Español > estructura: 6 sentidos > nombre 2, bodySentido | A particular complex anatomical part of a living thing. |
Sinónimo | estructura anatómica |
Específico | bedotia geayi, zona | (anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure |
bulbo | A rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ |
caballete | The hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose |
calículo | A small cup-shaped structure (as a taste bud or optic cup or cavity of a coral containing a polyp) |
capa, estrato | Thin structure composed of a single thickness of cells |
carena, carina | Any of various keel-shaped structures or ridges such as that on the breastbone of a bird or that formed by the fused petals of a pea blossom |
cavidad corporal, cavidad | (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus / sinus within the body |
centrómero, cinetocoro | A specialized condensed region of each chromosome that appears during mitosis where the chromatids are held together to form an X shape |
circunvolución, giro | A convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain |
citoesqueleto | A microscopic network of actin filaments and microtubules in the cytoplasm of many living cells that gives the cell shape and coherence |
cola | Any taillike structure |
concha | (anatomy) a structure that resembles a shell in shape |
conducto | A path or channel or duct through or along which something may pass |
cornu | (anatomy) any structure that resembles a horn in shape |
corona | (anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape |
costilla | A riblike supporting or strengthening part of an animal or plant |
cápsula | A structure that encloses a body part |
cíngulo | (anatomy) an encircling structure (as the ridge around the base of a tooth) |
esqueleto, osamenta | Any structure created by the skeleton of an organism |
estructura cartilaginosa | body structure given shape by cartilage |
estructura córnea | Any rigid body structure composed primarily of keratin |
estructura neurológica | A structure that is part of the nervous system |
estructura vascular | A structure composed of or provided with blood vessels |
estructura vasiforme, tubo | (anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure |
filamento, filum | A threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells) |
funículo | Any of several body structure resembling a cord |
germen | A small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism |
glande | A small rounded structure |
infundíbulo | Any of various funnel-shaped parts of the body (but especially the hypophyseal stalk) |
intersticio | A small structural space between tissues or parts of an organ |
laberinto membranoso | The sensory structures of the inner ear including the labyrinthine receptors and the cochlea |
laberinto óseo | cavity in the petrous part of the temporal bone that contains the membranous labyrinth |
limbo | A border or edge of any of various body parts distinguished by color or structure |
lámina | A broad flat body part (as of the shoulder or tongue) |
manguito rotador | A supporting structure of the shoulder consisting of the muscles and tendons that attach the arm to the shoulder joint and enable the arm to move |
metatarso | A more or less rounded anatomical body or mass |
organizador nucleolar | The particular part of a chromosome that is associated with a nucleolus after nuclear division |
peristoma | region around the mouth in various invertebrates |
plexo, rete | A network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting / intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels |
pliegue | A folded part (as in skin or muscle) |
quiasma | An intersection or crossing of two tracts in the form of the letter X |
radícula | (anatomy) a small structure resembling a rootlet (such as a fibril of a nerve) |
raíz | The part of a tooth that is embedded in the jaw and serves as support |
receptor | A cellular structure that is postulated to exist in order to mediate between a chemical agent that acts on nervous tissue and the physiological response |
siringe | The vocal organ of a bird |
válvula | A structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it |
áster | star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell having fibers like rays that surround the centrosome during mitosis |
úvea | The part of the eye that contains the iris and ciliary body and choroid |
General | parte del cuerpo | Any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity |
Inglés | structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure |
Catalán | estructura anatòmica, estructura |
Español > estructura: 6 sentidos > nombre 3, artifactSentido | A thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts. |
Sinónimo | construcción |
Partes | base, cimentación, cimiento, fundación, fundamento, pie | Lowest support of a structure |
Específico | abrigo, asilo, refugio | A structure that provides privacy and protection from danger |
aduja, espiral, hélice, roleo, rosca, voluta | A structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops |
albañilería | structure built of stone or brick by a mason |
altar | A raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made |
arcada, columnata | A structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns |
arco | (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it |
arena, estadio | A large structure for open-air sports or entertainments |
atalaya, observatorio | A structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings |
atracadero | structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods |
balcón | A platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or railing or parapet |
balcón | An upper floor projecting from the rear over the main floor in an auditorium |
brollador, fuente, manantial, surtidor | A structure from which an artificially produced jet of water arises |
bóveda, puente | A structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. |
captación | A structure in which water is collected (especially a natural drainage area) |
cardcastle, cardhouse, casa de naipes, castillo de naipes | An unstable construction with playing cards |
carena, casco, quilla | The frame or body of ship |
carrocería | The external structure of a vehicle |
casa, construcción, edificación, edificio, edificios, inmueble | A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place |
casa, vivienda, viviendas | structures collectively in which people are housed |
casa prefabricada | A prefabricated structure |
columna, pilar, poste | A vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument) |
columnata | structure consisting of a row of evenly spaced columns |
compensación, retallo | structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly |
complejo, instalaciones | A whole structure (as a building) made up of interconnected or related structures |
contrapeso, equilibrio | equality of distribution |
cornisamento, cornisamiento, entablamento | (architecture) the structure consisting of the part of a classical temple above the columns between a capital and the roof |
crucero, transepto | structure forming the transverse part of a cruciform church |
defensa, estructura defensiva | A structure used to defend against attack |
divisor, partición, separador | A vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another) |
establecimiento | A public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence |
grada | structure consisting of a sloping way down to the water from the place where ships are built or repaired |
hangar | A large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained |
impedimento, obstáculo, obstrucción | Any structure that makes progress difficult |
jungle gym | A structure of vertical and horizontal rods where children can climb and play |
letrero | structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted |
montículo, morón, túmulo | structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones |
monumento conmemorativo, monumento | A structure erected to commemorate persons or events |
obra pública, obras públicas | structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks / docks / docks) constructed at government expense for public use |
panal | A structure of small hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax by bees and used to store honey and larvae |
piso, planta | A structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale |
porche, pórtico, soportal | A structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance |
protuberancia, saliente | Any structure that branches out from a central support |
superestructura | structure consisting of the part of a ship above the main deck |
torre | A structure taller than its diameter |
área, zona | A part of a structure having some specific characteristic / characteristic or function |
General | artefacto | A man-made object taken as a whole |
Inglés | structure, construction |
Catalán | construcció, estructura |