HyperDic: hacer

Español > 37 sentidos de la palabra hacer:
VERBOcreationhacer, causar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
creationhacer, confeccionar, crear, formar, producircreate or manufacture a man-made product
creationhacer, componer, confeccionar, prepararmake by shaping or bringing together constituents
creationhacer, articular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formar, producirmake by combining materials and parts
creationhacer, crear, formar, generar, producirbring into existence
communicationhacer, causar, estimular, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocarcause to do
socialhacer, actuar, llevar a cabo, obrarperform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
creationhacer, crear, formar, producircreate by artistic means
possessionhacer, adquirir, advertir, clarificar, cobrar, ganarearn on some commercial or business transaction
creationhacer, dar, dispensar, entregar, propinarorganize or be responsible for
creationhacer, ejecutar, interpretar, llevar a cabo, practicarcarry out or perform an action
bodyhacer, actuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, obrar, portarse, portarbehave in a certain manner
creationhacer, cortar, recortarform or shape by cutting or incising
cognitionhacer, derivar, establecer, formularmake, formulate, or derive in the mind
creationhacer, causar, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
possessionhacer, lograr, tenerachieve a point or goal
creationhacer, destilar, elaborarprepare by brewing
competitionhacer, destruir, go, jugar, moverhave a turn
socialhacer, cometercarry out or commit
socialhacerengage in
socialhacer, cumplir, realizarget (something) done
creationhacer, inducircompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
stativehacer, convertir, hacerse, tornar, volverseundergo a change or development
changehacer, contar, ficcionalizar, novelarconvert into the form or the style of a novel
socialhacer, efectuar, llevar a cabo, realizaract so as to bring into existence
creationhacer, producirproduce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery
creationhacer, confeccionar, crear, formarcreate or design, often in a certain way
socialhacer, componer, confeccionar, crear, reunirform by assembling individuals or constituents
stativehacer, confeccionar, crear, formarundergo fabrication or creation
socialhacer, realizarperform a function
changehaceradd to the odometer
stativehacer, confeccionar, crear, formarbe suitable for
stativehacerconstitute the essence of
bodyhacerbehave in a certain way
creationhacer, llevar a cabocarry out
socialhaceremit or utter
changehacercause to become
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 1, creation
Sentidomake or cause to be or to become.
Sinónimoscausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, producir, provocar, realizar
Específicoabreviar, atajarcreate a short circuit in
actualizar, advertir, realizar, sustanciarmake real or concrete
agujerearmake by piercing
armar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montarCreate by putting components or members together
arrojar, darCause to happen or be responsible for
articular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formar, hacer, producirmake by combining materials and parts
articular, constituir, coordinar, formar, organizarcreate (as an entity)
causar, crear, ocasionar, producir, provocarCause to happen, occur or exist
causar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
comenzar, empezar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originarBring into being
comenzar de cero, elaborar, fabricar, partir de ceromake from scratch
componer, escribir, integrar, redactarWrite music
concebir, engendrar, generar, producirmake children
construir, establecer, instituir, nombrar, ponerinstitute, enact, or establish
construir, crearsebuild or establish something abstract
copiar, recrearmake a replica of
coreografiarCompose a sequence of dance steps, often to music
cortar, hacer, recortarform or shape by cutting or incising
crear, dar a luz, parir, producirbring forth or yield
crear, formar, hacer, producircreate by artistic means
dar, producirbring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"
dar, establecerbring about
derivar, educir, provenirDevelop or evolve from a latent or potential state
desbrozarmake by pounding or trampling
destilarextract by the process of distillation
dirigir, encaminarGuide the actors in (plays and films)
encenderproduce by ignition or a blow
engendrar, generar, producirBring into existence
enrollarse, enroscarse, la guitamake by twisting together or intertwining
entregar, poner, presentarcarry out (performances)
establecer, implantar, instituirAdvance or set forth in court
estilizarmake consistent with a certain fashion or style
filmar, rodarrecord in film
hender, hendirmake by cutting into
incorporarform a corporation
legrar, rascar, rasparmake by scraping
multiplicarse, multiplicar, procrear, proliferar, reproducirse, reproducirhave offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant
prepararTo prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery
provocar, traerCause to happen / happen or to occur as a consequence
pulsarcreate by pressing
recrearcreate anew
recrearcreate anew
regenerarform or produce anew
seguirmake tracks upon
Tambiénfabricar, inventarmake up something artificial or untrue
rehacermake new
Inglésmake, create
Cataláncausar, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, realitzar
Nombresanimales, animal, bestia, criatura, fauna, resA living organism characterized by voluntary movement
confección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
creatura, criatura, persona, ser humanoA human being
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 2, creation
Sentidocreate or manufacture a man-made product.
