar

Español > 19 sentidos de la palabra quitar:
VERBOchangequitar, apartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarremove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
possessionquitar, afanar, hurtar, mangar, rapiñar, robar, sustraertake without the owner's consent
possessionquitar, apartar, deshacerse, eliminar, extirpar, remover, retirar, suprimirdispose of
contactquitar, enjugar, formatear, limpiar, secarrub with a circular motion
possessionquitar, dibujar, retirar, sacar, suprimirremove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
possessionquitar, apropiarse, copar, llevarse, tomartake into one's possession
cognitionquitar, deducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, restar, substraer, sustraermake a subtraction
changequitar, llevarsetake away a part from
socialquitar, alejar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, retirar, sacar, suprimirremove from a position or an office
possessionquitar, afanar, atrapar, birlar, enganchar, guindar, hurtar, mangar, robarmake off with belongings of others
possessionquitar, apropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, tomartake by force
socialquitar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, retirar, sacar, suprimircause to leave
contactquitar, expropiardeprive / deprive of possessions
contactquitar, lavar, limpiar, sacarremove while making clean
changequitar, eliminareliminate
contactquitar, desmantelar, desmontar, desnudar, limpiar, sacarremove all contents or possession from, or empty completely
changequitar, alejarse, alejar, dejarget rid of something abstract
changequitartake away
possessionquitar, aliviar, salvartake by stealing
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 1, change
SentidoRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract.
Sinónimosapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomar
Implicado porahondar, cavar, excavarcreate by digging
desempolvarRemove the dust from
EspecíficoachicarRemove (water) from a boat by dipping and throwing over the side
aclarar, clarificar, despejar, retirar, solucionarFree (the throat) by making a rasping sound
ahecharBlow away or off with a current of air
amputarRemove surgically
anular, borrar, eliminar, suprimir, tacharRemove or make invisible
apartarRemove with or as if with a brush
arrancar a tiras, raerTake off or remove
arrojar, dejar caer, despojarse, librarse de, mudar, quitarse de encima, quitarse, sacudirse algo, tirar, vaciarGet rid of
cargar, repartirRemove with or as if with a ladle
cavar, excavarTurn up, loosen, or remove earth
cavar, excavarRemove the inner part or the core of
circumcidar, circuncidarcut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys
claramente, clarificar, unánimenteRemove
condensarRemove water from
cucharearscoop up or take up with a spoon
depilarRemove body hair
deprivarremove a constituent from a liquid
desactivarRemove the triggering device from
desalojarRemove or force out from a position
desbrozar, desherbar, escardar, herbarClear of weeds
descalcificarRemove calcium or lime / lime from
descargarTake the burden off
descargarRemove the charge from
descascarar, descascarillarRemove the hulls from
descascarillar, desvainarRemove the husks from
descascarillar, limpiar, pelar, sacarRemove shells or husks from
descordar, desencordarRemove the strings from
descubrirRemove the cover from
desempaquetarRemove from its packing
desensillarRemove the saddle from
desentrañar, destriparRemove the entrails of
desenvainarRemove from its shell or outer covering
desfibrarRemove the stringy parts of
desgastar, erosionar, gastardiminish, as by friction
desgonzar, desgoznar, desquiciarRemove the hinges from
deshuesarRemove the bones from
deshuesar, despepitarremove the pits from
desintoxicarRemove poison from
desmantelar, desmontar, desnudar, limpiar, quitar, sacarRemove all contents or possession from, or empty completely
desnatar, espumarRemove from the surface
despejar, quitar los estorbos, sacarremove from sight
despejar, expectorar, sacarclear out the chest and lungs
despojarRemove the surface from
destriparRemove the guts of
desvestirRemove (someone's or one's own) clothes
dibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
dragarRemove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water
enjugarRemove by wiping
escamarRemove the scales from
exprimir, extraertake liquid out of a container or well
extirparsurgically remove (an organ)
extraer, sacarRemove, usually with some force or effort
granarRemove the seeds from
hipofisectomizarRemove the pituitary glands
lavarRemove by the application of water or other liquid / liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent
lavar, limpiarRemove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
lavar, limpiar, quitar, sacarRemove while making clean
limpiar, purificarRemove unwanted substances from
llevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
picotear, roerRemove in small bits
quitartake away
retirar, sacartake out or remove
sacarRemove substances from by a percolating liquid / liquid
sacartake away or remove
sacarRemove from a seedbed or from a nursery
sacarTake off or away by decreasing
sacarBring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
sacar del amarraderotake (a ship) out of a dock
Tambiéndeducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, quitar, restar, substraer, sustraermake a subtraction
Inglésremove, take, take away, withdraw
Catalánapartar, copar, eliminar, emportar-se, extirpar, llevar, retirar, suprimir, treure
Nombreseliminación, remociónThe act of removing
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 2, possession
SentidoTake without the owner's consent.
