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English 57 senses of the word run:
VERBmotionrunmove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time
motionrun, scat, scarper, turn tail, lam, run away, hightail it, bunk, head for the hills, take to the woods, escape, fly the coop, break awayflee
stativerun, go, pass, lead, extendstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
socialrun, operatedirect or control
stativerun, gohave a particular form
motionrun, flow, feed, coursemove along, of liquids / liquids
contactrun, function, work, operate, goperform as expected when applied
stativerun, rangechange or be different within limits
competitionrun, campaignrun, stand, or compete for an office or a position
creationrun, playcause to emit recorded audio or video
motionrunmove about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way
stativerun, tend, be given, lean, inclinehave a tendency or disposition to do or be something
contactrunbe operating, running or functioning
changerunchange from one state to another
changeruncause to perform
stativerunbe affected by
stativerun, prevail, persist, die hard, endurecontinue to exist
stativerunoccur persistently
socialrun, executecarry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine
creationrun, carryinclude as the content
creationruncarry out
contactrun, guide, draw, passpass over, across, or through
stativerun, leadcause something to pass or lead somewhere
socialrunmake without a miss
possessionrun, black marketdeal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
motionruncause an animal to move fast
motionrun, bleedbe diffused
motionrunsail before the wind
motionruncover by running
stativerun, run forextend or continue for a certain period of time
socialrunset animals loose to graze
motionrun, consortkeep company
motionrunrun with the ball
motionruntravel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means
motionrun, plytravel a route regularly
competitionrun, hunt, hunt down, track downpursue for food or sport (as of wild animals)
competitionrun, racecompete in a race
changerun, move, goprogress by being changed
changerun, melt, melt downreduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
changerun, laddercome unraveled or undone as if by snagging
changerun, unravelbecome undone
NOUNactrun, tallya score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely
actrun, test, trialthe act of testing something
eventrun, footrace, foot racea race run on foot
grouprun, streakan unbroken series of events
actrun, running, running play, running game(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team
actruna regular trip
actrun, runningthe act of running
timerunthe continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation
staterununrestricted freedom to use
quantityrunthe production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.)
objectrun, rivulet, rill, runnel, streamleta small stream
eventrun, political campaign, campaigna race between candidates for elective office
eventrun, ladder, ravela row of unravelled stitches
eventrun, discharge, outpouringthe pouring forth of a fluid
attributerunan unbroken chronological sequence
actruna short trip
run pronunciation
RhymesAachen ... Zukerman: 2572 rhymes with ahn...
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 1, act
MeaningA score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely.
Example"the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th"
Narrowerearned runA run that was not scored as the result of an error by the other team
run batted in, rbiA run that is the result of the batter's performance
unearned runA run that was scored as a result of an error by the other team
BroaderscoreThe act of scoring in a game / game / game or sport
Spanishcarrera, cuenta
Verbsrunmake without a miss
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 2, act
MeaningThe act of testing something.
Synonymstest, trial
NarrowerMOT, MOT test, Ministry of Transportation testA compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes
Snellen testA test of visual acuity using a Snellen chart
assayA quantitative or qualitative test of a substance (especially an ore or a drug) to determine its components
audition, tryoutA test of the suitability of a performer
clinical trial, clinical testA rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects
double blindA test procedure in which the identity of those receiving the intervention is concealed from both the administrators / administrators and the subjects until after the test is completed
field trialA test of young hunting dogs to determine their skill in pointing and retrieving
fitting, try-on, trying onPutting clothes on to see whether they fit
pilot project, pilot programActivity planned as a test or trial
preclinical trial, preclinical test, preclinical phaseA laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects
Broaderattempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, tryearnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish / accomplish something
Spanishensayo, prueba, test
Catalanassaig, prova, provatura
Verbsrunprogress by being changed
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 3, event
MeaningA race run on foot.
Example"she broke the record for the half-mile run"
Synonymsfootrace, foot race
Narrowerfunrun, fun runA footrace run for fun (often including runners who are sponsored for a charity / charity)
marathonA footrace of 26 miles 385 yards
obstacle raceA race in which competitors must negotiate obstacles
steeplechaseA footrace of usually 3000 meters over a closed track with hurdles and a water jump
track eventA footrace performed on a track (indoor or outdoor)
BroaderraceA contest of speed
Verbsruncompete in a race
runmove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time
runcover by running
runcause an animal to move fast
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 4, group
MeaningAn unbroken series of events.
