HyperDic: género

Español > 12 sentidos de la palabra género:
NOMBREgroupgénero(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
cognitiongénero, clase, especie, forma, tipoa category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality
artifactgénero, material, paño, tejido, tela, textil, trapoartifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting / crocheting natural or synthetic fibers
artifactgénero, artículo, mercadería, mercancía, mercancías, productocommodities offered for sale
artifactgénero, artículo de consumo, artículo, bien comercial, bien, mercadería, mercancía, productoarticles of commerce
attributegénero, sexo, sexualidadthe properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles
cognitiongénero, estiloa particular kind (as to appearance)
artifactgéneroa class of art (or artistic endeavor / endeavor) having a characteristic form or technique
communicationgénero, género gramatical, genero, sexoa grammatical category in inflected languages governing the agreement between nouns and pronouns and adjectives
communicationgénero, género literarioa style of expressing yourself in writing
cognitiongéneroa kind of literary or artistic work
cognitiongéneroa general kind of something
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 1, group
Sentido(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species.
CategoríabiologíaThe science that studies living organisms
Miembro defamilia, família, familiar(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera
Miembrosespecie, especies(biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
Específicoanfibios, género anfibioAny genus of amphibians
artrópodosA genus of arthropods
avesA genus of birds
bacterias, género de bacteriasA genus of bacteria
celenterados, celentéreosA genus of coelenterates
cordadosAny genus in the phylum Chordata
ctenóforosA genus of ctenophores
dicotiledóneasgenus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
equinodermosA genus of echinoderms
esponjasA genus of Porifera
gimnospermasA genus of gymnosperms
helechosgenera of ferns and fern allies
hongosIncludes lichen genera
lombricesA genus of worms
mamíferosA genus of mammals
moluscosA genus of mollusks
monocotiledóneasgenus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed
musgosA genus of mosses
pecesAny of various genus of fish
plantasA genus of plants
protoctistasAny genus of Protoctista
reptilesA genus of reptiles
Generaltaxon, taxónanimal or plant group having natural relations
Catalángènere, genus
Adjetivogenéricorelating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 2, cognition
SentidoA category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality.
Sinónimosclase, especie, forma, tipo
Específicoclase, índoleA kind of person
especie, tipo, variedadA specific kind of something
estilo, géneroA particular kind (as to appearance)
gusto, sabor(physics) the six kinds of quarks
géneroA kind of literary or artistic work
géneroA general kind of something
marcaA recognizable kind
modeloA type of product
semejanteA similar kind
tipoA subdivision of a particular kind of thing
Generalcategoria, categoríaA general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme
Ingléskind, sort, form, variety
Catalánclasse, espècie, forma, mena, tipus
Verbosclasificar, ordenar, separarArrange or order by classes or categories / categories
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 3, artifact
Sentidoartifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting / crocheting natural or synthetic fibers.
Sinónimosmaterial, paño, tejido, tela, textil, trapo
Partesbastilla, dobladillo, orlaThe edge of a piece of cloth
orla, ribeteBorder consisting of anything placed on the edge to finish something (such as a fringe on clothing or on a rug)
EspecíficoViyellaA fabric made from a twilled mixture of cotton and wool
acolchado, piquéA material used for making a quilt, or a quilted fabric
acrílicoA synthetic fabric
algodónFabric woven from cotton fibers
anteA fabric made to resemble suede leather
arpillera, harpillera, tela para sacosA coarse cloth resembling sacking
batikA dyed fabric
batistaA thin plain-weave cotton or linen fabric
batista, cambrayA finely woven white linen
botargaA multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England
boucleA fabric of uneven yarn that has an uneven knobby effect
brocadoThick heavy expensive material with a raised pattern
bucaránA coarse cotton fabric stiffened with glue
cachemira, paisleyA soft wool fabric with a colorful swirled pattern of curved shapes
cachemira, cachemirA soft fabric made from the wool / wool of the Cashmere goat
calicó, percalcoarse cloth with a bright print
cambrayA lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp
camo, camuflageFabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan
canesúFabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
caquiA sturdy twilled cloth of a yellowish brown color used especially for military uniforms
chino, chinosA coarse twilled cotton fabric frequently used for uniforms
chintz, cretona, zarazaA brightly printed and glazed cotton fabric
cinchaA strong fabric woven in strips
correalThe material of which belts are made
crepe, crespónA soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface
cretonaAn unglazed heavy fabric
cutí, terlizA strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers
damascoA fabric of linen or cotton or silk or wool with a reversible pattern woven into it
denim, dungaree, jean, mezclillaA coarse durable twill-weave cotton fabric
diaper, lienzo adamascadoA fabric (usually cotton or linen) with a distinctive woven pattern of small repeated figures
drilA heavy cotton fabric of plain weave
elastano, spandexAn elastic synthetic fabric
elásticoA fabric made of yarns containing an elastic material
encaje, lazoA delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns
encerado, hulecloth treated on one side with a drying oil or synthetic resin
escay, polipielFabric made to look like leather
espinapezA twilled fabric with a herringbone pattern
estambreA woolen fabric with a hard textured surface and no nap
estameña, sargaA twilled woolen fabric
estampado, imprimirA fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
estraza, paño, sabanillaA separate part consisting of fabric
etamine, etaminA soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh
faldónFabric forming the tail of a shirt
felpa, pelucheA fabric with a nap that is longer and softer than velvet
fibraA leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth
fieltroA fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers
foulard, fularA light plain-weave or twill-weave silk or silklike fabric (usually with a printed design)
franelaA soft light woolen fabric
franela de algodón, franela fina, muletónA cotton fabric imitating flannel
frisoA heavy woolen fabric with a long nap
gabardinaA firm durable fabric with a twill weave
gasaA sheer fabric of silk or rayon
gasa, voileA light semitransparent fabric
gro, grosgrainA silk or silklike fabric with crosswise ribs
grogramA coarse fabric of silk mixed with wool or mohair and often stiffened with gum
guinga, guingánA clothing fabric in a plaid weave
hilo de EscociaA fabric woven with lisle thread
khaddar, khadiA coarse homespun cotton cloth made in India
lanaA fabric made from the hair of sheep
lencería para sábanasFabric from which bed sheets are made
lienzo, lonaA heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)
linoA fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant
lona, lonetaA strong fabric (such as cotton canvas) used for making sails and tents
madrásA light patterned cotton cloth
malla, redAn open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals
miriñaqueA stiff coarse fabric used to stiffen hats or clothing
mohairFabric made with yarn made from the silky hair of the Angora goat
molesquin, piel de topoA durable cotton fabric with a velvety nap
moquetaA thick velvety synthetic fabric used for carpets and soft upholstery
muarésilk fabric with a wavy surface pattern
muselinaplain-woven cotton fabric
nailon, nilón, nylonA synthetic fabric
ninonA fine strong sheer silky fabric made of silk or rayon or nylon
organdí de seda, organzaA fabric made of silk or a silklike fabric that resembles organdy
panaA cut pile fabric with vertical ribs
panaA usually cotton fabric with a short pile imitating velvet
pelusacotton or linen fabric with the nap raised on one side
percalA fine closely woven cotton fabric
poliésterAny of a large class of synthetic fabrics
popelina, popelínA ribbed fabric used in clothing and upholstery
raso, satén, satínA smooth fabric of silk or rayon
rayónA synthetic silklike fabric
redA fabric (especially a fabric in the process of being woven)
repsA fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribs
sarga, tela cruzadaA cloth with parallel diagonal lines or ribs
saténA cotton fabric with a satiny finish
scrimA firm open-weave fabric used for a curtain in the theater
sedaA fabric made from the fine threads produced by certain insect larvae
sirsacaA light puckered fabric (usually striped)
tafeta, tafetá, tafetánA crisp smooth lustrous fabric
tapa, tela tapa, tela tappaA paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific by pounding tapa bark
tapete verdeA bright green fabric napped to resemble felt
tapicería, tapizadoThe fabric used in upholstering
tapisA heavy textile with a woven design
tartánA cloth having a crisscross design
tela metálicaFabric woven of metallic wire
terciopelo, velludoA silky densely piled fabric with a plain back
terciopelo por urdimbre, veloursHeavy fabric that resembles velvet
trallaA strong worsted or cotton fabric with a diagonal rib
tripeA fabric with long coarse nap
velarteA closely woven silk or synthetic fabric with a narrow crosswise rib
velcronylon fabric used as a fastening
vicuñaA soft wool fabric made from the fleece of the vicuna
winceyA plain or twilled fabric of wool and cotton used especially for warm shirts or skirts and pajamas
zapaA smooth crisp fabric
GeneralartefactoA man-made object taken as a whole
SubstanciastramaThe yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
urdimbreyarn arranged lengthways on a loom and crossed by the woof
Inglésfabric, cloth, material, textile
Catalándrap, material, roba, teixit, tela, tèxtil
AdjetivotextilOf or relating to fabrics or fabric making
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 4, artifact
Sentidocommodities offered for sale.