Sinónimosconfeccionar, crear, formar, producir
EspecíficocriarCause to procreate (animals)
customizarmake to specifications
dar, generar, producirGive or supply
editar, imprimir, publicarput into print
elaborarproduce from basic elements or sources
expulsar, sacarform or shape by forcing through an opening
fundirextract (metals) by heating
generar, producirproduce (energy)
hacer, producirproduce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery
hacer a máquinamake by machinery
hacer un borrador, maquetarmake a dummy of
laminarcreate laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material
prefabricarTo manufacture sections of (a building) , especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings
prefabricarproduce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally
rehacermake new
reproducirmake a copy or equivalent of
sacar de síPut out considerable effort
sacar una muestramake or take a proof / proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset
sobreproducirproduce in excess
Similarcrear, formar, hacer, producircreate by artistic means
Inglésproduce, make, create
Cataláncompondre, confeccionar, crear, fer, formar, preparar, produir
Nombresartículo, género, mercadería, mercancía, mercancías, productocommodities offered for sale
casa, fabricante, firma, manufacturaA business engaged in manufacturing some product
confección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
creaciónThe human act of creating
creaciónAn artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
fabricanteA person who makes things
fabricante, industrial, productorsomeone who manufactures something
marcaA recognizable kind
producción, productoAn artifact that has been created by someone or some process
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 3, creation
Sentidomake by shaping or bringing together constituents.
Sinónimoscomponer, confeccionar, preparar
Específicocompendiar, compilar, integrar, recopilarPut together out of existing material
compilarUse a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
construir, edificar, fabricar, manufacturarPut together out of artificial or natural components or parts
construir barrilesmake barrels and casks
forjar, formarmake out of components (often in an improvising manner)
Generalcomenzar de cero, elaborar, fabricar, partir de ceromake from scratch
Cataláncompondre, confeccionar, crear, fer, preparar
Nombresconfección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 4, creation
Sentidomake by combining materials and parts.
Sinónimosarticular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, formar, producir
Específicoalzar, construir, edificar, erigir, levantarConstruct, build, or erect
canalizarmake a channel for
customizar, personalizarmake according to requirements
hacer de rollizosbuild (a road) from logs laid / laid side by side
reconstruirbuild again
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Inglésconstruct, build, make
Catalánarticular, confeccionar, construir, crear, edificar, fer, formar
Nombresconfección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
construcción, edificaciónThe act of constructing something
constructora, constructorsomeone who contracts for and supervises construction (as of a building)
fabricanteA person who makes things
marcaA recognizable kind
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 5, creation
SentidoBring into existence.
Sinónimoscrear, formar, generar, producir
Específicodesarrollar, elaborarmake something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation
reinventarbring back into existence
Cataláncrear, fer, formar, produir
AdjetivocreativoPromoting construction or creation
NombresCreación, creación(theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
concepción, creaciónThe event that occurred at the beginning of something
creaciónThe human act of creating
creación, fundación, iniciación, inicio, instauración, institución, introducciónThe act of starting something for the first time
creaciónAn artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
SentidoCause to do; cause to act in a specified manner.
Sinónimoscausar, estimular, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocar
Específicoalentar, animar, incentivarspur on
compeler, compelir, forzar, imponer, obligarForce somebody to do something
convencer, persuadirCause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action
convencer, persuadirinduce or persuade
incitar, inspirar, instar, instigarServe as the inciting cause of
llevarCause to undertake a certain action / action
sobornarinduce to commit perjury or give false testimony
solicitarincite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination
Inglésinduce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make
Cataláncausar, estimular, fer, incentivar, induir, ocasionar, provocar
Adjetivocausativoproducing an effect
inductivoinducing or influencing
Nombresagente causal, causaAny entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
aliciente, estímulo, incentivoA positive motivational influence
causa, fundamento, motivo, razónA justification for something existing or happening
causaevents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
causalidadThe act of causing something to happen / happen
desencadenamiento, inducción, iniciaciónAn act that sets in motion some course of events
estimulaciónThe act of arousing an organism to action
estimulante, estímulo, input, sugestiónAny stimulating information or event
inducciónAct of bringing about a desired result
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 7, social
SentidoPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action).