Sinónimosafanar, hurtar, mangar, rapiñar, robar, sustraer
Específicoafanar, atrapar, birlar, enganchar, guindar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, robarMake off with belongings of others
arramblarsell something to or obtain something from by energetic / energetic and especially underhanded activity
atracar, robartake something away by force or without the consent of the owner
chivarse, hurtar, mangar, robarTake by theft
desvalijar, hurtar, robarcommit a burglary
embolsarse, embolsar, embolsillarse, robarTake unlawfully
llevarseTake without permission
malversarAppropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
pillar, piratear, plagiar, saquearTake illegally
piratearCopy illegally
plagiarTake without referencing from someone else's writing or speech
robarsteal in a store
robarTake illegally
Generalapropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, quitar, tomarTake by force
Ingléssteal, rip off, rip
Catalánafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robar
Nombresalzado, desvalijamiento, hurto, latrocinio, robo, substracción, sustracciónThe act of taking something from someone unlawfully
caco, ladrón, manganteA criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 3, possession
Sentidodispose of.
Sinónimosapartar, deshacerse, eliminar, extirpar, remover, retirar, suprimir
Específicoarrojar, botar, descartar, desechar, deshacerse, echar, expulsar, naufragar, olvidar, tirarthrow or cast away
descafeinarRemove caffeine from (coffee)
desengrasarRemove grease or oil from (a pan)
desionizarRemove ions from
escardarRemove unwanted elements
retirar del mercadoremove (a security) from listing at a stock exchange
Inglésget rid of, remove
Catalánapartar, desfer-se de, desfer-se, eliminar, extirpar, suprimir, treure
Nombreseliminación, remociónThe act of removing
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
Sentidorub with a circular motion.
Sinónimosenjugar, formatear, limpiar, secar
Específicobarrer, escobasweep with a broom or as if with a broom
escobillarbrush or wipe ... / wipe off lightly
escurrirwipe with a squeegee
pasar una esponjawipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moisten
pasar una toalla, secarse, secarwipe with a towel
Generalacariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregarMove over something with pressure
Tambiénagotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reduciruse up (resources or materials)
borrarRemove by or as if by rubbing or erasing
encaminar, guiar, pasar, recorrerpass over, across, or through
enjugarRemove by wiping
Ingléswipe, pass over
Catalánassecar, eixugar, netejar, treure
Nombresescobilla, lilmpiaparabrisas, limpiaparabrisasA mechanical device that cleans the windshield
frotamientoThe act of rubbing or wiping
secaplatosA worker who wipes
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 5, possession
SentidoRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source).
Sinónimosdibujar, retirar, sacar, suprimir
EspecíficodesinvertirReduce or dispose of
echar manoDraw from or dip into to get something
estar en descubierto, sobregirarDraw more money from than is available
girarWithdraw money by writing a check
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Tambiénapropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitar, tomarTake into one's possession
llevarbuy, select
Contrariodepositar, ingresarput into a bank account
Similarexprimir, extraertake liquid out of a container or well
Ingléswithdraw, draw, take out, draw off
Catalánretirar, suprimir, traure, treure
Nombresgirado, libradoThe person (or bank) who is expected to pay a check or draft when it is presented for payment
libradorThe person who writes a check or draft instructing the drawee to pay someone else
reintegroThe act of taking out money or other capital
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 6, possession
SentidoTake into one's possession.
Sinónimosapropiarse, copar, llevarse, tomar
Específicoaceptar, admitir, adquirir, asumirtake on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
acumular, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunircall for and obtain payment of
adoptar, ahijarTake into one's family
apoderar, capturar, confiscar, decomisar, embargar, incautarse, incautar, intervenir, secuestrarTake temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
arrebatar, cogerget hold of or seize quickly and easily
deprivar, desnudar, despojar, desposeer, privartake away possessions from someone
embolsar, empaquetarput in one's pocket
recuperar, redisponerregain possession of something
retirar, suprimirCause to be returned
Tambiéndibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
recuperar, redisponerregain possession of something
Contrariodar, dispensar, donar, entregar, otorgar, propinar, regalartransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
Catalánapropiar-se, copar, portar-se, prendre, treure
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
Sentidomake a subtraction.
Sinónimosdeducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, restar, substraer, sustraer
CategoríaaritméticaThe branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
Generalaverigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Tambiénapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Contrarioadicionar, agregar, sumarmake an addition by combining numbers
Ingléssubtract, deduct, take off
Catalándesgravar, extraure, extreure, restar, sostraure, sostreure, treure
Adjetivosubstractivo, subtractivo, sustractivoconstituting / constituting or involving subtraction
Nombresmenos, resta, sustracciónAn arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated
resta, substracción, sustracciónThe act of subtracting (removing a part from the whole)
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 8, change
Sentidotake away a part from; diminish.
Generalbajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducircut down on
Ingléstake away, detract
Nombresdepreciador, desacreditador, detractor, menospreciadorOne who disparages or belittles the worth of something
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 9, social
SentidoRemove from a position or an office.
Sinónimosalejar, apartar, eliminar, extirpar, retirar, sacar, suprimir
Específicodar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poderTerminate the employment of
echar, expeler, expulsarRemove from a position or office
eliminar, rechazarterminate an association with
Catalánallunyar, apartar, bandejar, eliminar, extirpar, suprimir, treure
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 10, possession
SentidoMake off with belongings of others.
Sinónimosafanar, atrapar, birlar, enganchar, guindar, hurtar, mangar, robar
Generalafanar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, rapiñar, robar, sustraerTake without the owner's consent
Ingléspilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, hook, sneak, filch, nobble, lift
Catalánfurtar, pispar, robar
Nombreschorizo, mangui, quinqui, randa, rateroA thief who steals without using violence
cuartos, cucas, dinero, guita, kale, lana, lucro, mosca, parné, pasta, pelas, simoleonsinformal terms for money
hurtoThe act of stealing small amounts or small articles
ladrón, mecheroA thief who steals goods that are in a store
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 11, possession
SentidoTake by force.
Sinónimosapropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, tomar
Específicoafanar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, rapiñar, robar, sustraerTake without the owner's consent
aliviar, quitar, salvarTake by stealing
anexar, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, usurparseize and take control without authority and possibly with force
despojar, desvalijar, expoliar, pillar, saquearsteal goods
escalarTake by attacking with scaling ladders
extorsionarObtain through intimidation
liberar, libertar, rescatarTake forcibly from legal custody
pillar, saquearplunder (a town) after capture
reconquistartake back by force, as after a battle
Catalánagafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, prendre, traure, treure
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 12, social
SentidoCause to leave.
Sinónimosapartar, eliminar, extirpar, retirar, sacar, suprimir
Causa demoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Ingléstake out, move out, remove
Catalánapartar, eliminar, extirpar, retirar, suprimir, treure
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 13, contact
Sentidodeprive / deprive of possessions.
Generaldeprivar, desnudar, despojar, desposeer, privartake away possessions from someone
Nombresexpropiacióntaking out of an owner's hands (especially taking property by public authority)
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
SentidoRemove while making clean.
Sinónimoslavar, limpiar, sacar
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Similarasear la casa, hacer el aseo, limpiar la corrupción, limpiarclean and tidy up the house
Catalánnetejar, rentar, treure
Nombreslavado, limpiezaThe act of making something clean
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 15, change
Generalalejarse, alejar, dejar, quitarGet rid of something abstract
Ingléswash away
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 16, contact
SentidoRemove all contents or possession from, or empty completely.
Sinónimosdesmantelar, desmontar, desnudar, limpiar, sacar
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Inglésclean, strip
Catalándesmantellar, desmuntar, desvestir, netejar, treure
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 17, change
SentidoGet rid of something abstract.
Sinónimosalejarse, alejar, dejar
Específicoeliminar, quitarEliminate
Inglésremove, take away
Catalánallunyar-se, deixar
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 18, change
Sentidotake away.
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
SimilarsacarBring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
Español > quitar: 19 sentidos > verbo 19, possession
SentidoTake by stealing.
Sinónimosaliviar, salvar
Generalapropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, quitar, tomarTake by force
Catalánalleugerir, salvar

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