Sinónimosartículo, mercadería, mercancía, mercancías, producto
Part decentro comercial, centroA place of business for retailing goods
Específicoalijo, chivo, contrabandoGoods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law
artículo, ítem, productoAn item of merchandise offered for sale
carga de pago, cargamento, carga, carguío, envío, flete, partida, remesaGoods carried by a large vehicle
estreno, lanzamientomerchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film)
inventarioThe merchandise that a shop / shop has on hand
producto de softwaremerchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered for sale
recambio, repuestoA commercial product that refills a container with its appropriate contents
Generalartículo de consumo, artículo, bien comercial, bien, género, mercadería, mercancía, productoarticles of commerce
Inglésmerchandise, ware, product
Catalángènere, mercaderia, mercaderies, producte
VerboscomerciarEngage in the trade of
confeccionar, crear, formar, hacer, producircreate or manufacture a man-made product
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 5, artifact
Sentidoarticles of commerce.
Sinónimosartículo de consumo, artículo, bien comercial, bien, mercadería, mercancía, producto
Específicoartículo, género, mercadería, mercancía, mercancías, productocommodities offered for sale
artículos de consumoGoods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption
exportaciones, exportación, exportarcommodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
fungibleA commodity that is freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation
importaciones, importacióncommodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
lo esencial(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
GeneralartefactoA man-made object taken as a whole
Ingléscommodity, trade good, good
Catalánarticle, gènere, mercaderia
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 6, attribute
SentidoThe properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles.
Sinónimossexo, sexualidad
CualidadesandróginoHaving both male and female characteristics / characteristics
asexuado, asexualnot having or involving sex
femenino, feminino, hembraThe sex (of plant or animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop
macho, masculinoThe sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation
sexualhaving or involving sex
Específicoandroginia, bisexualidadshowing characteristics of both sexes
feminidadThe properties characteristic of the female sex
masculinidadThe properties characteristic of the male sex
Generalpropiedad fisiológicaA property having to do with the functioning of the body
Ingléssex, gender, sexuality
Catalánsexe, sexualitat
AdjetivosexualOf or relating to or characterized by sexuality
Verbossexartell the sex (of young chickens)
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 7, cognition
SentidoA particular kind (as to appearance).
Generalclase, especie, forma, género, tipoA category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality
Nombresestilista, peluquerosomeone who cuts or beautifies hair
Verbosconvencionalizar, estilizarrepresent according to a conventional style
estilizarmake consistent with a certain fashion or style
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 8, artifact
SentidoA class of art (or artistic endeavor / endeavor) having a characteristic form or technique.
Específicoabstraccionismo, arte abstractoAn abstract genre of art
arte populargenre of art of unknown origin that reflects traditional values of a society
chinoiserieA style in art reflecting Chinese influence
modernismogenre of art and literature that makes a self-conscious break with previous genres
paisajismoA genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery
posmodernismo, postmodernidad, postmodernismogenre of art and literature and especially architecture in reaction against principles and practices of established modernism
primitivismoA genre characteristic of (or imitative of) primitive artists or children
realismo mágicoA literary or artistic genre in which realistic narrative or meticulously realistic painting are combined with surreal elements of fantasy or dreams
sintetismoA genre of French painting characterized by bright flat shapes and symbolic treatments of abstract ideas
Generalarte, bellas artesThe products of human creativity
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 9, communication
SentidoA grammatical category in inflected languages governing the agreement between nouns and pronouns and adjectives; in some languages it is quite arbitrary but in Indo-European languages it is usually based on sex or animateness.
Sinónimosgénero gramatical, genero, sexo
EspecíficofemeninoA gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to females or to objects classified as female
masculinoA gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to males or to objects classified as male
neutroA gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine)
Generalcategoría gramatical, categoría sintáctica(grammar) a category of words having the same grammatical properties
Inglésgender, grammatical gender
Catalángènere gramatical, gènere
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 10, communication
SentidoA style of expressing yourself in writing.
Sinónimogénero literario
Específicodrama, dramática, dramaturgiaThe literary genre of works intended for the theater
poema, poesía, versoliterature in metrical form
prosaordinary writing as distinguished from verse
Generaldiscurso, estiloA way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period
Ingléswriting style, literary genre, genre
Catalángènere literari, gènere
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 11, cognition
SentidoA kind of literary or artistic work.
Generalclase, especie, forma, género, tipoA category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality
Español > género: 12 sentidos > nombre 12, cognition
SentidoA general kind of something.
Generalclase, especie, forma, género, tipoA category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality
Adjetivogenérica, genérico, universalapplicable to an entire class or group

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