Sinónimosactuar, llevar a cabo, obrar
Causado porcoaccionar, coercer, forzar, obligar, presionarTo cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
compeler, compelir, forzar, imponer, obligarForce somebody to do something
dirigirBe in charge of
incitar, instigar, levantar, provocarProvoke or stir ... / stir up
Específicoabordar, arreglárselas, conformarse, contender, encarar, grapar, industriarse, ingeniarse, soportar, tramitar, tratarCome to terms with
abordar, encarar, tramitarTake action with respect to (someone or something)
abordar, emprender, encararBegin to deal with
acabar, finalizar, terminarfinally be or do something
acelerar, apresurarse, apurarse, apurarAct or move at high speed
acompañaract as a partner
actuar violentamenteAct violently, recklessly, or destructively
acudir, avanzar, ir, procederFollow a procedure or take a course
afrontar, atreverse, atrever, osar, retarTo be courageous enough to try or do something
agreder, arremeter, atacarTake the initiative and go on the offensive
aguardar, esperarwait before acting
alternarDo something in turns
anticiparse, anticipar, preverAct in advance of
asegurarsemake a point of doing something
asombrar, maravillar, sorprendercome upon or take unawares
buscar, ensayar, intentar, pretender, probar, tratarmake an effort or attempt
comenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originarBegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
cometer, perpetrarPerform an act, usually with a negative connotation
comportarse, exiliarBehave in a certain manner
comportarse, comportar, conducir, portarBehave well or properly
condescenderdebase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way
condescenderBehave in a patronizing and condescending manner
contestar, reaccionar, respondershow a response or a reaction to something
continuar, guardar, proseguir, seguirContinue a certain state, condition, or activity
continuar, seguirContinue after an interruption / interruption
continuar, seguirDo something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop
contrariar, contrarrestar, llevar la contraria, llevar la contraact in opposition to
coquetear, flirtearBehave carelessly or indifferently
corresponderAct, feel, or give mutually or in return
cortejar, festejar, galantearmake amorous advances towards
cortejarEngage in social activities leading to marriage
crearpursue a creative activity
desafiar, retarTake upon oneself
despachardispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently
dignarseDo something that one considers to be below one's dignity
efectuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, realizaract so as to bring into existence
enjuiciar, procesarConduct a prosecution in a court of law
escabullirseput, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner
esforzarsemake a great effort at a mental or physical task
evitarTake precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence
hacer, realizarPerform a function
interaccionar, interactuar, relacionarseAct together or towards others or with others
interrumpir, molestarDestroy the peace or tranquility of
intervenir, mediar, participar, tomar parteShare in something
maniobrarAct in order to achieve a certain goal / goal
ofrecerse, ofreceragree / agree freely
oponerse a, oponer, reaccionaract against or in opposition to
paseproceed (with a plan of action)
pavonearse, pompearseAct like the master of
perseguir, proseguircarry out or participate in an activity
premiar, recompensarAct or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions
recalcar, reiterar, repetirDo over
satisfacerdecide on and pursue a course of action satisfying the minimum requirements to achieve a goal
tener cuidadoBe careful, prudent, or watchful
tomarcarry out
Tambiéninfluenciar, influirHave and exert influence or effect
Contrarioabstenerse, refrenarseResist doing something
Inglésact, move
Catalánactuar, fer
Nombresacción, acto, hechoSomething done (usually as opposed to something said)
acción, actividadThe state of being active
acción humana, acción, actividad humana, actoSomething that people do or cause to happen
pasoThe act of deciding to do something
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 8, creation
Sentidocreate by artistic means.
Sinónimoscrear, formar, producir
Específicoconfeccionar, crear, formar, hacercreate or design, often in a certain way
diseñarcreate the design for
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Similarconfeccionar, crear, formar, hacer, producircreate or manufacture a man-made product
Ingléscreate, make
Cataláncrear, fer, formar
AdjetivocreativoHaving the ability or power to create
creativoPromoting construction or creation
Nombresconcepción, creaciónThe event that occurred at the beginning of something
confección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 9, possession
Sentidoearn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages.
Sinónimosadquirir, advertir, clarificar, cobrar, ganar
Específicocobrar, ganarearn as a salary or wage
dar, devengar, pagar, producir, rendirbring in
ganar en brutoearn before taxes, expenses, etc.
ganarse la vidamake by laborious and precarious means
sacar provechomake a profit
Generaladquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener, sacar, tomarCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
Similardespedir, ganar neto, liquidarmake as a net profit
hacerseact in a certain way so as to acquire
Inglésgain, take in, clear, make, earn, realize, realise, pull in, bring in
Catalánadvertir, clarificar, guanyar
Nombresasalariada, asalariadosomeone who earn wages in return for their labor
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 10, creation
Sentidoorganize or be responsible for.
