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English 14 senses of the word flow:
VERBmotionflow, fluxmove or progress freely as if in a stream
motionflow, run, feed, coursemove along, of liquids / liquids
motionflowcause to flow
stativeflowbe abundantly present
contactflow, hang, fallfall or flow in a certain way
changeflowcover or swamp with water
bodyflow, menstruateundergo menstruation
NOUNeventflow, flowingthe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
timeflow, flow rate, rate of flowthe amount of fluid that flows in a given time
actflow, streamthe act of flowing or streaming
processflowany uninterrupted stream or discharge
stateflow, streamsomething that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously
groupflow, stream, currentdominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas
processflow, menstruation, menses, menstruum, catamenia, periodthe monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause
flow pronunciation
Rhymesafterglow ... yellow: 77 rhymes with low...
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 1, event
MeaningThe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases).
Narrowerairflow, air flow, flow of airThe flow of air
backflow, backflowingA flow that returns toward its source
current, streamA steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes)
discharge, outpouring, runThe pouring forth of a fluid
drip, trickle, dribbleFlowing in drops
dripping, drippageA liquid / liquid (as water) that flows in drops (as from the eaves of house)
ebb, refluxThe outward flow of the tide
emissionThe occurrence of a flow of water (as from a pipe)
flush, gush, outpouringA sudden rapid flow (as of water)
flux, fluxionA flow or discharge
fountain, jetAn artificially produced flow of water
freshet, spateThe occurrence of a water flow resulting from sudden rain or melting snow
overflow, runoff, overspillThe occurrence of surplus liquid / liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
rush, spate, surge, upsurgeA sudden forceful flow
seepage, ooze, oozingThe process of seeping
Broaderchange of location, travelA movement through space that changes the location of something
Verbsflowmove along, of liquids / liquids
flowcause to flow
flowbe abundantly present
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 2, time
MeaningThe amount of fluid that flows in a given time.
Synonymsflow rate, rate of flow
Narrowercardiac outputThe amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time
BroaderrateA magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit
Spanishcaudal, flujo
Verbsflowmove along, of liquids / liquids
flowcause to flow
flowbe abundantly present
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 3, act
MeaningThe act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression.
Narrowerflood, overflow, outpouringA large / large flow
spill, spillage, releaseThe act of allowing a fluid to escape
Broadermotion, movement, moveThe act of changing location from one place to another
Spanishcorriente, flujo
Catalancorrent, fluix
Verbsflowmove along, of liquids / liquids
flowmove or progress freely as if in a stream
flowcause to flow
flowbe abundantly present
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 4, process
MeaningAny uninterrupted stream or discharge.
NarrowerfillingFlow into something (as a container)
flowagegradual internal motion or deformation of a solid body (as by heat)
inflow, influxThe process of flowing in
outflow, effluence, effluxThe process of flowing out
slipstream, airstream, race, backwash, washThe flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller
streamline flowFlow of a gas or liquid / liquid in which the velocity at any point is relatively steady
turbulent flowFlow in which the velocity at any point varies erratically
Broadernatural process, natural action, action, activityA process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)
Verbsflowcause to flow
flowbe abundantly present
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 5, state
MeaningSomething that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously.
Example "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
BroadermotionA state of change
Spanishcorriente, río, torrente
Catalancorrent, riu, torrent
Verbsflowmove or progress freely as if in a stream
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 6, group
Meaningdominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas.
Example "the flow of thought"
Synonymsstream, current
Broadercourse, lineA connected series of events or actions or developments
Spanishcorriente, curso, flujo
Catalancorrent, curs, flux
Englishflow: 14 senses noun 7, process
MeaningThe monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause.
Example "the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females"--Aristotle
Synonymsmenstruation, menses, menstruum, catamenia, period
Narrowermenorrhagia, hypermenorrheaabnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation
oligomenorrheaabnormally light or infrequent menstruation
Broaderdischarge, emission, expellingAny of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body
Spanishcatamenia, menstruación, menstruo, mes, periodo, período, regla
Catalancatamenia, menstruació, menstru, menstruo, regla
Verbsflowundergo menstruation
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 1, motion
MeaningMove or progress freely as if in a stream.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
Example"The crowd flowed out of the stadium"
Narrowerripple, ruffle, riffle, cockle, undulatestir up (water) so as to form ripples
transpire, transpiratePass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Spanishcorrer, fluctuar, fluir, manar
Catalanbrollar, córrer, fluir, manar, rajar
Nounsflowthe act of flowing or streaming
flowsomething that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 2, motion
MeaningMove along, of liquids / liquids.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
ModelWater and oil flow into the bowl
Example"Water flowed into the cave"
Synonymsrun, feed, course
Caused byflowCause to flow
flushCause to flow or flood with or as if with water
pourCause to run
Entailed byoverflow, overrun, well over, run over, brim overFlow or run over (a limit or brim)
NarrowercirculateMove through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point
drain, run outflow off gradually
eddy, purl, whirlpool, swirl, whirlFlow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids
flushFlow freely
gutterFlow in small streams
jet, gushissue in a jet
pourFlow in a spurt
run downMove downward
seep, oozePass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
spill, run outFlow, run or fall out and become lost
stream, well outFlow freely and abundantly
tide, surgeRise or move forward
trickle, dribble, filterRun or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
waste, run offrun off as waste
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
See alsoflow frombe the result of
Spanishalimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manar
Catalanalimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajar
Nounsflowthe act of flowing or streaming
flow, flowingthe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
flowthe amount of fluid that flows in a given time
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 3, motion
MeaningCause to flow.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"The artist flowed the washes on the paper"
Cause torun, flow, feed, courseMove along, of liquids / liquids
Nounsflowthe act of flowing or streaming
flowthe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
flowany uninterrupted stream or discharge
flowthe amount of fluid that flows in a given time
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 4, stative
MeaningBe abundantly present.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"The champagne flowed at the wedding"
Broaderexist, beHave an existence, be extant
Nounsflowthe act of flowing or streaming
flowthe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
flowany uninterrupted stream or discharge
flowthe amount of fluid that flows in a given time
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 5, contact
Meaningfall or flow in a certain way.
PatternSomething ----s Adjective/Noun
Example "Her long black hair flowed down her back"
Synonymshang, fall
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 6, change
MeaningCover or swamp with water.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Narrowerlave, lap, washwash or flow against
BroaderfloodCover with liquid / liquid, usually water
Nounsflowagethe act of flooding
flowagea body of water that has been created by deliberately flooding an area
Englishflow: 14 senses verb 7, body
MeaningUndergo menstruation.
PatternSomebody ----s
Entailsovulateproduce and discharge eggs
Broadershed blood, bleed, hemorrhageLose blood from one's body
Nounsflowthe monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause

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