Example "Nicklaus had a run of birdies"
Narrowerlosing streakA streak of losses
winning streakA streak of wins
BroadersuccessionA group of people or things arranged or following in order
Spanishracha, sarta
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 5, act
Meaning(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team.
  • "the defensive line braced to stop the run"
  • "the coach put great emphasis on running"
Synonymsrunning, running play, running game
CategoryAmerican football, American football gameA game / game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long
Narrowerdraw, draw play(American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage
end run, sweep(American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running around the end of the line
return(American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
reverse(American football) a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite direction
rush, rushing(American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line
Broaderfootball play(American football) a play by the offensive team
Verbsrunrun with the ball
runmake without a miss
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 6, act
MeaningA regular trip.
Example"the ship made its run in record time"
BroadertripA journey for some purpose (usually including the return)
Verbsruntravel a route regularly
rundeal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 7, act
MeaningThe act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace.
  • "he broke into a run"
  • "his daily run keeps him fit"
Narrowerdash, sprintA quick run
Broaderlocomotion, travelself-propelled movement
Verbsrunmove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time
runcover by running
runcause an animal to move fast
runtravel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 8, time
MeaningThe continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation.
Example"the assembly line was on a 12-hour run"
Narrowerprint run, press runThe period that presses run to produce an issue of a newspaper
run-time(computer science) the length of time it takes to execute a software program
Broadertime period, period of time, periodAn amount of time
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 9, state
Meaningunrestricted freedom to use.
Example"he has the run of the house"
Broaderlibertyfreedom of choice
Verbsrunmove about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 10, quantity
MeaningThe production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.).
Example"a daily run of 100,000 gallons of paint"
Broaderindefinite quantityAn estimated quantity
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 11, object
MeaningA small stream.
Synonymsrivulet, rill, runnel, streamlet
Broaderstream, watercourseA natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
Spanisharroyuelo, riachuelo
Verbsrunmove along, of liquids / liquids
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 12, event
MeaningA race between candidates for elective office.
Example "he is raising money for a Senate run"
Synonymspolitical campaign, campaign
Narrowergovernor's race, campaign for governorA race for election to the governorship
senate campaign, senate raceA race for election to the senate
BroaderraceAny competition
Spanishcampaña electoral, campaña
Catalancampanya electoral
Verbsrunrun, stand, or compete for an office or a position
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 13, event
MeaningA row of unravelled stitches.
Example"she got a run in her stocking"
Synonymsladder, ravel
Broaderdamage, harm, impairmentThe occurrence of a change for the worse
Spanishcarrera, corrida, enredo, escalera
Verbsruncome unraveled or undone as if by snagging
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 14, event
MeaningThe pouring forth of a fluid.
Synonymsdischarge, outpouring
Narrowerescape, leak, leakage, outflowThe discharge of a fluid from some container
jet, squirt, spurt, spirtThe occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid / liquid)
Broaderflow, flowingThe motion characteristic of fluids (liquids / liquids or gases)
Spanishcaudal, descarga, efusión, vertido
Adjectivesrunnycharacteristic of a fluid
Verbsrunmove along, of liquids / liquids
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 15, attribute
MeaningAn unbroken chronological sequence.
  • "the play had a long run on Broadway"
  • "the team enjoyed a brief run of victories"
Broadersequence, chronological sequence, succession, successiveness, chronological successionA following of one thing / thing after another in time
Spanishlargo tiempo, un largo tiempo
Englishrun: 57 senses noun 16, act
MeaningA short trip.
Example"take a run into town"
BroadertripA journey for some purpose (usually including the return)
Verbsrunbecome undone
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 1, motion
MeaningMove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
ModelThe horses run across the field
Example"Don't run--you'll be out of breath"
Entailed bystampederun away in a stampede / stampede
NarrowerhareRun quickly, like a hare
jogRun for exercise
lopeRun easily
outrunRun faster than
rompRun easily and fairly fast
runRun with the ball
run basesRun around the bases, in baseball
rushRun with the ball, in football
scurry, scamper, skitter, scuttleTo move about or proceed hurriedly
sprintRun very fast, usually for a short distance
streakRun naked in a public place
trot, jog, clipRun at a moderately swift pace
Broadertravel rapidly, speed, hurry, zipMove very fast
See alsorun aroundplay boisterously
run awayflee
Similar torunCover by running
Nounsrun, runningthe act of running
runa race run on foot
runnersomeone who travels on foot by running
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 2, motion
Meaningflee; take to one's heels; cut and run.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Example"If you see this man, run!"