Sinónimosdar, dispensar, entregar, propinar
GeneraldirigirBe in charge of
Ingléshold, throw, have, make, give
Catalándispensar, donar, entregar, propinar
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 11, creation
Sentidocarry out or perform an action.
Sinónimosejecutar, interpretar, llevar a cabo, practicar
Implicado porelegir, escogerselect to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet
EspecíficoaparecerAppear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.
dar una serenatasing and play for somebody
declamar, recitarrecite in elocution
deslumbrarPerform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly
dirigir, encaminarLead, as in the performance of a composition
ejecutar, interpretarGive an interpretation or rendition / rendition of
ensayar, practicarEngage in a rehearsal (of)
estrenar, inaugurarperform a work for the first time
frangollarPerform hastily and carelessly
improvisarPerform without preparation
protagonizarBe the star in a performance
seguirsing / sing or play against other voices or parts
Inglésperform, execute, do
Catalándur a terme, executar, fer, interpretar, practicar
Nombresactor, factor, hacedorA person who acts and gets things done
actuación, cumplimiento, desempeño, ejecución, realizaciónThe act of performing
ejecutorA performer (usually of musical works)
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 12, body
SentidoBehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself.
Sinónimosactuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, obrar, portarse, portar
EspecíficobromearAct in a funny or teasing way
chacharear, chamullar, chapurrar, hacer el tontoAct in a trivial or ineffective way
chapucearspoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly
comportarse, hacer ver, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
confundirAct stealthily or secretively
descararseBehave saucily or impudently towards
encolerizarse, rabiarBehave violently, as if in state of a great anger
encomiar, ensalzaract as a medical quack or a charlatan
fanfarronearAct in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
hacerBehave in a certain way
hacer el tontoact foolishly, as by talking / talking nonsense
hacerseact in a certain way so as to acquire
hincharseBecome filled with pride, arrogance, or anger
idealizarAct in a romantic / romantic way
jugarEngage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously
optimizaract as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world
ponerse sentimentalAct in a sentimental way or indulge in sentimental thoughts or expression
presumirTake liberties or act with too much confidence
Tambiéncausar molestias, dar guerramake itself felt as a recurring pain
Similaractuar, dissimular, fingirBehave unnaturally or affectedly
comportarse, hacer ver, simularpretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
Inglésact, behave, do
Catalánactuar, comportar-se, comportar, fer, obrar, portar
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 13, creation
Sentidoform or shape by cutting or incising.
Sinónimoscortar, recortar
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Catalánfer, retallar, tallar
Nombrescorte, recorteThe act of shortening something by chopping off the ends
labra, tallado, tallaRemoving parts from hard material to create a desired pattern or shape / shape
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 14, cognition
Sentidomake, formulate, or derive in the mind.
Sinónimosderivar, establecer, formular
Inglésdraw, make
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 15, creation
Sentidogive rise to; cause to happen / happen / happen or occur, not always intentionally.
Sinónimoscausar, ocasionar, producir, provocar
Específicoarmar jaleo, causar, evocar, inspirar, ocasionar, provocarEvoke or provoke to appear or occur
causar, efectuar, ocasionar, producirproduce
dar inicio, incoar, iniciar, innovar, originarTake the lead or initiative in
determinar, forjar, formarse, influenciar, influir, moldear, regularizarseshape or influence
engendrar, generar, procrearCall forth
hacer, inducircompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
impeler, impulsarurge or force (a person) to an action
incitar, instigar, motivar, propulsarGive an incentive for action / action
ocasionarGive occasion to
Generalcausar, confeccionar, construir, crear, criar, formar, hacer, producir, provocar, realizarmake or cause to be or to become
Ingléscause, do, make
Catalánfer, ocasionar, provocar
Adjetivocausativoproducing an effect
Nombresagente causal, causaAny entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
causa, fundamento, motivo, razónA justification for something existing or happening
causaevents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
causalidadThe act of causing something to happen / happen
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 16, possession
Sentidoachieve a point or goal.
Sinónimoslograr, tener
Generalanotar, marcargain points in a game / game / game
Similarhacerseact in a certain way so as to acquire
Ingléshave, get, make
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 17, creation
SentidoPrepare by brewing.
Sinónimosdestilar, elaborar
Implicaagrazarse, agriarse, amargar, asperear, avinagrarse, elaborar, fermentarGo sour / sour or spoil
Generalcomenzar de cero, elaborar, fabricar, partir de ceromake from scratch
Catalándestilar, preparar
Nombresbrevaje, pócima, pocióndrink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling
cervecera, cerveceríaA plant where beer is brewed by fermentation
cervecerosomeone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water
cerveceroThe owner or manager of a brewery
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 18, competition
SentidoHave a turn; make one's move in a game / game.
