Català > construcció: 5 sentits > nom 1, artifactSentit | A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. |
Sinònims | edifici, immoble |
Espècimens | Independence Hall | The building in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed |
nolex | The building in which the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet |
Parts | ala | An addition that extends a main building |
angle, colze, racó | An interior angle formed by two meeting / meeting walls |
antecambra, antesala, avantcambra, avantsala, entrada, lobby, rebedor, vestíbul | A large entrance or reception room or area |
ascensor | lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building |
calefacció, calorífer | utility to warm / warm a building |
cambra, estança, habitació, peça, sala | An area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling |
cullis | A gutter in a roof |
escala, escalinata | A way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps |
estructura | The internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape |
finestra | A framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air |
forat | A vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator) |
mur, paret | An architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness |
pati | An area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings |
pedra angular | A stone in the exterior of a large and important building |
pedra angular | A stone at the outer corner of two intersecting masonry walls |
pis, planta | A structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale |
porta exterior | A doorway that allows entrance to or exit from a building |
primera pedra | A stone laid at a ceremony to mark the founding of a new building |
sostre, teulada | A protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building |
Específic | annex, dependència | A building that is subordinate to and separate from a main building |
arquitectura | An architectural product or work |
avaria, aviari, gabial | A building where birds are kept |
bawdyhouse, bordell, casa de barrets, casa de mala reputació, casa de putes, prostíbul, puticlub | A building where prostitutes are available |
biblioteca | A building that houses a collection of books and other materials |
bloc de pisos | A building that is divided into apartments |
cabina de control, caseta del guardaagulles | A building from which signals are sent to control the movements of railway trains |
casa | A dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families |
casa de joc, tafureria, timba | A public building in which a variety of games of chance can be played (operated as a business) |
caseta de banys | A building containing dressing rooms for bathers |
casino-hotel | A building that houses both a hotel and a casino |
centre | A building dedicated to a particular activity |
centre de salut, centre mèdic | building where medicine is practiced |
club | A building that is occupied by a social club |
col·legi, escola | A building where young people receive education |
dipòsit de cadàvers, tanatori | A building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation |
edifici agrícola | A building on a farm |
edifici d'oficines | A building containing offices where work is done |
edifici romà | A building constructed by the ancient Romans |
escorxador | A building where animals are butchered |
firetrap | A building that would be hard to escape from if it were to catch fire |
fonda, tap house, tasca, taverna | A building with a bar that is licensed to sell alcoholic drinks |
fumador d'opi | A building where opium is sold and used |
glorieta, pavelló, quiosc, rafal | A small roofed building affording shade and rest |
gratacel | A very tall building with many stories |
hivernacle, planter, viver | A building with glass walls and roof |
hotel | A building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals / meals and other services |
ministeri | building where the business of a government department is transacted |
observatori | A building designed and equipped to observe / observe astronomical phenomena |
pista de gel, pista de patinatge, pista | building that contains a surface for ice skating or roller skating |
planetari | A building housing an instrument for projecting the positions of the planets onto a domed ceiling |
presbiteri | building reserved for the officiating clergy |
residència d'estudiants, residència | A college or university building containing living quarters for students |
restaurant | A building where people go to eat |
rotonda | A building having a circular plan and a dome |
ruïna | A ruined building |
sala capitular | A building attached to a monastery or cathedral |
teatre | A building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented |
temple | Any building where congregations gather for prayer |
temple | An edifice devoted to special or exalted purposes |
General | construcció, estructura | A thing constructed |
Anglès | building, edifice |
Espanyol | casa, construcción, edificación, edificio, edificios, inmueble |
Català > construcció: 5 sentits > nom 2, artifactSentit | A thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts. |
Sinònim | estructura |
Parts | base, fonament, peu | Lowest support of a structure |
Específic | abric, recer, refugi | A structure that provides privacy and protection from danger |
allotjament, habitatges | structures collectively in which people are housed |
altar | A raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made |
arc | (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it |
atansador, atracador | structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods |
balcó | A platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or railing or parapet |
balcó | An upper floor projecting from the rear over the main floor in an auditorium |
bresca | A structure of small hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax by bees and used to store honey and larvae |
brollador, deu, font, sortidor | A structure from which an artificially produced jet of water arises |
buc | The frame or body of ship |
captació | A structure in which water is collected (especially a natural drainage area) |
cardcastle, cardhouse | An unstable construction with playing cards |
carrosseria | The external structure of a vehicle |
casa prefabricada | A prefabricated structure |
columna, pilar | A vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument) |
columnata | A structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns |
columnata | structure consisting of a row of evenly spaced columns |
complex, instal·lacions | A whole structure (as a building) made up of interconnected or related structures |
construcció, edifici, immoble | A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place |
contrapès, equilibri | equality of distribution |
creuer, transsepte | structure forming the transverse part of a cruciform church |
defensa, estructura defensiva | A structure used to defend against attack |
entaulament | (architecture) the structure consisting of the part of a classical temple above the columns between a capital and the roof |
entrada, pòrtic, porxo | A structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance |
escar, grada | structure consisting of a sloping way down to the water from the place where ships are built or repaired |
espiral | A structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops |
establiment | A public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence |
estadi | A large structure for open-air sports or entertainments |
hangar | A large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained |
impediment, obstacle, obstrucció | Any structure that makes progress difficult |
jungle gym | A structure of vertical and horizontal rods where children can climb and play |
maconeria | structure built of stone or brick by a mason |
memorial, monument commemoratiu, monument | A structure erected to commemorate persons or events |
mota | structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones |
obra pública, obres públiques | structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks / docks / docks) constructed at government expense for public use |
observatori | A structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings |
pis, planta | A structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale |
pont | A structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. |
protuberància, sortint | Any structure that branches out from a central support |
separador | A vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another) |
superestructura | structure consisting of the part of a ship above the main deck |
torre | A structure taller than its diameter |
àrea, zona | A part of a structure having some specific characteristic / characteristic or function |
General | artefacte | A man-made object taken as a whole |
Anglès | structure, construction |
Espanyol | construcción, estructura |