Synonymsscat, scarper, turn tail, lam, run away, hightail it, bunk, head for the hills, take to the woods, escape, fly the coop, break away
Narrowerflee, fly, take flightrun away quickly
skedaddlerun away, as if in a panic
Broaderleave, go forth, go awaygo away from a place
Spanishcorrer, escapar, evadir, huir
Catalanescapar, escapolir-se, evadir, fugir
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 3, stative
Meaningstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points / points or beyond a certain point / point.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"Service runs all the way to Cranbury"
Synonymsgo, pass, lead, extend
NarrowercomeExtend or reach
go far, go deepExtend in importance or range
radiate, rayExtend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center
underrunRun or pass below
BroaderbeOccupy a certain position or area
See alsorun alongbe in line with
Similar torange, runchange or be different within limits
Spanishacudir, ampliar, dirigir, extenderse, ir, liderar, pasar, prolongar
Catalanacudir, ampliar, anar, dirigir, estendre's, liderar, passar, prolongar
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 4, social
Meaningdirect or control; projects, businesses, etc..
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"She is running a relief operation in the Sudan"
NarrowerblockRun on a block system
financierConduct financial operations, often in an unethical manner
warm upRun until the normal working temperature is reached / reached
workoperate in or through
BroaderdirectBe in charge of
Spanishadministrar, gestionar, manejar, operar
Catalanmanejar, operar
Nounsrunningthe act of administering or being in charge of something
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 5, stative
MeaningHave a particular form.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"the story or argument runs as follows"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Spanishdecir, ir de
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 6, motion
MeaningMove along, of liquids / liquids.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
ModelWater and oil run into the bowl
Synonymsflow, feed, course
Caused byflowCause to flow
flushCause to flow or flood with or as if with water
pourCause to run
Entailed byoverflow, overrun, well over, run over, brim overFlow or run over (a limit or brim)
NarrowercirculateMove through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point
drain, run outflow off gradually
eddy, purl, whirlpool, swirl, whirlFlow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids
flushFlow freely
gutterFlow in small streams
jet, gushissue in a jet
pourFlow in a spurt
run downMove downward
seep, oozePass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
spill, run outFlow, run or fall out and become lost
stream, well outFlow freely and abundantly
tide, surgeRise or move forward
trickle, dribble, filterRun or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
waste, run offrun off as waste
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
See alsorun overflow or run over (a limit or brim)
Spanishalimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manar
Catalanalimentar, brollar, córrer, créixer, fluir, manar, rajar
Nounsrunthe pouring forth of a fluid
runa small stream
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 7, contact
MeaningPerform as expected when applied.
PatternSomething ----s
ModelThese cars won't run
Example "Does this old car still run well?"
Synonymsfunction, work, operate, go
NarrowercutFunction as a cutting instrument
doubleDo double duty
rollBegin operating or running
runBe operating, running or functioning
service, serveBe used by
Oppositemalfunction, misfunctionfail to function or function improperly
Similar torunBe operating, running or functioning
workoperate in or through
Spanishfuncionar, marchar, operar, trabajar
Catalanfuncionar, operar
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 8, stative
Meaningchange or be different within limits.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example "Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Similar torun, go, pass, lead, extendstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
run, leadCause something to pass or lead somewhere
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 9, competition
MeaningRun, stand, or compete for an office or a position.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Example"Who's running for treasurer this year?"
Narrowercross-file, registerHave one's name listed as a candidate for several parties
rerunRun again for office
stumpTravel through a district and make political speeches
whistlestoptour the country in order to solicit votes for an election
Broaderrace, runcompete in a race
Spanishhacer campaña
Nounsruna race between candidates for elective office
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 10, creation
MeaningCause to emit recorded audio or video.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
ModelSam and Sue run the movie
Similar toplayemit recorded sound
runCause to perform
run, executecarry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine
Spanishjugar, poner, tocar
Catalanjugar, posar, tocar
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 11, motion
MeaningMove about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP
  • "who are these people running around in the building?"