Sinónimosdestruir, go, jugar, mover
Implicajugar, tocarparticipate in games / games or sport
Implicado porcomprobar, dar jaqueplace into check
Específicoabrirmake the opening move
contenerse, pasar, refrenarsedecline to initiate betting
echar, sacarchoose at random
enrocarMove the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king
hacer tablas, quedar en tablassubject / subject to a stalemate / stalemate
jugar un triunfoPlay a trump
maniobrarPerform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
sacar, servirput the ball into play
tirarse un faroldeceive / deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand
Similarpresentar una moción, someterPropose formally
Inglésmove, go
Catalándestruir, jugar, moure
Nombresjugada(game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
tanda, turnoA time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 19, social
Sentidocarry out or commit.
Generalcometer, perpetrarPerform an act, usually with a negative connotation
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 20, social
SentidoEngage in.
Específicoexagerar, excederse, pasarseDo something to an excessive degree
Inglésmake, do
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 21, social
SentidoGet (something) done.
Sinónimoscumplir, realizar
Específicoejercerapply oneself diligently
fastidiarlaDo wrongly or improperly
Generalcompletar, cumplir, ejecutar, llevar a término, realizarput in effect
Inglésdo, perform
Catalánacomplir, dur a terme, fer, realitzar
Nombresactor, factor, hacedorA person who acts and gets things done
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 22, creation
Sentidocompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way.
Específicoimpulsarcompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
Generalcausar, hacer, ocasionar, producir, provocargive rise to
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 23, stative
SentidoUndergo a change or development.
Sinónimosconvertir, hacerse, tornar, volverse
EspecíficoreducirseBe the essential element
Generalcambiar, convertir, transformarse, transformar, transmutar, trasmutarchange in outward structure or looks
Similarconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarseUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Inglésbecome, turn
Cataláncanviar, convertir, esdevenir, fer tornar, transformar
NombresgiroAn unforeseen development
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 24, change
Sentidoconvert into the form or the style of a novel.
Sinónimoscontar, ficcionalizar, novelar
Generalconvertir, transformarchange the nature, purpose, or function of something
Inglésnovelize, novelise, fictionalize, fictionalise
Nombresnovelación, novelizaciónconverting something into the form of a novel
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 25, social
Sentidoact so as to bring into existence.
Sinónimosefectuar, llevar a cabo, realizar
Específicoantedatarmake effective from an earlier date
Generalactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Catalándur a terme, efectuar, fer, realitzar
Nombresconsecuencia, efecto, resultadoA phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 26, creation
Sentidoproduce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery.
Generalconfeccionar, crear, formar, hacer, producircreate or manufacture a man-made product
Inglésturn out
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 27, creation
Sentidocreate or design, often in a certain way.
Sinónimosconfeccionar, crear, formar
Generalcrear, formar, hacer, producircreate by artistic means
Contrariodeshacerdeprive of certain characteristics / characteristics
Inglésdo, make
Catalánconfeccionar, crear, formar
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 28, social
Sentidoform by assembling individuals or constituents.
Sinónimoscomponer, confeccionar, crear, reunir
Generalagruparse, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, recoger, reunirse, reunirget people together
Similarseradd up to
Cataláncompondre, confeccionar, crear, fer, preparar
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 29, stative
SentidoUndergo fabrication or creation.
Sinónimosconfeccionar, crear, formar
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Catalánconfeccionar, crear, fer, formar
Nombresconfección, elaboración, fabricación, preparaciónThe act that results in something coming to be
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 30, social
SentidoPerform a function.
EspecíficooficiarAct in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding
Generalactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 31, change
Sentidoadd to the odometer.
Generaladicionar, agregarse, agregar, añadir, juntar, sumarmake an addition (to)
Inglésput on
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 32, stative
SentidoBe suitable for.
Sinónimosconfeccionar, crear, formar
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Catalánconfeccionar, crear, formar
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 33, stative
Sentidoconstitute the essence of.
Generalconstituir, integrar, representar, serform or compose
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 34, body
SentidoBehave in a certain way.
Generalactuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, hacer, obrar, portarse, portarBehave in a certain manner
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 35, creation
Sentidocarry out.
Sinónimollevar a cabo
Generalcompletar, cumplir, ejecutar, llevar a término, realizarput in effect
Catalánanar a portar un encàrrec
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 36, social
Sentidoemit or utter.
Generalemitir sonidos, emitirExpress audibly
Español > hacer: 37 sentidos > verbo 37, change
SentidoCause to become.
Generalconvertir, volverGive certain properties to something
Catalánconvertir, fer, tornar

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