HyperDic: forma

Español > 14 sentidos de la palabra forma:
NOMBREattributeforma, estilo, guisa, manera, moda, modo, víahow something is done or how it happens
cognitionforma, clase, especie, género, tipoa category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality
cognitionforma, estructuraa perceptual structure
attributeforma, configuración, conformación, contornoany spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)
actforma, camino, manera, medio, modohow a result is obtained or an end is achieved
Topsformathe spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance
communicationforma, descriptor, significantethe phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something
bodyforma, anatomía, carne, cuerpo humano, cuerpo, figura, físico, somaalternative names for the body of a human being
groupforma, variante, var.(biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups
communicationforma, formularioa printed document with spaces in which to write
attributeforma, apariencia, aspecto, facciones, fisonomíathe visual appearance of something or someone
cognitionforma, encarnación, expresión, representacióna concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept
stateforma, buena forma física, buena forma, buen estado físicogood physical condition
foodforma, hostia, pan eucarísticoa technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 1, attribute
SentidoHow something is done or how it happens.
Sinónimosestilo, guisa, manera, moda, modo, vía
Específicoestilo artístico, estilo, lenguaje artístico, lenguajeThe style of a particular artist or school or movement
estilo de vida, forma de vida, modus vivendiA manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes
manera, modoA way of doing or being
talleThe manner in which something fits
toqueA distinguishing style
GeneralpropiedadA basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class
Inglésmanner, mode, style, way, fashion
Catalánestil, forma, manera, moda, mode
Adjetivocortés, educadosocially correct in behavior
Nombresestilista, peluquerosomeone who cuts or beautifies hair
Verbosconvencionalizar, estilizarrepresent according to a conventional style
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 2, cognition
SentidoA category of things distinguished by some common characteristic / characteristic or quality.
Sinónimosclase, especie, género, tipo
Específicoclase, índoleA kind of person
especie, tipo, variedadA specific kind of something
estilo, géneroA particular kind (as to appearance)
gusto, sabor(physics) the six kinds of quarks
géneroA kind of literary or artistic work
géneroA general kind of something
marcaA recognizable kind
modeloA type of product
semejanteA similar kind
tipoA subdivision of a particular kind of thing
Generalcategoria, categoríaA general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme
Ingléskind, sort, form, variety
Catalánclasse, espècie, forma, mena, tipus
Verbosclasificar, ordenar, separarArrange or order by classes or categories / categories
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 3, cognition
SentidoA perceptual structure.
Part deexperiencia perceptiva, percepciónThe representation of what is perceived
EspecíficocaleidoscopioA complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes
cuadrícula, rejillaA pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines
fractal(mathematics) a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale and so cannot be represented by classical geometry
mosaicoA pattern resembling a mosaic
Generalestructura de conocimientoThe complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations
Inglésform, shape, pattern
Catalánestructura, forma
Verbosconfigurar, conformar, constituir, dar forma, forjar, formarGive shape or form to
determinar, forjar, formarse, influenciar, influir, moldear, regularizarseshape or influence
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 4, attribute
SentidoAny spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline).
Sinónimosconfiguración, conformación, contorno
CualidadesrectoHaving no deviations
Específicoagudeza, perspicaciathinness of edge or fineness of point
angularidadThe property possessed by a shape that has angles
concavidadThe property possessed by a concave shape
convexidadThe property possessed by a convex shape
corvadura, curvaturaThe property possessed by the curving of a line or surface
estratificaciónA layered configuration
lobularidadThe property of having lobules
poco filoso, torpezaWithout sharpness or clearness of edge or point
rectitudfreedom from crooks or curves or bends or angles
redondezThe property possessed by a line or surface that is curved and not angular
topografíaThe configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features
Inglésshape, form, configuration, contour, conformation
Catalánconfiguració, forma
Verbosconfigurar, conformar, constituir, dar forma, forjar, formarGive shape or form to
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 5, act
SentidoHow a result is obtained or an end is achieved.
Sinónimoscamino, manera, medio, modo
Específicoacción desesperadadesperate actions taken as a means to an end
escape, evasiónA means or way of escaping / escaping / escaping
herramienta, instrumentoThe means whereby some act is accomplished
recursoA means to an end
Generalejecución, implementaciónThe act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something)
Inglésmeans, agency, way
Catalánforma, manera, mode
AdjetivoagencialOf or relating to an agent or agency
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 6, Tops
SentidoThe spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance.