  • "She runs around telling everyone of her troubles"
  • "let the dogs run free"
Broadertravel, go, move, locomotechange location
Similar toruntravel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means
runSet animals loose to graze
Nounsrununrestricted freedom to use
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 12, stative
MeaningHave a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined.
PatternSomebody ----s to INFINITIVE
Example "These dresses run small"
Synonymstend, be given, lean, incline
NarrowergravitateMove toward
sufferbe given to
take kindly toBe willing or inclined to accept
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Spanishinclinarse, inclinar, soler, tender
Catalaninclinar, soler, tendir
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 13, contact
MeaningBe operating, running or functioning.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"The car is still running--turn it off!"
Broaderfunction, work, operate, go, runPerform as expected when applied
Oppositeidle, tick overRun disconnected or idle
Similar tofunction, work, operate, go, runPerform as expected when applied
Nounsrunningthe state of being in operation
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 14, change
Meaningchange from one state to another.
PatternSomething ----s Adjective/Noun; Somebody ----s Adjective; Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
  • "run amok"
  • "run rogue"
  • "run riot"
Broaderbecome, go, getEnter or assume a certain state or condition
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 15, change
MeaningCause to perform.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
  • "run a subject"
  • "run a process"
NarrowerrerunCause to perform again
Broaderprocess, treatsubject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition
Similar toplay, runCause to emit recorded audio or video
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 16, stative
MeaningBe affected by; be subjected to.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "run a temperature"
  • "run a risk"
Broaderincurmake oneself subject to
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 17, stative
MeaningContinue to exist.
PatternSomething ----s
Synonymsprevail, persist, die hard, endure
Narrowercarry overtransfer or persist from one stage or sphere of activity to another
reverberateHave a long or continuing effect
BroadercontinueExist over a prolonged period of time
Similar torunOccur persistently
Spanishimperar, perdurar, perseverar, persistir, prevalecer
Catalanimperar, perdurar, perseverar, persistir, prevaler
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 18, stative
MeaningOccur persistently.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"Musical talent runs in the family"
BroaderoccurTo be found to exist
Similar toprevail, persist, die hard, run, endureContinue to exist
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 19, social
Meaningcarry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
  • "Run the dishwasher"
  • "run a new program on the Mac"
NarrowerstepCause (a computer) to execute a single command
Broaderenforce, implement, applyensure observance of laws and rules
Similar toplay, runCause to emit recorded audio or video
Spanishcorrer, ejecutar un programa, ejecutar
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 20, creation
MeaningInclude as the content; broadcast or publicize.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Broadercirculate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass aroundCause to become widely known
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 21, creation
Meaningcarry out.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"run an errand"
Broadercarry through, accomplish, execute, carry out, action, fulfill, fulfilput in effect
Spanishhacer, llevar a cabo
Catalananar a portar un encàrrec
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 22, contact
Meaningpass over, across, or through.
PatternSomebody ----s something PP
Synonymsguide, draw, pass
NarrowerrubMove over something with pressure
threadpass a thread through
threadpass through or into
Similar torun, leadCause something to pass or lead somewhere
string, thread, drawthread on or as if on a string
Spanishencaminar, guiar, pasar, recorrer
Catalanencaminar, guiar, passar
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 23, stative
MeaningCause something to pass or lead somewhere.
