Català > protuberància: 3 sentits > nom 1, bodySentit | A natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant. |
Sinònim | apèndix |
Específic | acromi, acròmion | The outermost point of the spine of the shoulder blade |
acrosoma | A process at the anterior end of a sperm cell that produces enzymes to facilitate penetration of the egg |
aculi | small spiny outgrowth on the wings of certain insects |
apèndix, apèndix vermiforme | A vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch |
apòfisi | (anatomy) a natural outgrowth or projection on an organ or body part such as the process of a vertebra |
apòfisi estiloide | Extends from the base of the temporal bone |
apòfisi mastoide, mastoide | Process of the temporal bone behind the ear at the base of the skull |
apòfisi zigomàtica | A slender process of the temporal bone that strengthens the zygomatic arch |
aresta | bristlelike process near the tip of the antenna of certain flies |
banya | One of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates |
carúncula | An outgrowth on a plant or animal such as a fowl's wattle or a protuberance near the hilum of certain seeds |
cirrus | A slender flexible animal appendage as on barnacles or crinoids or many insects |
cresta | A showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal |
cua | The posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body |
còndil | A round bump on a bone where it forms a joint with another bone |
esperó | Projection behind and above a horse's hoof |
espina | A sharp rigid animal process or appendage |
espícula, spiculum | small pointed structure serving as a skeletal element in various marine and freshwater invertebrates e.g. sponges and corals |
excrescència | (pathology) an abnormal outgrowth or enlargement of some part of the body |
fimbria, fímbria | Thin projections forming a fringe (especially around the ovarian end of the Fallopian tube) |
flagel | A lash-like appendage used for locomotion (e.g., in sperm cells and some bacteria and protozoa) |
metàfisi | The growing part of a long bone between the diaphysis and the epiphysis |
odontoide | A toothlike process at the back of 2nd vertebra of the neck |
olècran, olècranon | Process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow and fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended |
osteòfit | small abnormal bony outgrowth |
papil·la | A small nipple-shaped protuberance concerned with taste, touch, or smell |
pseudòpode, pseudopodi | temporary outgrowth used by some microorganisms as an organ of feeding or locomotion |
pterigoide | Two bony processes descending from the body of the sphenoid bone |
tentacle | Any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many animals |
trocànter | One of the bony prominences developed near the upper extremity of the femur to which muscles are attached |
tuberositat | A protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament |
General | part del cos | Any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity |
Anglès | process, outgrowth, appendage |
Espanyol | apéndice, proceso, protuberancia |