HyperDic: descargar

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra descargar:
VERBOcompetitiondescargar, disparargo off or discharge
competitiondescargar, despedir, disparar, echarcause to go off
communicationdescargar, absolver, exculpar, exonerarpronounce not guilty of criminal charges
contactdescargar, dejarleave or unload
socialdescargar, liberarfree from obligations or duties
contactdescargar, desaguar, desembarcar, evacuartake the load off (a container or vehicle)
communicationdescargargive expression or utterance to
possessiondescargar, bajartransfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller computer or to a computer at a remote location
competitiondescargar, dar de baja, sacar de filasrelease from military service
contactdescargar, echarpour forth or release
emotiondescargardischarge bad feelings or tension through verbalization
motiondescargar, tirar, verter, volcardrop (stuff) in a heap or mass
changedescargar, desalojar, descargarse, desocupar, vaciarbecome empty or void of its content
communicationdescargar, desobligar, expedir, remitirrelease from (claims / claims, debts, or taxes)
contactdescargartake the burden off
contactdescargarremove the charge from
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 1, competition
Sentidogo off or discharge.
Causado pordescargar, despedir, disparar, echarCause to go off
Inglésfire, discharge, go off
Catalándescarregar, disparar, fer foc
NombresdescargaThe act of discharging a gun
fuegoThe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 2, competition
SentidoCause to go off.
Sinónimosdespedir, disparar, echar
Causa dedescargar, disparargo off or discharge
Implicado pordesencadenarRelease or pull the trigger on
Específicodisparar, tirarFire a shot
dispararfire as from a gun
fusilarattack with fusillade
Inglésfire, discharge
Catalándescarregar, disparar, fer foc, fer fora
NombresdescargaThe act of discharging a gun
fuegoThe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 3, communication
Sentidopronounce not guilty of criminal charges.
Sinónimosabsolver, exculpar, exonerar
Implicaevaluar, juzgar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Específicoblanquearexonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data
exonerar, purgarClear of a charge
Generaldeclarar, designar, juzgar, pronunciarpronounce judgment on
Contrariocondenar, declarar culpableFind or declare guilty
Inglésacquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate, exculpate
Catalándescarregar, exculpar, exonerar
Adjetivoabsolvedor, perdonadorProviding absolution
exculpatorioClearing of guilt or blame
Nombresabsolución, exculpaciónA judgment of not guilty
exculpación, exoneraciónThe act of vindicating or defending against criticism or censure etc.
lavado, limpiezaThe act of freeing from suspicion
limpioThe state of being free of suspicion
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
SentidoLeave or unload.
Generaldespachar, entregar, librarBring to a destination, make a delivery
Tambiéncolocar, dejar, depositar, poner, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicarPut into a certain place or abstract location
Inglésdrop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, discharge
Catalándeixar, descarregar
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 5, social
SentidoFree from obligations or duties.
Específicodegradar, separar del servicioDischarge with dishonor, as in the army
desembrollar, desenmarañar, desenredarFree from involvement or entanglement
desinvertir, despojaron, despojar, privardeprive of status or authority
eximir, relevar, salvarFree someone temporarily from his or her obligations
franquearFree from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment
liberar, libertar, redimirgrant freedom to
Inglésfree, discharge
Catalánalliberar, descarregar
Nombrescese, despedida, despido, destitución, liberaciónThe termination of someone's employment / employment (leaving them free to depart)
liberaciónThe act of liberating someone or something
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
SentidoTake the load off (a container or vehicle).
Sinónimosdesaguar, desembarcar, evacuar
Inglésunload, unlade, offload
Catalándescarregar, desguassar, evacuar
Nombresdescarga, descargo, descargueThe labor of taking a load of something off of or out of a vehicle or ship or container etc.
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
SentidoGive expression or utterance to.
Generalevidenciar, expresar, manifestar, mostrar, presentar, revelarGive expression / expression to
Inglésvent, ventilate, give vent
NombressalidaActivity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 8, possession
Sentidotransfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller computer or to a computer at a remote location.
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Contrariosubirtransfer a file or program to a central computer from a smaller computer or a computer at a remote location
Catalánbaixar, descarregar
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 9, competition
SentidoRelease from military service.
Sinónimosdar de baja, sacar de filas
EspecíficodesmovilizarRelease from military service or remove from the active list of military service
desmovilizar, sacar de filasRetire from military service
disparar un cañonfire a cannon
Generaldejar ir, liberar, renunciar, soltarRelease, as from one's grip
Contrarioalistar, enrolarEngage somebody to enter the army
Inglésdischarge, muster out
Nombresabdicación, despido, renunciaA formal written statement of relinquishment
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 10, contact
Sentidopour forth or release.
EspecíficochorrearCause to come out in a squirt
dispersar, esparcir, rociar, salpicarDistribute loosely
Generaldesplegar, dispensar, distribuir, extenderDistribute or disperse widely
Catalánabocar, descarregar
Nombrescaudal, descarga, efusión, vertidoThe pouring forth of a fluid
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 11, emotion
SentidoDischarge bad feelings or tension through verbalization.
Categoríapsicoanálisis, sicoanálisisA set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders
Generalaliviar, apaciguar, aquietar, calmar, disipar, laxar, salvar, tranquilizarlessen the intensity of or calm
Nombresabreacción, catarsis, catársis(psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 12, motion
SentidoDrop (stuff) in a heap or mass.
Sinónimostirar, verter, volcar
GenerallargarLet fall to the ground
Catalánabocar, descarregar, vessar
Nombresautovolquete, camión basculante, dumper, dúmper, volquetetruck whose contents can be emptied without handling
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 13, change
SentidoBecome empty or void of its content.
Sinónimosdesalojar, descargarse, desocupar, vaciar
Causado porvaciarmake void or empty of contents
Específicodesaguar, desembocar, drenarflow off or away gradually
Generalconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarseUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Contrariocopar, llenarBecome full
Inglésempty, discharge
Catalánbuidar, desallotjar, descarregar-se, descarregar, desocupar
Nombrescasco, cascos, envase, envasesA container that has been emptied
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 14, communication
SentidoRelease from (claims / claims, debts, or taxes).
Sinónimosdesobligar, expedir, remitir
Generalanular, cancelar, derogardeclare null and void
Catalándescarregar, desobligar
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 15, contact
SentidoTake the burden off; remove the burden from.
EspecíficoaligerarReduce the weight on
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Contrarioasignar un peso, cargarweight down with a load
Inglésunburden, disburden
Español > descargar: 16 sentidos > verbo 16, contact
SentidoRemove the charge from.
Generalapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
ContrariocargarFill or load to capacity
NombresdescargaThe act of discharging a gun

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