PatternSomebody ----s something PP
Example"Run the wire behind the cabinet"
Broaderpass, make passCause to pass
Similar toguide, run, draw, passpass over, across, or through
range, runchange or be different within limits
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 24, social
Meaningmake without a miss.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
Broadersucceed, win, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goodsattain success or reach a desired goal / goal
Spanishejecutar sin falta
Nounsruna score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely
run(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 25, possession
MeaningDeal in illegally, such as arms or liquor.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymblack market
Categorycrime, criminal offense, criminal offence, law-breaking(criminal law) an act punishable by law
Broadertrade, merchandiseEngage in the trade of
Similar toply, runTravel a route regularly
Nounsruna regular trip
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 26, motion
MeaningCause an animal to move fast.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
ModelThe men run the horses across the field
Example"run the dogs"
Broadermove, displaceCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similar tohunt, run, hunt down, track downpursue for food or sport (as of wild animals)
Spanishhacer correr
Catalanfer córrer
Nounsrunthe act of running
runa race run on foot
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 27, motion
MeaningBe diffused.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run"
NarrowercrockRelease color when rubbed, of badly dyed fabric
Broaderdiffuse, spread, spread out, fan outMove outward
Similar tomelt, run, melt downReduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 28, motion
MeaningSail before the wind.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
BroadersailTravel on water propelled by wind
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 29, motion
MeaningCover by running; run a certain distance.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderpassgo across or through
Similar torunMove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time
Nounsrunthe act of running
runa race run on foot
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 30, stative
MeaningExtend or continue for a certain period of time.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"The film runs 5 hours"
Synonymrun for
Broaderlast, endurepersist for a specified period of time
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 31, social
MeaningSet animals loose to graze.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderfree, liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loosegrant freedom to
Similar torunMove about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way
Catalandeixar anar, soltar
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 32, motion
Meaningkeep company.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring"
Broaderaccompanygo or travel along with
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 33, motion
MeaningRun with the ball; in such sports as football.
PatternSomebody ----s
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
BroaderrunMove fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time
Nounsrun, running(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 34, motion
Meaningtravel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
  • "Run to the store!"
  • "She always runs to Italy, because she has a lover there"
Broadertravel, go, move, locomotechange location
Similar torunMove about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way
Nounsrunthe act of running
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 35, motion
MeaningTravel a route regularly.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP
Broadertravel, trip, jauntmake a trip for pleasure
Similar torun, black marketDeal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
Nounsruna regular trip
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 36, competition
Meaningpursue for food or sport (as of wild animals).
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Example "The dogs are running deer"
Synonymshunt, hunt down, track down
Narrowercoursehunt with hounds
drive(hunting) chase from cover into more open ground
drive(hunting) search for game
falconhunt with falcons
ferrethunt with ferrets
fowlhunt fowl in the forest / forest
fowlhunt fowl
foxhunthunt foxes, on horseback and with dogs
hawkhunt with hawks
jacklight, jackhunt with a jacklight
poachhunt illegally
rabbithunt rabbits
scrounge, forageCollect or look around for (food)
sealhunt seals
snipehunt or shoot snipe
still-hunt, ambushhunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing
turtlehunt for turtles, especially as an occupation
whalehunt for whales
Broadercapture, catchCapture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping
Similar tohuntsearch (an area) for prey
runCause an animal to move fast
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 37, competition
Meaningcompete in a race.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
ModelThese cars won't run
Example"he is running the Marathon this year"
Narrowerboat-raceparticipate in a boat race
campaign, runRun, stand, or compete for an office or a position
horse-racecompete in a horse race
placeFinish second or better in a horse or dog race
showFinish third or better in a horse or dog race
speed skaterace on skates
Broadercompete, vie, contendcompete for something
See alsorun offdecide (a contest or competition) by a runoff
Spanishcorrer, echar una carrera, presentarse
Nounsruna race run on foot
runnera trained athlete who competes in foot races
runningthe act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 38, change
Meaningprogress by being changed.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP
Example "run through your presentation before the meeting"
Synonymsmove, go
BroaderchangeUndergo a change
Nounsrunthe act of testing something
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 39, change
MeaningReduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymsmelt, melt down
Narrowerfusemake liquid or plastic by heating
try, rendermelt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities
Broaderdissolve, resolve, break upCause to go into a solution
Similar torun, bleedBe diffused
Spanishderretirse, derretir, deshacerse, fundir
Catalandesfer-se, fondre
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 40, change
MeaningCome unraveled or undone as if by snagging.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"Her nylons were running"
Broaderbreak, separate, split up, fall apart, come apartBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Similar torun, unravelBecome undone
Nounsruna row of unravelled stitches
Englishrun: 57 senses verb 41, change
MeaningBecome undone.
PatternSomething ----s
Broaderdisintegratebreak / break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity
Similar toladder, runCome unraveled or undone as if by snagging
Nounsruna short trip

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