EspecíficocolumnaAnything that approximates the shape of a column or tower
conexión, enlaceA connecting shape
distorsiónA shape resulting from distortion
figuraA combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape
forma angularA shape having one or more sharp angles
líneaA length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness
plano(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape
sólidoA three-dimensional shape
vueloA shape that spreads outward
Generalatributo, característica, rasgoAn abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
Inglésshape, form
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 7, communication
SentidoThe phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something.
Sinónimosdescriptor, significante
Categoríalinguística, lingüísticaThe scientific study of language
Específicoabreviación, abreviaturaA shortened form of a word or phrase
acrónimo, siglaA word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name
base, radical, raíz, tema(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
entradaThe form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary
forma plural, pluralThe form of a word that is used to denote more than one
forma singular, singularThe form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
étimoA simple form inferred / inferred / inferred as the common basis from which related words in several languages can be derived by linguistic processes
Generalpalabra, vocabloA unit of language that native speakers can identify
Inglésform, word form, signifier, descriptor
Catalándescriptor, forma, significant
Verboscomportar, denotar, significar, tratar de decirdenote or connote
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 8, body
SentidoAlternative names for the body of a human being.
Sinónimosanatomía, carne, cuerpo humano, cuerpo, figura, físico, soma
Part dealguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, serA human being
hombre, homo, humana, humanidad, humano, ser humanoAny living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
Específicocuerpo adultoThe body of an adult human being
cuerpo femeninoThe body of a female human being
cuerpo masculinoThe body of a male human being
personaA human body (usually including the clothing)
Generalcuerpo, estructura física, estructura orgánicaThe entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
Ingléshuman body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh
Catalánanatomia, carn, cos humà, cos, cuerpo, figura, físic, forma, soma
AdjetivoanatómicoOf or relating to the structure of the body
NombresanatomistaAn expert in anatomy
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 9, group
Sentido(biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups.
Sinónimosvariante, var.
CategoríabiologíaThe science that studies living organisms
Miembro deespecie, especies(biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
Generaltaxon, taxónanimal or plant group having natural relations
Inglésform, variant, strain, var.
Catalánvariant, var.
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 10, communication
SentidoA printed document with spaces in which to write.
Partesblanco, espacio en blancoA blank area
Específicocuestionario, encuestaA form containing a set of questions
hoja de pedidoA form to use when placing an order
impreso de reclamaciónA form to use when filing a claim
impreso de solicitud, instanciaA form to use when making an application
Generalcédula, documentación, documento, papeleswriting that provides information (especially information of an official nature)
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 11, attribute
SentidoThe visual appearance of something or someone.
Sinónimosapariencia, aspecto, facciones, fisonomía
Generalapariencia, aspecto, cara, presenciaoutward or visible aspect of a person or thing
Inglésform, shape, cast
Catalánfaccions, fisonomia
Adjetivocurvilíneo, torneadoHaving a well-proportioned and pleasing shape
Verbosconfigurar, conformar, constituir, dar forma, forjar, formarGive shape or form to
constituir, falsificar, forjar, formar, fraguar, modelar, moldear, plasmarmake something, usually for a specific function
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 12, cognition
SentidoA concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept.
Sinónimosencarnación, expresión, representación
GeneralconcretismoA representation of an abstract idea in concrete terms
Inglésshape, embodiment
Verbosdeterminar, forjar, formarse, influenciar, influir, moldear, regularizarseshape or influence
encarnar, personificarrepresent or express something abstract in tangible form
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 13, state
SentidoGood physical condition; being in shape or in condition.
Sinónimosbuena forma física, buena forma, buen estado físico
Específicobuenas condicionesA state of fitness and good health
Contrariofalta de salud, mala saludPoor physical condition
Inglésfitness, physical fitness
Catalánbona forma física, bon estat físic, forma física, forma
Español > forma: 14 sentidos > nombre 14, food
SentidoA technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion.
Sinónimoshostia, pan eucarístico
GeneralpanFood made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
Catalánforma, hòstia, pa d'àngel, pa eucarístic

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